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I and the father are one.


Well-Known Member
you believe some man? why not believe God? again, Isaiah 52:6 "Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I." and that "DAY" has come and gone....... see, ONLY ... "his" people KNOW HIM by Name..... (smile).


It doesn't say "ONLY" his people .. Misquoting scripture intentionally :) but, it makes no difference to the God of Abraham question Isaiah is addressing a different God -- YHWH is not the God of Abraham mate .. This is what the Bible is Trying to Tell you .. what Gods Word is telling you .. something not debated by theological scholarship.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
LOL, LOL, LOL, 101G did, but did you understand?

Yes, I understand full well.

I understand that you’d reason for not answering is because you cannot.

Your deceit is there only to tease and attempt to frustrate your opponent - nothing more nothing less!

You take this forum, and its purpose, as a playground. It puts joy in your heart to confound, dispute, misrepresent, mislead, and deny truth.

But you do not understand what this ultimately means for your soul, your spirit, and the judgement that awaits you unless you repent and forever withhold your misleading, confounding, disputing, and misrepresentative ways concerning the truth in the scriptures.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't say "ONLY" his people .. Misquoting scripture intentionally
"Therefore my people shall know my name". so, who is God's people? now who else? please post scripture as to who outside, or other than his people know his name ... scripture please.

it makes no difference to the God of Abraham question Isaiah is addressing a different God -- YHWH is not the God of Abraham mate
are you sure? Genesis 17:1 "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect."
H3068 יְהוָה Yhvah (yeh-vaw') n/p.
יְהוָֹה Yhovah (yeh-ho-vaw')
יְהוֹ Yhow (yeh-ho') [as a prefix]
1. (meaning) the self-Existent or Eternal, the I AM.
2. (person) Yahweh (Yehvah), Jewish national name of God.
3. (anglicized) Jehovah.
4. (as a name prefix) Yeho-.
5. (As expressed in Hebraic Koine Greek) ἐγώ εἰμί, I AM (literally: I myself, I am).
[from H1961]
KJV: Jehovah, the Lord.
Root(s): H1961

did not God say he is the ALMIGHTY? lets see. Exodus 6:2 "And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the LORD:" Exodus 6:3 "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them."

and what did Genesis 17:1 SAY?, "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect." BINGO "I AM THE ALMIGHTY GOD". so your reprove, because "I AM" is YHWH or the ROOT of H3068 יְהוָה Yhvah (yeh-vaw') WHICH IS NOT A PERSONAL NAME, .... BUT A TITLE.
H1961 הָיָה hayah (haw-yaw) v.
1. to exist.
2. to be or become.
3. to come into being, i.e. to happen, to occur (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary).
[a primitive root]
KJV: beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-)self, require, X use.
Compare: H1933

so, you're reproved.



Well-Known Member
Yes, I understand full well.

I understand that you’d reason for not answering is because you cannot.
then you ERRORED, better known as a LIE. for U did not understand.
Your deceit is there only to tease and attempt to frustrate your opponent - nothing more nothing less!
your personal opinion? just stick with the bible ok.
You take this forum, and its purpose, as a playground. It puts joy in your heart to confound, dispute, misrepresent, mislead, and deny truth.
another personal opinion again.... see above.
But you do not understand what this ultimately means for your soul, your spirit, and the judgement that awaits you unless you repent and forever withhold your misleading, confounding, disputing, and misrepresentative ways concerning the truth in the scriptures.
personal opinions again.... TRASH CAN.

only one thing you said 101G will ACT on, "the truth in the scriptures." well let's see if you believe this.... Hebrews 1:10 "And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:"

ok soapy, 101G is using Scripture, not personal opinion. who laid the Foundation of the Earth. A. was it the "Lord" as said here in Hebrews. or
B. the "LORD", all caps as said here in Zechariah 12:1 "The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him."

so soapy who Laid the Foundation of the Earth? was it A. the "Lord", who is the Son. or was it B. the "LORD", all caps. now before you answer, read Isaiah 44:24, which Identifies "ONLY" ONE PERSON, (smile). "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;"

now, Isaiah 44:24 clearly states there is only one who made all things inclusing laying the foundation of the Earth.

so soapy tell us who laid the Foundation of the Earth...... drum roll please..... was it A. the "Lord", or B. the "LORD". just to help you out... C. all the above....... (smile).



Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
then you ERRORED, better known as a LIE. for U did not understand.

your personal opinion? just stick with the bible ok.

another personal opinion again.... see above.

personal opinions again.... TRASH CAN.

only one thing you said 101G will ACT on, "the truth in the scriptures." well let's see if you believe this.... Hebrews 1:10 "And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:"

ok soapy, 101G is using Scripture, not personal opinion. who laid the Foundation of the Earth. A. was it the "Lord" as said here in Hebrews. or
B. the "LORD", all caps as said here in Zechariah 12:1 "The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him."

so soapy who Laid the Foundation of the Earth? was it A. the "Lord", who is the Son. or was it B. the "LORD", all caps. now before you answer, read Isaiah 44:24, which Identifies "ONLY" ONE PERSON, (smile). "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;"

now, Isaiah 44:24 clearly states there is only one who made all things inclusing laying the foundation of the Earth.

so soapy tell us who laid the Foundation of the Earth...... drum roll please..... was it A. the "Lord", or B. the "LORD". just to help you out... C. all the above....... (smile).

All that I said concerning your presentations are completely valid therefore they are not ‘personal opinion’. Truth is not an opinion but fact.

As for your question… There is no disputing that almighty God; the Father, ‘YHWH’ by name. (substituted as ‘LORD’), created all things.

You ask me as if you are expecting me to be confused!! Why? Have I ever been confused about who is the God of the Israelites, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of those called by him? Where have I ever said differently?

The title, ‘Lord’, is a COMMON title for anyone who is a master, a teacher, a person held in high esteem, a venerated one: a priest, a holy one; a ruler, Mark Twain… we even call judges ‘Lord’, and in the UK we call venerated ones in all manner of activities, ‘Lord’: ‘Lord Seb Coe’ (sports), ‘Lord Alan Sugar’ (Business), and we even have a ‘House of Lords’ for revered government officials.

Therefore ‘Lord’ is a title… but ‘LORD’ is improper as it is just an irreverently superstitious SUBSTITUTE for the NAME of the One True God: ‘YHWH’.

Notice that if God, Jesus, and Satan, were ‘spiritually stood’ in close proximity and a person called out, ‘Lord, Help me!’. Who should ‘Lord’ apply to? Any or all of them!
But if the person said: ‘YHWH, Help me!’. Who should answer directly? Only God should!

Here is what King David say in Psalm 102:19-25:
  • 19The Lord looked down from his sanctuary on high,
    from heaven he viewed the earth,
    20to hear the groans of the prisoners
    and release those condemned to death.”
    21So the name of the Lord will be declared in Zion
    and his praise in Jerusalem
    22when the peoples and the kingdoms
    assemble to worship the Lord.
    23In the course of my life b he broke my strength;
    he cut short my days.
    24So I said:
    “Do not take me away, my God, in the midst of my days;
    your years go on through all generations.
    25In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth,
    and the heavens are the work of your hands.”
Of course you notice that it is ‘LORD’ (‘YHWH’) to whom the verse applies. The translator of the Hebrew for psalms could not mistake ‘LORD’ (‘YHWH’) for ‘Lord’ but in the Greek it was easy to state ‘Lord’ so as to confuse a reader… much like you are trying to do now.

By the way, if you are, where are you getting the idea that Jesus is ‘LORD’ in the Old Testament? You rightly state that Isaiah calls the God of the Israelites, ‘YHWH’ (‘LORD’ in the English translation) so where is the confusion for you that you should test me for the truth?
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Well-Known Member
"Therefore my people shall know my name". so, who is God's people? now who else? please post scripture as to who outside, or other than his people know his name ... scripture please.

are you sure? Genesis 17:1 "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect."
H3068 יְהוָה Yhvah (yeh-vaw') n/p.
יְהוָֹה Yhovah (yeh-ho-vaw')
יְהוֹ Yhow (yeh-ho') [as a prefix]
1. (meaning) the self-Existent or Eternal, the I AM.
2. (person) Yahweh (Yehvah), Jewish national name of God.
3. (anglicized) Jehovah.
4. (as a name prefix) Yeho-.
5. (As expressed in Hebraic Koine Greek) ἐγώ εἰμί, I AM (literally: I myself, I am).
[from H1961]
KJV: Jehovah, the Lord.
Root(s): H1961

did not God say he is the ALMIGHTY? lets see. Exodus 6:2 "And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the LORD:" Exodus 6:3 "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them."

and what did Genesis 17:1 SAY?, "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect." BINGO "I AM THE ALMIGHTY GOD". so your reprove, because "I AM" is YHWH or the ROOT of H3068 יְהוָה Yhvah (yeh-vaw') WHICH IS NOT A PERSONAL NAME, .... BUT A TITLE.
H1961 הָיָה hayah (haw-yaw) v.
1. to exist.
2. to be or become.
3. to come into being, i.e. to happen, to occur (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary).
[a primitive root]
KJV: beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-)self, require, X use.
Compare: H1933

so, you're reproved.


