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I have a feeling that the afterlife doesn't exist


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have a feeling that the afterlife doesn't exist

Don't be superstitious/unreasonable afterlife does exist, right, please??:

A human is "body+ soul", when the body dies- the soul is to be dealt with as per the actions/deeds of a human, hence the afterlife of a person is connected with his soul , not with the body, which decomposes after death physically:
Thank you for your response.
The person, according to the Bible, IS a soul. You might be interested to know that the traditional rendering of the Hebrew word (nephesh) and the Greek word psyche is soul in English. So from looking at the way the terms are used in the Bible, it is clear that they refer to people, animals, or the life that a person or an animal has. These scriptures are also at Genesis 1:20, Genesis 2:7, Numbers 31:28. (Ge 1:20; 2:7; Nu 31:28;. We can discuss this further if you'd like.
Thus, when we die, or an animal dies, they are dead -- in other words, not alive. Notice some translations here about the soul dying:
(Numbers 23:10)
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
Who can count the troubles of Yaquuv and the number of the fourth of Israel? May my soul die the death of their upright ones and may my end be like them.”
Brenton Septuagint Translation
Who has exactly calculated the seed of Jacob, and who shall number the families of Israel? let my soul die with the souls of the righteous, and let my seed be as their seed.
Hope this helps to understand this better.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have lost, in this order, my inlaws, my dad, my mom,. my younger brother, and finally, my HUSBAND, in just a few years. I went to so many funerals, as immediate family, that it began to seem unreal. So believe me when I say, I've thought a lot about this. So here is the conclusion I've come to:

I think that "heaven" is sort of a holding place, where people from all walks of life end up. I think it's interesting and keeps their attention, but I don't believe it's the end of it all. I believe that God will come again in His glory, to judge the living and the dead, and that His Kingdom will have no end. I don't know how long that will take and I also don't care. The point is that we will eventually be judged and will THEN either go to heaven or hell. I think we are all in for a lot of surprises. Oh well. That's my take on things. And I don't sit around worrying about all this because I can't think of anything to really DO about it all.
I appreciate your thoughts here. As the Bible says, we do not know the day on which we will die. But -- God cares for the sparrows of the field, so He will care for us, Kathryn.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Because I don’t automatically agree with people who sound full themselves on the internet? Does that require justification too in your opinion?
I just go by the established science here on the matter. Not personal viewpoints on the matter that we are atoms. If that seems full of oneself then I take you oppose what science has already established factually.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I just go by the established science here on the matter. Not personal viewpoints on the matter that we are atoms. If that seems full of oneself then I take you oppose what science has already established factually
I appreciate that, and I agree that we are composed of atoms and molecules. The Bible says from dust we came and to dust (or soil) we go back. But!-- God gives life as He sees fit and can take it away. I have come to the conclusion that there is a resurrection if God wills. There is a difference between life and death. There is no automatic elongation of life via the soul upon the death of the body. I have come to understand that we ARE souls, the use of the word soul can refer to the person. Notice the following -- different translations but I hope you will get the point --

And then God said, “Let the waters produce animals with a living soul, and flying creatures above the earth, under the firmament of heaven.”

Translations from Aramaic
Pe****ta Holy Bible Translated
And God said, “Swarmers shall swarm the waters, the living soul, and the bird will fly above the Earth, above the face of the firmament of Heaven.”

Lamsa Bible
And God said, Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let fowl fly above the earth in the open firmament of the heaven.

If you notice, the words living soul and living creatures. Creature - soul.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
You should get some comfort from reading Forgiving Ararat, by Gita Nazareth. It's a wonderful tale of heaven's reception area.
I read The Lovely Bones (the book is so much better than the movie). I absolutely loved it, loved it so much that I reread it pretty recently.


I read The Lovely Bones (the book is so much better than the movie). I absolutely loved it, loved it so much that I reread it pretty recently.
That one has been sitting in my Kindle Library for quite some time. I'll get to it eventually.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I appreciate that, and I agree that we are composed of atoms and molecules. The Bible says from dust we came and to dust (or soil) we go back. But!-- God gives life as He sees fit and can take it away. I have come to the conclusion that there is a resurrection if God wills. There is a difference between life and death. There is no automatic elongation of life via the soul upon the death of the body. I have come to understand that we ARE souls, the use of the word soul can refer to the person. Notice the following -- different translations but I hope you will get the point --

And then God said, “Let the waters produce animals with a living soul, and flying creatures above the earth, under the firmament of heaven.”

Translations from Aramaic
Pe****ta Holy Bible Translated
And God said, “Swarmers shall swarm the waters, the living soul, and the bird will fly above the Earth, above the face of the firmament of Heaven.”

Lamsa Bible
And God said, Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let fowl fly above the earth in the open firmament of the heaven.

