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I give up fighting Islamophobia


Relentlessly Rational
Well the survey data shows that Muslim support for terrorist actions against civilians is NOW a minority position (not always the case), but the same or similar surveys also show that the percentage of Muslims who believe apostates and homosexuals should be executed, for example, is quite high. Hundreds of millions. So it would appear that a majority of the ummah holds radical beliefs incompatible with any meaningful concept of liberal democracy and human rights. ISIS and Boko Haram are pretty low standards to hold them to.

It all depends on what actions you're talking about. The recent Pew survey showed that 64% of Egyptian Muslims, 74% of Pakistani Muslims and 78% of Afghani Muslims supported the death penalty for anyone leaving Islam. This isn't a small percentage by any means, far, far outnumbering the radical Muslims. The idea that Muslims in the Middle East are at all reasonable with regard to basic human rights is absurd. Certainly it isn't this way everywhere, if you go to Indonesia, only about 4% of Muslims there report supporting the death penalty for infidels. I'm not saying that this is a problem for all Muslims everywhere, it's more a matter of local culture being stronger than religious belief. That's why the western world, where societies are much more secular, you don't see Muslims lighting people on fire, etc. It just isn't acceptable.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I don't want to give up, but some of the stupidity of Islamophibia is really starting to **** me off. The way these people talk, you'd think I'd a been abducted, raped, and killed a million times over given that I've known several Muslims. Holy ****, the ones at school who speak Arabic to each other, I better watch out. No doubt they're speaking in Arabic so they can openly plot their terrorists acts, mock us infidels, and talk about what they're going to do once America becomes the next Caliphate. It's so obviously illogical and irrational to think even a majority of Muslims pose a threat, yet people believe it. It's very sound logic to draw similarities between the Bible and Quran, but in a **** storm of irrationality people overlook some really bad things that happen in the Bible, yet they make a few verses of the Quran the entire focus of their attacks.


Active Member
This is interesting: According to the Library of Congress, Algeria, to use an example that you are probably familiar with, "makes proselytizing by non-Muslims an offense punishable by a fine and up to five years’ imprisonment," and "provides that any individual who insults the prophet and the messengers of God, or denigrates the creed or prophets of Islam through writing, drawing, declaration, or any other means, will receive three to five years in prison, and/or be subject to a fine of between 50,000 and 100,000 Algerian dinars." Notably, there is no prohibition on proselytizing by Muslims or any prohibition on insulting Christian, Jewish or other minority religious sensibilities.

Is this information incorrect? And this is just one example. There are many others.

Firstly you totally misunderstood the second part where it states "any individual" because it includes all citizens(muslims and non-muslims) hence if you read it in its correct context then it actually probits any one from insulting the Prophets of Jews and Christians as well.Please read it again.
Secondly prohibition on proselytizing by non-muslims is a shariah law based with intent on protecting the Islamic State.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
This is interesting: According to the Library of Congress, Algeria, to use an example that you are probably familiar with, "makes proselytizing by non-Muslims an offense punishable by a fine and up to five years’ imprisonment," and "provides that any individual who insults the prophet and the messengers of God, or denigrates the creed or prophets of Islam through writing, drawing, declaration, or any other means, will receive three to five years in prison, and/or be subject to a fine of between 50,000 and 100,000 Algerian dinars." Notably, there is no prohibition on proselytizing by Muslims or any prohibition on insulting Christian, Jewish or other minority religious sensibilities.

Is this information incorrect? And this is just one example. There are many others.
This most are fake or exagerate informations .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Hi Godo,

Well there is "theory" and then there is what seems to happen in reality. From what I understand, non-Muslims in modern Muslim majority countries tend to leave or be forced out. This is happening to Christians all over the ME and it certainly happened in Turkey.
it's not true , reality non-Muslims lived normal in "modern Muslim countries" , so that your fake theory .

last weeks 3 Muslims killed in USA,and after 911 thousands of Muslims got hurt , after Paris attacks , happaned same thing.

in Germany rally against Muslims .

In europe the Muslim had freedom to pray by law , and Cartoon Magazin insulting their religion by law .


