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i think jesus was confused...or maybe luke and john were


Well-Known Member
your excellent example?
get over yourself...plaaaeeeeezzzzzzz

Originally Posted by sincerly
Originally Posted by sincerly
Yes, And your:""""sure whatever you say...i believe you :no:"""" is an excellent example.

You obviously don't know what it means(contradictions) since I showed you an excellent example made by you. Also, your posts are contradictions of the context of the scriptures.

Just maybe, if you weren't so dedicated to trying to disprove the validity of the Bible/scriptures, you would see your own made contradictions.

yet you were raised in a christian home...right?

You indicated you were.


Veteran Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
Originally Posted by sincerly
Yes, And your:""""sure whatever you say...i believe you :no:"""" is an excellent example.

You obviously don't know what it means(contradictions) since I showed you an excellent example made by you. Also, your posts are contradictions of the context of the scriptures.

Just maybe, if you weren't so dedicated to trying to disprove the validity of the Bible/scriptures, you would see your own made contradictions.

You indicated you were.

the bible is a book filled with unsupportable arbitrary bigoted and contradictory claims which tends to stick it's claws into fearful sheep who cannot or will not think that the word of gawd is ever to be questioned...why not? because it's not...or else, the boogie man will get 'em...muahahahahah
beware the devil will get a hold of your brain and turn you into one of his


has indeed taken a hold of those who are afraid to think for their self

is it any wonder why the bible belt is the shame of this country as it leads in
obesity, STD, divorce and where the least amount of passports are sent out to?

get real...and please consider this


Well-Known Member
the bible is a book filled with unsupportable arbitrary bigoted and contradictory claims which tends to stick it's claws into fearful sheep who cannot or will not think that the word of gawd is ever to be questioned...why not? because it's not...or else, the boogie man will get 'em...muahahahahah

You changed your tag-line from NOT trusting man. Which was good advice, but the Word of the Creator GOD "A horse of another color". The evidence of HIS creative work surrounds ALL who have eyes and ears and a mind to think with.(Yes, that mind can be deluded into believing one's preconceived ideas in spite of the Correct hearing and seeing of evidence.)
Just as you have posted, NOT Contradictions of/in the Scriptures, BUT those created by your own imagination. Those kind are the "bigoted ones".
It is the Only "continual evil thinking of man's imagination" which is Contradictory to the Truths of the Scriptures/GOD'S WORD for the correct association of man to man and man to HIS Creator GOD.

beware the devil will get a hold of your brain and turn you into one of his


has indeed taken a hold of those who are afraid to think for their self

Those who have truly thought concerning the why they are here and and HOW SOMETHING CAME FROM NOTHING have used their brains to see and understand that there is a supreme living power which Created it ALL and Daily sustains it all.
Any delusion in on the part of those who negate HIS Existence.

is it any wonder why the bible belt is the shame of this country as it leads in
obesity, STD, divorce and where the least amount of passports are sent out to?

get real...and please consider this

Shame! Why should the "Bible Belt" be ashamed? More people are flocking to it each year according to the cencus report---and a passport isn't needed to enter or leave that area.
"""obesity, STD, divorce""" are National issues and should I say "Moot" to this topic thread?

As for the Picture, You have been hiding your face a lot in your posts and did say """Just Gassssss."
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Veteran Member
You changed your tag-line from NOT trusting man. Which was good advice, but the Word of the Creator GOD "A horse of another color". The evidence of HIS creative work surrounds ALL who have eyes and ears and a mind to think with.(Yes, that mind can be deluded into believing one's preconceived ideas in spite of the Correct hearing and seeing of evidence.)
Just as you have posted, NOT Contradictions of/in the Scriptures, BUT those created by your own imagination. Those kind are the "bigoted ones".
It is the Only "continual evil thinking of man's imagination" which is Contradictory to the Truths of the Scriptures/GOD'S WORD for the correct association of man to man and man to HIS Creator GOD.
jesus being happy go lucky in one gospel doesn't fit with jesus sweating blood in another gospel.
jesus crying out "why have you forsaken me?' in one gospel
doesn't gel with “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” in another gospel
They crucified two rebels with him, one on his right and one on his left.
... Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.

does not gel with
39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”

40 But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

and “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
contradicts jesus going to hell for 3 days...

