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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Dear Sapiens, False, since the above is a study of the sons of God (prehistoric people who evolved from the water) and NOT Humans who arrived on this Planet in an Ark. God Bless you.

In Love,
Your contributions are not valuable enough to warrant consideration ... welcome to the land of the blocked.


Bible Believer
Your contributions are not valuable enough to warrant consideration ... welcome to the land of the blocked.

Dear Sapiens, Picture me standing on the SeaShore waving a fond farewell to one more Evol who is sent fleeing into the darkness by God's Holy Word. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Took you long enough. :p

Dear Ouroboros, Be nice. It's the SAME with all uninformed Evols who can't bamboozle adults like they do little children. When you show them their errors, they run off screaming and waving their arms, into the night. Have pity for these poor souls for their future is not good. So be nice to Sapiens, for his is NOT the same Fate as that of an innocent animal, no matter what he thinks. God Bless you and Sapiens too.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
I consider you one too:

  1. Andrew Lawler, Did Modern Humans Travel Out of Africa Via Arabia?, Science 28 January 2011: Vol. 331 no. 6016 p. 387, doi:10.1126/science.331.6016.387: Did Modern Humans Travel Out of Africa Via Arabia?.
  2. Trail of 'Stone Breadcrumbs' Reveals the Identity of One of the First Human Groups to Leave Africa ScienceDaily (Nov. 30, 2011) Trail of 'stone breadcrumbs' reveals the identity of one of the first human groups to leave Africa -- ScienceDaily
  3. Hints of earlier human exit from Africa, http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/69197/title/Hints_of_earlier_human_exit_from_Africa
  4. Wu Liu, et al., Human remains from Zhirendong, South China, and modern human emergence in East Asia" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2010; doi:10.1073/pnas.1014386107: Human remains from Zhirendong, South China, and modern human emergence in East Asia
  5. Dennell, Robin, Two interpretations of the Zhirendong mandible described by Liu and colleagues. : Palaeoanthropology: Early Homo sapiens in China : Nature : Nature Publishing Group;
  6. Modern humans emerged far earlier than previously thought, fossils from China suggest -- ScienceDaily;
  7. Kaufman, Rachel, National Geographic News: Oldest Modern Human Outside of Africa Found

"Did Modern Humans Travel Out of Africa Via Arabia?"
I don't know. Did Modern Humans Travel into Africa Via Arabia?
How is it that you think you know the direction these supposed early humans were migrating when they deposited their remains?

Human beings have been migrating on this planet since they arrived on this planet.

Keep digging.


Well-Known Member
No ... I met you request. Today is for ignoring the ignorant.

Um yes, they have. Human beings have been migrating back and forth on this planet for as long as human beings have existed. Show me contrary evidence.

The fact is, the evidence you think you submitted to support your own argument actually supports my argument.

Now show some real evidence please.


Admiral Obvious
Dear Mestemia, False accusation, since I haven't added anything to what is written. That is WHY NO one here can refute me Scripturally. What I post IS what is actually written, and cited. It just sounds crazy to religionists of all kinds including the members of the Evol Religion of Apeism. Be careful for there are some Apeists on these boards. Since they think of themselves as nothing but animals, any evil, no matter how horrible, is possible for them.

Bull ****.
You added all the crap in the parenthesis.

So it is, in fact, not the false accusation you claim it to be.
Your blatant dishonesty is revolting.
Your claiming your deity condones your blatant dishonesty makes me want absolutely nothing to do with it.

You have been refuted with damn near every post in this thread that is not yours.
Your inability to understand that fact is most revealing.


Admiral Obvious
Dear Ouroboros, Be nice. It's the SAME with all uninformed Evols who can't bamboozle adults like they do little children. When you show them their errors, they run off screaming and waving their arms, into the night. Have pity for these poor souls for their future is not good. So be nice to Sapiens, for his is NOT the same Fate as that of an innocent animal, no matter what he thinks. God Bless you and Sapiens too.

In Love,

*climbs up onto pontoon boat*
*wonders if three life jackets will be enough to save him from the bull *****


Woke gremlin
"Did Modern Humans Travel Out of Africa Via Arabia?"
I don't know. Did Modern Humans Travel into Africa Via Arabia?
How is it that you think you know the direction these supposed early humans were migrating when they deposited their remains?

Human beings have been migrating on this planet since they arrived on this planet.

Keep digging.

He presented you with SEVEN scientific articles explaining and providing evidence for his position. Thus far, your only response is sticking your fingers in your ears.

Answer me this question: are chihuahuas dogs?


Well-Known Member
He presented you with SEVEN scientific articles explaining and providing evidence for his position. Thus far, your only response is sticking your fingers in your ears.

Answer me this question: are chihuahuas dogs?

I personally did not see any evidence in any of the articles provided proving that human beings have a common ancestor with the apes. As I have said before, it is quite possible that human beings do have common ancestors with apes, but it appears to me, the evidences provided are not conclusive, and full of speculation and fluffed up hypotheses and rhetoric.

