I know. It's almost as bad as, say, lying about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in a foreign country and killing hundreds of thousands of people in the name of "fighting terrorism."
It's bad, isn't it?
Its horrednous. I marched against that illegal war. I hope they are tried one day. Totally against what Britain stands for. Blair was unable to face our Queen for that - cancelled their mandatory weekly meetings so he could suck on Bush's backside
Don't think you can't count Tony Blair or George Bush as Christian leaders... Neither of them are Preists or Arch-Bishops are they?
They are politicians. Politicians lie. its in the job description.
From the stats I posted previously..... even though it was an illegal unjust war (albeit fighting a fascist dictator) we* still have a long way to go before we*'ve killed as many innocents as Islam has. WMD or no WMD.
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