Active Member
Hi farouk,

Thanks for having such an open conversation! Well history shows us that theorcracies are intolerant. Thery are intolerant of minorities, women, gays, Jews, and other religions. Experience shows us that if we really want people to be free to choose their religion, we need a secular state.

What seems good morals to you may seem evil to others and vice versa.
The bottom line is you cannot force democracy or any other system of Governance on people that are unhappy with it.That most definitely is the road to chaos and disaster.If the majority of the people wants an Islamic State or Shariah Law so be it.Foreign intervention in preventing the wishes of the majority not only gives rise to violence but the foundation of fundamental terrorist organizations such as ISIS.
icehorse how are you doing with verse 6 Surat Al'An'am.Note this verse has outer meaning so there should be no difficulty in finding just one moral teaching.Please the next lesson will be interesting because it refers to an inner meaning and just one word from this lesson will sum up the entire moral teachings of Islam.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
What seems good morals to you may seem evil to others and vice versa.
The bottom line is you cannot force democracy or any other system of Governance on people that are unhappy with it.That most definitely is the road to chaos and disaster.If the majority of the people wants an Islamic State or Shariah Law so be it.Foreign intervention in preventing the wishes of the majority not only gives rise to violence but the foundation of fundamental terrorist organizations such as ISIS.
icehorse how are you doing with verse 6 Surat Al'An'am.Note this verse has outer meaning so there should be no difficulty in finding just one moral teaching.Please the next lesson will be interesting because it refers to an inner meaning and just one word from this lesson will sum up the entire moral teachings of Islam.

Hi farouk,

How about if all systems of government started off with the UN declaration on human rights? If a country is defending these rights, and the truly free population chooses sharia, then they can. Oh, but wait, Sharia is incompatible with open, free human rights, because the UN human rights declaration allows everyone to choose their own religion, there is no penalty for apostasy in a free society.

As for Surah 6 - I will tell you what I learned, but I asked you if you would provide a short, one paragraph summary yourself. I'm happy if you explain yours after I explain mine. Is it a deal? The reason I want a short version is that the world doesn't need to be run by a scripture that only a few scholars can understand.


Premium Member

I apologize for thinking you were posting in the wrong thread (as I said somewhere some pages back). I confused this thread with the other one I withdrew from because of some one. Sorry!


Well-Known Member
Firstly you totally misunderstood the second part where it states "any individual" because it includes all citizens(muslims and non-muslims) hence if you read it in its correct context then it actually probits any one from insulting the Prophets of Jews and Christians as well.Please read it again.
Secondly prohibition on proselytizing by non-muslims is a shariah law based with intent on protecting the Islamic State.

First, yes I agree, it prohibits "any individual" for defaming Islam, not from defaming Christianity, Judaism or other minority religions. It is an Islamic supremacist law.

Second, no doubt that it is a sharia law to protect Islam. That's the entire problem: Islamic supremacy, with the force of the sword.


Well-Known Member
What seems good morals to you may seem evil to others and vice versa.
The bottom line is you cannot force democracy or any other system of Governance on people that are unhappy with it.That most definitely is the road to chaos and disaster.If the majority of the people wants an Islamic State or Shariah Law so be it.Foreign intervention in preventing the wishes of the majority not only gives rise to violence but the foundation of fundamental terrorist organizations such as ISIS.
icehorse how are you doing with verse 6 Surat Al'An'am.Note this verse has outer meaning so there should be no difficulty in finding just one moral teaching.Please the next lesson will be interesting because it refers to an inner meaning and just one word from this lesson will sum up the entire moral teachings of Islam.

And Muslims cannot force others to live under their rule. No matter what the majority wants, the dissidents who object will keep fighting for freedom. It is a natural human desire that no religion, not even Islam, can suppress indefinitely. And at some point they will win, because Islam is a myth. The same way that secularism is overtaking the places once deemed "Christendom."

You can pretend that it is all about foreign intervention if you like. But Raif Badawi wasn't some Western agent looking to subvert Saudi Arabia. He was a Saudi who yearned for a better life. People offering free hugs in the streets of Riyadh are not foreign agents. People who flee the nightmarish reality of Islamic rule speak volumes.

