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*[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview


Well-Known Member
Well, everything has not been rendered "non-mystical." And there is good reason to believe it never will be. But if you disagree, then you are simply displaying your faith in materialism.
No, I'm displaying my "lack of faith" in mysticism because I haven't found any reason to have any "faith" in it. But if you can show me any "mysticism" I can engage in and which is beneficial for my well-being and day-to-day existence I'll happily consider it.


How would you as an atheist substantiate your claim there is no God

By the amount of mythology used to create your god.

Your god is a compilation of two Canaanite gods El and Yahweh. Later that definition was changed to add a "son of god" which the people who wrote the NT were worshipping the Emperor as son of god a year before.

Then islam changed the definition of god yet again after plagiarizing previous traditions the same as all religions had done.

Israelites redefined their god based on Canaanite mythology.

Christians redefined their god based on Judaism and the martyrdom of a Galilean

islam redefined their god based on all previous traditions.

There is nothing to observe and nothing to report on so your personal god does not exist outside mythology and faith. No gods exist scientifically.

Faith in a god largely depends on the geographic location you were born, not based on reason and logic. Most are indoctrinated by parents and no choice offered.


Well-Known Member
How would you as an atheist substantiate your claim there is no God
Atheists don't claim there is no God, they don't believe in GODS. Plural. You don't believe in gods either, except one. How do you substantiate that all the gods you don't believe in don't exist?


ATHEISTS don't claim gods don't exist. STRONG ATHEISTS do.

That's a vague interpretation of Anthony Flews description.

By your own definition that makes you a strong atheist, because you do not believe the god of other religions exist.

They are still atheist and a sub category is not required.
More like he allows a lying spirit to deceive those who want to be deceived and in doing so achieves a greater purpose. A world in which freewill is possible is one in which injustice and judgment for sins will occur
Yes. Like Jesus, who has usurped Yahweh's power, as the non-believers follow that golden calf.

Throughout the Old Testament, when Yahweh's most staunch believers have called to him, he came.

Jesus himself recognized this when, shortly before his death, he cried out to God "Why have you forsaken me?"

As an impartial observer, the Orthodox Jews have it correct and the New Testament believers have let themselves be led astray. It is the ultimate test, and quite clever. You have two conflicting chapters in the same book... and those who truly believe Yahweh is the one true God haven't been fooled.
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Spontaneous acts are inherently mysterious. If perchance, you discovered a mechanistic explanation for what appears to be a truly random event, then it would no longer qualify as a truly random event.
We may not have free will and be completely governed by physics that is 100% predictable. We simply aren't at a stage of brain development to consider the vast number of variables.

It doesn't mean you have to wear religious headgear.
Islam is a dying religion and the numbers hide an immense erosion of the religion that has occurred over the last 30 years. Previously Muslims only converted as a result of conquest but now we are starting to see missionary movements inside the Muslim world bringing converts. Muslims have estimated that as many as 6 million Muslims convert each year in Africa alone. You are correct that the Bible and the Quran cannot both be true. There is only one witness to the Divine authority of the Quran - Mohammed. Its testimony contradicts all previous revelations, contains falsehoods and corrupted versions of biblical stories. But that is a whole other thread!
Once brainwashed to ignore reality, and to rely on an imaginary friend, it's really just a matter of which imaginary friend you like better.

Conversion, means nothing.
Because they acted like godless evil fools might be one good reason. They were unwilling tools not true servants
Like those who ignore the Old Testament as God's final word.

Notice how God himself never comes down at all in the New Testament like he did in the old?

Apparently he interfered enough for a virgin birth, so it's a bit of a stretch that this jealous, powerful god would give away his worshippers to some guy. It's like demanding everyone follow Moses, rather than the 10 Commandments.
you have a strange and self centred version of what right might be. Mohammed also insisted on such a tyranny of consciousness. The Christian witness is that of a community of witnesses to truth. A degree of pluralism is acceptable where God is involved as no imperfect mind can fully articulate who he is.
Again. Orthodox Jews render your sugar coating, to sugar coating.

You have one view, and are rearranging reality to suit your view.
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Admire them for killing Christians why?
Admire them for acts of evil why?

God allowed them their power and authority for a season. The church in both their countries is stronger for the test. But both countries are deeply wounded. If there had been a better way to achieve his purposes while respecting human freedom God would have found it
So God has intervened in the world after the death of Jesus?