Shame! Why should the "Bible Belt" be ashamed? More people are flocking to it each year according to the cencus report---and a passport isn't needed to enter or leave that area.

stop embarrassing yourself...point about the passport is that most everyone in the bible belt have never seen the world that exists outside of the US..they are isolationists.

"""obesity, STD, divorce""" are National issues and should I say "Moot" to this topic thread?

Northeast, Not Bible Belt, Has Lowest Divorce Rate In America

According to CDC epidemiology studies in the U.S., the Bible Belt (Christians) have the most STDs…? | Q&A About Chastity Tube

Bible Belt Needs a Bigger Belt: 9 of 10 Obese States in South on EthicsDaily.com

please get your head out the sand will ya


Jesus in me
that adds absolutely nothing to the conversation
what that tells me is, there's no standard to reason with.

the others asked if they should draw their swords....why would they ask that if they didn't lack comprehension to understand the spiritual nature of the mission of jesus?

this little tid bit by the way, supports my argument.
in the synoptic gospels there is no mention of jesus telling those who were arresting him to leave his disciples alone as he wasn't kissed in the john's narrative...while in the synoptic gospels that was the sign...therefore the jesus character had to separate himself from the rest of the crew in john.

however that isn't fleeing....that isn't running away from a situation.

matthew 26:38...“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”
39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

mark 14:34 “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.”
35 Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him.

luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.[c]

now please show me a passage in john where jesus is distressed to the point of sweating blood :shrug: where in john does jesus say 'not my will but yours be done' in the prayer he prayed right before his arrest?

then why ask them to keep watch while he prayed...
apparently jesus the god man needed assistance with his omniscient powers and needed his disciples to be on the look out...where as he was able to predict peter's denial..it doesn't add up. :no:
mark 14:34 “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch
watch for what? there is nothing to watch out for if they were waiting to hand jesus over to the authorities...let the authorities do all the work...
if jesus was the willful sitting duck

but you are not jesus the god man.

i wonder how much time jesus was experiencing this wide range of feelings from the last supper up until his arrest? are we talking a few hours
where jesus was either happy go lucky or sweating blood from fear. it doesn't add up.

regardless, the narratives say they wanted to prevent his arrest...

The Holy Spirit is present and quite capable of rendering information about scripture. Granted that isn't available for everyone since there is an element of belief involved. However for someone looking at the scripture objectively as opposed to critically it validates itself. My experience with critics is that they tend to validate thier criticisms without paying heed to rational arguments against the criticism.

Luke 22:49 And when they that were about him saw what would follow, they said, Lord, shall we smite with the sword?
50 And a certain one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and struck off his right ear.
51 But Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye them thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.

Luke 22:51
New American Standard Bible (NASB)

51 But Jesus answered and said, “[a]Stop! No more of this.” And He touched his ear and healed him.

Exactly. They did not understand because Jesus had not explained it to them. They made assumptions based on the fact that they were told to take up the swords but Jesus did allow the first strike as an example of what could be done if He were willing. Then He tells them to stop. The other disciples did not strike because they were not told to by Jesus but Peter acted without instructions.

I am sure you would like to think it supports your argument but it doesn't. There are no contradictions. You make the assumption that the kiss identifying Jesus did not take place according to John and that Jesus needed to identify Himself because it was lacking but that is not necessarily the case. Jesus is quite capable of driving home the fact that the kiss was not necessary because He wasn't hiding or trying to escape. Please refrain from disparaging statements such as "the jesus character."

It is true that they were not told to flee but without any way to defend themselves, having been told by Jesus not to do so, it ought to have been obvious to them that they needed to get away fast.

Omission is not contradiction. If you think that it is, prove it.

What doesn't add up is your continued assumption that keeping watch means to be looking for enemies. Jesus never said watch for enemies. He said watch with me but Jesus wasn't watching for enemies He was in prayer.

