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*[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview


See in the dark
That's a vague interpretation of Anthony Flews description.

By your own definition that makes you a strong atheist, because you do not believe the god of other religions exist.

They are still atheist and a sub category is not required.

Divisions in the atheist camp, too much diversity! A divided kingdom cannot stand


See in the dark
Once brainwashed to ignore reality, and to rely on an imaginary friend, it's really just a matter of which imaginary friend you like better.

Conversion, means nothing.

Actually having a friend in Christ is the difference between having some perspective on ultimate reality and knowing nothing but dark dreams and shadows


See in the dark
Like those who ignore the Old Testament as God's final word.

Notice how God himself never comes down at all in the New Testament like he did in the old?

Apparently he interfered enough for a virgin birth, so it's a bit of a stretch that this jealous, powerful god would give away his worshippers to some guy. It's like demanding everyone follow Moses, rather than the 10 Commandments.

What men glimpsed in the Old Testament and what prophets and kings longed to know is fully revealed in Christ. A full knowledge of the Old Testament is essential to understanding the Messiah it prophesied and the God who is demonstrated in humsn history by Christ


What men glimpsed in the Old Testament and what prophets and kings longed to know is fully revealed in Christ

Much of this text is mythology and it is theology not just history. More is pseudohistory then history.

A full knowledge of the Old Testament is essential to understanding the Messiah it prophesied and the God who is demonstrated in humsn history by Christ

What do you actually understand of the OT?

Have you studied under a scholar or anthropologist or historian? or just making things up to meet your personal needs?


See in the dark
They are not contradicted. It is known knowledge. Not one word I stated was misunderstood or contradicted. AND IT factually has nothing to do with my personal opinion.

Its why you have no credible links or sources backing up anything you state. Because your just wrong


You have no proofs or evidence. I don't have to prove anything even though I can. The burden of proof is on you to substantiate your claims

Your god is a compilation of two Canaanite gods El and Yahweh. Later that definition was changed to add a "son of god" which the people who wrote the NT were worshipping the Emperor as son of god a year before.

Then islam changed the definition of god yet again after plagiarizing previous traditions the same as all religions had done.

Israelites redefined their god based on Canaanite mythology.

Christians redefined their god based on Judaism and the martyrdom of a Galilean

islam redefined their god based on all previous traditions.

There is nothing to observe and nothing to report on so your personal god does not exist outside mythology and faith.

None of this is up for debate


Iron Age Yahwism

The religion of the Israelites of Iron Age I, like the Canaanite faith from which it evolved and other ancient Near Eastern religions, was based on a cult of ancestors and worship of family gods (the "gods of the fathers").[71][72] With the emergence of the monarchy at the beginning of Iron Age II the kings promoted their family god, Yahweh, as the god of the kingdom, but beyond the royal court, religion continued to be both polytheistic and family-centered.[73] The major deities were not numerous – El, Asherah, and Yahweh, with Baal as a fourth god, and perhaps Shamash (the sun) in the early period.[74] At an early stage El and Yahweh became fused and Asherah did not continue as a separate state cult,[74] although she continued to be popular at a community level until Persian times.[75]

Of course this is up for debate - its a pack of lies and there is nothing objective about the latest scholarly opinions in comparative religious studies - they change all the time. But how is all this relevant to the absurdity of atheism. Don't you think it is slightly absurd that you can speak with any authority or objectivity when you have disallowed the only viable reference point for sanity and reality. You are not a witness to the events these scholars describe on such flimsy evidence and hearsay that would not even go to trial in the modern courts system. The best an honest man can say in the field of comparative religious studies is I do not know!


See in the dark
I don't need proof, my statement is one of fact.

Factually no gods exist scientifically

Then you must also admit that science cannot disprove the existence of all gods as being a FACT. So since the scientific method cannot prove or disprove the existence of gods its usefulness is questionable in this discussion


Of course this is up for debate - its a pack of lies

Substantiate your BASELESS claims

Don't you think it is slightly absurd that you can speak with any authority or objectivity when you have disallowed the only viable reference point for sanity and reality.

I can speak with authority because I possess the education on these topics you seem to know nothing at all about.

You are not a witness to the events these scholars describe on such flimsy evidence and hearsay that would not even go to trial in the modern courts system

You are in no position to take on the current state of academia because you refuse knowledge, not possessing any credible education on these topics.


See in the dark
We don't claim to be part of a mythical kingdom

There is no camp

Since you have no King you speak on your own authority Which extends only over the unique bubble of your own existence. Don't you think that it is absurd that one who stands in the presence of the Living God should take you seriously!


So since the scientific method cannot prove or disprove the existence of gods its usefulness is questionable in this discussion

No you misunderstand again.

Factually no gods exist scientifically because there is nothing to observe or report on.


Don't you think that it is absurd that one who stands in the presence of the Living God should take you seriously!

We call that unsubstantiated mythology.

What living god ? I'm sorry there is no evidence for this. It could be your imagination as far as we our concerned.

It is just your faith and faith alone, and faith is not something we take seriously. Faith is a belief where there is nothing there at all to substantiate those claims, a complete lack of credible evidence.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Atheists don't claim there is no God, they don't believe in GODS. Plural. You don't believe in gods either, except one. How do you substantiate that all the gods you don't believe in don't exist?
The definition of atheism does not depend upon the word "god" being in singular or plural form.
ATHEISTS don't claim gods don't exist. STRONG ATHEISTS do.
First, you just stated that atheists do claim god exists, and, second, atheism is lack of belief in a god concept. In it's most basic approach, to address the question of does a god concept exist, theists answer with yes, atheists answer with no, and agnostics answer with I don't know. No matter how much you want to think it, not everyone is an atheists. Believe in Osiris but not in Kukulcan does not make one an atheist due their disbelief in the Mayan mythology, but a theist because of their belief in the Egyptian mythology. Panthology is not a requisite for theism.


You have no refuted this in any way.

You have no proofs or evidence. I don't have to prove anything even though I can. The burden of proof is on you to substantiate your claims

Your god is a compilation of two Canaanite gods El and Yahweh. Later that definition was changed to add a "son of god" which the people who wrote the NT were worshipping the Emperor as son of god a year before.

Then islam changed the definition of god yet again after plagiarizing previous traditions the same as all religions had done.

Israelites redefined their god based on Canaanite mythology.

Christians redefined their god based on Judaism and the martyrdom of a Galilean

islam redefined their god based on all previous traditions.

There is nothing to observe and nothing to report on so your personal god does not exist outside mythology and faith.

None of this is up for debate


Iron Age Yahwism

The religion of the Israelites of Iron Age I, like the Canaanite faith from which it evolved and other ancient Near Eastern religions, was based on a cult of ancestors and worship of family gods (the "gods of the fathers").[71][72] With the emergence of the monarchy at the beginning of Iron Age II the kings promoted their family god, Yahweh, as the god of the kingdom, but beyond the royal court, religion continued to be both polytheistic and family-centered.[73] The major deities were not numerous – El, Asherah, and Yahweh, with Baal as a fourth god, and perhaps Shamash (the sun) in the early period.[74] At an early stage El and Yahweh became fused and Asherah did not continue as a separate state cult,[74] although she continued to be popular at a community level until Persian times.[75]