Well-Known Member
By your own definition that makes you a strong atheist, because you do not believe the god of other religions exist.
I am a (weak) atheist. I don't believe in the existence of any gods, but given that the universe is enormous and there may be an infinite amount of universes I wouldn't go as far as to say I believe gods don't exist because the universes could have evolved countless "gods" and be crawling with them. ;)


See in the dark
By the amount of mythology used to create your god.

Your god is a compilation of two Canaanite gods El and Yahweh. Later that definition was changed to add a "son of god" which the people who wrote the NT were worshipping the Emperor as son of god a year before.

Then islam changed the definition of god yet again after plagiarizing previous traditions the same as all religions had done.

Israelites redefined their god based on Canaanite mythology.

Christians redefined their god based on Judaism and the martyrdom of a Galilean

islam redefined their god based on all previous traditions.

There is nothing to observe and nothing to report on so your personal god does not exist outside mythology and faith.

Ok so first set of arguments boils down to comparative religious readings. At the end of the day your arguments are contradicted by experts who would contend you have misread the key information and misunderstood the connections and also that your theory is ultimately based on your own reasoned but subjective opinion.

So nothing that qualifies as objective proof so far.

No gods exist scientifically.

No no proofs can be offered for or against the existence of gods or God by the scientific method and especially if ones prior naturalistic assumptions have ruled out that possibility.

So again no proof is offered here.

Faith in a god largely depends on the geographic location you were born, not based on reason and logic. Most are indoctrinated by parents and no choice offered.

Yet I know Christians from Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan and I know Muslims from Germany and Britain. So pardon my French but........,


See in the dark
Atheists don't claim there is no God, they don't believe in GODS. Plural. You don't believe in gods either, except one. How do you substantiate that all the gods you don't believe in don't exist?

Well I have an infallible, infinite, eternal and perfect reference point that actually grants me the authority to speak about an objective reality that no one finite, imperfect and mortal man could ever hope to articulate. God Himself is my authority and you can check whether or not I represent Him by reading the scriptures for yourself and you can know whether I speak the truth by whether you share in His Spirit. Many of the Eastern gods are quite simply just not in His league and they have no historical credibility.

The real contest is between Jews, Hindus, Muslims and Christians who understand the essential oneness of a supreme Deity above all others. Then there are various tests one could apply.

Judaism is not credible cause Jesus met the prophetic requirements of their Messiah and yet they rejected Him.

The Hindus are not credible cause their own version of Jesus was a late arrival and not as satisfying and because they believe in too many gods that are clearly non Historical and disappointing. Also because at the deepest level of contemplation they have still not settled the issue of whether God is One or many.

The Muslims are not credible because they have only one witness to the inspiration of the Quran who was an imperfect, culture bound Arab who made no real prophecies and fulfilled none and who performed no real miracles and who died. His words contradict those of the scriptures he affirmed or borrow from them and change their meaning. There are errors in the Quran.

Only the Christian God survives the tests and has demonstrated himself miraculously and materially in history and continues to do so through his church.


At the end of the day your arguments are contradicted by experts who would contend you have misread the key information and misunderstood the connections and also that your theory is ultimately based on your own reasoned but subjective opinion.

They are not contradicted. It is known knowledge. Not one word I stated was misunderstood or contradicted. AND IT factually has nothing to do with my personal opinion.

Its why you have no credible links or sources backing up anything you state. Because your just wrong

No no proofs can be offered


You have no proofs or evidence. I don't have to prove anything even though I can. The burden of proof is on you to substantiate your claims

Your god is a compilation of two Canaanite gods El and Yahweh. Later that definition was changed to add a "son of god" which the people who wrote the NT were worshipping the Emperor as son of god a year before.

Then islam changed the definition of god yet again after plagiarizing previous traditions the same as all religions had done.

Israelites redefined their god based on Canaanite mythology.

Christians redefined their god based on Judaism and the martyrdom of a Galilean

islam redefined their god based on all previous traditions.

There is nothing to observe and nothing to report on so your personal god does not exist outside mythology and faith.

None of this is up for debate


Iron Age Yahwism

The religion of the Israelites of Iron Age I, like the Canaanite faith from which it evolved and other ancient Near Eastern religions, was based on a cult of ancestors and worship of family gods (the "gods of the fathers").[71][72] With the emergence of the monarchy at the beginning of Iron Age II the kings promoted their family god, Yahweh, as the god of the kingdom, but beyond the royal court, religion continued to be both polytheistic and family-centered.[73] The major deities were not numerous – El, Asherah, and Yahweh, with Baal as a fourth god, and perhaps Shamash (the sun) in the early period.[74] At an early stage El and Yahweh became fused and Asherah did not continue as a separate state cult,[74] although she continued to be popular at a community level until Persian times.[75]