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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It doesn't take rocket science to understand the Bible, just faith.
No, it doesn't. It takes rocket science to understand rocketry. It takes exegetical knowledge to understand the bible. Faith is a non-substitute for serious study. Which is why you are so very wrong about what the bible says.


No, it doesn't. It takes rocket science to understand rocketry. It takes exegetical knowledge to understand the bible. Faith is a non-substitute for serious study. Which is why you are so very wrong about what the bible says.

Yes, but he believes it.


Hold it right there. Please cite a translation of the Christian Bible wherein Genesis 2:4-7 provides a day-to-day account of the creation. If you cannot do so, I'll be obliged to brand you a troll (at best) and a willfully deceptive BS artist (at worst).

You're skating on non-existent ice. I know it. You know it.

God created Adam and Eve after their son killed his brother? Seriously?

That's it. You're in the theological dog house.

Dear Null, That's right, God (Elohim-the Trinity) "created" Adam in His Image (Christ) Spiritually...with Eve and it was AFTER Cain killed Abel. Gen 5:1-2 YHWH/Jesus "formed" Adam of the dust on the 3rd Day, Gen 2:4-7 but Adam was NOT created by the TRINITY until the 6th Day, Spiritually and Eternally. Adam was a living soul (being) BEFORE he was born again Spiritually. Here's confirmation from the N.T.

1Co 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

Like ALL men, Adam was FIRST made a living person, until he was born again Spiritually and Eternally by the AGREEMENT of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Gen 1:26 and John 14:16 God Bless you.


2 Peter 3:3-7:

"First of all you must understand this, that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and indulging their own lusts 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since our ancestors died,[a] all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation!” 5 They deliberately ignore this fact, that by the word of God heavens existed long ago and an earth was formed out of water and by means of water, 6 through which the world of that time was deluged with water and perished. 7 But by the same word the present heavens and earth have been reserved for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the godless."

Hmmm... I don't see anything in here about "Evols." Nor do I read anything about "Adam's world." Seems like more of your unfounded, fundamentalist, fanatical "interpretation" to me...

Dear Sojourner, I will show you what it says from the KJV below:

Or are you "willfully ignorant of God's Truth?" Sure sounds like it to me, the way you're misrepresenting the text.

Hell, I'll even quote it in your *precious* KJ:

"3 knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 and saying, Where is the promise of His coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

In the last days Scoffers/Evols will mock Christians by asking them WHERE is Jesus? I've had them ask me that many times, and everyone of them was a Godless Evol.

5 For this they willingly are ignorant of,

"Willingly ignorant" which means they IGNORE Gods Truth in favor of man's False Theory of Evolution. Up to the last days, these "so called" scientists were just IGNORANT, but AFTER the coming debate, they will be willingly ignorant:

that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

They won't believe what I have been telling you while you were mocking me. They won't believe that Adam's world, the world that THEN WAS perished, which in Greek means destroyed totally. Are you a Scoffer? Yes.

7 but the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same Word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."

The heavens and earth, WHICH ARE NOW, are the SAME heavens and earth of Peter, the Apostle, and they will be burned.

Dear Readers, Watch this Evol squirm, call names, and imply that I'm nuts, but NOTICE that he will be unable to refute me Scripturally, Scientifically, or Historically, and that will just make him nastier. God Bless you.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
"Willingly ignorant" which means they IGNORE Gods Truth in favor of man's False Theory of Evolution.
No it doesn't. The biblical writers were unaware of evolution, so that cannot be "what the passage means."
In the last days Scoffers/Evols will mock Christians by asking them WHERE is Jesus? I've had them ask me that many times, and everyone of them was a Godless Evol.
Where is Jesus in relation to what? I don't see what Jesus' whereabouts have to do with evolution. At all. This is a red herring.
They won't believe what I have been telling you
And with very good reason.
They won't believe that Adam's world, the world that THEN WAS perished, which in Greek means destroyed totally.
There's no evidence of such a world.
Are you a Scoffer? Yes.
In a pig's eye.
Watch this Evol squirm, call names, and imply that I'm nuts, but NOTICE that he will be unable to refute me Scripturally, Scientifically, or Historically, and that will just make him nastier.
Squirm? Hardly. Call names? Not necessary. Imply that you're nuts? I haven't done so, although you've done a pretty good of doing all these things, yourself.