You didn't reprove anything .... what you did was contradict yourself.. First you claim the name of the God of Abraham was Jesus .. now you claim it was YHWH .. which is also wrong as God himself in the Bible tells us the name of Abraham's God was not YHWH.

and Last - The Bible tells that the name of Abraham's God is El --- El Shaddai being one example --- El Bet-El - El of the House of El being another after the encounter with Jacob.

Sorry mate --- your claim that the name by which Abraham knew his God was "Jesus" is made up falsehood.

We are not talking about the name of YHWH -- the war God who Appeared to Moses .. call him Jehovah if you like .... so crying out "only my people knew my name" by Isaiah .. is not about the God of Abraham .. it is about the God YHWH or .... if you don't like that name .. call him the God of Moses. Either way .. your lose as we are not talking about the name of the God of Moses .. but the name of the God that Abraham worshiped .. "EL" - "Enlil" - "Ellil" .. Chief God of the Sumerian - and Canaanite Pantheon .. which is why Abraham offers sacrifices to this God and puts himself subservient to the Canaanite Priest King --- then together they both worship the Most HIgh God of the Canaanite Pantheon at the time .. and everyone elses Pantheon for that matter.

You seem to lack the historical understanding that the Israelites believed in many Gods .. was not until the Persian Period 500 BC that Judaism was created .. and the religion of these folks was monotheistic. The Israelites rarely worshiped only YHWH .. and when they did - it was often through Child Sacrifices that this War God Demanded.. .. probably part of the reason the people fell away from YHWH worship so often ... Sacrifice of all first born was hard to maintain.
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
You didn't reprove anything .... what you did was contradict yourself.. First you claim the name of the God of Abraham was Jesus .. now you claim it was YHWH .. which is also wrong as God himself in the Bible tells us the name of Abraham's God was not YHWH.

and Last - The Bible tells that the name of Abraham's God is El --- El Shaddai being one example --- El Bet-El - El of the House of El being another after the encounter with Jacob.

Sorry mate --- your claim that the name by which Abraham knew his God was "Jesus" is made up falsehood.
Some minor/major points:
  • YHWH’ is the PERSONAL NAME of the God of Abraham (God has ONE NAME which only applies to Him eternally - He never Changes - He just and always will be whom he is!)
  • El Shaddai’ is A TITLE for the God of Abraham (God has many TITLES which describe His grandeur, his glory, his master ship, his majesty, his greatness, etc.)
The sloppiness of todays language usage seems to allow words and terms to be frivolously used such that confusion and therefore misleading usage occurs. The different of ‘Name’ and ‘Title’ is the case in point here. Trinitarians and moralists exploit this confusion.

For instance, 101G has been claiming that Jesus (Jesus Christ, I guess!) is ‘YHWH’. But ‘Jesus’ is a NAME of the Son of God… - Christ (Meaning ‘Anointed one’) is a TITLE that distinguishes him from others who ALSO have the human name ‘Jesus’ (which itself is a misrepresentation of the Hebrew name ‘YESHUA’ (or ‘Joshua’ in English).
GOD’s only NAME is ‘YHWH’… The Son’s name is ‘Jesus’ (let’s say!). These are clearly two different identities, two different persons!

But 101G tries to claim that ‘Yeshua’ (Jesus) and ‘YHWH’ (the Father), areTHE SAME PERSON.

101G know she is wrong but by virtue of the spin he needs to put in his posts as each and every one is discredited against him. The fact that the very scriptures claims against him doesn’t seem to dampen his enthusiasm as being seen as the ‘Satan’ (the opposer) of gospel truth:
  • “For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”—yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.” (1 Cor 8:5-6)


Well-Known Member
As for your question… There is no disputing that almighty God; the Father, ‘YHWH’ by name. (substituted as ‘LORD’), created all things.
well now are you saying Hebrew 1:10 is in error or is the "Lord" and the "LORD" is the same one person? which one?

101G can careless of your explanation, just answer that the "Lord" is the "LORD" yes or no?



