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I have issues with Islam

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
... and we can see the beautiful history of Christianity very clearly when we read about the Crusades, Inquisition, and even modern-day Christian persecution of minorities like homosexuals.

Maybe it is you who needs to go read about the history of your religion before criticizing others' religions for the very same reasons that make a lot of your religion's history disgraceful.
Well, comewith me-
1. Islam-.
U-who announcedtheir followersto MuhammadinMeccawas a little
O-MadinahIslamic Jihadannounced
B-participated in these wars and military commander
T-Mocanonsspoilsin war
N-after Muhammad's death
M-the wars ofapostasy
K-the battle ofthe camel
S-Umayyad Caliphate
9. the killing of Hassan and Hussein at the hands of the Umayyads
P-Hajjaj binYusufalthagafi
D.withthe Romans
E.the Abbasid Caliphate
Andthe Fatimids inEgypt
And the Fatimids are major causes of the Crusades
Æ a Fatimid ordered the demolition of churches
In Palestine
There are many details
2. every Muslim wars based on Quran
4. the verses in the Qur'an are fighting in wars
5. the word fight and fought more than 96 times in the Qur'an
6. the teachings of the Koran in fighting
7. now come with me to the Christian
Christianity spread by peaceful
8. all wars by Christians
It is not offensive
10. every Christian wars are wars of interests
11. There is no clear text from the Bible allowed in combat
12. each Gospel is not allowed in the war
13. modern warfare
14 Iraq war
It is because of the ambitions of the West in oil
16. also through a formal invitation from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
17. the Americans helped Muslims in Bosnia
18. no George Bush fights to spread Christianity in the world
19. There are thousands of fatwas to kill Christians and infidels
20 there are clear verses of the Qur'an to kill Christians, Jews and pagans
And leave the rest to the following responses
The dialogue is about the Christian and Islamic texts
21. the Islamic ideology based on Quran
And Mohammed
22. Christian ideology based on the Gospel
23. the correct dialogue is a study of Christian texts
24. also learn Islamic texts
25. that ideology have objectives
And means
26. means of Islamic ideology

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
My friend I lived as a Christian for most of my life. As a layman and as clergy.
AFTER 45 years I came to believe Christianity was in error.
I than became an Atheist for 20 + years, I would still be an Atheist if I had not found Islam.
It is as a Muslim I found the love I once thought Christianity offered.
I find only peace in Islam and a deeper love of Jesus(as) than I ever experienced as a Christian

As a Christian I worshiped a false image. As a Muslim I learned to love Jesus(as) and to follow the message he taught.
But refer to the Qur'an
And know the verse says you are going to hell
And write it in Arabic( ,وان منكم لواردها --وكان حكم ربك امرا مقضيا )
And look for their interpretations of many
I understand her words of Arabic language

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
But refer to the Qur'an
And know the verse says you are going to hell
And write it in Arabic( ,وان منكم لواردها --وكان حكم ربك امرا مقضيا )
And look for their interpretations of many
I understand her words of Arabic language
Thesewords of the Qur'an
It is written in the original Arabic language
If you want to knowa goodversetranslatedtext word forWord
You'll learn why Muslims are interpreted differently
This is due to the emergence of cults in Islam

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
My God!
You picked a bad one there.
Moslem extremists were going round in East London, trying to apply Sharia Law, and the speaker who seems as if he is criticising their actions then says
'....... of course, I cannot go to them and tell them that they are breaking the law.....'

You should watch your own videos, my friend..... they are showing exactly what I have previously told you about......
But they enjoy it
I was inan Iraqi cityMosulname
Muslims weremy friends
And reject acts of displacement
But were only blowjob
And did nothing
Because they are in the faith agree
And different apparently only

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
If a Christian surrenders themselves to the will of God does that make them a Muslim?
A Muslim does notmeanpeaceful
It means
Who surrendered
And the big difference
God in Islam I do admit it and don't believe it
I'man atheistbestofIslam
The agnostic does not say wrong about God
Whilethe Islamicideologysaysfalsehoodabout God

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Did you actually watch that news report?

