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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I am a human being. My father is the same species as I am. My grand father was the same species as my father. My great grandfather was the same species as my grandfather...Adam was the same species as his son.

There is no evidence that Adam existed.

The physical characteristics of homo sapiens sapiens, that is, our subspecies of homo sapiens (the other one, homo sapiens idaltu, being now extinct), has changed a LOT over the years. Until about 6,000 years ago, ALL members of our species had dark skin. How did people in the Northern parts of Eurasia get light skin in the time since? Light skin is better for absorbing vitamin D from the sun in the lowlight conditions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Children are the same species as their parents, but they are not their parents. Every single individual is genetically distinct from all the others; even "identical" twins are genetically distinct, even if only slightly.

The line that separates species from each other is not hard and fast; it's actually quite grey. Neanderthal was technically a different species from us, and yet we could breed with them.


Rogue Theologian
Human beings are apes - if you deny that, you deny our humanity. We can not be human and not be apes. As to species changing into new species - that is observable.QUOTE]

I think you're deliberately blurring the line drawn for the sake of your argument.

That would be human.
An ape would not know the difference.

If you can't tell the difference.....maybe you ARE an ape!

And if the change can be observed....then discounting Genesis is out of the question.

It was observed...and reported.
You might not enjoy the terms.
We might not favor the notion that Adam was an experiment.
We might not appreciate Eve would be his twin sister...(no navel).

But that's science for you.
Boasting results and leaving out the details.

Keeps everyone talking.


pro scapegoat
Human beings are apes - if you deny that, you deny our humanity. We can not be human and not be apes. As to species changing into new species - that is observable.QUOTE]

I think you're deliberately blurring the line drawn for the sake of your argument.

What am I blurring? We are humas, humans are a subset of apes.
That would be human.
An ape would not know the difference.

Human apes would.
If you can't tell the difference.....maybe you ARE an ape!

And if the change can be observed....then discounting Genesis is out of the question.

It was observed...and reported.
You might not enjoy the terms.
We might not favor the notion that Adam was an experiment.
We might not appreciate Eve would be his twin sister...(no navel).

But that's science for you.
Boasting results and leaving out the details.

Keeps everyone talking.


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
IF you don't believe me, then tell us of ANY time in History when EVERY living creature ate green herbs for MEAT. You cannot because it hasn't happened yet. That is God's Truth.

So, you are saying that this WILL happen at one day?
What's the justification for that claim?
I don't think this will ever happen. Biology doesn't work that way. Even if every carnivor-species would die out, evolutionary ecology would pretty much demand, that these niches will be filled again, fairly soon.
Also, why would the carnivors all die out, as long as the herbivores still live? Seems like a rather unlikely scenario.

Dear Richard, I read God's account of what will happen AFTER Jesus returns to this Planet:

Isa 11:7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

When the Creator returns, the Lion will lay down by the Lamb.

Isa 11:9They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

The PROPHECY of Gen 1:30 is fulfilled by Jesus, Himself. Jesus is LORD. God Bless you.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear Readers, The above person doesn't seem to know that there were TWO creations of mankind. The FIRST was when the first Human was made on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7 Since each of God's Days is some 4.5 Billion years long in man's time, Adam lived with God for some 10 Billion years BEFORE the Creation event which happened on the 5th Day, which was only 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.

On the 5th Day God created and brought forth from the water, EVERY living creature that moves, which included the sons of God (Prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. Gen 1:21 Most uninformed people call this creation from the water, a Natural creation. They don't give God credit for anything.

When Adam sinned, he was left in a naked body of Flesh, just like the people who evolved from the water, on the 5th Day. They were so much alike, the could produce children with each other. Gen 6:1-4 Today's Science is willingly ignorant of this event because they have REJECTED God's Truth in Genesis, and falsely teach our children Satan's Lie, that they are nothing but evolved animals. God Bless you.

Dear Dirty, The mathematics ARE correct. Adam was made on the 3d Day, 9 Billion years BEFORE prehistoric man began to be made from the water, on the 5th Day, when the first life (bacteria) appeared on our Earth, which was some 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.

Sorry, but YOUR math is what's wrong. It was YESTERDAY, in God's time, when God commanded that EVERY living creature be brought forth from the water, on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 We live today, in 2014, at the end of the present 6th Day or age in the Creation of the perfect Heaven. Today is ALSO Judgment day. Are you ready?

I AGREE that our Cosmos is some 13.7 Billion years old, in man's time, but in God's time, our universe was made on the THIRD Day, the SAME Day that Adam's Earth was made. Genesis 2:4 Science and Scripture agree that our world is the result of the Big Bang and that life, on our Planet, CANNOT exist without Liquid Water.

