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I Can Not Respect A God who Allows Children to Suffer


Well-Known Member
I think one of the biggest problems of people who believe in god and religion is inconsistencies, expressed such as god controls everything, it's all in god hands, guides you and me and what not. But when ask the question of "I Can Not Respect A God who Allows Children to Suffer" then divine manipulation and free will becomes contradictory. They never seem to rationally address this philosophical paradox.

Friend , you are perhaps not aware that our children are OUR responsibility as is everything else we do on this earth. God has given man 6 biblical days (or 6000 years) Ex.20v9 in which to do as WE think right and fit. Why do you then want God to interfere in human affairs when things go wrong ?
When A & E chose to disobey God in Eden they more or less said they wanted to do things THEIR way and God has allowed man this period of time we are still in. But when that time is up (very soon now) God will take over and we will see improved conditions all round Ex.20v10, Rev.19, when Christ returns. :)


New Member
Friend , you are perhaps not aware that our children are OUR responsibility as is everything else we do on this earth. God has given man 6 biblical days (or 6000 years) Ex.20v9 in which to do as WE think right and fit. Why do you then want God to interfere in human affairs when things go wrong ?
When A & E chose to disobey God in Eden they more or less said they wanted to do things THEIR way and God has allowed man this period of time we are still in. But when that time is up (very soon now) God will take over and we will see improved conditions all round Ex.20v10, Rev.19, when Christ returns. OK here you go, were do I start. The nihilizm, this sickness of destruction you've just foolishly subscribe to. Other than the degenerative psychosis of that, it is intellectually criminal you would accept this theology blindly just on the basis of default impressions of guilt and conscious of this medieval doctrine(bible).It's sick and ontologically misguided and gullible. And you didn't really answer the the inconsistencies of generally why you of faith profess god controls and free will. You've just said why would I want god to.... and a bunch of apocalyptic B.S. I know you don't have a real answer to that because it's parable devoid of rational thought analytical inquiry. logic. 101.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
When my little son is misbehaving the last thing I do is just let him run wild... let alone give him 6 days to do so.

But then my idea of parenting is quite unbiblical.



Well-Known Member
When my little son is misbehaving the last thing I do is just let him run wild... let alone give him 6 days to do so.

But then my idea of parenting is quite unbiblical.

God is dealing with adults - not ignorant innocent little children.
Would you like God to compare you to your little son whom you expect to behave - so why DON'T YOU ? How do you respond to God's instructions to do the right thing ? You gave your own answer to that question and do things YOUR way . God knew full well that is what people would do and he gave man time to grow up. But even at the age of 6000 we have learnt nothing yet and are as disobedient as ever.
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
God is dealing with adults - not ignorant innocent little children.
Really... how can we ever be more than little children to god? If a few days for him is hundreds of generations for us how can we ever "grow up". Adam and Eve were physically mature but more naive and innocent than any child.. yet for their single mistake God punishes everyone who ever lived?
That is poor parenting.

Would you like God to compare you to your little son whom you expect to behave - so why DON'T YOU ?
Yes... for I can never be anything but in comparison to God. I have a handful of mortal decades in comparison to his eternal omnimax existence.

How do you respond to God's instructions to do the right thing ?
I try as hard as I can with the understanding that I will never be perfect... and that God knows that. Much like I know that for my son.

You gave your own answer to that question and do things YOUR way .
Don't put your words in my mouth, thanks. I do things according to my religion as much as I am capable.

God knew full well that is what people would do and he gave man time to grow up.
A few decades unwatched is enough time?

But even at the age of 6000 we have learnt nothing yet and are as disobedient as ever.
That is because we are not 6000.. we are at max 100 odd and by then we aren't doing a whole lot. We are individuals not a gestalt like ants. Children are perpetually running the show...Unless you are proposing reincarnation?



Well-Known Member
Really... how can we ever be more than little children to god? If a few days for him is hundreds of generations for us how can we ever "grow up". Adam and Eve were physically mature but more naive and innocent than any child.. yet for their single mistake God punishes everyone who ever lived?
That is poor parenting.

Yes... for I can never be anything but in comparison to God. I have a handful of mortal decades in comparison to his eternal omnimax existence.

I try as hard as I can with the understanding that I will never be perfect... and that God knows that. Much like I know that for my son.

Don't put your words in my mouth, thanks. I do things according to my religion as much as I am capable.

A few decades unwatched is enough time?

That is because we are not 6000.. we are at max 100 odd and by then we aren't doing a whole lot. We are individuals not a gestalt like ants. Children are perpetually running the show...Unless you are proposing reincarnation?