It may take a very long time. Certainly the Reformation and Enlightenment was a long, drawn out and bloody affair. But Christianity lost its position of unquestioned dominance, and it continues to fade into the background today. Islam will be no different.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think I'm just done with it on RF, for awhile at least. People act like these Muslim countries are the only ones to ever do what they do. You'd think they invented mass executions. We haven't even been a century since the Nazis, a CHRISTIAN group, systematically attempted to eradicate the Jews. But people never blame Christianity, unless they are a New Atheist and blaming religion for all the worlds problems. Christians committed genocide against those native to North, Central, and South America; Christians used to burn people at the stake in large numbers; Christianity has caused centuries of war; Christianity has brutal, violent, and other laws that we, today, largely judge as too harsh, extreme, and severe, yet there is hardly any movement at all to denounce Christianity and Bible.
Islamaphobia is just another fine example of mass hysteria, social hypocrisy, and people letting their fits of emotional outbursts control them.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm just done with it on RF, for awhile at least. People act like these Muslim countries are the only ones to ever do what they do. You'd think they invented mass executions. We haven't even been a century since the Nazis, a CHRISTIAN group, systematically attempted to eradicate the Jews. But people never blame Christianity, unless they are a New Atheist and blaming religion for all the worlds problems. Christians committed genocide against those native to North, Central, and South America; Christians used to burn people at the stake in large numbers; Christianity has caused centuries of war; Christianity has brutal, violent, and other laws that we, today, largely judge as too harsh, extreme, and severe, yet there is hardly any movement at all to denounce Christianity and Bible.
Islamaphobia is just another fine example of mass hysteria, social hypocrisy, and people letting their fits of emotional outbursts control them.

There are plenty of people who recognize that Christianity was just as bad if not worse, and was only subdued after a lengthy struggle. We can see from the behavior of Christian fundamentalists in Africa, for example, what happens when Christianity is given free rein.

If you won't listen to non-Muslims, why don't you listen to ex-Muslims? They know that there is anti-Muslim bias, and they also know that "Islamophobia" is a dubious term used to cut off debate over problems with Islam and Islamic states. Most of these men and women are humanists and secular, the vast majority of them are not straight white men who set out to criticize Islam.

And I absolutely lay much of the blame for what happened to the Jews on the doorsteps of the Christian churches. Racial antisemitism evolved, quite directly, out of Christian antisemitism; the first version morphed out of the treatment of "New Christians" and Jews and Muslims in Spain following the Reconquista.

The problem is that some liberals and leftists feel that Muslims must always play the role of victim, never victimizer. And so they stand up in defense of ghoulish societies like Saudi Arabia. They're not poor victims of Western oppression, and they are the ones who spread this despicable ideology the world over. They murder atheists and homosexuals, liberals and dissidents. We are supposed to ignore their role? We are supposed to pretend that the country entrusted with the holiest sites of Islam has no culpability for its actions? That this can be reduced to Western imperialism? No.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
It's easy to find reports of Muslims destroying churches throughout the entire span of the Muslim world, from Western Africa (Algeria and Nigeria) to Egypt, to Eastern Africa (Tanzania), into the ME, of course, (SA, Iran, Iraq), into SW Asia (Pakistan), and all the way to SE Asia, in Indonesia. In recent years, Muslims have destroyed thousands of churches. This is just another reason why theocracy is a bad, bad idea.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I think I'm just done with it on RF, for awhile at least. People act like these Muslim countries are the only ones to ever do what they do. You'd think they invented mass executions. We haven't even been a century since the Nazis, a CHRISTIAN group, systematically attempted to eradicate the Jews. But people never blame Christianity, unless they are a New Atheist and blaming religion for all the worlds problems. Christians committed genocide against those native to North, Central, and South America; Christians used to burn people at the stake in large numbers; Christianity has caused centuries of war; Christianity has brutal, violent, and other laws that we, today, largely judge as too harsh, extreme, and severe, yet there is hardly any movement at all to denounce Christianity and Bible.
Islamaphobia is just another fine example of mass hysteria, social hypocrisy, and people letting their fits of emotional outbursts control them.

The world faces many serious problems today. Islam and Christianity are two of them, but of course they're not the only ones.
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