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I have a feeling that the afterlife doesn't exist


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I think you may be right.
That is what I have learned from my Bible studies. Just like Jesus raised Lazarus.. remember his sister said to jesus, Lord, by now he must smell? because the body begins to decompose after death. But Jesus restored him, didn't take his soul from heaven but gave him back his life. Hope for the future. I look forward to seeing my parents on this earth. Later... Kathryn, nice talking with you.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Still I don't understand why the people who don't believe in an afterlife, make children.
What is the point of creating a ephemeral, finite existence?
Two answers to that ─

First, because generation is the imperative of life and the engine of evolution, and our bodies and brains are designed around surviving long enough to reproduce. Being born is the sine qua non of being alive. (This may vary if we ever develop AI into independent 'beings' but right now in 2024 it's still as true as ever.) Think of the uses of the word "attractive" for example ─ what's so good about attraction? Answer: it leads to bonding, copulation, and (until the advent of the pill in the 1950s) generation.

Second, because the alternative to an ephemeral, finite existence is better than non-existence, at least as I see it.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Not all religious people believe in or care for an afterlife.
This opens up the question of whether any non-believers believe in an afterlife. Can't say I've heard of any, and those poor silly frozen dead people waiting for medicine to advance sufficiently to resurrect them to the same old life don't really count.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
We were once in stars. The journey never ends.
Everlasting life is not in the stars. Everlasting life is in God's power to give and take away as He sees fit. You have your viewpoint and I have faith in what the Bible says about the future. Take care, bye for now. (Oh, and by the way, stars don't think. I used to pay attention to astrology, maybe you do -- but I have since learned it's not something I believe in or think about any more as I have come to believe God's promises about everlasting life and the future of mankind.)


Veteran Member
I have a feeling that the afterlife doesn't exist
This opens up the question of whether any non-believers believe in an afterlife.

Christopher Hitchens one of the "four horsemen" of Atheism, perhaps his horse was limping, he held that Buddha Shakyamuni was an Agnostic Skeptic ,a nonbeliever, but Buddha did not like Skeptics, and he also believed in afterlife, I understand ; it is in his writings that while alive he went to heaven to meet his mother, and then he returned, right, please? kindly correct me if I am wrong, anybody


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Two answers to that ─

First, because generation is the imperative of life and the engine of evolution, and our bodies and brains are designed around surviving long enough to reproduce. Being born is the sine qua non of being alive. (This may vary if we ever develop AI into independent 'beings' but right now in 2024 it's still as true as ever.) Think of the uses of the word "attractive" for example ─ what's so good about attraction? Answer: it leads to bonding, copulation, and (until the advent of the pill in the 1950s) generation.

Second, because the alternative to an ephemeral, finite existence is better than non-existence, at least as I see it.
So my life is pointless because I am sterile and can't have biological children?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Everlasting life is not in the stars. Everlasting life is in God's power to give and take away as He sees fit. You have your viewpoint and I have faith in what the Bible says about the future. Take care, bye for now. (Oh, and by the way, stars don't think. I used to pay attention to astrology, maybe you do -- but I have since learned it's not something I believe in or think about any more as I have come to believe God's promises about everlasting life and the future of mankind.)
Oh it's not a viewpoint only because it's already known where humanity came from.



Well-Known Member
Still I don't understand why the people who don't believe in an afterlife, make children.
What is the point of creating a ephemeral, finite existence?
I couldn't imagine going through life with the mindset that nothing is worth while unless it lasts forever. When I see a delicious cake I think YUM Cake! I don't think what a useless cake, it'll be gone someday! The fact that this is the one and only life I can reasonably expect to have makes it all the more valuable.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Christopher Hitchens one of the "four horsemen" of Atheism, perhaps his horse was limping, he held that Buddha Shakyamuni was an Agnostic Skeptic ,a nonbeliever, but Buddha did not like Skeptics, and he also believed in afterlife, I understand ; it is in his writings that while alive he went to heaven to meet his mother, and then he returned, right, please? kindly correct me if I am wrong, anybody

Interesting, thanks ─ though I have no reason to think Hitchens at the point of death expected to survive death in any meaningful way.

As for Gautama Buddha, he appears to have been agnostic as to an afterlife, as his Kalama Sutta says ─

(The Buddha is speaking.)

"... one who is ... devoid of greed, devoid of ill will, undeluded, alert, & resolute — keeps pervading the [four directions] ... with an awareness imbued with good will ... compassion ... appreciation ... equanimity. ...

... his mind thus ... acquires four assurances in the here-&-now:

'If there is a world after death, if there is the fruit of actions rightly & wrongly done, then this is the basis by which, with the break-up of the body, after death, I will reappear in a good destination, the heavenly world.'