The morning of the FIRST Day was some 25 Billion years ago.
Adam was made the THIRD Day, the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos, which was some 13.7 Billion years ago, on the first Earth, which was destroyed in the Flood

Today is the 6th Day since EVERY living creature has NOT yet become Vegetarian as Gen 1:30 clearly shows. That is PROPHECY and won't happen until after Jesus returns to our Planet, at the end of the present 6th Day. IF you don't believe me, then tell us of ANY time in History when EVERY living creature ate green herbs for MEAT. You cannot because it hasn't happened yet. That is God's Truth.

Divide 3 of God's Days into 13.7 Billion and round it off and say that each of God's Days or Ages is some 4.5 billion years, in man's time. That is where you get the dating of the Big Bang of our world. God Bless you.

In Love,



Bible Believer

You think Genesis 1:30 is saying all life on Earth will become vegetarian?

Dear Mestemia, Yes, after Jesus returns and changes every creature into a Vegetarian as Gen 1:30 clearly states. This event draws closer every day....but first will be the Tribulation. God Bless you.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
No one was around to witness creation, so the Bible writers just basically guessed.

Because there was no "creation".....A reason why these creation myths exist is due to the fact that these men had little to no actual idea how the natural world worked. We're still learning more and more daily.....

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
No sense at all?.....well go sit and think about it.

Does God breathe?
I've heard He does not sleep.
What?...you think God drinks blood?

I have never read a post of yours indicating your consideration.
Only your knee jerking and denials.

dig deeper....don't be so shallow.

You presuppose "God" in fact does exist.


Bible Believer
No one was around to witness creation, so the Bible writers just basically guessed.

Dear Thirza, God was around to witness Creation and He moved mortal men to pen His Holy Word or His account of How He did it. Remember also, that He is the Spirit of Truth, and Love, and He is perfect, and that's WHY no mortal here, can possibly refute His Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Yes, scientists made up a few words as a result of a few apparent similarities between certain species of animals and told you that's what you are. It's okay if you want to believe everything someone you don't know says about you.

It's one thing to blindly believe (hence religion)...but it's another to be told then be able to go and test that what you're being told. The scientific method requires and accepts this...and welcomes falsification...

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Oops, did I say we are bananas? Sorry, my bad. We're not bananas, and we're not chimps, and we're not apes. You're right. We are human beings. We have always been the same species. Species do not change into new species. If anything, a species changes over time.

If indeed a species can change into an new species, then it must be that each individual is it's own species.

It's all just words, and totally unimportant really.


If you really want to know how speciation works try here....

Evolution 101: Speciation


Bible Believer
It's one thing to blindly believe (hence religion)...but it's another to be told then be able to go and test that what you're being told. The scientific method requires and accepts this...and welcomes falsification...

Dear Dirty, False, since I've been showing the falseness of the belief that we evolved from apes, for years now. In all that time, not a single Evol has been able to refute me either Scientifically, Scripturally, or Historically.

It's all just a Satanic Lie and ll Peter 3:3-7 tells us that the Scoffers/Evols of the last days will be "willingly ignorant" of the Truth which totally destroys their ignorant idea that Humans are nothing but evolved animals. God tells us we are a Special Creation and Evols teach that we are nothing but animals and we live, die, and rot, and that's it, just like any other animal. Satan agrees with Evols. God Bless you.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Dirty, Is that the best yu can do? God Bless you.

In Love,

Heck no...It's just your math is lacking actual facts. It's not my job to back up such bold claims.

You said one day is 4.5 Billion Years to "God"....

So how do you go about resolving this first bold claim?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Dirty, False, since I've been showing the falseness of the belief that we evolved from apes, for years now. In all that time, not a single Evol has been able to refute me either Scientifically, Scripturally, or Historically.

Oh, it's easy to claim victory if your intent on dismissing the facts. No doctor worth his weight in gold could be a doctor without a basic fundamental understanding of evolution. Those who deal with infectious diseases are a prime example. You can't just pray the sick away.

It's all just a Satanic Lie and ll Peter 3:3-7 tells us that the Scoffers/Evols of the last days will be "willingly ignorant" of the Truth which totally destroys their ignorant idea that Humans are nothing but evolved animals. God tells us we are a Special Creation and Evols teach that we are nothing but animals and we live, die, and rot, and that's it, just like any other animal. Satan agrees with Evols. God Bless you.

In Love,
There's the impasse. How can we separate your book of sayings from the scientific evidence?
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Dear Richard, I read God's account of what will happen AFTER Jesus returns to this Planet:

Isa 11:7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

When the Creator returns, the Lion will lay down by the Lamb.

Isa 11:9They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

The PROPHECY of Gen 1:30 is fulfilled by Jesus, Himself. Jesus is LORD. God Bless you.

In Love,

I think you misunderstood.
That's the CLAIM. I want the evidence for that. Just repeating and rewording the claim is not evidence.