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I and the father are one.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
and? Listen up, authority here is G1849 ἐξουσία exousia (e-xou-siy'-a) and there is G1411, dunamis... do you know the difference? nwhen you do get back with me ok.

Why have you chosen to dispute the word, ‘Authority’, when the point in question was ‘Power’?


Well-Known Member
well when you get up off the floor, learn the different in "POWER" .... English. GREEK, G1411, dunamis, ABILITY, MIGHT. G1849, exousia, right or privilege, or the Freedom to ACT.



Don't see no Power in unintelligible diction my friend .. nor strawman fallacy - nor Ad Hom for that matter .. good grief you managed to pack in a whole lot of bad argument into one rather short sentence .. kudo's for that much I suppose.

What does any of this have to do with your inability to tell me who "The Father" in the Story is ? Looking for a Name .. YHWH - Baal - Enlil - Anu - Allah - Ahura Mazda .. .or None of the aforementioned.

How can your God have any Power if you don't know which God you Worship ..?


Well-Known Member
Why have you chosen to dispute the word, ‘Authority’, when the point in question was ‘Power’?
Power in the Greek has two meaning compared to our English one word for Power. get a dictionary and Look it up ... PLEASE
I personally use the Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.



Well-Known Member
Don't see no Power in unintelligible diction my friend .. nor strawman fallacy - nor Ad Hom for that matter .. good grief you managed to pack in a whole lot of bad argument into one rather short sentence .. kudo's for that much I suppose.

What does any of this have to do with your inability to tell me who "The Father" in the Story is ? Looking for a Name .. YHWH - Baal - Enlil - Anu - Allah - Ahura Mazda .. .or None of the aforementioned.

How can your God have any Power if you don't know which God you Worship ..?
the problem is not with 101G in who to worship, it's you who is in IGNORANCE when it come as to who to worship. understand 101G worship the Lord "JESUS/YESHUA"....... ONLY. the Only TRUE and LIVING ... God......... :cool:



Well-Known Member
the problem is not with 101G in who to worship, it's you who is in IGNORANCE when it come as to who to worship. understand 101G worship the Lord "JESUS/YESHUA"....... ONLY. the Only TRUE and LIVING ... God......... :cool:


What is this talk of "IGNORANCE" friend --- Jesus is not the name of the God of Abraham .. When Jesus tells you to pray "Our Father - who art in heaven" he is not referring to himself.

You are regurgitating man made dogma - spouting deception that is not from the Bible .. and perhaps engaging in a bit of self deception as it is ridiculous to claim that Jesus was the name of the God of the Israelites.

Abraham does not call his God "Jesus" .. nor do the Israelites. So your "Only True and Living God" - is not the Christian God --obviously not the Jewish God .. nor the God of the Israelites nor Abraham.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Power in the Greek has two meaning compared to our English one word for Power. get a dictionary and Look it up ... PLEASE
I personally use the Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.

Once again you cannot answer legally to what is asked of you but you demand answers from others?

‘Power AND Authority’:
‘Power’ is force that acts on an entity
‘Authority’ is the right to employ that force on an entity.

Jesus Christ was endowed with the FORCE (the Spirit of God’ but he did not, as an immediacy, have the authority to use it. Therefore, before he did any miracle, he ‘prayed the Father’…
  • ‘Thank you Father, I know that you always hear me when I pray!’
And it is got this reason that Jesus was first tempted in the wilderness; whether he would misuse the power of God to save himself:
  • From starving from hunger
  • From killing himself falling from the top of the temple
At the near last, Jesus Christ was GRANTED ALL POWER … along with ALL AUTHORITY to act in that power to bring the world under his control.

Power … AND … Authority. Two linked but different things.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I believe that does not change the oneness of God.
No, Jesus being a man does not change the oneness of God. God is the only true deity that must be worshipped - that’s the message Jesus Christ came to tell mankind:
  • ‘Worship the Father in spirit and in truth’
The Father is the only true deity: the one God if the Israelites.

So, no, Jesus Christ remains man albeit a glorified man, sinless and holy, righteous in all his ways; the Glory of the Father:
  • ‘This is my Son in whom I am well pleased!’
  • ‘You (Jesus Christ) are my Son; This day I have become your Father’ - the spiritual adoption of Jesus Christ as Son of God!


Well-Known Member
I believe that does not change the oneness of God.

That man is God .. does not change the oneness of God !? True I suppose but kind of a silly statement .. reducing Jesus to just a man... .. one with God in the same/similar way to all men .. just perhaps with a little better connection ... better unity of the Spirit.

but, I doubt this is what you were wanting to say .. even though this was what you have inferred.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
That man is God .. does not change the oneness of God !? True I suppose but kind of a silly statement .. reducing Jesus to just a man... .. one with God in the same/similar way to all men .. just perhaps with a little better connection ... better unity of the Spirit.

but, I doubt this is what you were wanting to say .. even though this was what you have inferred.
No! Muffled truly believes that the man, Jesus, is almighty God: Yahweh; the Father.

