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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Ben West

Im sorry Ben, but that is factually unsubstantiated.

If you have real evidence that is credible outside the bible, then please show it.

Dear Outhouse, Sure...IF you will show us YOUR evidence of How and When evolution changed Apes into Humans. I don't believe you can but I will give you the opportunity. Your time....

Ben West

So far every person who has predicted a date for return has been factually wrong.

Dear outhouse, I'm not predicting a date but instead, showing you what Scripture tells us. Genesis 1 28-31 tells us of future events which will NOT take place until AFTER Jesus returns to this Earth.

Ben West

Adam was a bird?

Dear outhouse, No, not anymore than God is a bird. Don't you know that Christians will live in a perfect body surrounded by a Shekinah Glory like that of Jesus and that we will meet Him in the Air and forever be with Him there? Isa 40:31

Adam (mankind) will REGAIN our Image as the LORD and we will again be like Adam, who lived with Jesus for 3 of God's Days, which is some 13.5 Billion years in man's time. This is fully supported by the BEST and ONLY account of the story, since today's Godless Science is totally ignorant of the Truth.

Ben West

Don't tell me what I can or can not do Ben, you have no such right. Nor was I preaching anything, let alone 'heathen doctrines'. Jesus said he would return within a generation of his crucifixion - it didn't happen. And yes, most humans are really good people.

Dear Bunyip, I don't believe you. Show me the verse.


Dear Outhouse, Sure...IF you will show us YOUR evidence of How and When evolution changed Apes into Humans. I don't believe you can but I will give you the opportunity. Your time....

We have a good picture of human evolution from primates, we do not have a perfectly clear picture that is in 100% detail.

You cannot use this fact to disprove the connects and ties in the fossil record and DNA has provided us with.

Your problem is not having a credible replacement hypotheses that is even remotely plausible, do you?

Dear outhouse, I'm not predicting a date but instead, showing you what Scripture tells us. Genesis 1 28-31 tells us of future events which will NOT take place until AFTER Jesus returns to this Earth.

Mistake on your part, is your using Genesis which factually does not use Jesus name.

You are connecting the dots using faith and imagination, which many claim is a mythological claim, as you have nothing to substantiate your claim, do you?

. Don't you know that Christians will live in a perfect body surrounded by a Shekinah Glory like that of Jesus and that we will meet Him in the Air and forever be with Him there?

How can they do this while alive?

3 of God's Days, which is some 13.5 Billion years in man's time.

Unsubstantiated rhetoric with no credibility outside imagination and mythology and perverted theology.

Not one sentence of the bible states that directly does it?


Ben why do you deny evolution is fact when it has been observed?

You obviously are not YEC, why cant you believe that your god is controlling evolution?

Ben West

Well first you have genesis wrong to begin with and second it doesn't agree with this fact.

Uploaded on Nov 28, 2007
The phases through which chromosomes replicate, divide, shuffle, and recombine are imperfect, as DNA is subject to random mutations. Mutations do not always produce harmful outcomes. In fact, many mutations are thought to be neutral, and some even give rise to beneficial traits. To corroborate Darwin's theory, scientists would need to find a valid explanation for why a chromosome pair is missing in humans that is present in apes."

nor the fact, not all that long ago there were more then one species of humans on the planet.

Human Evolution by The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

How Do We Know Humans Are Primates?
Besides similar anatomy and behavior, there is DNA evidence. It confirms that humans are primates and that modern humans and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor between 8 and 6 million years ago. There is only about a 1.2 percent genetic difference between modern humans and chimpanzees throughout much of their genetic code."

How Do We Know Humans Are Primates? | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

Dear Shawn, I have always posted that the sons of God (prehistoric mankind) diverged from Chimps some 6 Million years ago. What you do not understand is that the sons of God were NOT Humans. ONLY the descendants of Adam are Humans. Human blood was contaminated by the blood of prehistoric mankind because Noah's (direct descendant of Adam) grandsons had NO other Humans to marry. Like Cain, on Adam's world, they married and produced children with the prehistoric people who had been here for Millions of years, as evidence by their bones which are scattered all over the Earth, BEFORE Noah arrived.

The account of this is written in Genesis 6:1-4 and could NOT have been written by ANY man of the time. It's PROOF of the God who knew all about Genetics more than 3k years ago. His name is Jesus. Here is evidence of the arrival of the First modern Humans on this Planet of Apes. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE


I have always posted that the sons of God

The account of this is written in Genesis 6:1-4

Israelites evolved from displaced Canaanites.

Sons of gods was Canaanite mythology that existed as Israelite cultures formed and adopted some of the same mythology.

It is common knowledge Israelites worshipped a family of deities when pieces of what would become Genesis were written.

This is not even up for debate the evidence is undisputable.

History of ancient Israel and Judah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The religion of the Israelites of Iron Age I, like the Canaanite faith from which it evolved[77] and other ancient Near Eastern religions, was based on a cult of ancestors and worship of family gods (the "gods of the fathers").[78] Its major deities were not numerous – El, Asherah, and Yahweh, with Baal as a fourth god, and perhaps Shamash (the sun) in the early period


Here is evidence of the arrival of the First modern Humans on this Planet of Apes. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

That factually is incorrect, Homo Sapiens have existed for 200,000 + years

You are only providing evidence that man developed agriculture in the fertile cresent during that period and started what would become civilization.

Now we know much more then that as it started early then you propose with the evidence tied to Gobekli Tepe roughly 13,500 year ago.

