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"I . . . CREATE EVIL" But why?


Not your average Mormon
For the atheists... I'm just wondering why you don't just end it all? Maybe your lives are perfect. I probably shouldn't assume that you get sick, are ever injured, have lost a loved one, have a friend turn on you or a girlfriend cheat on you, have ever lost a job, have wrecked your new car, can't afford a car at all, etc. But in the unlikely event that your life has at times really, really sucked, why don't you just get out the gun? Is it that you're just chicken or what? How much in the way of suffering would you be willing to put up with before you killed yourself? What is it that keeps you going? (Don't worry, this is not a random question or an attempt to change the subject. There's a reason for my questions.)


Superabacus Mystic
So why, if God exists, does it have to be His fault? If bad things can happen if God doesn't exist, why can't bad things happen if He does? Why does there have to be blame either way?
Because God created the universe and everything in it, and knew the consequences at the time. He is therefore responsible for everything in the universe.

The point is not to not invest yourself in something, emotionally or otherwise. It's that when you do, you have to be ready to go through the rough waters that follow such an investment. Sometimes it's very rough. We can still chose life, even in the midst of that turmoil. How...well, that's something everyone has to figure out for themselves.
Unless you're saying that emotional investment caused such and such a disease, or for people to go hungry or get AIDS or whatever. If you're saying that, you're being ridiculous. That is life and would happen whether we invested or not.
Well, you seem to be saying that to prevent suffering, you need to be uninvested in yourself. Is that correct?


Well-Known Member
Well, you seem to be saying that to prevent suffering, you need to be uninvested in yourself. Is that correct?

To be un-invested in yourself...I don't think that's possible. To do that, you'd need to not be yourself...physically, mentally, emotionally...
But it would prevent suffering. It would prevent anything from happening, actually.


Veteran Member
Because God created the universe and everything in it, and knew the consequences at the time. He is therefore responsible for everything in the universe.

Would you want to be forced to love someone?____

God wants no one to be forced or made to love and obey him.

Sure we could have been made as robots or automatons,
but would that show that we are gifted with being free moral agents to choose whether to love God or not out of our own desire?

Bad enough there are those in the spirit realm that disobeyed God and between both Adam and Eve it would seem unlikely both would disobey.
God provided the remedy right away at Genesis 3v15.
Little by little that first prophecy was revealed or uncovered to show the 'seed' would turn out to be Jesus that will deal Satan a fatal death bruise to his head.
-Hebrews 2v14 B.

So God is responsible for going to undo all the mess Satan and Adam and Eve caused upon the human race starting at the time of Matthew 25vs31,32.

We all get to choose to take sides, so to speak, either with Jesus or Satan.


Veteran Member
Would you want to be forced to love someone?____

God wants no one to be forced or made to love and obey him.
Really? Then why did he set up specific rules to be saved from the hell he created for those who won't love and obey him? Seems to be arm twisting in the extreme. No less than promising you'll blow a hole in someone's head unless they lick your boots. And this in of itself is an evil: Do as I say or suffer for it for all eternity. God not only created evil, which is an evil deed itself, but then went about reasserting his evil nature by guaranteeing eternal suffering for those who didn't happen to play by his rules. It makes a mockery out of all the Hosannas and other shouts of fervent and worshipful praise he's given.
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Veteran Member
Really? Then why did he set up specific rules to be saved from the hell he created for those who won't love and obey him? Seems to be arm twisting in the extreme. No less than promising you'll blow a hole in someone's head unless they lick your boots. And this in of itself is an evil: Do as I say or suffer for it for all eternity. God not only created evil, which is an evil deed itself, but then went about reasserting his evil nature by guaranteeing eternal suffering for those who didn't happen to play by his rules. It makes a mockery out of all the Hosannas and other shouts of fervent and worshipful praise.

What Scriptures do you have in mind in your above post?

Evil in Scripture is not always synonymous with wrong doing.

Evil in Scripture can be used as calamity.
God used calamity in the Flood of Noah's day to protect the upright.

There is no pain in the Bible hell. -Ecc 9v5
There is a difference between the pagan hell and the Bible hell.
The Bible hell [gravedom] will be emptied out.
Rev 20vs13,14 mentions all in hell [common grave] will be delivered up.
Delivered up as in resurrected. Once hell is emptied out then vacant hell dies a symbolic death of no returning. That is why Rev 21vs4,5 can go on to say that even our last enemy 'death' will be no more.
-1st Cor 15v26.


Veteran Member
What Scriptures do you have in mind in your above post?
None in particular, but the following suffice.
John 3:36 "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Matthew 1:21 "... and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people FROM their sins."

Isaiah 33:14-15 “Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?”
Evil in Scripture is not always synonymous with wrong doing.
Oh, really! Show us where the good evil occurs.

Evil in Scripture can be used as calamity.
"Evil" as used in "I . . . create evil" is unmodified, and therefore encompasses all possible forms.