I put it like that since the whole of the scriptures tells us that God is the Father, and that the name of God, the name of the Father, is YAHWEH.

Muffled only keeps repeating the same tired rhetoric since he has no evidence to support his irreverent ideology.

He has no fear of the true and immortal God in the same way as people going into court swear to tell the truth in God’s name but lie and perjure themselves. They don’t believe in the God of the scriptures and so misrepresenting the authority and power of His name means nothing to them.


Well-Known Member
Jesus is not the name of the God of Abraham
why not, who told you that?
When Jesus tells you to pray "Our Father - who art in heaven" he is not referring to himself.
are you sure? John 3:13 "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."

while talking to the Pharisees, named Nicodemus ... on earth, in Flesh and blood as a man, he was in Heaven, (Spirit without flesh and blood), at the same time)... Oh how IGNORANT of those who do not understand the ECHAD of God.
You are regurgitating man made dogma - spouting deception that is not from the Bible .. and perhaps engaging in a bit of self deception as it is ridiculous to claim that Jesus was the name of the God of the Israelites.
you say, but answer me this ... is the Person in John 1:3 the same one "PERSON" who made all in Isaiah 44:24, yes or No? your answer please.
take your time in answering and don't gurgitate to long and hard on the answer, it's just a yes or no....:D YIKES!



Well-Known Member
No! Muffled truly believes that the man, Jesus, is almighty God: Yahweh; the Father.

I put it like that since the whole of the scriptures tells us that God is the Father, and that the name of God, the name of the Father, is YAHWEH.

Muffled only keeps repeating the same tired rhetoric since he has no evidence to support his irreverent ideology.

He has no fear of the true and immortal God in the same way as people going into court swear to tell the truth in God’s name but lie and perjure themselves. They don’t believe in the God of the scriptures and so misrepresenting the authority and power of His name means nothing to them.

Right .. I am well aware of Trinity Doctrine aka Man made dogma -- does not come from the Bible .. least not any part of it worth reading :)
and regardless of what the desperate wish to say --- One in Spirit as would a man be - is a perfectly rational interpretation .. not knowing anything else .. cept we do .. the hundreds of times where Jesus refers to "The FAther" as someone other than himself .. including his last words on the X ---- MY GOD MY GOD .. this is the God of Jesus we are talking about .. Jesus calling out to this God .. and at the same time Calling out this God "Why Have You Forsaken Me" .. and so what Jesus is somehow Jerking himself off .. In a moment of masochistic bliss .. God forgets who he is and starts forsaking himself ? Come On .. how stupid is this.

but let us not run out and claim YHWH .. is The Father. Jesus is referring to . YHWH is not the God of Abraham .. Perhaps this is the God of Jesus .. nor is YHWH really the God of the Jews after the temple - "Where his name resides" is destroyed. The Jews adopted Ahura Mazda as their God .. or some rendition .. .. That day when God goes from anthropomorphic .. to NOT - anthropomorphic.

Overall Point here being that Christians do not know who their God is


Well-Known Member
why not, who told you that?


Jesus was not the name of the God of Abraham

and you say "Why Not" ??

Well -- there are many reasons .. first might be - if we are renaming the God of Abraham .. why not use the name Shiva ? at least associated with one of the more powerfull Gods. .. but, why is it that we are wishing to rename the God of Abraham Again ? .

Another reason might be that the Bible gives the God of Abraham a different name -- and so is kind of blasphamy to call this God by a different name .. such as BAAL ... or Marduk .. or ****head .. or HeyZeus .. the latter being one of my favorites. .. Putting Jesus to a higher realm if you get my drift .. elevation of the Son of Man .. to a higher spot in the Pantheon - of which you are clearly blissfully unaware .. or just faking it :)


Well-Known Member
if we are renaming the God of Abraham
not 101G, listen and Learn. Isaiah 52:6 "Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I."

so, from Isaiah backward no one KNEW "God" PERSONAL NAME. but his, his, his, people will KNOW his name.... for "SHALL" is future tense designation. so the million-dollar question, "WHEN in the future from Isaiah 52:6 will his people know his name?" answer, when God himself speak in that ... "DAY", saying, ""behold it is I"

let's hear God that day. John 8:23 "And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world." John 8:24 "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins."

