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I have issues with Islam


Skanky Old Mongrel!
everybody here knew my opinions about terrorist and ISIS...etc

So, let's get this clear, are you saying that Islamic extremists who murder, terrorise, blackmail, suppress women and indoctrinate infants are very bad people?

...Do you think that more Muslim clerics should speak out clearly against these criminals?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
This is something non Muslim do not seem to understand.

We have no ordained clery. there is no religious hierarchy. Every Muslim is considered equal and we all are "clergy" none of us speak for anyone except our self. We have no living "Religious Authority" that tells us what to do or believe. There is no such thing as "Senior Muslim Priests", we have no priesthood.

Now as to if Muslims speak out against those who do evil. There is no shortage. world wide Muslims condemn those who do evil in the name of Islam a few examples:

Ayatollah (Arabic: آية الله; Persian: آیت‌الله) is a prestigious title given to major Shia clergymen. Ayatollah means "sign of God"; those who carry it are considered experts in Islamic studies.

....... which is why Wiki talks of Shia clergymen, and no doubt the Sunnis have their hierarchies as well...... Look..... please don't bulls--t me.......

Apart from a march in North London, most of your examples were about demonstrations against ISIS. We need more Muslim experts and clergymen to speak out against the subjection of some Muslim women, indoctrination of some Muslim children, terrorism in our streets and other crimes which happen here....., in England.

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Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Ayatollah (Arabic: آية الله; Persian: آیت‌الله) is a prestigious title given to major Shia clergymen. Ayatollah means "sign of God"; those who carry it are considered experts in Islamic studies.

....... which is why Wiki talks of Shia clergymen, and no doubt the Sunnis have their hierarchies as well...... Look..... please don't bulls--t me.......

Apart from a march in North London, most of your examples were about demonstrations against ISIS. We need more Muslim experts and clergymen to speak out against the subjection of some Muslim women, indoctrination of some Muslim children, terrorism in our streets and other crimes which happen here....., in England.
Yes the Shi'ite have their ayatollahs which I believe is bidah and leads them away from Islam.

As a Sunni that follows the hanafi madhab I place no living man as being my religious leader. I accept no living person as being my religious leader. I allow no living human to have religious leadership over me.
I worship Allaah(swt) with no human between him and my worship.

I see all Muslims as equal in regards to religious authority. When I stand to lead the prayers as the Imam I am not one atom bigger than the newest Muslim in the Masjid.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
My friend-.
Search the history a islam
And look at Christian history a bit, and you will know the difference
Looking atthe teachings ofJesus
And look at the teachings of Muhammad
And you will know the difference between them
The Quran is notthewordloveone
Whilethe Gospelislovelyrics
Mohammedmarrieda girl
WhileJesussaidthe most beautifulwordforchildren
Paradise Mohammad is sex and nudity free
While the Kingdom of Christ is the serenity and peace

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
My friend-.
Search the history a islam
And look at Christian history a bit, and you will know the difference
Looking atthe teachings ofJesus
And look at the teachings of Muhammad
And you will know the difference between them
The Quran is notthewordloveone
Whilethe Gospelislovelyrics
Mohammedmarrieda girl
WhileJesussaidthe most beautifulwordforchildren
Paradise Mohammad is sex and nudity free
While the Kingdom of Christ is the serenity and peace

... and we can see the beautiful history of Christianity very clearly when we read about the Crusades, Inquisition, and even modern-day Christian persecution of minorities like homosexuals.

Maybe it is you who needs to go read about the history of your religion before criticizing others' religions for the very same reasons that make a lot of your religion's history disgraceful.


I want Khilafah back
Yes the Shi'ite have their ayatollahs which I believe is bidah and leads them away from Islam.

As a Sunni that follows the hanafi madhab I place no living man as being my religious leader. I accept no living person as being my religious leader. I allow no living human to have religious leadership over me.
I worship Allaah(swt) with no human between him and my worship.

I see all Muslims as equal in regards to religious authority. When I stand to lead the prayers as the Imam I am not one atom bigger than the newest Muslim in the Masjid.

Yet you follow the Hanafi Madhhab. Why do you contradict yourself brother?

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
My friend-.
Search the history a islam
And look at Christian history a bit, and you will know the difference
Looking atthe teachings ofJesus
And look at the teachings of Muhammad
And you will know the difference between them
The Quran is notthewordloveone
Whilethe Gospelislovelyrics
Mohammedmarrieda girl
WhileJesussaidthe most beautifulwordforchildren
Paradise Mohammad is sex and nudity free
While the Kingdom of Christ is the serenity and peace

My friend I lived as a Christian for most of my life. As a layman and as clergy.
AFTER 45 years I came to believe Christianity was in error.
I than became an Atheist for 20 + years, I would still be an Atheist if I had not found Islam.
It is as a Muslim I found the love I once thought Christianity offered.
I find only peace in Islam and a deeper love of Jesus(as) than I ever experienced as a Christian

As a Christian I worshiped a false image. As a Muslim I learned to love Jesus(as) and to follow the message he taught.


I want Khilafah back
My friend I lived as a Christian for most of my life. As a layman and as clergy.
AFTER 45 years I came to believe Christianity was in error.
I than became an Atheist for 20 + years, I would still be an Atheist if I had not found Islam.
It is as a Muslim I found the love I once thought Christianity offered.
I find only peace in Islam and a deeper love of Jesus(as) than I ever experienced as a Christian

As a Christian I worshiped a false image. As a Muslim I learned to love Jesus(as) and to follow the message he taught.

For how long have you been a Muslim?

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Yet you follow the Hanafi Madhhab. You do you contradict yourself brother?