If you notice, the words living soul and living creatures. Creature - soul.
If one ever succeeds with using science to establish a factual basis for a soul , I'd be more then happy to accept that, but not until such a thing happens first.


Veteran Member
If one ever succeeds with using science to establish a factual basis for a soul , I'd be more then happy to accept that, but not until such a thing happens first.
I do not think that is ever going to happen since the soul is a mystery that no human mind has ever unraveled.

“Thou hast asked Me concerning the nature of the soul. Know, verily, that the soul is a sign of God, a heavenly gem whose reality the most learned of men hath failed to grasp, and whose mystery no mind, however acute, can ever hope to unravel.”
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
If one ever succeeds with using science to establish a factual basis for a soul , I'd be more then happy to accept that, but not until such a thing happens first.
So then in reality, the true Bible's account of soul equalling person or animal makes sense. When the body dies the soul dies. Because the body is the soul. That from the Hebrew word 'nephesh.'
If you'd like to examine it further, I'd be happy to. But suffice it to say that the Hebrew word for creature can also be translated as soul.
A Faithful Version
And God said, "Let the waters abound with swarms of living creatures, and let fowl fly over the earth on the face of the firmament of heaven."
Darby Bible Translation
And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living souls, and let fowl fly above the earth in the expanse of the heavens.
(Genesis 1:20)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have a feeling that the afterlife doesn't exist

Don't be superstitious/unreasonable afterlife does exist, right, please??:

A human is "body+ soul", when the body dies- the soul is to be dealt with as per the actions/deeds of a human, hence the afterlife of a person is connected with his soul , not with the body, which decomposes after death physically:
"then We developed it into another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators."

The "physical injuries disclose that there is a mysterious relationship between the soul and the body which is beyond the ken of man. Reflection shows that the body is the mother of the soul. The soul does not descend from outside into the womb of a pregnant woman. It is a light that is inherent in the sperm which begins to shine forth with the development of the foetus.
The Word of God Almighty(23:15) conveys to us that the soul becomes manifest from the framework that is prepared in the womb from the sperm, as is said in the Holy Quran (23:15) This means that God bestows a new creation on the body that is prepared in the womb and that new creation is called the soul. Greatly blessed is God Who has no equal as a creator." https://www.alislam.org/library/books/Philosophy-of-Teachings-of-Islam.pdf page-11 written by Second Coming 1835-1908


Original Arabic narration/text from Muhammad's time, below:-
23:15 ثُمَّ اَنۡشَاۡنٰہُ خَلۡقًا اٰخَرَ ؕ فَتَبٰرَکَ اللّٰہُ اَحۡسَنُ الۡخٰلِقِیۡنَ ﴿ؕ۱۵
MOST humans have feelings and thoughts. I say that because to the best of my knowledge there are some humans that may not have feelings or a normal IQ. Therefore they may not reason normally. And some, of course, are insane. God knows all these things. So when a person uses an expression like "my heart and soul," he really means his whole person with feelings and inclinations. When a person dies, the Bible says his soul is no more except that God knows each one of us. Regards.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Thank you, I may check it out!
Those who have died can be in God's memory. He can resurrect those He desires to at the appropriate time. That is one reason that the dead were resurrected by Jesus on the earth. It's not like they went to heaven and Jesus took them back to the earth from heaven and restored their souls within their dead bodies. What do you think about that?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Those who have died can be in God's memory. He can resurrect those He desires to at the appropriate time. That is one reason that the dead were resurrected by Jesus on the earth. It's not like they went to heaven and Jesus took them back to the earth from heaven and restored their souls within their dead bodies. What do you think about that?
I think you may be right.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
So then in reality, the true Bible's account of soul equalling person or animal makes sense. When the body dies the soul dies. Because the body is the soul. That from the Hebrew word 'nephesh.'
If you'd like to examine it further, I'd be happy to. But suffice it to say that the Hebrew word for creature can also be translated as soul.
A Faithful Version
And God said, "Let the waters abound with swarms of living creatures, and let fowl fly over the earth on the face of the firmament of heaven."
Darby Bible Translation
And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living souls, and let fowl fly above the earth in the expanse of the heavens.
(Genesis 1:20)
No. The Bible is not in any way superior to the findings and discoveries via science.
I know religious people are absolutely convinced of some sort of afterlife but for me I am not convinced at all for me personally I feel like nothing will happen when I die now of course I don't know what happens but I just feel like nothing will happen anyway what are your thoughts on an afterlife ?
When we die our soul will go into a deep sleep and then on Judgement day Jesus will come down and awaken the dead. Those who are of total righteousness will resurrect to Heaven. Those who have Repented of their sins will be resurrected to the new life that will have a new world. Those who did not believe in God or went back to sinning and done evil will resurrect to damanation and will receive the second death the kills the soul. John chapter 5 Verses 26 to 29
No. The Bible is not in any way superior to the findings and discoveries via science.
Science is Man studing the world that God created and seeing the abilities the world has from what God created. The Bible was here first before man discovered science, The bible tells us of the history of life, the future of things to come that is starting to happen as God said they would. Studing the Bible takes true patience to believe in God.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Science is Man studing the world that God created and seeing the abilities the world has from what God created. The Bible was here first before man discovered science, The bible tells us of the history of life, the future of things to come that is starting to happen as God said they would. Studing the Bible takes true patience to believe in God.
I used to think that as well when i was a Christian.
I used to think that as well when i was a Christian.
That is one of the things God says in the Bible, the closer we get to the end more and more that believe in God will also fall from God because they do not have the Faith in God to believe in him. Those who fall from God will not be saved because they did not believe in him.