"I AM HE?". yes just as Isaiah 52:6 states, " "Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he"

JESUS is God name. and if you don't believe that... then you will "DIE IN YOUR SINS". for only the NAME JESUS save you from your .... "Sins".

this is just 2 easy. the NAME JESUS ... "SAVE" us from our sins. else one will ... "DIE" .... in your sins...... (smile) :p YIKES!

ye have been told and shown the scriptures.

so see ya...... Maybe..... (smile)



Well-Known Member
not 101G, listen and Learn. Isaiah 52:6 "Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I."

so, from Isaiah backward no one KNEW "God" PERSONAL NAME. but his, his, his, people will KNOW his name.... for "SHALL" is future tense designation. so the million-dollar question, "WHEN in the future from Isaiah 52:6 will his people know his name?" answer, when God himself speak in that ... "DAY", saying, ""behold it is I"

let's hear God that day. John 8:23 "And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world." John 8:24 "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins."

"I AM HE?". yes just as Isaiah 52:6 states, " "Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he"

JESUS is God name. and if you don't believe that... then you will "DIE IN YOUR SINS". for only the NAME JESUS save you from your .... "Sins".

this is just 2 easy. the NAME JESUS ... "SAVE" us from our sins. else one will ... "DIE" .... in your sins...... (smile) :p YIKES!

ye have been told and shown the scriptures.

so see ya...... Maybe..... (smile)


Sorry 101 G --- while Jesus may well be the name of a God .. it was not the name of the God of Abraham .. not the name of the God of the Israelites .. and certainy not the God of the Jews. "SO IT is written - SO IT shall be done" :)

The Name of the God of Abraham is given as El Shaddai .. and also just El "The Most High" The Personal God name "EL" is given something like 5 or 6 times. One of those times is with Melchizedek PriestKing of the Most High from Jerusalem .. when Salem was Canaanite ..

Bethel Bet -El House of El lease according to the Encyclopedia Britannica :) --- standard stuff .. not debated in Serious circles .. but even there -- no one is claiming the name of the God of Abraham was Jesus .... Har Har.. but !! there is a Tradition that Melchizedek was an incarnation of Jesus .. but in any case Jesus is said to be a Priest of the Order of Melchizedek

but lest we digress further ... Point being ... Jesus is NOT --- the name of the God of Abraham Enlil is the God of Abraham .. or one of them .. as all at the time believed in many Gods .. Abe just chose to worship One .. and only one .. the most HIgh one .. "EL" Enlil - Ellil The Father - Creator - God on High .. Supreme one .. dwells in the mountain .. and various other epiphets later fused onto one of his Son's ....

Thats the name you are looking for mate .. was not just the high god to Abe though .. Was the high God to near everyone in mesopotamia .. and had been that way for 2000 years.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry 101 G --- while Jesus may well be the name of a God .. it was not the name of the God of Abraham
don't be sorry, be glad that you now hear the name of Abraham God... Let 101G school you. scripture, the LORD God and Moses was talking, Exodus 6:3 "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them." God said Abraham did not KNOW him by the name JEHOVAH, correct. now this, Genesis 22:14 "And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen."

Hold on a second, did not God said that Abraham did not know him by the JEHOVAH? so why is Jehovah in Abraham mouth? because the translators put the false name there.

now Sargonski, tell us how the name Jehovah got in Abraham mouth?

any time someone add to the word of God the LIE get Exposed. now you have the floor. your answer please.



Well-Known Member
don't be sorry, be glad that you now hear the name of Abraham God... Let 101G school you. scripture, the LORD God and Moses was talking, Exodus 6:3 "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them." God said Abraham did not KNOW him by the name JEHOVAH, correct. now this, Genesis 22:14 "And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen."

Hold on a second, did not God said that Abraham did not know him by the JEHOVAH? so why is Jehovah in Abraham mouth? because the translators put the false name there.

now Sargonski, tell us how the name Jehovah got in Abraham mouth?

any time someone add to the word of God the LIE get Exposed. now you have the floor. your answer please.


Yes my friend .. tis you who is adding to the Word of God by claiming the name of the God of Abraham was Jesus.

You are correct that the name of the God of Abraham was not YHWH .. as YHWH was not the God of Abraham

The Bible tells us the name of the God of Abraham was "EL" Chief God of the Sumerian Pantheon .. "The Father" - "Creator" - "Most High"

JacEob also knows this God El of Bethel Bet-El House of El .. El is the Most High God of the Israelites .. Israel gets its name from El IsraEL -

This is not some Secret 101G --- just go look up Abraham in the Encyclopedia Brittanica .. and it will tell you who the God of Abraham was El.

Seems you know little about the Bible Friend .. and little about the God you claim to worship.


Well-Known Member
This is not some Secret 101G --- just go look up Abraham in the Encyclopedia Brittanica .. and it will tell you who the God of Abraham was El.
you believe some man? why not believe God? again, Isaiah 52:6 "Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I." and that "DAY" has come and gone....... see, ONLY ... "his" people KNOW HIM by Name..... (smile).
