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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Not at all.

'Let us make Man in our image.'

Title of the experiment.
Freewill.....in an ape.

Soooooooo much entertainment!

That's not an experiment.

The 'author' had no parallel to draw.

The question to ask....where did he get the report he wrote?

The lore of his people.

Yeah well...again....

Let's just say heaven is behind all of this.
As believing in heaven I prefer to say it is so.

Later on...as we stand before heaven.....you might say....
'Excuse me of my behavior....I am but an ape.'

Heaven might say...yeah, and then do unto you accordingly.

I don't use the fact that I am an ape to excuse any behavioral faults I may have. I am a human, with all the faults that pertain to that status. I've already resigned that the Gods can do with me as they will. I will not give them reasons (which they already know, anyway), or excuses.

All humans, without exception, are apes. You, included.

Heaven might find the category offensive.

Well, Heaven can deal with it.
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Well-Known Member
Well like you I can't, but the best we have is the evolution theory, hell it beats the creation story, and makes much more sense. The creation story sounds just like that to me, a story, great for children but not so great for the intelligent one, who really wants to know the truth.

Evolution theory offers absolutely nothing as to how life started. Personally, I accept the creation story because I have evidence of God. While I have no solid evidence of evolution, I accept evolution as a possible vehicle for God's creation of various life forms.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Bananas are the fruit of a banana tree.

Not by the logic you presented.

A chimpanzee is an offspring of its parents. Chimpanzees are creatures that reach a height of "3–5.5 ft (1–1.7 m) tall when standing upright, weigh 70–130 lbs (32–60 kg), and have a brown or black coat and a bare face. They do most of their feeding in the trees, swinging from branch to branch; to move any distance they walk, usually on all fours, on the ground. They eat mostly fruits, berries, leaves, and seeds, some termites and ants, and occasionally a young baboon or bush pig. They are capable of problem solving, tool use, and deceit. Chimpanzees are highly social and live in flexible groups (15–100 or more members) known as communities. In the wild they live about 45 years, in captivity more than 50."
Chimpanzee - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Yeah, and they're a type of ape.

Please tell me what it will take for our species to evolve into another species. And what person of our species could possibly determine that a new human species has come into existence?

I wouldn't know how to make such a prediction.
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Veteran Member
Evolution theory offers absolutely nothing as to how life started. Personally, I accept the creation story because I have evidence of God. While I have no solid evidence of evolution, I accept evolution as a possible vehicle for God's creation of various life forms.

Well for me I keep god out of it, the universe knows what to do, it has its own laws, no need for a god, after all he would only be in the way. And how can you prove there is a thing called god, prove it, but without using faith as your argument, I'm waiting in anticipation and excitement. :monkey:


Well-Known Member
Not by the logic you presented.

Yeah, and they're a type of ape.

I wouldn't know how to make such a prediction.

All you are saying, by calling something an ape is that a creature resembles in some ways certain other creatures. There is no need to define a human being as an ape except to show that human beings have some similar characteristics with certain other creatures.

To call a human being an ape is of no greater value than to describe the characteristics that human beings have. I suppose one could say, well a human being is somewhat like a gorilla, in that it is able to walk upright. So great, we and other creatures have an ability to walk upright. You like the term ape. I don't really care. To me it's just a word describing characteristics, nothing more.


Premium Member
All you are saying, by calling something an ape is that a creature resembles in some ways certain other creatures. There is no need to define a human being as an ape except to show that human beings have some similar characteristics with certain other creatures.

To call a human being an ape is of no greater value than to describe the characteristics that human beings have. I suppose one could say, well a human being is somewhat like a gorilla, in that it is able to walk upright. So great, we and other creatures have an ability to walk upright. You like the term ape. I don't really care. To me it's just a word describing characteristics, nothing more.

We classify the entire animal kingdom that way and also correlates with dna classification.


Premium Member
Why should I? What is the benefit of calling one's self an ape?
The world is to be cherished as a whole. Humans arent superior, animals arent our slaves, all of life is to be cherished and respected in its diversity. And them apes are our closest rivals, would rather seem them as potential helpers, some are too strong and too intelligent even competing and beating types of human intelligence.


Well-Known Member
The world is to be cherished as a whole. Humans arent superior, animals arent our slaves, all of life is to be cherished and respected in its diversity. And them apes are our closest rivals, would rather seem them as potential helpers, some are too strong and too intelligent even competing and beating types of human intelligence.

