You need to reread what you said here. This is exactly why I can't take the vast majority of theists seriously. So many theists contradict themselves and get their words tied up in knots so often that it becomes impossible to accept them as rational, well-thinking individuals.
See above where you use two completely contradictory statements in the same sentence. i will extract them here so you can take a look:
- "The insane person believe[sic]..."
- "I believe all humans are sane"
So, in one half the sentence you clearly tell us that you feel that "insane people" exist - which we can infer are insane humans. And then in the next half of the
very same sentence, you say that you believe that "all humans" are sane. You don't think about things in any sort of logical light, or how well they will help/hurt the case you are trying to make before you say or post them. You simply don't. And yet, even with the flagrant disregard for rationality that you display, you expect me to admit/concede/feel that you are the one with the better viewpoint? How in the hell is that supposed to happen?