Scripturally? Already done. The texts you've referenced patently do not contain the things you claim that they contain. Scientifically? Let lack of evidence stand. Historically? Again, lack of evidence. I need do nothing other than report the facts and sit back while others dig their own graves.


No it doesn't. The biblical writers were unaware of evolution, so that cannot be "what the passage means."

Dear sojourner, That's because YOU falsely believe men authored the Bible while the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Author of Scripture and is the reason WHY you cannot understand the Spiritual. Only born again Christians can possibly understand.

S:>>Where is Jesus in relation to what? I don't see what Jesus' whereabouts have to do with evolution. At all. This is a red herring.

Did you read the thinking of the Scoffers? They are mocking Christians by asking "Where is the promise of His (Jesus) coming? Without Him was not anything made which was made. John 1:3 The problem with your view is that it ELIMINATES Jesus.

S:>>And with very good reason.

There's no evidence of such a world.

Not to a Godless Evols who believes in men INSTEAD of God's Holy Word. Do you suppose God was just lying? Of course you do since you actually believe you are smarter than God. Right?

S:>>In a pig's eye.

Squirm? Hardly. Call names? Not necessary. Imply that you're nuts? I haven't done so, although you've done a pretty good of doing all these things, yourself.

Scripturally? Already done. The texts you've referenced patently do not contain the things you claim that they contain. Scientifically? Let lack of evidence stand. Historically? Again, lack of evidence. I need do nothing other than report the facts and sit back while others dig their own graves.

Here is actual empirical Historical Evidence which YOU and all the other Evols here have failed miserably to explain. It's the EVIDENCE of the FIRST Human farming, which comes hundreds of thousands of years AFTER Godless Evols CLAIM that prehistoric man became Human. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Can YOU tell us WHY they waited for Hundreds of Thousands of years to grow themselves something to eat AFTER they became Humans? God Bless you.


sojourner said: ↑
No it doesn't. The biblical writers were unaware of evolution, so that cannot be "what the passage means."

Dear sojourner, That's because YOU falsely believe men authored the Bible while the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Author of Scripture and is the reason WHY you cannot understand the Spiritual. Only born again Christians can possibly understand.

S:>>Where is Jesus in relation to what? I don't see what Jesus' whereabouts have to do with evolution. At all. This is a red herring.

Did you read the thinking of the Scoffers? They are mocking Christians by asking "Where is the promise of His (Jesus) coming? Without Him was not anything made which was made. John 1:3 The problem with your view is that it ELIMINATES Jesus.

S:>>And with very good reason.

There's no evidence of such a world.

Not to a Godless Evols who believes in men INSTEAD of God's Holy Word. Do you suppose God was just lying? Of course you do since you actually believe you are smarter than God. Right?

S:>>In a pig's eye.

Squirm? Hardly. Call names? Not necessary. Imply that you're nuts? I haven't done so, although you've done a pretty good of doing all these things, yourself.

Scripturally? Already done. The texts you've referenced patently do not contain the things you claim that they contain. Scientifically? Let lack of evidence stand. Historically? Again, lack of evidence. I need do nothing other than report the facts and sit back while others dig their own graves.Click to expand...Here is actual empirical Historical Evidence which YOU and all the other Evols here have failed miserably to explain. It's the EVIDENCE of the FIRST Human farming, which comes hundreds of thousands of years AFTER Godless Evols CLAIM that prehistoric man became Human. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Can YOU tell us WHY they waited for Hundreds of Thousands of years to grow themselves something to eat AFTER they became Humans? God Bless you.