Well-Known Member
I just go by the established science here on the matter. Not personal viewpoints on the matter that we are atoms. If that seems full of oneself then I take you oppose what science has already established factually.
My best argument for an afterlife, using science, is the 2nd law. The 2nd law states that entropy of the universe has to increase. While an increase in entropy as any temperature above absolute zero absorbs heat/energy. The implication is since entropy has to increase, the universe is bleeding net energy into entropy increase. Unlike energy which is conserved, entropy will constantly increase, thereby constantly taking away energy from the universe.

Since there is still energy conservation, but the universe cannot net take it back. since entropy has to increase, where is that energy being conserved? There is sort of a pool of increasing entropic energy, that is sort of detached from the material universe. We can reverse entropy locally, with machines and get back some of that energy. But since there is no such thing as perpetual motion, we will net add to the pool, when we try to get some back. The pool is always filling even if we tap into that lost energy pool.

This appear to be a reasonable place for the spiritual realms.

Entropy is considered a state variable, meaning any give state of matter, has a fixed entropy value; stamp. The pool by being based on entropic energy is like a massive collection of states/finger prints, preserved through energy conservation and the second law.

Life, brain and consciousness are major sources of entropy increase; metabolism. Inanimate matter is more static with minimal entropy increase in the short term. But life is a constant generator of entropy. It makes sense that the states in the brain, called memory, by generating entropy increase, is adding to the pool. It comes down whether the pool itself is also under the second law.

In my theory of space-time and separated space and separated time. Separated space and separated time was here first and it formed space-time; singularity and BB, since space time is more limited and therefore a subset of separated space and time. The separation of space and time allows for much higher complexity, and appears to the drive behind the 2nd law within space-time. If the pool is between the two realms, the stored data would also become more complex; life after death.

The Old Testament believed one slept after death. This suggested the memories in the pool were conserved but not organized into an afterlife. It was Jesus who said I will prepare a place, which suggested a way had appeared to awaken the memories, so they could consolidate and increase complexity to be conscious; awake from the sleep to an alternate realm.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
My best argument for an afterlife, using science, is the 2nd law. The 2nd law states that entropy of the universe has to increase. While an increase in entropy as any temperature above absolute zero absorbs heat/energy. The implication is since entropy has to increase, the universe is bleeding net energy into entropy increase. Unlike energy which is conserved, entropy will constantly increase, thereby constantly taking away energy from the universe.

Since there is still energy conservation, but the universe cannot net take it back. since entropy has to increase, where is that energy being conserved? There is sort of a pool of increasing entropic energy, that is sort of detached from the material universe. We can reverse entropy locally, with machines and get back some of that energy. But since there is no such thing as perpetual motion, we will net add to the pool, when we try to get some back. The pool is always filling even if we tap into that lost energy pool.

This appear to be a reasonable place for the spiritual realms.

Entropy is considered a state variable, meaning any give state of matter, has a fixed entropy value; stamp. The pool by being based on entropic energy is like a massive collection of states/finger prints, preserved through energy conservation and the second law.

Life, brain and consciousness are major sources of entropy increase; metabolism. Inanimate matter is more static with minimal entropy increase in the short term. But life is a constant generator of entropy. It makes sense that the states in the brain, called memory, by generating entropy increase, is adding to the pool. It comes down whether the pool itself is also under the second law.

In my theory of space-time and separated space and separated time. Separated space and separated time was here first and it formed space-time; singularity and BB, since space time is more limited and therefore a subset of separated space and time. The separation of space and time allows for much higher complexity, and appears to the drive behind the 2nd law within space-time. If the pool is between the two realms, the stored data would also become more complex; life after death.

The Old Testament believed one slept after death. This suggested the memories in the pool were conserved but not organized into an afterlife. It was Jesus who said I will prepare a place, which suggested a way had appeared to awaken the memories, so they could consolidate and increase complexity to be conscious; awake from the sleep to an alternate realm.
I'm more inclined to go the way of the mulitverse theory rather than acquiesce to a theological position to address the laws of thermodynamics , particularly the 2nd law addressing entropy which is a really a fascinating topic.