Well-Known Member
First you claim the name of the God of Abraham was Jesus
Correction ... get it right, not was .. but IS JESUS. and to prove my point. as I asked soapy, is the Person in Hebrew 1:10 the "Lord" is the same ONE person who is the "LORD" that laid the Foundation of the Earth, just answer yes or no and that will end any discussion.

thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
Some minor/major points:
  • YHWH’ is the PERSONAL NAME of the God of Abraham (God has ONE NAME which only applies to Him eternally - He never Changes - He just and always will be whom he is!)
  • El Shaddai’ is A TITLE for the God of Abraham (God has many TITLES which describe His grandeur, his glory, his master ship, his majesty, his greatness, etc.)
The sloppiness of todays language usage seems to allow words and terms to be frivolously used such that confusion and therefore misleading usage occurs. The different of ‘Name’ and ‘Title’ is the case in point here. Trinitarians and moralists exploit this confusion.

For instance, 101G has been claiming that Jesus (Jesus Christ, I guess!) is ‘YHWH’. But ‘Jesus’ is a NAME of the Son of God… - Christ (Meaning ‘Anointed one’) is a TITLE that distinguishes him from others who ALSO have the human name ‘Jesus’ (which itself is a misrepresentation of the Hebrew name ‘YESHUA’ (or ‘Joshua’ in English).
GOD’s only NAME is ‘YHWH’… The Son’s name is ‘Jesus’ (let’s say!). These are clearly two different identities, two different persons!

But 101G tries to claim that ‘Yeshua’ (Jesus) and ‘YHWH’ (the Father), areTHE SAME PERSON.

101G know she is wrong but by virtue of the spin he needs to put in his posts as each and every one is discredited against him. The fact that the very scriptures claims against him doesn’t seem to dampen his enthusiasm as being seen as the ‘Satan’ (the opposer) of gospel truth:
  • “For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”—yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.” (1 Cor 8:5-6)

Not bad .. you got two out of the 3 things correct -- El Shaddai is one of the many Epiphets for the God of Abraham -- God Most High (El Elyon) - and others. Also correct that Jesus is not the name of the God of Abraham.

Where you falter is in the Claim that YHWH is the personal Name of the God of Abraham --- YHWH himself tells us this not True. The God of Abraham was El. Abe believed in many Gods .. his father Terah a maker of Idols-- but decided to worship only one . The one he chose - or chose him .. was the Most High God .. Creator God - and that God was EL .. The God of Jacob El Bet-El EL of the House of EL Bethel .. where the Israelites are were making sacrifices all the way down to Josiahs time --- all the way throughout their History until a few years before the End .. Believing in many Gods .. all the Israelites .. until this time .. and the Cheif God of the Divine Pantheon was EL ..

Regardless - That "EL" was the God of Abraham is not contested by modern scholarship in serious academic or theological circles. Go Look up Abraham in the Encyclopedia Brittanica .. and then tell me who Melchizedek is :) The Canaanite Priest King of Jerusalem who meets up with Abraham .. tell me what the deal is with that guy .. and why they are worshiping the Same God ?


Well-Known Member
Correction ... get it right, not was .. but IS JESUS. and to prove my point. as I asked soapy, is the Person in Hebrew 1:10 the "Lord" is the same ONE person who is the "LORD" that laid the Foundation of the Earth, just answer yes or no and that will end any discussion.

thanks in advance.


Your making things up that have no basis in the Bible. Jesus was not the name of the God of Abraham. Your passage from Isaiah does not help you .. as he did not know Jesus either . .nor the Israelites.

Using New Testement writings such as Hebrews as support a claim that Jesus was the name of the God of Abraham ridiculous nonsense on steroids. and even more ridiculous in that Hebrews does not support your claim.

and NO mate -- it is not "IS" .. it is "Was" as we are assessing what Abraham thought was the name of his God .. not what you think it is today .. which it may still be .. but you don't know that either..

So no 101G -- don't care at all what you feel the name of the God of Abraham should be .. The question is what did Honest ABE think ..and Abe did not Call his God Jesus .. Nor did the Canaanite Priest King of Jerusalem call this God Jesus.

Do you know who the High God of The Canaanite Pantheon is Friend ? Hint - Same high God as in the Sumerian Pantheon ... Abe being from Ur and all professing a faith that was apparently not very new... Abe not the first one that this God adopted.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
well now are you saying Hebrew 1:10 is in error or is the "Lord" and the "LORD" is the same one person? which one?

101G can careless of your explanation, just answer that the "Lord" is the "LORD" yes or no?