It was about Muslims attacking European Embassies in Syria over cartoon effigies of Muhammad.

Now....... you need to focus on the simple fact that street murders such as Lee Rigby's, or Islamic Extremist terrorists attempts discovered and put doiwn by our intelligence services........ etc etc.... don't seem to get much attatention from your Leaders. Oh sorry...... you don't have any leaders.
Islamrejects theintellectual freedom
Fear of freedom
Because intellectual freedom means the collapse of the Islamic intellectual
That ideology and ideology behind all myths
Headded theDevils
These creatures are not Devils, not of humans, not angels
Heinventedthe FourthIslamicprivate
And in the Qur'an surah special


Skanky Old Mongrel!
But they enjoy it
I was inan Iraqi cityMosulname
Muslims weremy friends
And reject acts of displacement
But were only blowjob
And did nothing
Because they are in the faith agree
And different apparently only

Hello and thankyou for your post....
I watched that film again, and the speaker said 'Sharia law only applies to Muslim and not other people'...! :eek:

So he was not speaking out against extremist Islamic vigilantes applying Sharia Law in London streets at all.
What I think he should have been saying is 'Sharia Law has no place on London Streets! Sharia Vigilantes have no right to interfer with anybody on London streets!

But he did not. A perfect example of what I have been debating about on this thread. Can you imagine what those nuts would do to an Asian girl and her boyfriend walking home from a nightclub at midnight?

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Hello and thankyou for your post....
I watched that film again, and the speaker said 'Sharia law only applies to Muslim and not other people'...! :eek:

So he was not speaking out against extremist Islamic vigilantes applying Sharia Law in London streets at all.
What I think he should have been saying is 'Sharia Law has no place on London Streets! Sharia Vigilantes have no right to interfer with anybody on London streets!

But he did not. A perfect example of what I have been debating about on this thread. Can you imagine what those nuts would do to an Asian girl and her boyfriend walking home from a nightclub at midnight?
You know from the movie and the rigging is also
But I know Islam because in your personal and family and also national
Islam inBritainisfromthe second phasenow
Application ofIslamic lawsfor Muslims
And then salnon that Islamic law be applied in Britain or in a province of Britain
You have read the Koran and know the meaning (dhimmi), and the difference between them


Skanky Old Mongrel!
You know from the movie and the rigging is also
But I know Islam because in your personal and family and also national
Islam inBritainisfromthe second phasenow
Application ofIslamic lawsfor Muslims
And then salnon that Islamic law be applied in Britain or in a province of Britain
You have read the Koran and know the meaning (dhimmi), and the difference between them

Hello again.......
Well, the people here will not tolerate extremist vigilantes who try to dominate any district with any religious laws. Nobody has the right to impose any laws other than UK laws on UK streets.

If all Muslim leaders are speaking like that man in that video, my point is proven beyond any doubt at all.......

All this could seriously affect the results of our General Election this year....

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I searched for how awful the Islamic history was and i found this terrible fact.

They fight for their homeland
Yes home defense right
And defending his homeland is not a criminal
Muslims in that State want their and apply their religion and forced others
I wantto tell you
We are Eastern Christians
(Chaldean-Assyrian-Syriac-Aramean-theCoptic community)
Not fighting Muslims.
But Muslims they drive away or out us of our land and our they deserted us and stole our home-.
For this the more I think about thinking, delve further into
Tell the nation and defend the right project
And not to defend their homeland against the Islamic attack will become like us
A slave in his homeland for the Muslim invaders
Greetings to you

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
But refer to the Qur'an
And know the verse says you are going to hell
And write it in Arabic( ,وان منكم لواردها --وكان حكم ربك امرا مقضيا )
And look for their interpretations of many
I understand her words of Arabic language

Before I reply I want to verify that is from surat 19

Arabic does not translate well to English, word for word translations often result in nonsense

For a reasonably accurate interpretation I need to read the full surah. I believe that is from surah 19 but I want to be certain before I attempt an interpretation
A word for word translation makes little sense as i interpret it as "face judgement with no recourse"
I do not recall that from memory but it seems like it is from surah 19
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Hello again.......
Well, the people here will not tolerate extremist vigilantes who try to dominate any district with any religious laws. Nobody has the right to impose any laws other than UK laws on UK streets.