However I am just as much in the flesh. That is something we have in common.

You do have problems with your math. Where do you get happy -go-lucky out of the last supper scene? As for my parallell scene I don't sweat the dentist until I am in his office.

You are in error. It says that the disciples wanted to do what their Lord Jesus told them to do.


Jesus in me
the bible is a book filled with unsupportable arbitrary bigoted and contradictory claims which tends to stick it's claws into fearful sheep who cannot or will not think that the word of gawd is ever to be questioned...why not? because it's not...or else, the boogie man will get 'em...muahahahahah
beware the devil will get a hold of your brain and turn you into one of his


has indeed taken a hold of those who are afraid to think for their self

is it any wonder why the bible belt is the shame of this country as it leads in
obesity, STD, divorce and where the least amount of passports are sent out to?

get real...and please consider this

You can't prove any of this. So far your attempts to prove contradictions has fallen far short.

I am guessing that you are assuming that the devil has not already accomplished that with you. IMHO people are quite capable of being obverse just because it can be fun to see people's reactions. Somehow I wonder whether there is any depth of reality in this approach.

The god of delusion is the devil. Are you saying you qualify as a person who can't think for himself?

As my brother says figures don't lie but liars figure. Is there a correlation? If a person takes the Bible seriously, he will not have sex with anyone but his wife and will not seek divorce unless it appears the other person has abandoned him completely for another partner. Obesity probably correlates with all those church suppers and men's breakfasts, lol. Ah, the price we pay for fellowship!

I consider this to be an extremely obnoxious disparagement of peoples beliefs. However after making my arguments on this thread and seeing that you ignore the facts, if they don't agree with you, I suspect that the picture might accurately describe your condition.


Veteran Member
The Holy Spirit is present and quite capable of rendering information about scripture. Granted that isn't available for everyone since there is an element of belief involved. .
thats my point...a belief based on the lack of empirical evidence.

you are giving license to this sort of thing...
"the holy spirit told me that the bible is just a practical joke and there is nothing you can say to change my mind because the holy spirit told me so, so there:p"

Exactly. They did not understand because Jesus had not explained it to them. .
well then jesus was confused
john 15:15
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

I am sure you would like to think it supports your argument but it doesn't. There are no contradictions. You make the assumption that the kiss identifying Jesus did not take place according to John and that Jesus needed to identify Himself because it was lacking but that is not necessarily the case. Jesus is quite capable of driving home the fact that the kiss was not necessary because He wasn't hiding or trying to escape. Please refrain from disparaging statements such as "the jesus character."
:spit: so the kiss was necessary for jesus in the synoptic gospels and not necessary in john...? :areyoucra how many jesus' are we talking about...? how many times was he betrayed? :biglaugh:

Omission is not contradiction. If you think that it is, prove it.

pay attention...
it isn't about ommission it's about context...john is describing a jesus that contradicts a jesus in mark or luke or matthew...
jesus is distressed in those gospels jesus is not showing any signs of distress in john.
context context context....the context in the synoptic gospels are contradicting the context in john.

What doesn't add up is your continued assumption that keeping watch means to be looking for enemies. Jesus never said watch for enemies. He said watch with me but Jesus wasn't watching for enemies He was in prayer.
watch for what then? if you are going to argue this point then you are going to have to tell me what they were watching for?
well? :shrug:

You do have problems with your math. Where do you get happy -go-lucky out of the last supper scene? As for my parallell scene I don't sweat the dentist until I am in his office.
john 14:31...takes them out of the foot washing orgy or was it the last supper...i don't know...
31 but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.

“Come now; let us leave.

john 15, 16 and 17 jesus says this...

15:1 “I am the true vine,

16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

17:1 After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed:
“Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. 2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

now compare this confident jesus with
mark 14:34 “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.”

matthew 26:38 Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”

luke 22:39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. 40 On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” 41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.[c]

context context context...
so tell me how is one to sweat blood from anguish while also telling his disciples he is the vine, and he is glorified and to take heart? it doesn't make any sense.