From your post I gather you somehow make your little boy behave himself and do as he is told ? Would you like God to force you do things HIS way ? Apparently you don't do as he says even with adult understanding - from your own mouth your parenting is unbiblical.
We have Bible-history spanning 6000 years to our knowledge - is that not time enough to get things right at last ? And as you believe God is eternal should we not respect HIS wisdom and experience instead of complaining the way HE does things ?
It's not just A&E who were disobedient - ALL people down through the ages (including you and me) have been or still are disobedient . So correcting a few generations would not have helped us today unless God would force it on us. And that is something he will not do. He wants us to obey him out of love, respect and freewill. That much we can learn from 6000 years of scriptures and is not punishment but a learning-experience for those who want to learn and not from religion but from God. :yes:
Scripture is for our correction but if we don't apply it in our lives it's without effect no matter how much God wants us to heed - it's in our own hands, in our own hearts .
Our freewill carries a lot of personal responsibility.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
From your post I gather you somehow make your little boy behave himself and do as he is told ? Would you like God to force you do things HIS way ?
I try to guide him gently but I understand at his age he doesn't understand the concept of rules.

Apparently you don't do as he says even with adult understanding - from your own mouth your parenting is unbiblical.
I do as God says... but that means I follow the rules of my religion not the Bible... and my parenting is unbiblical as I don't hurt my child or try to make him fear me.

We have Bible-history spanning 6000 years to our knowledge - is that not time enough to get things right at last ?
History and individuals are two different things. None of us is mature enough to be adults in front of an eternal being.

And as you believe God is eternal should we not respect HIS wisdom and experience instead of complaining the way HE does things ?
I don't complain... But I don't blame humanity for earthquakes either.

It's not just A&E who were disobedient - ALL people down through the ages (including you and me) have been or still are disobedient . So correcting a few generations would not have helped us today unless God would force it on us.
Like I said, it is the nature of children to misbehave.

And that is something he will not do. He wants us to obey him out of love, respect and freewill.
Or we roast in the tortures of Hell for eternity? I'm not getting the love and respect part here...

That much we can learn from 6000 years of scriptures and is not punishment but a learning-experience for those who want to learn and not from religion but from God.
So you don't believe in hell then? Or that the problems of the world are due to humanities corruption as the Bible says?

Scripture is for our correction but if we don't apply it in our lives it's without effect no matter how much God wants us to heed - it's in our own hands, in our own hearts .
Our freewill carries a lot of personal responsibility.
What does that have to do with children born with Harlequins syndrome or dying in a tsunami?


sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
OK here you go, were do I start. The nihilizm, this sickness of destruction you've just foolishly subscribe to. Other than the degenerative psychosis of that, it is intellectually criminal you would accept this theology blindly just on the basis of default impressions of guilt and conscious of this medieval doctrine(bible).It's sick and ontologically misguided and gullible. And you didn't really answer the the inconsistencies of generally why you of faith profess god controls and free will. You've just said why would I want god to.... and a bunch of apocalyptic B.S. I know you don't have a real answer to that because it's parable devoid of rational thought analytical inquiry. logic. 101.
Or maybe societies view on the value of children changes over time.:shrug:

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
it's easy to value children more when they are more likely to survive to adulthood... and when you have the option of not having them until you actually want them. :cool:



Well-Known Member
I try to guide him gently but I understand at his age he doesn't understand the concept of rules.

I do as God says... but that means I follow the rules of my religion not the Bible... and my parenting is unbiblical as I don't hurt my child or try to make him fear me.

History and individuals are two different things. None of us is mature enough to be adults in front of an eternal being.

I don't complain... But I don't blame humanity for earthquakes either.

Like I said, it is the nature of children to misbehave.

Or we roast in the tortures of Hell for eternity? I'm not getting the love and respect part here...

So you don't believe in hell then? Or that the problems of the world are due to humanities corruption as the Bible says?

What does that have to do with children born with Harlequins syndrome or dying in a tsunami?

God's 10 commandments are rules - are YOU too immature to understand them ? If you do do you try to keep them ?
How can following religion fulfill the scriptures ? Rev.12v9 says the whole world is deceived - that means people don't know the truth which will set us free.
God does not hurt us. It is our own disobedience and disrespect that cause our problems - not to mention our ignorance.
True , we are not spiritually mature before God but as adults we can read and understand scripture when it instructs us to do something or not to do it ??? Being obedient to God's Word will further our education so we will BECOME perfect 2Tim.3v16,17.
No , earthquakes, tsunamis, serious illnesses are not directly our fault but remember A&E (wanting to do their own thing) were cast out into an unfinished imperfect world they would have learned to control had they been willing to obey God in Gen.2v16,17, Gen.3. Only Eden was perfect as an example and man was to learn from God how to make the whole world safe.
There is no eternal torture in hell as false religion has been teaching.The wicked shall be ASHES under the feet of the Saints Mal.4v3 to mention only one scripture.
Oh yes , our problems are our own because of human physical, moral and spiritual deterioration due to disobedience.:yes:

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
God's 10 commandments are rules - are YOU too immature to understand them ? If you do do you try to keep them ?
They are ten rules for Christians... I'm not a Christian. God gave my religion a slightly different set of rules.
Apparently maturity doesn't include being able to play well with others.