It is clear that if the writer of Hebrews 1:10 is QUOTING the verse from Psalms 102 then the object of glorification is ‘YHWH’ (‘LORD’). The writer fears the repercussions from the Jews concerning not speaking the name of God, and therefore uses the definite reference of ‘[the] Lord’.

But a few verses in after verse 19 in psalms 102, the speaker, a couple of times, uses the definite reference: ‘The Lord’, instead of the NAME which is appropriate for that moment. It’s like saying ‘101G, you are …’. ‘101G’ is the name and ‘you’ is the definite reference.

Psalms 102 does not reference two persons. It references a single person by, in introduction, the direct name of the object, God (‘YHWH’), and by title, ‘the Lord’.

Note carefully, ‘LORD’ (all caps) IS NOT THE ORIGINAL WORD written or spoken by the writer of psalms 102. The substitution is made by the TRANSLATORS thousands of years later.

So a hearer of Psalms 102, and the hearer of Hebrews 1:10 would undoubtably understand that the term ‘Lord’ refers to almighty God (‘YHWH’) since that is what would have been written in the Torah from which the verse came from. At that time (the writing of Hebrews 1:10) the Torah did not use the substitute word ‘LORD’.

Again, I ask you, where do you see Jesus Christ in Psalms 102?

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I want to comment: "gods" can also be translated as exalted ones.
First of all, the meaning of "the Father and I are one" is explained in John 17, where you'll see that Jesus' claim is that he is one with the Father in the same manner that anyone who believes in Jesus will be one with Jesus and through Jesus also one with the Father. Thus all believers are "one with the Father".

Second, in the Tanakh until the end of the Babylonian Captivity, the God of Israel is not the only god. The claim instead is that [he]'s the most important and most powerful god ─ that belief system is called "henotheism". Probably the most accessible example of this is the First Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me". It doesn't say "Ain't no other gods." It says, "I am the greatest of the gods!"

Then there are these and probably more ─

Judges 11:23 So the Lord, the God of Israel, dispossessed the Amorites from before his people Israel; and are you to take possession of them? 24 Will you not possess what Chemosh your god gives you to possess? And all that the Lord our God has dispossessed before us, we will possess.

Psalms 82:1
God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment.

Psalms 86:8
There is none like thee among the gods, O Lord,
nor are there any works like thine.

Psalms 95:3
For the Lord is a great god,
and a great King above all gods.

Psalms 135:5
For I know that the Lord is great;
and that our Lord is above all gods.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
"God through Imams" Is different. Do you have any quotes from Imams saying "I give eternal life"?
Keep in mind, that after his resurrection, at Matthew 28:18 Jesus said “All authority has been given me.”

Those are not words of someone usurping God’s position (as God would have already had the authority); simply recognition that all authority was “given” to him.

Have a good day, my cousin.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Not bad .. you got two out of the 3 things correct -- El Shaddai is one of the many Epiphets for the God of Abraham -- God Most High (El Elyon) - and others. Also correct that Jesus is not the name of the God of Abraham.

Where you falter is in the Claim that YHWH is the personal Name of the God of Abraham --- YHWH himself tells us this not True. The God of Abraham was El. Abe believed in many Gods .. his father Terah a maker of Idols-- but decided to worship only one . The one he chose - or chose him .. was the Most High God .. Creator God - and that God was EL .. The God of Jacob El Bet-El EL of the House of EL Bethel .. where the Israelites are were making sacrifices all the way down to Josiahs time --- all the way throughout their History until a few years before the End .. Believing in many Gods .. all the Israelites .. until this time .. and the Cheif God of the Divine Pantheon was EL ..

Regardless - That "EL" was the God of Abraham is not contested by modern scholarship in serious academic or theological circles. Go Look up Abraham in the Encyclopedia Brittanica .. and then tell me who Melchizedek is :) The Canaanite Priest King of Jerusalem who meets up with Abraham .. tell me what the deal is with that guy .. and why they are worshiping the Same God ?
The history of Abraham may well have started with him in his fathers household worshipping pagan Gods.

But the one true God who later revealed himself to Moses by a name he gave himself (‘YHWH’).

It is true that Abraham could not have known this name BUT the point is that this God who gave his name as ‘YHWH’ IS THE SAME GOD IRRESPECTIVE OF WHAT NAME HE WAS KNOWN BY!!

So, when I said (when scriptures says) that the God of Abraham is ‘YHWH’, this is what I mean… In retrospect.