You are in error. It says that the disciples wanted to do what their Lord Jesus told them to do.

did jesus ask them to ask if they should draw their swords?
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Veteran Member
You can't prove any of this. So far your attempts to prove contradictions has fallen far short.
read my previous post and i have proven this to be the case..

I am guessing that you are assuming that the devil has not already accomplished that with you. IMHO people are quite capable of being obverse just because it can be fun to see people's reactions. Somehow I wonder whether there is any depth of reality in this approach.
yes in your opinion that is based on, on...ah what was that...oh yea someone else's opinion

The god of delusion is the devil. Are you saying you qualify as a person who can't think for himself?
you see i think for my self which why i choose to be skeptical...
can't say the same for you though

As my brother says figures don't lie but liars figure. Is there a correlation?

exactly...seems that your figuring out a whole bunch of disclaimers in order to reconcile the contradictions of the bible...

I consider this to be an extremely obnoxious disparagement of peoples beliefs. However after making my arguments on this thread and seeing that you ignore the facts, if they don't agree with you, I suspect that the picture might accurately describe your condition.
yes the picture is meant for you too
since you lack the evidence to prove anything...faith btw, isn't evidence.


Well-Known Member
jesus being happy go lucky in one gospel doesn't fit with jesus sweating blood in another gospel.

Waitasec, What you are labeling/supplying an errous situation/understanding to HIS Message in one writers scene cannot be transposed to the scene of another writer. That isn't in "Context". It is a "contradiction" made by you.

jesus crying out "why have you forsaken me?' in one gospel
doesn't gel with “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” in another gospel

Jesus had stated that after three days HE would Resurrect and meet with the Disciples.The thief will be resurrected as promised. And GOD the Father had considered Jesus SIN(which HE became in our places) and, therefore, to be avoided.

They crucified two rebels with him, one on his right and one on his left.
... Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.
does not gel with
39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”

40 But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

and “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
contradicts jesus going to hell for 3 days...

No Contradiction of the scriptures, BUT in your claiming that both of those crucified with HIM "heaped insults". Only one did.
Jesus was in "hell"/the grave/tomb for three days. And the "today(future---shall)" is this day that you are listening to ME. As Jesus said to Mary, "I have not yet ascended to my Father".

stop embarrassing yourself...point about the passport is that most everyone in the bible belt have never seen the world that exists outside of the US..they are isolationists.

That's not just the SouthEast. That can be said of the inhabitants of the entire USA.
If they were "Isolationists", the southeast portion of the USA would not have the continuing influx of population from the other states. When I lived in California, it was said that many in San Francisco and Oakland had never crossed the bay even to visit the other city.

Take you own advise. First, those things are prevalent in all of the USA and the earth. It isn't "just Christians(true or professed)" in which those things are found.


At the Monastery
I mean...two swords. And Jesus says that is enough? Against the Roman Empire. Clearly he is NOT attempting revolution. There seems to be confirmed, with the remark about give what is Caesar to Caesar's. Jesus is not looking for a materialistic revolution but spiritual. Jesus may be quelching the desire of some of the more....politically radical..elements of his group till they catch up with him and what he is all about.


Veteran Member
I mean...two swords. And Jesus says that is enough? Against the Roman Empire. Clearly he is NOT attempting revolution. There seems to be confirmed, with the remark about give what is Caesar to Caesar's. Jesus is not looking for a materialistic revolution but spiritual. Jesus may be quelching the desire of some of the more....politically radical..elements of his group till they catch up with him and what he is all about.

if jesus was so concerned about the spiritual, then why did he have to physically die?
seems awfully suspect to me.


Veteran Member
Waitasec, What you are labeling/supplying an errous situation/understanding to HIS Message in one writers scene cannot be transposed to the scene of another writer. That isn't in "Context". It is a "contradiction" made by you.
well tell me how many stories are there?
looks like 4 different stories...i didn't make up the contradiction. people who fuse all four as one story do..

