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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Bible Believer
I don't get why you cannot grasp such a simple idea - chimps are not humans, chimps and humans are primates. Why is this so difficult for you?

Dear Bunyip, Not EVERYONE follows the changable ideas of Science, especially the ones which are obviously opposite of God's Truth. Most scientists are Atheists, Agnostics or Theological Evols. Just because man comes up with a False Idea, that is no reason for EVERYONE to swallow their swill. There is NO evidence that Humans evolved from Apes, but there is much evidence which shows that Science is Wrong.

You have mentioned denial often before - and yet seem to be suffering from it yourself in regard to the simple notion that chimps and humans are related, but not the same.

The sons of God (prehistoric man) diverged from Chimps some 6 Million years ago, but prehistoric man was NOT human. When Noah's grandsons (Humans) had no other Humans to marry, like Cain on Adam's Earth, they married and produced children with the prehistoric people who were already here when Noah arrived. That is when Human blood was contaminated with the blood of the common ancestor of Chimps and Humans. IOW, Humans inherited the DNA and ERVs but did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes. Gen 6:1-4 God Bless you.

In Love,


pro scapegoat
Dear Bunyip, Not EVERYONE follows the changable ideas of Science, especially the ones which are obviously opposite of God's Truth. Most scientists are Atheists, Agnostics or Theological Evols. Just because man comes up with a False Idea, that is no reason for EVERYONE to swallow their swill. There is NO evidence that Humans evolved from Apes, but there is much evidence which shows that Science is Wrong.

So what? That we are apes is TAXONOMY, not evolution.
The sons of God (prehistoric man) diverged from Chimps some 6 Million years ago, but prehistoric man was NOT human. When Noah's grandsons (Humans) had no other Humans to marry, like Cain on Adam's Earth, they married and produced children with the prehistoric people who were already here when Noah arrived. That is when Human blood was contaminated with the blood of the common ancestor of Chimps and Humans. IOW, Humans inherited the DNA and ERVs but did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes. Gen 6:1-4 God Bless you.

In Love,
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Bible Believer
So what? That we are apes is TAXONOMY, not evolution.

Dear Bunyip, Learn to read. Here is my first sentence from the last post:

>>>>>Not EVERYONE follows the changable ideas of Science, especially the ones which are obviously opposite of God's Truth.<<<<<

Do you see ANYTHING about evolution? Of course not. TAXONOMY is part of the changable ideas of Science. Linneaus woudn't be able to understand today's Science since it has changed so much from his ideas. God's Truth changes NOT. God Bless you.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
All living things have a common ancestor.

This is proven by the very fact that we have DNA.

Or do you not believe we have DNA?

So you are claiming that all life on this planet formed from one single life form? And that there is only one original life form, and that never again did life form on this planet?


Coincidentia oppositorum
The GULO gene: Pseudogenes - Evidence for the Evolutionary Model

One out of many genes that we know we share with our ancestors, the chimps.

Transposons: http://evolution-101.blogspot.com/2006/04/molecular-evidence-3-transposons.html

DNA Functional Redundancy: http://evolution-101.blogspot.com/2006/04/molecular-evidence-2-dna-functional.html

Protein Functional Redundancy: http://evolution-101.blogspot.com/2006/03/molecular-evidence-1-protein.html

And more... That are just a few of the genetic evidence for shared ancestry. The fossil and bones are just added sugar on the topping.
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Veteran Member
I am interested in convincing evidence. If you are incapable of convincing me that your evidence shows that humans and chimps have a common ancestor, I'm not really interested in what you are calling evidence.

I gave you the evidence you asked for in regards to chromosome fusion. I got absolutely no response from you.


Bible Believer
The GULO gene: Pseudogenes - Evidence for the Evolutionary Model

One out of many genes that we know we share with our ancestors, the chimps.

Transposons: Evolution 101: Molecular Evidence 3: Transposons

DNA Functional Redundancy: Evolution 101: Molecular Evidence 2: DNA Functional Redundancy

Protein Functional Redundancy: Evolution 101: Molecular Evidence 1: Protein Functional Redundancy

And more... That are just a few of the genetic evidence for shared ancestry. The fossil and bones are just added sugar on the topping.

Dear Ouroboros, God told us HOW the DNA from the common ancestor of Apes got inside today's Humans, THREE thousand years ago. Gen 6:1-4 It's proof of God since no man of the time knew ANYthing about genetics, UNLESS you can enlighten us. God Bless you.

In Love,


Veteran Member
Sorry, I don't know anything about chromosome fusion. Try another approach.

You asked for it, you got it. Then you ignored it.

See posts 1324 for starters - that will get you closer to knowing something about chromosome fusion. Then read post 1406 for more evidence of common descent.


Dear Ouroboros, God told us HOW the DNA from the common ancestor of Apes got inside today's Humans, THREE thousand years ago. Gen 6:1-4 It's proof of God since no man of the time knew ANYthing about genetics, UNLESS you can enlighten us. God Bless you.

In Love,

Dear god it's bold and caps. Must be the TRUTH!


Premium Member
Dear idav, You haven't presented any evidence. All you have done is deny mine. If this is your way to run away, that's ok, since all Unbelievers run away when confronted with God's Truth. Thanks for replying. God Bless you.

In Love,

You provide no evidence. Your ignoring the evidence that everyone else saw plain as day that chimps are smarter than humans. You refuse to accept the it and choose to stay in your delusions. The evidence was there for everyone to see and with your logic is evidence that natural intelligence is higher than whatever was given to humans. You have no leg to stand onm. Your credibility is shot if you ever had any. I wont arugue with willful ignorance. As far as I and others are concerned you have lost the debate. Good day.


pro scapegoat
Dear Bunyip, Learn to read. Here is my first sentence from the last post:

>>>>>Not EVERYONE follows the changable ideas of Science, especially the ones which are obviously opposite of God's Truth.<<<<<

Do you see ANYTHING about evolution? Of course not. TAXONOMY is part of the changable ideas of Science. Linneaus woudn't be able to understand today's Science since it has changed so much from his ideas. God's Truth changes NOT. God Bless you.

In Love,

When 'God's truth' conflicts with science, that is because it is not the truth. It is a lie.


Rogue Theologian
I don't get why you cannot grasp such a simple idea - chimps are not humans, chimps and humans are primates. Why is this so difficult for you? You have mentioned denial often before - and yet seem to be suffering from it yourself in regard to the simple notion that chimps and humans are related, but not the same.

Been saying they ain't the same.

Whose side are you on?


Rogue Theologian
So what is your problem?

Chimps and humans are apes, but chimps are not humans - what is it about your faith thatprevents you from grasping such a simple thing?

So unlike other posters....you won't stand before heaven and try to excuse yourself for being an animal?