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*[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview


See in the dark
You factually do not have any authority or credibility to denounce any one elses religion.

Start providing sources to back up all these claims we can throw away under the title of apologetic rhetoric

Isaiah 52-52 was fulfilled in the life of Christ. That he would be born of a virgin was prophesied in Isaiah, that he would be called Emmanuel ( God with us ) can also be found there.

How is it then that so many Jews did not recognise their messiah when he came. Within a generation they would pay the price for their failure , as he prophesied, Jerusalem fell and they were scattered across the nations for 2000 years until the modern age. The history of the Jews and the texts they misinterpreted are proof enough of the credibility of those who as Jews purport to speak for Or of God when they rejected the Son He sent them.


The history of the Jews and the texts they misinterpreted are proof enough of the credibility of those who as Jews purport to speak for Or of God when they rejected the Son He sent them.

Apologetic rhetoric with no real meaning outside your own religious faith.


See in the dark
Substantiate your BASELESS claims

Easy - scripture contradicts them and provides reasons why other religions might have written stuff down or built temples with inscriptions earlier than the Hebrew peoples.

I can speak with authority because I possess the education on these topics you seem to know nothing at all about.

The bible itself is my authority while you quote academics who do not accept its authority. All you have offered thus far is speculation and conjecture. Where is the proof that the Hebrew God and stories are a copy of earlier religious traditions rather than the truth passed down by oral tradition and then written up in an inspired way by Moses and later rivals. For example the Hebrews were told to build altars only with uncut stones. What evidence trail would these leave for you to investigate? Why do you think Abraham was brought out of Babylon even before the Hammurabi code was written up. The place was already turning bad

You are in no position to take on the current state of academia because you refuse knowledge, not possessing any credible education on these topics.

I have not stated my level of education here but given the state of modern theology departments across the world this would not be a source of credibility. Theology courses that turn out atheists are oxymoronic and absurd!


Well-Known Member
Since you have no King you speak on your own authority Which extends only over the unique bubble of your own existence. Don't you think that it is absurd that one who stands in the presence of the Living God should take you seriously!
Careful or you'll ascend to Heaven yourself. And when you do, I bet you'll have a thing or two to teach God and maybe take over the whole franchise yourself! ;)


See in the dark
How can you be sure that yours too is a false god? The Bible was written by men, afterall.

The bible is a living witness because it was formed in the context of a church that is alive and has not stopped growing since the events the scriptures describe. Moreover the Spirit of God that inspired those texts and who dwells in His church is with us still. All Christians can say they know God and it is the subjective intimacy of that relationship that links us to the objective certainty of the object of our faith.

Besides the other religions do not pass muster on close examination.


See in the dark
Careful or you'll ascend to Heaven yourself. And when you do, I bet you'll have a thing or two to teach God and maybe take over the whole franchise yourself! ;)

Jesus Christ is my King and my teacher I need no other and if i have elevated myself in anyway at his expense then I repent of that.


Jesus Christ is my King and my teacher I need no other and if i have elevated myself in anyway at his expense then I repent of that.

He has been dead for over 2000 years and stopped teaching just before his death.

Your personal faith means nothing here in this debate, it carries NO credibility at all.


See in the dark
Factually he has no historicity as ever existing outside mythology.

The exodus is also not a historical event and is called mythology by al credible standards.

It amazes me you can speak with such confidence about the non existence of God and of Moses. It seems absurd but it does amaze me. But another time..


It amazes me you can speak with such confidence about the non existence of God and of Moses. It seems absurd but it does amaze me. But another time..

If you had an credible academic education on the topic, you would be able to debate it better. What amazes you means nothing here. What you think is absurd means nothing to anyone.


The Exodus (from Greek ἔξοδος exodos, "going out") is the founding, or etiological, myth of Israel;


The overwhelming modern scholarly consensus is, according to William Dever, that Moses is a figure of myth, not of history


See in the dark
If you had an credible academic education on the topic, you would be able to debate it better. What amazes you means nothing here. What you think is absurd means nothing to anyone.


The Exodus (from Greek ἔξοδος exodos, "going out") is the founding, or etiological, myth of Israel;


The overwhelming modern scholarly consensus is, according to William Dever, that Moses is a figure of myth, not of history

He said to him, "If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead." Luke 16:31