God used calamity in the Flood of Noah's day to protect the upright.
Killing innocent babies and animals is not nice. It's evil. Plus, all those ark people just went on to create more sinners. In the end the flood did absolutely nothing to change the make up of humanity. God's genocide, including the thousands upon thousands of drown innocent babies, was all for naught. Some god! Not only is he evil, but for an omniscient god, quite dumb.
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Superabacus Mystic
Sure we could have been made as robots or automatons,
but would that show that we are gifted with being free moral agents to choose whether to love God or not out of our own desire?
God's omniscience is not compatible with the idea of free "moral agents."


Well-Known Member
For the atheists... I'm just wondering why you don't just end it all? Maybe your lives are perfect. I probably shouldn't assume that you get sick, are ever injured, have lost a loved one, have a friend turn on you or a girlfriend cheat on you, have ever lost a job, have wrecked your new car, can't afford a car at all, etc. But in the unlikely event that your life has at times really, really sucked, why don't you just get out the gun? Is it that you're just chicken or what? How much in the way of suffering would you be willing to put up with before you killed yourself? What is it that keeps you going? (Don't worry, this is not a random question or an attempt to change the subject. There's a reason for my questions.)

Atheists believe that this is our only life, so why would we end it? The only confusion should come from the people who believe they will get candy and golden chocolate in Heaven when they die. My question is why don't you kill yourself?


Not your average Mormon
Atheists believe that this is our only life, so why would we end it?
Well, I'm assuming you'd end it if it got bad enough. How bad would it have to get?

The only confusion should come from the people who believe they will get candy and golden chocolate in Heaven when they die. My question is why don't you kill yourself?
It's probably the candy and golden chocolate. :facepalm:


Veteran Member
Its simple really. Mass murder of thousands of helpless men, women, and children is evil. You can try to justify such an evil act any way you want but it is still an evil act. The only time killing could not be considered murder is if it is done in self defense. Since god cannot die it is impossible for him to kill in self defence. God kills out of anger and jealousy. How is that not evil?


There is a difference between killing, murder and an execution.

Parents are responsible for minor children.
Such as the parents that were wicked as in Noah's day.
None accepted Noah's preaching and offer to come on the Ark.

God did not execute out of anger or jealousy but for the sake of justice for the righteous. Please notice who is destroyed at Psalm 92v7 and why.


Veteran Member
None in particular, but the following suffice.John 3:36 "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Matthew 1:21 "... and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people FROM their sins." Isaiah 33:14-15 “Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?”
Oh, really! Show us where the good evil occurs.
"Evil" as used in "I . . . create evil" is unmodified, and therefore encompasses all possible forms.
Killing innocent babies and animals is not nice. It's evil. Plus, all those ark people just went on to create more sinners. In the end the flood did absolutely nothing to change the make up of humanity. God's genocide, including the thousands upon thousands of drown innocent babies, was all for naught. Some god! Not only is he evil, but for an omniscient god, quite dumb.

If those Ark 'sinner' would not have survived the Flood we would not be here.
Violence had reached the point that if Noah and family were not removed from those violent people Noah and family would have been removed from the earth and we would have never been born.

Yes 'death' is the price we pay for sinning. If we could stop sinning we would not die. Since Jesus paid the price for our sins he can offer us everlasting life which will start with those of Matthew 25vs31,32; Acts 24v15.

'Fire' in Scripture is often symbolic of destruction.
Such as the fire of Gehenna.
Gehenna was a garbage dump where things were destroyed and not kept burning forever.

Apparently 'good evil' [calamity] will occur at Matthew 25v46.
Also at Isaiah 11v4; Revelation 19vs11,15

Please notice what will happen to wicked ones:
Psalm 92v7; 37v38; Proverbs 2vs21,22; 10v30; 21v18


Veteran Member
Atheists believe that this is our only life, so why would we end it? The only confusion should come from the people who believe they will get candy and golden chocolate in Heaven when they die. My question is why don't you kill yourself?

Not only why doesn't one kill oneself, why bother going to a doctor and die sooner?

God's original purpose was for mankind to live forever on a beautiful paradisaic earth. That is still God's purpose. Jesus does take some of his followers to heaven to rule with him as kings and priests to take care of earthly subjects or citizens of God's kingdom in the hands of Christ Jesus.
-Rev 5vs9,10; 20v6

So eternity is in our hearts. For each day we can think of we can still think of another. Starting with the meek sheep-like people of Matthew 25vs31,32 death will stop. Those people have the prospect of living forever right into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth.
Rev 21vs4,5.


Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?



Veteran Member

God is: able and willing.

'Willing' is shown by the first prophecy of Genesis 3v15.
Jesus proves to be the 'seed' that will deal Satan [serpent] the fatal death bruise to his head or to be destroyed as Hebrews 2v14 B says.

The 'able' part is dealing with God's purpose for the earth to be inhabited
[Isaiah 45v18] If A&E were destroyed before having children we simply would not be here, and God's purpose for the earth would have been thwarted.

If you were working in your garden and were interrupted would you abandon your garden, or go back to the garden after the interruption was gone?