What you posted could also be directly tied to alcohol as that is possibly about the time the oldest beer was made, and soon after people settled down lol :D

Ben West

We have a good picture of human evolution from primates, we do not have a perfectly clear picture that is in 100% detail.

You cannot use this fact to disprove the connects and ties in the fossil record and DNA has provided us with.

Your problem is not having a credible replacement hypotheses that is even remotely plausible, do you?

Dear outhouse, Sure I do. I have the Truth. Adam was made on another world some 10 Billion years BEFORE any other living creature. He lived in a perfect body like our body will be in Heaven and watched as Jesus lit the First Stars of our cosmos on the 4th Day. Gen 1:16 On the 5th Day God created and brought forth EVERY other living creature from the water. Gen 1:21

After Adam disobeyed, he lived in a body of Flesh, just like the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were created and brought forth from the Water on the 5th Day in total AGREEMENT with what Science has learned and dated at some 3.77 Billion years ago, in man's time. Adam (Humankind) and the sons of God (prehistoric people) could produce offspring together. Gen 6:1-4

These offspring would contain the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes...AND...they would also INHERIT the unique highest form of Intelligence, which is like God's. Gen 3:22 Today's Humans are the Offspring and we did NOT evolve from any Ape, but instead from Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans. That is the Truth which agrees with every discovery of man. God Bless you.

Ben West

Israelites evolved from displaced Canaanites.

Sons of gods was Canaanite mythology that existed as Israelite cultures formed and adopted some of the same mythology.

It is common knowledge Israelites worshipped a family of deities when pieces of what would become Genesis were written.

This is not even up for debate the evidence is undisputable.

History of ancient Israel and Judah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The religion of the Israelites of Iron Age I, like the Canaanite faith from which it evolved[77] and other ancient Near Eastern religions, was based on a cult of ancestors and worship of family gods (the "gods of the fathers").[78] Its major deities were not numerous – El, Asherah, and Yahweh, with Baal as a fourth god, and perhaps Shamash (the sun) in the early period

Dear outhouse, That is goatherder Theology and the cause of the Misinterpretation of Genesis. This Theology was so wrong it led to the Crucifixion of YHWH/Jesus. The sons of God were prehistoric people who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes and they could produce children with Adam's (the First Human) descendants. In this way our entire Earth was filled with some SEVEN Billion Humans in just 10k years since the Ark arrived and brought Humanity to this ignorant Planet.

Ben West

Ben why do you deny evolution is fact when it has been observed?

You obviously are not YEC, why cant you believe that your god is controlling evolution?

Dear outhouse, God doesn't have to control changes within Their and His (Jesus) kinds. He made them to change. Godless men dreamed up the name evolution instead of using "kinds", they chose species, and REJECTED God's Truth. That is why they are so far behind today.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
That factually is incorrect, Homo Sapiens have existed for 200,000 + years

You are only providing evidence that man developed agriculture in the fertile cresent during that period and started what would become civilization.

Now we know much more then that as it started early then you propose with the evidence tied to Gobekli Tepe roughly 13,500 year ago.

What you posted could also be directly tied to alcohol as that is possibly about the time the oldest beer was made, and soon after people settled down lol :D

This has been explained to Aman over and over and over again.

Do not waste your time.

Ben West

That factually is incorrect, Homo Sapiens have existed for 200,000 + years

You are only providing evidence that man developed agriculture in the fertile cresent during that period and started what would become civilization.

Now we know much more then that as it started early then you propose with the evidence tied to Gobekli Tepe roughly 13,500 year ago.

What you posted could also be directly tied to alcohol as that is possibly about the time the oldest beer was made, and soon after people settled down lol :D

Dear outhouse, Homo Sapiens have existed for as long as Science wants to date the sons of God (prehistoric man)...BUT they were NOT Humans, except to those who blindly follow Science. The FIRST signs of modern Humans was in Northern Mesopotamia in the valleys of just out of the mountains of Ararat where Noah landed.

I use the term "modern Humans" because the SAME thing happened on Adam's Earth. Adam farmed with NO evolution and Cain went to the land of Nod and married a descendant of the sons of God and produced Enoch and named the city he built after him. Farming and city building were FIRST done on our Earth exactly where Genesis 10 details that it began. Look at ANY map of the Fertile Crescent and you are looking at the FIRST Human farming on this Planet.

You dating of Gobekli Tepe is probably a Tourist advertisement since there were NO Humans on this Earth until Noah arrived and brought Adam's high intelligence to this Apeland.

Ben West

This has been explained to Aman over and over and over again.

Do not waste your time.

Dear Quax, The problem is that NO Evol has been able to provide ANY evidence except their own personal opinion. They can't seem to find ANYONE who knows How and When evolution produced a much higher level of intelligence than ANY other animal with the ability to Judge good and evil which NO animal has.

When you show them that God explains the whole process and that process agrees in every way with every discovery of mankind, they call you names and claim you are uneducated...BUT....they STILL provide NO evidence. Can you? Of course NOT. God Bless you.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Dear LD, Then, tell us what you think. Show your evidence IF you can. Or would you just have us take your word for it?

You realize that it falls upon you to give evidence for your own assertion, I hope.

That said, and since you ask: I think Noah is a fictional character. That plenty of evidence for primate evolution has been supplied already. That the "missing link" is just anti-evolutionist propaganda of dubious pedigree. And that your assertion that Noah is the missing link between primates and humans puts Adam and Noah's other supposed ancestors in an unconfortable position.