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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
So NOW you fess up that your are human and not an ape?
(consider your confession as you insist you are an ape.)

A human is an ape. A chimp is an ape. A human is not a chimp.

Just as an orangutan is an ape; a gorilla is an ape. An orangutan is not a gorilla.

As an analogy... Asatru is Pagan. I am Asatru, therefore I am Pagan. Kemeticism is also Pagan. However, I am not Kemetic.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Dear Quaxotic, You ask for support from scientific sources without thinking HOW did ancient men (who you THINK wrote the Bible) knew these things told more than 3k years ago. Today's Science is STILL rejecting God's Truth because it has NOT yet discovered that we live in a Multiverse

The multiverse theory is one explanation of the universe and is by no means set in stone.

Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(1) that ALL life came forth from the water
I thought the bible says adam was made from dust

and we have just recently discovered that it was Hundreds of Millions of years AFTER the Big Bang BEFORE the Stars lit.
Considering the debate raging over the length of a biblical day i do not think you can make this claim.

Also i believe the bible claims that light was created before the sun and stars, which is problematic.

The scientific support is just now being discovered. In the past few years, with the help of Space telescopes, we have discovered what God told us in Genesis ONE. He tells us the Big Bang was on the 3rd Day Gen 2:4 and that the Stars didn't put forth light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16
According to the big bang model, the big bang was the start of the universe. So cannot be on the 3rd day.

HOW did ancient men who lived thousands of years BEFORE Science get these Scientific Facts, which we are currently discovering, CORRECT? Instead of ignoring that today's Science is STILL behind that of Gen 1, you should get other scientists to get busy and confirm more of God's Truth in Genesis. God Bless you.
They did not. You have taken scripture and tried to shoehorn science into it. Considering your very poor understanding of the scientific theories you are trying to ascribe to the bible i do not think it is unfair to say that you are doing a very poor job at it.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Chosen specimen, isolated conditions (petri dish), examination, anesthesia, surgery, cloning, genetic manipulation.

A test....and release into the environment.

The bible says no such thing.

You are, like aman, trying to shoehorn science into scripture.

That being said you are doing a much better job than he is.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Chosen specimen, isolated conditions (petri dish), examination, anesthesia, surgery, cloning, genetic manipulation.

A test....and release into the environment.

I can perform a scientific experiment right here in my basement. All I need is "examination" of a "chosen specimen" (and my own eyes are sufficient; I don't need a microscope), with the "isolated conditions" being an abstract conception rather than a physical petri dish.

You're not describing the vast majority of scientific experimentation. Perhaps without realizing it, you're describing "science" as Hollywood depicts it.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
The bible says no such thing.

You are, like aman, trying to shoehorn science into scripture.

That being said you are doing a much better job than he is.

Indeed. I actually could see parallels between the story of Adam and Even and modern day lab work.

Thing is, seeing a parallel doesn't mean the author intended there to be one. There's parallels between Lord of the Rings and WWII... despite the fact that Tolkien strongly denied that WWII had any influence on the development of his work, and that it has absolutely no "inner meanings or message ... in the intention of the author."

There is a word for this sort of thing: coincidence.


Bible Believer
Well I don't know what your trying to say but OK. No arks in space, got it.

Dear idav, Amen, If there are NO Arks in Space, then there are NO Humans in Space. You got it. All we will find are prehistoric people because Natural Life is NOT Human life. That is WHY Humans did NOT evolve from any dumb animal. Eve SPOKE with No evolution. God Bless you.

In Love,


Rogue Theologian
I can perform a scientific experiment right here in my basement. All I need is "examination" of a "chosen specimen" (and my own eyes are sufficient; I don't need a microscope), with the "isolated conditions" being an abstract conception rather than a physical petri dish.

You're not describing the vast majority of scientific experimentation. Perhaps without realizing it, you're describing "science" as Hollywood depicts it.

Not at all.

'Let us make Man in our image.'

Title of the experiment.
Freewill.....in an ape.

Soooooooo much entertainment!


Rogue Theologian
The bible says no such thing.

You are, like aman, trying to shoehorn science into scripture.

That being said you are doing a much better job than he is.

Yeah well....
The event is told with earmarks in place.
I didn't write it.
It's been around for centuries.
It will never go away.

I find the report remarkable as the scheme of it CAN be done.
And now that Man has learned of such things as possible......


Rogue Theologian
Indeed. I actually could see parallels between the story of Adam and Even and modern day lab work.

Thing is, seeing a parallel doesn't mean the author intended there to be one. There's parallels between Lord of the Rings and WWII... despite the fact that Tolkien strongly denied that WWII had any influence on the development of his work, and that it has absolutely no "inner meanings or message ... in the intention of the author."