Well-Known Member
Here is actual empirical Historical Evidence which YOU and all the other Evols here have failed miserably to explain. It's the EVIDENCE of the FIRST Human farming, which comes hundreds of thousands of years AFTER Godless Evols CLAIM that prehistoric man became Human. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Can YOU tell us WHY they waited for Hundreds of Thousands of years to grow themselves something to eat AFTER they became Humans? God Bless you.

As previously explained in post #2067, you seemingly know nothing at all about the neolithic revolution:
Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Post #2067 (In case you're too lazy to open the link that you have yet to respond to.)

9,000-4,500 BCE, right?

The Andean people of South America have been planting potatoes for 10,000 years
Here's a nice 440 page PDF:
Lost Crops of the Incas: Little-Known Plants of the Andes with Promise for Worldwide Cultivation

Agriculture in India was already advanced by 9,000 BCE:
Gupta, Anil K. in Origin of agriculture and domestication of plants and animals linked to early Holocene climate amelioration, Current Science, Vol. 87, No. 1, 10 July 2004 59. Indian Academy of Sciences.

Advanced farming isn't supported in Sumeria until something like 6,000 BCE.
(That's strange... If modern intelligence came from Noah's kids, how did it spread to the Andes and India before it made its way just down the street?)

Syria, 11,000 BCE - Wild Grain and rye planting
Ohalo II in Israel - 20,000 BCE (Too bad these are dumb ape-men who)
Nile River Basin 11,000 BCE
There is European evidence of farming around 11,000 BCE.

Is it possible that many different factors, including climate stabilization and populations out-growing their nomadic food supplies, played a role in the neolithic revolution, causing things like the domestication of animals and farming to spring up in many different parts of the globe at different times...or was it magic boat men?

If you're really paying attention, you would note that some of these could actually fit your argument, if you were willing to alter your time-line... But then again, you're already misrepresenting what your own source material says, so I'm interested in seeing your next play. (Hint: There are plenty of other examples.)

The Neolithic Revolution is something that you need to look into a little more.

Also, for further source backing:
PLOS ONE: The Nubian Complex of Dhofar, Oman: An African Middle Stone Age Industry in Southern Arabia


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Here is actual empirical Historical Evidence which YOU and all the other Evols here have failed miserably to explain. It's the EVIDENCE of the FIRST Human farming, which comes hundreds of thousands of years AFTER Godless Evols CLAIM that prehistoric man became Human. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Can YOU tell us WHY they waited for Hundreds of Thousands of years to grow themselves something to eat AFTER they became Humans? God Bless you.
Yah. Easy. "Because they were too busy hunting/gathering" leaps to mind.

Your "empirical evidence" is a horrid failure.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
That's because YOU falsely believe men authored the Bible while the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Author of Scripture and is the reason WHY you cannot understand the Spiritual.
Believe whatever little pixie-dust fairy tale you wish. I prefer reality.

You have no idea what I understand or do not understand. More's the pity for you.
Only born again
Christians can possibly understand.
You have no idea about my spiritual disposition. You're pissing into the wind here.
The problem with your view is that it ELIMINATES Jesus.
You have no idea what constitutes my worldview. Better put on your rubber pants...
Not to a Godless Evols who believes in men INSTEAD of God's Holy Word.
Anything wrong with a "both/and" approach here? Why are you trying to set up a false "either/or" situation?
Do you suppose God was just lying?
No, I suppose you're seriously misguided.
Of course you do since you actually believe you are smarter than God. Right?
I believe I'm smarter than you...


As previously explained in post #2067, you seemingly know nothing at all about the neolithic revolution:
Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Post #2067 (In case you're too lazy to open the link that you have yet to respond to.)

9,000-4,500 BCE, right?