I assume you do not know what a madhab is.
A madhab is a school of thought and a discipline of Islamic jurisprudence.
As a discipline the hanafi school of thought stresses personal responsibility.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
So, let's get this clear, are you saying that Islamic extremists who murder, terrorise, blackmail, suppress women and indoctrinate infants are very bad people?

...Do you think that more Muslim clerics should speak out clearly against these criminals?
i suppose this is serious questions : my answser is YES .

btw , it's not cool that you cut my post .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Ayatollah (Arabic: آية الله; Persian: آیت‌الله) is a prestigious title given to major Shia clergymen. Ayatollah means "sign of God"; those who carry it are considered experts in Islamic studies.

....... which is why Wiki talks of Shia clergymen, and no doubt the Sunnis have their hierarchies as well...... Look..... please don't bulls--t me.......

Apart from a march in North London, most of your examples were about demonstrations against ISIS. We need more Muslim experts and clergymen to speak out against the subjection of some Muslim women, indoctrination of some Muslim children, terrorism in our streets and other crimes which happen here....., in England.
Thats i disagree with brothers and sisters Shias and some Sunni ,there is no middle between God and his people .

there is no leadship (as Pope for Christians) ,Muslims had direct contract with God ,by pray Him and obey His order in Quran and Hadith.

this kind of thinking which made ISIS and Alqaeda ...etc ,they obey person opinions and disobey God .


I want Khilafah back
I assume you do not know what a madhab is.
A madhab is a school of thought and a discipline of Islamic jurisprudence.
As a discipline the hanafi school of thought stresses personal responsibility.

I know very well what a Madhhab is. The Hanefi Madhhab was founded by Imam Abu Hanifa. It is based on his teachings which his students wrote down and then after his death his students continued explaining Islam and all new matters in the same manner and logic that he did and that he taught them. To this day, those who follow a Madhhab (which everyone should) they are following the opinions and views of the Scholars of that particular Madhhab.

We as laymen, are obligated to follow the Scholars, Allah comands it, so too his Prophet.

So your statements of not following anyone or any central leader or whatever, is wrong, contradicts your own statement of following the Hanefi Madhhab and contradicts the commands of Allah and his Messenger.

Even if you claim to not follow anyone without seeing the evidence for yourself, you still rely upon the writings of Scholars as you do not live at the time of the Prophet, that time is long gone. If your claim is that you study the hadith yourself on a matter then let me tell you that Muhammed never wrote any hadith, they were written down by the Sahaba and the Scholars that followed. So to say that you learn directly from the Sunnah is very incorrect. Even the hadith themselves are not all part of the Sunnah, there are contradictory hadith which are Sahih. And lastly, I am 110% sure that you are not an expert in the Arabic language. The commands of Allah (Qur'an) were not revealed in English, nor did our Prophet speak in English. To be able to derive rulings on your own as you say you need to be very well versed with the Arabic language to say the least.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I assume you do not know what a madhab is.
A madhab is a school of thought and a discipline of Islamic jurisprudence.
As a discipline the hanafi school of thought stresses personal responsibility.
accuatly i am changed my opinion about madhab ,(part) ,because there is no parts in Islam . I followed Hadith but i stop call my self Sunni anymore .

there is one madhab is Islam .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
It may be quite late, but a very warm welcome to Islam.
there is no late , since he is alive , so God will forgave him for ALL his past ,when he was non-muslim , and he will gain the paradise inshallah.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Yes the Shi'ite have their ayatollahs which I believe is bidah and leads them away from Islam.

As a Sunni that follows the hanafi madhab I place no living man as being my religious leader. I accept no living person as being my religious leader. I allow no living human to have religious leadership over me.
I worship Allaah(swt) with no human between him and my worship.

I see all Muslims as equal in regards to religious authority. When I stand to lead the prayers as the Imam I am not one atom bigger than the newest Muslim in the Masjid.

Ho ho!
And so Shia Muslim leaders are in a position to guide their followers away from the bad stuff that I have already mentioned.

As for your group, which I guess is Sunni, please just confirm that nobody in your religion, NOBODY, is in any position to influence any of your followers at all, in any matters, or in any actions. You see, I don't trust you now, because you have begun to slide down the slippery slopes of INTELLECTUAL OBSTRUCTION. To my call of 'who can guide Muslims away from bad practices, crimes, murder and terrorism?', your answer has attempted to reply...... 'Nobody'..... and I do not believe you.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Who said that? Just pointing out that most people have rank double standards. What have you done to help stop the violence committed in your name?
So you do believe that our civilians have deserved to suffer terrorism in their own streets, homes shop, etc..... You refer me back to violence committed in my name.

Do you support the right of women to go to school? Do you condemn the murders of schoolteachers and children in Pakistan schools ..... carried out in anger because a young girl was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for her courage?

Do you support honour attacks and forced marriages?

Do you support Terrorism and attempted terrorism?

You see......... you can't hide behind accusations against us any more, because not only we fly against terrorists in Muslim countries, but so do Jordanian, Iranian and other Muslim forces........

And your Influential Muslims in the UK are not speaking out loudly enough against all this bad stuff...


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Thats i disagree with brothers and sisters Shias and some Sunni ,there is no middle between God and his people .
Oh yes there is.....
When groups have attempted to enforce Sharia law in English suburbs, there has very definitely been a presence of influence driving these actions.

there is no leadship (as Pope for Christians) ,Muslims had direct contract with God ,by pray Him and obey His order in Quran and Hadith.
Oh yes there is........ There are Muslims who are exceedingly influential, and who can give strong guidance to Muslim communities. And they do not speak out loudly enough against terrorism in our communities.

this kind of thinking which made ISIS and Alqaeda ...etc ,they obey person opinions and disobey God .
..... then let's hear Influential Muslims calling this out loud for all to hear, clearly.