There is a word for this sort of thing: coincidence.

The 'author' had no parallel to draw.

The question to ask....where did he get the report he wrote?


Rogue Theologian
A human is an ape. A chimp is an ape. A human is not a chimp.

Just as an orangutan is an ape; a gorilla is an ape. An orangutan is not a gorilla.

As an analogy... Asatru is Pagan. I am Asatru, therefore I am Pagan. Kemeticism is also Pagan. However, I am not Kemetic.

Yeah well...again....

Let's just say heaven is behind all of this.
As believing in heaven I prefer to say it is so.

Later on...as we stand before heaven.....you might say....
'Excuse me of my behavior....I am but an ape.'

Heaven might say...yeah, and then do unto you accordingly.


Premium Member
Yeah well...again....

Let's just say heaven is behind all of this.
As believing in heaven I prefer to say it is so.

Later on...as we stand before heaven.....you might say....
'Excuse me of my behavior....I am but an ape.'

Heaven might say...yeah, and then do unto you accordingly.

Me thinks the truth offends thee.:yes:

You find being in the same category as apes offensive, well what are you a lizard?


Rogue Theologian
Me thinks the truth offends thee.:yes:

You find being in the same category as apes offensive, well what are you a lizard?

Heaven might find the category offensive.
No doubt by now you've seen my rendition on a war in heaven?
One third of heaven fell over an argument about something that looks like us.
Two thirds of heaven lost their brothers over that same argument.

The first one third want us dead.
Those remaining in heaven might not care.

So look at it from heaven's point of view.

You take a seat at the table....alongside the angelic.

And the angels that lost their brothers are suppose to share bread with a talking monkey?........

Ironically we bear resemblance to the one third that fell.
They are reported to have said ....
Man is less than we are, He should be made to serve us!

There's nothing wrong with that logic....but it fell.

And Man is a creature that does unto lesser things at will.
To whom do we bear resemblance?

And the angelic of heaven will accept us?.....
Why can't they have their angelic brothers return home?
Why tolerate a lesser creature?
They both behave like animals......don't they?
Last edited:


Bible Believer
The multiverse theory is one explanation of the universe and is by no means set in stone.

Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dear Quazotic, It should be when L.I.S.A. is launched next year by the Europeans. It will measure the affect of the gravitational pull of other Universes upon our present Universe. I first posted it as evidence which mankind had not yet confirmed, for the doubting Thomases out there in cyber world.

I thought the bible says adam was made from dust

Gen 2:7 uses the word "formed" which in Hebrew means shaped like a Potter molds the Clay. Makes sense to me that He used dust, water, and air, to form Adam, physically.

Considering the debate raging over the length of a biblical day i do not think you can make this claim.

Sure i can as I will demonstrate throughtout this post.

Also i believe the bible claims that light was created before the sun and stars, which is problematic.

Not when you realize that Jesus is the Light of the first Day, the Light of this world, and the Light of Heaven. Rev 21:23 He didn't bother to make the Sun, Moon, and Stars until our Cosmos began on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4 The problem with most is that they CANNOT understand Scripture because they remain Spiritually dead.

According to the big bang model, the big bang was the start of the universe. So cannot be on the 3rd day.

God shows us some 10 Billion years BEFORE the Big Bang of our SECOND Universe from Gen 1:1 to Gen 1:16 when the First Stars of our world lighted up.

They did not. You have taken scripture and tried to shoehorn science into it. Considering your very poor understanding of the scientific theories you are trying to ascribe to the bible i do not think it is unfair to say that you are doing a very poor job at it.

1. We live in a Multiverse according to Gen 1:6-8 and Gen 2:4 and current Physics equations. Currently, the Europeans are getting ready to launch LISA to measure the Gravitational waves which can cause a Gravitational affect on our Universe from other Universes in our Multiverse.

2. Gen 2:4 shows that the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day but the Stars didn't put forth their Light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 This is a very recent discovery of today's scientists using Space telescopes. HOW did ancient men know this? Don't mess around with a bunch of excuses. Tell us How men who lived thousands of years BEFORE Science got those two scientific Truths correct? You CANNOT.

3, Gen 1:21 shows that EVERY living creature (including prehistoric man) was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day, which was some 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time, ACCORDING to Science, which shows that the cells in our bodies cannot live without liquid water.

Tell us HOW the above 3 events could have possibly been authored by ANY man of the time. You cannot, since ONLY God knew and correctly told us the scientific Truth which today's scientists are Just now discovering, thousands of years ago. It's empirical Proof of God, since it can be studied, and proven correct or false. Unlike the changable "science" of men, God's Truth changes NOT. God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
Heaven might find the category offensive.
No doubt by now you've seen my rendition on a war in heaven?
One third of heaven fell over an argument about something that looks like us.
Two thirds of heaven lost their brothers over that same argument.