Understand this in the same way we say, like, ‘John was born …’. Well, when the child was born he WAS NOT JOHN (by name). It was only AT HIS NAMING that he BECAME KNOWN as John. But we refer to him as ‘John’ in retrospect from birth. Check out that we say ultimately, “Abraham” but before that it was ‘Abram’. No one says that ‘Abraham’ is not ‘Abram’!!

So, going by scriptures, even YHWH, himself, says:
  • ‘I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’ (Exodus 3:6, 3:15)
YHWH declares HIMSELF as the deity that Abraham (ultimately) worshipped. YHWH dismisses the past failings of those who were ignorant of their faults.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Keep in mind, that after his resurrection, at Matthew 28:18 Jesus said “All authority has been given me.”

Those are not words of someone usurping God’s position (as God would have already had the authority); simply recognition that all authority was “given” to him.

Have a good day, my cousin.
It is true that Jesus could not have usurped God’s position. God granted Jesus to have all power and authority ‘for only a period of time’ albeit that if was not stated this AT THAT TIME, but we read later that Jesus, after bringing the world back to order, GAVE BACK the power and authority to God.

It can be read in at least two other simili’s in the story of Joseph in Egypt during the famine where the King, Pharoah, granted all power and authority to Joseph (To rule until the famine was brought under control). And, in the book of Esther where Mordeciah was granted all power and authority to make ANY EDICT and sign it with the seal of the king (Xerxes). This amount to the equivalent of ‘All power and authority’.
What is noticed? All three ‘HAND BACK’ the power and authority they were granted after the task they were assigned was accomplished…

And at no time were those granted power and authority EVER usurping the one who granted them power and authority… that person always had overall P&A over the granted one: ‘EXCEPT for my throne, you are [Pharoah / King / God].

Notice, also, that only the TITLE of the sovereign person is used - not their NAME (Pharoah:(possibly) Sesostris III / Persian King: Xerxes / One True God: Yhwh)
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Well-Known Member
Your making things up that have no basis in the Bible. Jesus was not the name of the God of Abraham. Your passage from Isaiah does not help you .. as he did not know Jesus either . .nor the Israelites.
personal oiponion again... lol, lol, lol.
Using New Testement writings such as Hebrews as support a claim that Jesus was the name of the God of Abraham ridiculous nonsense on steroids. and even more ridiculous in that Hebrews does not support your claim.
see above.... because you cannot answer Hebrew 1:10 is respect to Zechariah 12:1 as to who laid the Foundation of the Earth. thought so. until you can answer, your comments are nothing but personal opinions. (smile).... :D ...lol, lol, lol. oh dear.



Well-Known Member
It is clear that if the writer of Hebrews 1:10 is QUOTING the verse from Psalms 102 then the object of glorification is ‘YHWH’ (‘LORD’). The writer fears the repercussions from the Jews concerning not speaking the name of God, and therefore uses the definite reference of ‘[the] Lord’.
LOL, LOL, LOL, Hold on until I STOP laughing. stop being silly. LISTEN and LEARN, Isaiah 48:12 "Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last." Isaiah 48:13 "Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together."

the First who is also the Last? yes the same one PERSON. was not the First ... "WITH" .... the Last? let's see, Isaiah 41:4 "Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he." the First is ... "WITH" .... the Last but yest is the First and the Last..... (smile)..... How IGNORANT can one be not to understand. now who is the First and the Last.... drum roll please...

1. Revelation 1:11 "Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea." THIS IS JESUS. see the "AND" , now this
Isaiah 44:6 "Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God."

2. Revelation 1:17 "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:" Revelation 1:18 "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." THIS IS JUST 2 EASY NOT TO UNDERSTAND.

3. Revelation 2:8 "And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;"

my God .... must we go on? common sense has to kick in sometime, somewhere.

YHWH in the OT is the LORD who is the ONE TRUE GOD is JESUS, the FIRST and the LAST. and in the NT the Lord who is the ONE TRUE GOD who is JESUS, is the FIRST and the LAST.

THIS IS THE ECHAD IN PLAIN VIEW. and yet men are still blind. even Ray Charles can see this.



Well-Known Member
can you answer? once again, and 101G can careless about titles. is the Person who Laid the Foundation of the EARTH according to Hebrew 1:10 is the same one person of Zechariah 12:1. a simple yes or no will do. not explanation is needed. only a yes or no.



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Keep in mind, that after his resurrection, at Matthew 28:18 Jesus said “All authority has been given me.”

Those are not words of someone usurping God’s position (as God would have already had the authority); simply recognition that all authority was “given” to him.

Have a good day, my cousin.

Agreed. Thank you,