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How's the Weather?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Beautiful weather here in East Texas - beautiful for spring that is, which means gentle rain and moderate temperatures, intersperced with pale yellow sunshine. The trees are all bursting forth with tender green leaves, and fruit trees are all in bloom. Wisteria is very common around here and many woods are full of those beautiful purple blooms.

However, radioactive rain fell this week in the US northeast - compliments of Japan's nuclear meltdown.

More States Report Radiation from Japan

Nuclear Radiation: Radiation From Japanese Nuclear Plant Reaches United States - CTnow

Take your potassium iodide, people - I have a feeling that this is just the start of a problem worldwide.


Storm hit today. Bit in the morning, at most drizzling through the afternoon, and now virtual waterfalls. Woo.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Saturday-started a little cool, slowly warmed up to 80f!
Sunday- Started a little warm, slowly cooled down with a sequence of rain, sleet then snow.

Just had all four seasons in one weekend!


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Yesterday I was greeted by ice shrapnel being blown by a vengeful wind. Blue skies today though.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
However, radioactive rain fell this week in the US northeast - compliments of Japan's nuclear meltdown.

More States Report Radiation from Japan

Nuclear Radiation: Radiation From Japanese Nuclear Plant Reaches United States - CTnow

Take your potassium iodide, people - I have a feeling that this is just the start of a problem worldwide.
The difference in radiation dose for an American due to the Fukushima nuclear incident is far, far less than the difference in radiation dose that a person would receive from living in a brick house instead of a wood house, which itself is far less than the difference in radiation dose between living in a naturally higher-radioactive area and not.

If you, living at ground level in Texas, need to take potassium iodide because of your radiation exposure from Fukushima Daichi, then everyone living in Colorado or flying in commercial jets has had to take potassium iodide all this time.

I remember you mentioning that you visited your new granddaughter on the East Coast; you absorbed more radiation flying there and back than you will from several years (or maybe decades) worth of your exposure from the Fukushima nuclear plant.


Melting... meeeltiiing.

I love you, AC: you protect me from temperatures bordering on 40[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]°C. Well, it has gone down several degrees since that horrible, horrible morning and afternoon.


Thunderstorms from early morning till the afternoon. Crazy, crazy weather. And they said 'scattered showers' on The Weather Network. Right. Definitely scattered. Scattered my feathers.


It's been about 95F/35C the past couple of days. And it didn't cool down at night. D:
But today it's going to be 77F/25C.

I despise hot weather. I can't wait for autumn.


Heat index is 104 and its humid. If you've never been in the south during summer, you don't know what you're missing. The humidity makes it feel like a sauna, and as soon as you step outside, you start sweating immediately.


Well-Known Member
105 was the temperature, before the heat index. Heat index has it at 120. OR, you are more than welcome to take some of ours...


105 was the temperature, before the heat index. Heat index has it at 120. OR, you are more than welcome to take some of ours...

No seriously, we're good here.

It gets warmer because of the city, doesn't it? The vast area of asphalt and whatnot?


Well-Known Member
No seriously, we're good here.

It gets warmer because of the city, doesn't it? The vast area of asphalt and whatnot?
asphalt, metal, windows reflecting light and heat, car, truck and bus exhaust, the trains are giving off heat, and having to sit(practically) right on top of the person sitting next to you who is also just as hot and sweaty, doesn't help.


Well-Known Member
Air conditioning is fantastic. -shares some with Alice?-

That'd be great. The only cool thing that works here is my computer and fan. :(

It's a sweltering 103 °F. I'm drinking plenty of water and keeping a cold rag on my neck and I recommend anyone who's in the same boat to do the same.


That'd be great. The only cool thing that works here is my computer and fan. :(

It's a sweltering 103 °F. I'm drinking plenty of water and keeping a cold rag on my neck and I recommend anyone who's in the same boat to do the same.
It's night now, and 27°C (81°F). Goes up to 30s during the day. But the humidity... I hate the humidity....