The first one third want us dead.
Those remaining in heaven might not care.

So look at it from heaven's point of view.

You take a seat at the table....alongside the angelic.

And the angels that lost their brothers are suppose to share bread with a talking monkey?........

Ironically we bear resemblance to the one third that fell.
They are reported to have said ....
Man is less than we are, He should be made to serve us!

There's nothing wrong with that logic....but it fell.

And Man is a creature that does unto lesser things at will.
To whom do we bear resemblance?

And the angelic of heaven will accept us?.....
Why can't they have their angelic brothers return home?
Why tolerate a lesser creature?
They both behave like animals......don't they?

This is the kinda stuff that drives racists elitism stuff. So now we are in a racial war with angels? Love, brothers, all gods creatures.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Yeah well....
The event is told with earmarks in place.
I didn't write it.
It's been around for centuries.
It will never go away.

I find the report remarkable as the scheme of it CAN be done.
And now that Man has learned of such things as possible......

Nope you can not take phrases like "caused the man to fall into a deep sleep" and "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man" and say "See science".

It does not work that way. Especially considering the nature of the other miracles in the bible are magickal.

You can not shoe horn science into ancient books and expect people to take you seriously

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Nope you can not take phrases like "caused the man to fall into a deep sleep" and "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man" and say "See science".

It does not work that way. Especially considering the nature of the other miracles in the bible are magickal.

You can not shoe horn science into ancient books and expect people to take you seriously

I'm still waiting on him to confirm his belief that "Adam and Eve" are the beginning of the geneology of man on the planet.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Dear Quazotic, It should be when L.I.S.A. is launched next year by the Europeans. It will measure the affect of the gravitational pull of other Universes upon our present Universe. I first posted it as evidence which mankind had not yet confirmed, for the doubting Thomases out there in cyber world.

You have to wait for evidence before believing in something.
Gen 2:7 uses the word "formed" which in Hebrew means shaped like a Potter molds the Clay. Makes sense to me that He used dust, water, and air, to form Adam, physically.

Not even close to being "from the ocean"
Not when you realize that Jesus is the Light of the first Day, the Light of this world, and the Light of Heaven. Rev 21:23 He didn't bother to make the Sun, Moon, and Stars until our Cosmos began on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4 The problem with most is that they CANNOT understand Scripture because they remain Spiritually dead.

No the problem is i prefer to believe things that are proven, not fantasy.

God shows us some 10 Billion years BEFORE the Big Bang of our SECOND Universe from Gen 1:1 to Gen 1:16 when the First Stars of our world lighted up.

God shows us nothing. Your source is a book of mythology.

1. We live in a Multiverse according to Gen 1:6-8 and Gen 2:4 and current Physics equations. Currently, the Europeans are getting ready to launch LISA to measure the Gravitational waves which can cause a Gravitational affect on our Universe from other Universes in our Multiverse.

Even if the tests prove the existence of multiple universes, i have seen how you piece together your theory from the bible. You have made GIANT leaps of unfounded logic.

2. Gen 2:4 shows that the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day but the Stars didn't put forth their Light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 This is a very recent discovery of today's scientists using Space telescopes. HOW did ancient men know this? Don't mess around with a bunch of excuses. Tell us How men who lived thousands of years BEFORE Science got those two scientific Truths correct? You CANNOT.

It is a book of mythology and profoundly wrong.

3, Gen 1:21 shows that EVERY living creature (including prehistoric man) was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day, which was some 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time, ACCORDING to Science, which shows that the cells in our bodies cannot live without liquid water.

See above.

Tell us HOW the above 3 events could have possibly been authored by ANY man of the time. You cannot, since ONLY God knew and correctly told us the scientific Truth which today's scientists are Just now discovering, thousands of years ago. It's empirical Proof of God, since it can be studied, and proven correct or false. Unlike the changable "science" of men, God's Truth changes NOT. God Bless you.

They were not.


Rogue Theologian
This is the kinda stuff that drives racists elitism stuff. So now we are in a racial war with angels? Love, brothers, all gods creatures.

Ok...so maybe the story was made up to explain why heaven is 'somewhere else'.

And maybe Psalms has no practical meaning that Man was made a little less the angels.

And maybe you won't stand before heaven, trying to hide or excuse, the animal you are?


Rogue Theologian
Nope you can not take phrases like "caused the man to fall into a deep sleep" and "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man" and say "See science".

It does not work that way. Especially considering the nature of the other miracles in the bible are magickal.

You can not shoe horn science into ancient books and expect people to take you seriously

Works for me.
You don't have to nod your head.