This is the first assurance he acquires.

'But if there is no world after death, if there is no fruit of actions rightly & wrongly done, then here in the present life I look after myself with ease — free from hostility, free from ill will, free from trouble.'

This is the second assurance he acquires."​

tr. Thanissaro Bhikkhu

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
So my life is pointless because I am sterile and can't have biological children?
I would be sorry if you were to take my post as aimed at you or any specific person. It's simply a statement of the obvious, as a glance at the bodies of animals, not least mature mammals, quickly shows.

And throughout history one way or another contraceptive practices ─ the Bible's Onan is a notable example ─ and devices have been employed, but the sea change for First World women came with the oral contraceptive, available from the 1950s on.

This has given women much more choice and a number of them known to me have exercised that choice to have no children, or only one.

Which is part of the observation that for each of us our life is what we make of the hand we're dealt.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
We were once in stars. The journey never ends.
As I re-read your post, I can say that "We" were never in stars. As far as cells go, and abiogenesis, you don't know how it happened, I only know that God gave life to whatever and whoever He wants, but as far as a "never-ending journey," no. WE were never in stars...but, if that's the way you want to look at things, have a happy. And the journey can end for some.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
As I re-read your post, I can say that "We" were never in stars. As far as cells go, and abiogenesis, you don't know how it happened, I only know that God gave life to whatever and whoever He wants, but as far as a "never-ending journey," no. WE were never in stars...but, if that's the way you want to look at things, have a happy. And the journey can end for some.
Not a single atom in your body had not come from a star.



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Not a single atom in your body had not come from a star.

So your atoms gathered together and you're writing. Or they're writing. Is that how you see it? Like when "stardust" glies through space, do you imagine they know their destination?
religion is not Good. but a Good father ( god ) did send jesus here who is our messiah and he did tell us about the book for life, entering the kingdom and this is truly what is important and jesus tells us how to access this gate. Now I am not religious, why would we do that. Jesus was killed by the religious leaders. We have over 40000 different christian denominaitons ( what a mess ) Instead of just listening to Jesus's commands. Religions including christans are often at odds with each other over teachings including salvation. I recommdned following jesus's teachings on how to enter the kingdom because its not that hard to understand. Jesus is our judge and will be when he comes back to reign. I never belived in any of this until I found out it was true. and obedience is what he asks for. He does not make us, but a wise man will build his foundation on the rock in which Jesus stands. we are to listen to him only, everything else is a lie, according to what jesus said. Religions do not fully teach Jesus words. he is our judge guys, if you need peace in your life and comfort follow him only..... he is the way truth and life, no ones comes to the father except through him ( he is our high priest/ messiah)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
religion is not Good. but a Good father ( god ) did send jesus here who is our messiah and he did tell us about the book for life, entering the kingdom and this is truly what is important and jesus tells us how to access this gate. Now I am not religious, why would we do that. Jesus was killed by the religious leaders. We have over 40000 different christian denominaitons ( what a mess ) Instead of just listening to Jesus's commands. Religions including christans are often at odds with each other over teachings including salvation. I recommdned following jesus's teachings on how to enter the kingdom because its not that hard to understand. Jesus is our judge and will be when he comes back to reign. I never belived in any of this until I found out it was true. and obedience is what he asks for. He does not make us, but a wise man will build his foundation on the rock in which Jesus stands. we are to listen to him only, everything else is a lie, according to what jesus said. Religions do not fully teach Jesus words. he is our judge guys, if you need peace in your life and comfort follow him only..... he is the way truth and life, no ones comes to the father except through him ( he is our high priest/ messiah)
When Adam and Eve were created, all they had to do was listen to their Creator. They didn't have a bunch of rules and regulations to follow.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
As it has been said, there is no proof in science. Anyway, do you imagine stardust thinks?
Yes as atoms form molecules, molecules form DNA, and DNA makes up all lifeforms including US thinking apes with molecular brains and a molecular nervous system all completely formed by atoms that formed in stars.


Christian Evolutionist
I know religious people are absolutely convinced of some sort of afterlife but for me I am not convinced at all for me personally I feel like nothing will happen when I die now of course I don't know what happens but I just feel like nothing will happen anyway what are your thoughts on an afterlife ?

We go to sleep until what we leave behind transforms into what it is to transform into. Mother earth has a way of recycling everything, including us. While I don't prescribe to the concept of retaining my current identity as that new creation, I do believe that what I am foundationally will become again as that "new creation", bonded (merged) with whatever mother earth is able to form me with - from herself.