If all Muslim leaders are speaking like that man in that video, my point is proven beyond any doubt at all.......

All this could seriously affect the results of our General Election this year....
I'm not interestedinBritain-.
Because Britain planted snakes in their homes-.
I gaveyouthe IslamicDevelopment
And you made the third stage
Islam uses lies and misinformation
There is a verse from the Quran
Translate tough call (Tekke)
And meaning of camouflage and deception and lies
Readthe Quran
There are two directions
I recognized and their Shia
And deny only
Greetings to you

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Before I reply I want to verify that is from surat 19

Arabic does not translate well to English, word for word translations often result in nonsense

For a reasonably accurate interpretation I need to read the full surah. I believe that is from surah 19 but I want to be certain before I attempt an interpretation
Short cutyou'll only
Word (ward)meaninside
Or login
LAAMis aconfirmationletter
(For a)
(LAAM)is theemphasis
(Ward)iswithin the
They are the kinds of
There is abridge overhell
This is a seminal interpretation
Another interpretation says that you stay several days
And the interpretation says quick access
All agree that there are entry to hell
Hello and thankyou for your post....
I watched that film again, and the speaker said 'Sharia law only applies to Muslim and not other people'...! :eek:

...... Can you imagine what those nuts would do to an Asian girl and her boyfriend walking home from a nightclub at midnight?

Sadly my girlfriend, who is of 'Asian' heritage, knows the terrifying answer to this having studied at Queen Mary's Uni (Aldgate campus). She also gave me a head bangingly frustrating anecdote experienced recently where she got into a cab, a bit inebriated, only to be administered a sanctimonious homily from the Moslem cabbie who felt it was his place to espouse some apparently needed and allegedly 'superior' Islamic values. Oh if I had been there.

There is so much I'd like to comment on in this debate but due to limited internet time and the sheer futility of debating with Moslems on such topics I think I will stay out of this one. But as an Englishman I fully support your argument 'Oldbadger' - I know what I am seeing here with my own eyes.

Moslems - come talk to me when we see your co-religionists mobilise in vast numbers as quickly and with as much fervour as they do when organising a sporadic protest against Israel, or youtube videos for examples. I believe I must have missed the moral outrage and the unifying anger of the 99.9% 'peaceful' Moslems at ISIS who are surely bringing their faith into far far greater disrepute than a Danish cartoon right????
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I didn't watch this video however that is the face of one Asghar Bukhari, head of a Moslem 'think tank' called MPACUK. Well, this bloke has actually publicly said that Moslems do not need to come out and speak against terrorism carried out in the name of Islam whilst I have also seen him say that Islamic terrorism is justified - the example of self defence he gave was atrocities aimed at the West due to the presence of the Allied forces in Iraq. Yes - those terrible Western forces risking their lives to free Moslems from the tyranny of other Moslems (oh the irony) - but who apparently, according to him, the left and the entire Moslem world were actually 'occupiers' of 'Moslem' land and enslavers of Moslems.

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Sadly my girlfriend, who is of 'Asian' heritage, knows the terrifying answer to this having studied at Queen Mary's Uni (Aldgate campus). She also gave me a head bangingly frustrating anecdote experienced recently where she got into a cab, a bit inebriated, only to be administered a sanctimonious homily from the Moslem cabbie who felt it was his place to espouse some apparently needed and allegedly 'superior' Islamic values. Oh if I had been there.

There is so much I'd like to comment on in this debate but due to limited internet time and the sheer futility of debating with Moslems on such topics I think I will stay out of this one. But as an Englishman I fully support your argument 'Oldbadger' - I know what I am seeing here with my own eyes.

Moslems - come talk to me when we see your co-religionists mobilise in vast numbers as quickly and with as much fervour as they do when organising a sporadic protest against Israel, or youtube videos for examples. I believe I must have missed the moral outrage and the unifying anger of the 99.9% 'peaceful' Moslems at ISIS who are surely bringing their faith into far far greater disrepute than a Danish cartoon right????