No , earthquakes, tsunamis, serious illnesses are not directly our fault but remember A&E (wanting to do their own thing) were cast out into an unfinished imperfect world they would have learned to control had they been willing to obey God in Gen.2v16,17, Gen.3. Only Eden was perfect as an example and man was to learn from God how to make the whole world safe.
So, God was to lazy to finish his work before he took a break?

There is no eternal torture in hell as false religion has been teaching.The wicked shall be ASHES under the feet of the Saints Mal.4v3 to mention only one scripture.
So most Christians follow a false religion?
This is one thing I find endlessly fascinating about Christians, the more perfect you think your book is the less you agree on what is in it. I suppose that is the problem with having a book for an idol, they are so easily edited.

Oh yes , our problems are our own because of human physical, moral and spiritual deterioration due to disobedience.
So little children are deserving of slow painful deaths... because two people got the munchies?

If you are ok with that fine... I view Creator/God differently.

you have to believe in espinoza's god or einsteinian god ... no god of intervention ... just a god that created the universe ... god is far removed from human daily activities


Well-Known Member
you have to believe in espinoza's god or einsteinian god ... no god of intervention ... just a god that created the universe ... god is far removed from human daily activities
We have to believe in the God of the Bible - that's what we are told , not in some human invention or opinion ....where does it say that ???
God may not have a finger in every human pie at present but he is most certainly involved in the creating / advancing / transforming of HIS children. The wicked keep themselves far removed from him.


There's too much suffering and misery in this world to apply the "God loves us!" argument.

There either is no God, God is completely apathetic to human existence and suffering or God is sadistic.

There is no reason why an omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent being who concerns himself with human welfare would allow for such crap.


Well-Known Member
There's too much suffering and misery in this world to apply the "God loves us!" argument.

There either is no God, God is completely apathetic to human existence and suffering or God is sadistic.

There is no reason why an omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent being who concerns himself with human welfare would allow for such crap.
If you understood what God is doing you may think differently. You are looking at him from your own viewpoint and don't know his plan for mankind. God is the Creator and does things HIS WAY. WE are the fallen sinful creation through and by our own disobedience and you want him to rush to our side picking up the pieces we tear everything into. When we learn to obey him THEN he will help us.
Scripture tells us God allowed mankind 6 days (6000 years) to get our act together but we still refuse to listen to him beeing too stubborn,ignorant and disobedient .


If you understood what God is doing you may think differently. You are looking at him from your own viewpoint and don't know his plan for mankind. God is the Creator and does things HIS WAY. WE are the fallen sinful creation through and by our own disobedience and you want him to rush to our side picking up the pieces we tear everything into. When we learn to obey him THEN he will help us.
Scripture tells us God allowed mankind 6 days (6000 years) to get our act together but we still refuse to listen to him beeing too stubborn,ignorant and disobedient .

Didn't God supposedly design us? It's not our fault for being designed badly.

True - I wouldn't know a supernatural entity's plan for mankind, but why does a "benevolent being" allow for such misery and suffering? All while he allows others to have relatively painfree lives? It's not a plan, it's chaotic and unjust.


Well-Known Member
Didn't God supposedly design us? It's not our fault for being designed badly.

True - I wouldn't know a supernatural entity's plan for mankind, but why does a "benevolent being" allow for such misery and suffering? All while he allows others to have relatively painfree lives? It's not a plan, it's chaotic and unjust.
You are absolutely right ! This world is a horribly unjust place !
But please remember that WE make it so - seeing God has given us 6 days (6000 years) to do our own thing. It was Adam and Eve's rejection of God's command Gen.2v16,17 . Gen.3v6 that caused us to learn the lesson of disobedience. Even human parents have to use some methods of getting their children to behave and learn lessons not to continue in self-will when that will hurt them.
Mankind is still rebellious and rejects God's way of life - hence the suffering under the rule of satan who is at present the god of this world 2Cor.4v4, Eph.2v2.
The 6 days of man are almost up AND THEN GOD WILL STEP IN. :shout
We are not designed badly at all - we have free choice to obey God or disobey which shows the evil we bring on ourselves.
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