You are implementing a red herring.

I never suggested that humans are superior to any creature. I even stated that I have no greater respect for a person than I do for a rat. I do not enslave animals, nor would I ever consider such a thing. I cherish all life, and couldn't care less how similar they are to me.


Premium Member
I never suggested that humans are superior to any creature. I even stated that I have no greater respect for a person than I do for a rat. I do not enslave animals, nor would I ever consider such a thing. I cherish all life, and couldn't care less how similar they are to me.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I believe that the college course on evolution I took meets that requirement. I know all about evolution, speciation, adaptation, and natural selection.

Yet you displayed an utter lack of understanding as to how speciation works.


Which is why I gave you the link. Yes. We all agree that a species changes over time. This is a part of evolution. You seem to be agreeing with that fact. There are many factors to speciation. Adaptation and natural selection are a part of that as well. But in your post you suggest that a species can not change over time to become a new species but agree that species do in fact change over time. If you understood speciation then you wouldn't even make such a claim. Then you go on to postulate that if a species does change that each individual is its own species...:areyoucra....again showing a clear lack of understanding how speciation works which again is why I provided a link.....

Here's a prime example of speciation.

Speciation - YouTube

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
You had suggested that it is a fact that we are primates because we share DNA with what you called "other primates"

I replied, "Well, we share DNA with bananas too. Are we bananas?"

And nothing I said was scientifically incorrect.

You see, you have introduced God into the equation, and you have done so on false precepts, and with a false premise. If your going to introduce God into the conversation, then you should get your facts straight about God, as well the beliefs of those who believe that God exists.

Well while you're standing on your soap box with a clinched fist pounding on your chest please note that it was the OP right at the beginning of this thread that introduced actions of his "God" as presented in his scripture..from that point on "God" and the beliefs of those in this thread professing their belief in said deity was fair game, especially when trying to shoehorn said belief into known scientific discovery.

You have implied that those who believe in God think they are special.

This was the attitude expressed by others in this thread as well as my encounter with other believers. Ask your fellow believers in this thread if they feel as though "man" is special. I'm sure you will get plenty of "yeses".

In fact, knowing that every creature on this planet is indeed a special creation of God causes me to have a great deal of respect for all creatures alike. For example, I respect you no more than a baboon. And I have no greater respect for you than I do for a rat.

Does that sound like I think humans are special creations? On the contrary.

I didn't know you spoke for all believers.

The Human Difference: How Humans are Unique Compared to All Other Animals

Primitive Baptist Online - Man: God's Special Creation

What we Believe » Cowee Baptist Church

This is just an example that many believers do in fact believe themselves "God's" special creation...even above other animals. I wouldn't have stated it if there wasn't backup my claim...
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
We are not 99% like chimps or baboons. However, since you are stating this as if it were a fact, I propose that you provide some evidence to support your false claim.

DNA Proves Evolution | Eveloce
But another key conclusion is obvious. All mammals are very closely related.

Of course the chimpanzee is the extreme example of this, with DNA sequence that is about 99% identical to that of man Chimp, human DNA comparison finds vast similarities, key differences - seattlepi.com. The chimp doesn’t just have the same set of genes as man, indeed about one third of chimp genes encode proteins that are exactly the same as their human counterparts Chimpanzee genome project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This sort of result is exactly what evolution predicts, and creationist/anti-evolutionists have to struggle very hard to explain it

It's an inconvenient truth to some but truth none the less. In fact the link i cited goes on to say how we're related to other animals and insects etc...which goes back to me stating that all like/non-life on this planet is related. It's just some are more closely related than others. This is why scientifically, specifically genetically, the human primate is related to other primates...
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
All you are saying, by calling something an ape is that a creature resembles in some ways certain other creatures. There is no need to define a human being as an ape except to show that human beings have some similar characteristics with certain other creatures.

To call a human being an ape is of no greater value than to describe the characteristics that human beings have. I suppose one could say, well a human being is somewhat like a gorilla, in that it is able to walk upright. So great, we and other creatures have an ability to walk upright. You like the term ape. I don't really care. To me it's just a word describing characteristics, nothing more.

Genetic relationships, actually. The very simple fact that every living thing on this planet has DNA means that we're all genetically related, however distantly. Human beings are biologically classified as apes, because we share the most amount of DNA with other apes.

Do you have a problem with calling gorillas, chimps, and orangutans apes?
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