Islam is quite new to me. I was very anti-Islam for 65 or so years and believed very much as those posting here.
Yet I came to find that what I believed was in error and I accepted Islam at the age of 65. I remain Muslim as the more I learn the more I am reassured it is all about peace and the true way to follow God.

I am not concerned that most people I know are anti-Islam. I will not interfere with their choice of worship of non-worship. I am not obligated to convert anyone and if somehow my words caused some one to convert I would tell them they have accepted Islam for the wrong reason and they need to go back and find a better reason.


I want Khilafah back
there is no Pope for Muslims .

Imam in Mosque just for pray Salat and explain Islam as his efforts .

Scholars explain Islam and daawa (call to Islam) .

Bin Laden or Albagdadi (ISIS leader) some others , represent their views by their crimes and speechs , which is against Islam teaching .

the scholars are not divine , so thier speechs could not compare to Quran or Hadith .

so the problem that some people pick the scholars "opinions" as holly , instead of Quran and Hadith .

Allah says in the Qur'an to follow Scholars, Muhammed says to follow Scholars, even if they make mistake it's still ok.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
But they enjoy it

I was inan Iraqi cityMosulname
Muslims weremy friends
And reject acts of displacement
But were only blowjob
And did nothing
Because they are in the faith agree
And different apparently only

Guess who tell me before " I am Christain , and I hate Jewish , and Christianity teach love " ? was not you ? ;)

you had Muslims friends in Iraq !! really shame on them .

explain to us the first sentence :
apparently you mean :
ALL muslims reject terrorism but they are ALL Muslims enjoy (join) terrorism ?
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Skanky Old Mongrel!
Sadly my girlfriend, who is of 'Asian' heritage, knows the terrifying answer to this having studied at Queen Mary's Uni (Aldgate campus). She also gave me a head bangingly frustrating anecdote experienced recently where she got into a cab, a bit inebriated, only to be administered a sanctimonious homily from the Moslem cabbie who felt it was his place to espouse some apparently needed and allegedly 'superior' Islamic values. Oh if I had been there.

There is so much I'd like to comment on in this debate but due to limited internet time and the sheer futility of debating with Moslems on such topics I think I will stay out of this one. But as an Englishman I fully support your argument 'Oldbadger' - I know what I am seeing here with my own eyes.

Moslems - come talk to me when we see your co-religionists mobilise in vast numbers as quickly and with as much fervour as they do when organising a sporadic protest against Israel, or youtube videos for examples. I believe I must have missed the moral outrage and the unifying anger of the 99.9% 'peaceful' Moslems at ISIS who are surely bringing their faith into far far greater disrepute than a Danish cartoon right????

Hi Chev.......
I've got plenty of time to support this thread, but it's really good to know that other members with less time are still showing support for these issues. Thankyou.

The evidence is clear that Muslim Leaders in the UK are not doing enough to stop Islamic Extremism here.

There is evidence that they are showing support for Sharia Vigilantes, and this causes me to wonder whether, behind the scenes, they might be promoting the suppression of women, promoting forced marriage, honour attacks, the suppression of schooling for girls, jobs for female teachers and much much more.

And Muslims telling me that I'm supporting anal-rape and illegal wars causes me to believe that they are showing their support for Islamic Extremism in the UK.


I want Khilafah back
Hi Chev.......
I've got plenty of time to support this thread, but it's really good to know that other members with less time are still showing support for these issues. Thankyou.

The evidence is clear that Muslim Leaders in the UK are not doing enough to stop Islamic Extremism here.

There is evidence that they are showing support for Sharia Vigilantes, and this causes me to wonder whether, behind the scenes, they might be promoting the suppression of women, promoting forced marriage, honour attacks, the suppression of schooling for girls, jobs for female teachers and much much more.

And Muslims telling me that I'm supporting anal-rape and illegal wars causes me to believe that they are showing their support for Islamic Extremism in the UK.

So what are you and your secular leaders doing to try and stop the British government's terrorism and extremism?