Some people believe that chihuahuas are a kind of wolf (lupus), that they do not belong in the species classification of dog (familiaris). Others believe that the chihuahua is a kind of dog. I personally don't know what they are exactly. We have a couple of chihuahuas in our home, and as I tell my wife, these creatures can hardly be considered dogs. Yet many people do.

I personally don't see that it matters much how you choose to classify any particular animal. They are what they are. Chihuahuas are Chihuahuas. They appear to be a kind of dog. So if you are determined to call them some kind of dog, I can accept that. If you'd like to call a Chihuahua a kind of wolf, I suppose I can accept that as well.

But you're going to have to do a little better if you want me to accept that human beings are descendants of apes. It's just going to require more evidence on your part.

It could very well be possible that evolution is true. I accept that possibility. It appears that it could be true. Let me assume for a moment that we are descendants of some kind of ape. So what? In what way is such knowledge supposed to affect me? Why should I care? Such information has absolutely no affect on the validity of the creation story as presented in the Book of Genesis.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I personally did not see any evidence in any of the articles provided proving that human beings have a common ancestor with the apes. As I have said before, it is quite possible that human beings do have common ancestors with apes, but it appears to me, the evidences provided are not conclusive, and full of speculation and fluffed up hypotheses and rhetoric.

Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome : Article : Nature

Then here is a more detailed finding. The DNA that links the human primate with other ancestrial primates is published and peered reviewed by other scienticst in the respective fields. The evidence for it that makes it factual is because it's testable, repeatable and verifiable. In fact when multiple studies have been done in this area by a multitude of biologist and geneticist even more information is revealed that strengthens the link(s).

But common ancestry has been argued before and because of the gnome project those in the scientific community and others accept the facts as they are until new facts falsify them. So far the genetics stand strong. We know they stand strong because we use these testing techniques primarily in ancestry discovery. See the program (Finding Your Roots).

Here's another astounding piece of evidence that shows the link...

Ken Miller on Human Evolution - YouTube
Last edited:


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
This means that the prehistoric people, who were CREATED and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day, by Command of God, the Trinity, Gen 1:21 were

Where does it say this?

Dear Quaxotic, Notice that Gen 1:21 is bolded. Here is that verse:

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after Their kind, and every winged fowl after His kind: and God saw that it was good.

IF you could understand Genesis, this is what you would see, in context. God (Elohim-The invisible Spirit-the Trinity) created or (brought forth from things which do not appear Heb 11:3) EVERY LIVING CREATURE THAT MOVES (prehistoric man) from the water on the 5th Creative Day.

Remember that LORD God (YHWH/Jesus) had already "formed" man from the dust of the ground on the THIRD Day, Gen 2:4-7 which was some 10 Billion years, in man's time, BEFORE God (Elohim-the Trinity) created every other living creature from the water. Science has learned the SAME thing and has dated this event at beginning some 3.7 Billion years ago when the First life (bacteria) appeared on our Planet. Refute that Scientifically OR Scripturally. You will fail within both disciplines.
Science has misunderstood and sees God's Creation from the water, as "Natural".

BTW, This was BEFORE Eve was made from Adam's rib on the present 6th Day as Gen 2:22 shows...and it was BEFORE both Adam and Eve were "created in God's Image" or born again Spiritually, as Gen 1:27 and Gen 5:1-2 shows. God Bless you.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome : Article : Nature

Then here is a more detailed finding. The DNA that links the human primate with other ancestrial primates is published and peered reviewed by other scienticst in the respective fields. The evidence for it that makes it factual is because it's testable, repeatable and verifiable. In fact when multiple studies have been done in this area by a multitude of biologist and geneticist even more information is revealed that strengthens the link(s).

But common ancestry has been argued before and because of the gnome project those in the scientific community and others accept the facts as they are until new facts falsify them. So far the genetics stand strong. We know they stand strong because we use these testing techniques primarily in ancestry discovery. See the program (Finding Your Roots).

Here's another astounding piece of evidence that shows the link...

Ken Miller on Human Evolution - YouTube

What I see here is a man showing a human made drawing of elongated rectangles that appear to be shaded different colors, while claiming that these are genes. Please abstain from showing me man made drawings, and show me the actual genes. I will try to determine for myself if these supposed genes are actually fused together.


Premium Member
What I see here is a man showing a human made drawing of elongated rectangles that appear to be shaded different colors, while claiming that these are genes. Please abstain from showing me man made drawings, and show me the actual genes. I will try to determine for myself if these supposed genes are actually fused together.

Your funny. Way to stick your head in the sand and claim you dont want to. :facepalm:


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
So you consider yourself a "semierect primates of Africa and southeastern Asia"? That is quite interesting. My stature is fully erect. And as far as I know, none of my ancestors lived in Africa. If your claim is that my ancestors do come from Africa, then please show your evidence.

The evidence is that you share DNA from Africans, just like I do.

And for the record, dictionaries are not good sources for learning the intricacies of scientific terminology.

For example, this dictionary equates apes with monkeys, even though they are not the same thing at all.

Dictionaries list the definitions of terms based on their common usage, not necessarily on their proper usage.