The Andean people of South America have been planting potatoes for 10,000 years
Here's a nice 440 page PDF:
Lost Crops of the Incas: Little-Known Plants of the Andes with Promise for Worldwide Cultivation

Agriculture in India was already advanced by 9,000 BCE:
Gupta, Anil K. in Origin of agriculture and domestication of plants and animals linked to early Holocene climate amelioration, Current Science, Vol. 87, No. 1, 10 July 2004 59. Indian Academy of Sciences.

Advanced farming isn't supported in Sumeria until something like 6,000 BCE.
(That's strange... If modern intelligence came from Noah's kids, how did it spread to the Andes and India before it made its way just down the street?)

Syria, 11,000 BCE - Wild Grain and rye planting
Ohalo II in Israel - 20,000 BCE (Too bad these are dumb ape-men who)
Nile River Basin 11,000 BCE
There is European evidence of farming around 11,000 BCE.

Is it possible that many different factors, including climate stabilization and populations out-growing their nomadic food supplies, played a role in the neolithic revolution, causing things like the domestication of animals and farming to spring up in many different parts of the globe at different times...or was it magic boat men?

If you're really paying attention, you would note that some of these could actually fit your argument, if you were willing to alter your time-line... But then again, you're already misrepresenting what your own source material says, so I'm interested in seeing your next play. (Hint: There are plenty of other examples.)

The Neolithic Revolution is something that you need to look into a little more.

Also, for further source backing:
PLOS ONE: The Nubian Complex of Dhofar, Oman: An African Middle Stone Age Industry in Southern Arabia

Dear Jonathan, HISTORY shows that the emergence of Human civilization, on this Planet, FIRST took place in Northern Mesopotamia. However, as is the case with everyone looking for grant money, there are other cases where scientists promote their favorite "new" discoveries.

A good example is Jericho, which some claim is the oldest Human city....BUT...since Jerich is an Oasis, scientists CANNOT tell us whether it was inhabited by prehistoric people BEFORE it was inhabited by Humans.

In the meantime, I will stick with the Historical view that Northern Mesopotamia IS the Cradle of Human civilization, on this Planet, despite the claims of some grant seekers, is contradiction to the AGREEMENT of History and Scripture.


Jonathan:>>The Andean people of South America have been planting potatoes for 10,000 years
Here's a nice 440 page PDF:
Lost Crops of the Incas: Little-Known Plants of the Andes with Promise for Worldwide Cultivation

Agriculture in India was already advanced by 9,000 BCE:
Gupta, Anil K. in Origin of agriculture and domestication of plants and animals linked to early Holocene climate amelioration, Current Science, Vol. 87, No. 1, 10 July 2004 59. Indian Academy of Sciences.

Advanced farming isn't supported in Sumeria until something like 6,000 BCE.
(That's strange... If modern intelligence came from Noah's kids, how did it spread to the Andes and India before it made its way just down the street?)

Syria, 11,000 BCE - Wild Grain and rye planting

Dear Readers, Above is the BEST one Evol could do to try to support the False idea that Humans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years, but did NOT plant anything to eat until the past 10-12k years ago.

What it actually shows is that Farming occurred all over the world at about the same time. How could this be possible when there was NO transportation available? God told us in Gen 11:9 HOW this event happened.

Gen 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Perhaps someone can tell us HOW Humans SUDDENLY appeared all over the face of the Earth at at time when there was NO way for such an event to happen. It's Proof of God. God Bless you.


Well-Known Member
What it actually shows is that Farming occurred all over the world at about the same time. How could this be possible when there was NO transportation available? God told us in Gen 11:9 HOW this event happened.

Wait wait wait...

So Noah's sons, who brought HUMAN INTELLIGENCE!!! to Mesopotamia and made babies with the ape-like ancestor people of the Earth, somehow migrated across the entire planet in a couple of years - even though, as you mentioned, there was no way for the people of the Mesopotamian region to cross vast oceans....you're OK with that concept, like people magically being spread around the world - but you have a problem with the much more likely scenario that human migration and adaptation over long periods of time are the reason that there is evidence for human habitation all over the planet, spanning back hundreds of thousands of years, right?