Satan along with A&E were the interruption. They started an issue of who is the best one to rule earth? God or man? Since all are created as free moral agents all can choose who they want to listen to or obey.
By Adam disobeying God he was taking the law into his own hands and set up people rule as best over God rule.
Time was needed to settle the issue.
Job [2v4] shows Satan even involves all of us in the issue.
Touch our flesh [health] and we would not serve God.

Mankind seems to have gotten down the part in Genesis about multiplying and filling or populating the earth, but not all choose to side with Jesus teachings that God's way of love is the best way of ruling.
-John 13 vs34,35.

Earth's violence for one thing is causing God's hand to take the necessary action to bring about global peace and security. Jesus as God's 'Commander in chief', so to speak, will bring an end to the wicked on earth [Psalm 92v7; Isaiah 11v4; Rev 19v15] and Jesus, as Prince of Peace, will usher in Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.

Because world conditions are what they are, combined with the proclaiming of the good news of God's kingdom [Matt 24v14], is showing it is soon time for Jesus to involve himself that way into mankind's affairs.

What is first ahead of us is that the political world will turn on the religious world. God allows this because the religious world has run afoul playing false to God and his Word. With backing the United Nations can be strengthened to be the 'force' that God will use to rid the earth of troublesome religions including counterfeit Christianity or Christendom.
[Rev 17vs2,17;18vs7,8]

So God is able and willing and will carry out his will to rid the earth of all that want to bring ruin to earth [Rev 11v18 b], so that God's purpose for the earth will be carried out that the earth becomes a beautiful paradisaic garden home for all the humble meek that will inherit the earth as Jesus promised.
[Psalm 37 vs11,29,38]


Veteran Member
God is both able and willing...in fact, he already did. It didn't work out so well. So why would he try a system that doesn't work...again?

Was it God's purpose that didn't work out so well, or rather people like Adam not willing to be obedient to God's Golden Rule or Jesus new commandment of
John 13 vs34,35?

The 'system' will work because during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth even our last enemy 'death' will be no more.- Rev 21vs4,5; 1st Cor 15v26.
That means there will be no more sin because sin causes death.
Without sin and death mankind can grow to the perfect human perfection of sound mind and body that Adam had at his creation.

By the end of the thousand years perfected mankind will not do what Adam did, because they will have proven themselves faithful as Jesus was faithful thus gaining the right to everlasting life. Only righteousness will dwell according to 2nd Peter 3v13 when the meek will inherit earth. Ps 37vs11,29

Jesus fulfills the promise to Abraham that all families and all nations will be blessed. Blessed with permanent healing or curing.- Rev 22v2.
-Genesis 12v3; 22vs17,18


Active Member
Isaiah 45:7 (KJV) says: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

But why?

Why   did   god   create   evil?

Obviously this isn't a condition that was going to pop up all on it its own, one that would simply materialize as the antithesis of peace, or god wouldn't have found it necessary to specifically create it. A feat so unique he even makes note of it, and insures it's never forgotten by putting in the Bible.

And just so there's no tap dancing with the word "evil," Strong's Lexicon lists the following meanings (transliterated as the Hebrew "ra`"):
2) evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity
a) evil, distress, adversity

b) evil, injury, wrong

c) evil (ethical)
Note that "evil" is the primary meaning of "ra`." And although some Bible versions fudge and use terms such as "disaster" or "calamity" in place of "evil," the most preferred rendering is "evil."

So again I ask:

Why did god create evil?

(And please, let's have none of those specious "So we would have free will" arguments.)

If God did not , how can you figure out who is the most pious ?


Well-Known Member
Was it God's purpose that didn't work out so well, or rather people like Adam not willing to be obedient to God's Golden Rule or Jesus new commandment of
John 13 vs34,35?

The underlying assumption being that God didn't want Adam to disobey.
True, in one sense. I think God expected Adam to disobey, in the same way you expect a dog not to sit the first time you ask it to. With no prior experience, Adam didn't know what it meant to disobey, other than it was disobeying a rule.

The 'system' will work because during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth even our last enemy 'death' will be no more.- Rev 21vs4,5; 1st Cor 15v26.
That means there will be no more sin because sin causes death.
Without sin and death mankind can grow to the perfect human perfection of sound mind and body that Adam had at his creation.

By the end of the thousand years perfected mankind will not do what Adam did, because they will have proven themselves faithful as Jesus was faithful thus gaining the right to everlasting life. Only righteousness will dwell according to 2nd Peter 3v13 when the meek will inherit earth. Ps 37vs11,29

Jesus fulfills the promise to Abraham that all families and all nations will be blessed. Blessed with permanent healing or curing.- Rev 22v2.
-Genesis 12v3; 22vs17,18

This is just rhetorical nonsense, pulled from a 2000 year old book. You say the words, and they sound really good. But if they sound really nice, then that's all they are. Words on a page that make you feel good.
We don't have to wait for the second coming to be 'saved'. You can do it yourself, right now. You don't even have to wait for a physical death.