Jesus had stated that after three days HE would Resurrect and meet with the Disciples.The thief will be resurrected as promised. And GOD the Father had considered Jesus SIN(which HE became in our places) and, therefore, to be avoided.

yet TODAY you will be with ME in paradise contradicts this notion...
did jesus go to hell for 3 days or not?

No Contradiction of the scriptures, BUT in your claiming that both of those crucified with HIM "heaped insults". Only one did.
Jesus was in "hell"/the grave/tomb for three days. And the "today(future---shall)" is this day that you are listening to ME. As Jesus said to Mary, "I have not yet ascended to my Father".
look at the scene as if it were one...
'today you will be with me in paradise'....'god why have you for saken me?'
it doesn't fit.


That's not just the SouthEast. That can be said of the inhabitants of the entire USA.



the bible belt...

If they were "Isolationists", the southeast portion of the USA would not have the continuing influx of population from the other states. When I lived in California, it was said that many in San Francisco and Oakland had never crossed the bay even to visit the other city.
pay attention and stop making up your own argument...that isn't what i said...
the topic is passports no one needs a passport to travel from state to state. :facepalm: :foot:
one needs a passport to travel abroad. and, i would venture to say you have never stepped outside of this country...odds are i'm right...right?

Take you own advise. First, those things are prevalent in all of the USA and the earth. It isn't "just Christians(true or professed)" in which those things are found.

i know the truth hurts....stats don't lie...they paint a more accurate picture than false hope does.
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Well-Known Member
well tell me how many stories are there?
looks like 4 different stories...i didn't make up the contradiction. people who fuse all four as one story do..

There are four writers "who have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us", concerning the Life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Negative! it was your (and Ehrman's) supplied contradictive language which is not according to the context of the language of the individual writers accounts which is faulty. When it is your claim of "contradiction", that is made up by youthat is false----The scriptures are True.

yet TODAY you will be with ME in paradise contradicts this notion...
did jesus go to hell for 3 days or not?

Was there commas in the writtings at the tim the Gospels were written.???? NO, Therefore, in context Jesus is assureing the Repentant theif at that time that he would be redeemed.

look at the scene as if it were one...
'today you will be with me in paradise'....'god why have you for saken me?'
it doesn't fit.

Of course they don't, Jesus is conversing to one of the theives in the former, -----and in the latter, to GOD.
That is an example of the contradictions you try to make.

"Stay at home Nation:"

This has nothing to do with the topic. And you are wrong again concerning me. I have ben in most of the 50 USA States--including Alaska.

i know the truth hurts....stats don't lie...they paint a more accurate picture than false hope does.

Neither do the Scriptures lie, but you have certainly tried to distort the Scriptures with your contrived "contradictions".
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Veteran Member
There are four writers "who have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, concerning the Life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Negative! it was your (and Ehrman's) supplied contradictive language which is not according to the contex of the language of the individual writers accounts which is faulty. When you claim "contradiction", that is made up by you----The scriptures are True.
ahh you still haven't addressed the discrepency have you...

jesus saying "take heart" in john still doesn't fit with jesus sweating blood in another gospel.

2 separate narratives...

Of course they don't, Jesus is conversing to one of the theives in the former, -----and in the latter, to GOD.
That is an example of the contradictions you try to make.
in luke's gospel one thief hurled insults while the others say both.

This has nothing to do with the topic. And you are wrong again concerning me. I have ben in most of the 50 USA States--including Alaska.

i was right, you haven't stepped outside of the US... thusly you don't have a passport...

Neither do the Scriptures lie, but you have certainly tried to distort the Scriptures with your contrived "contradictions".

still doesn't change the fact that the bible belt leads the country with obesity, divorce and STD's

yes yes yes... the lord your gawd makes a difference... a big difference i don't want to take part in...


Well-Known Member
ahh you still haven't addressed the discrepency have you...

jesus saying "take heart" in john still doesn't fit with jesus sweating blood in another gospel.

2 separate narratives...

Waitasec, the only contradictions/"discrepencies" are those produced by you. Those have been ongoingly addressed.
As with the above, Only Luke mentions the great drops of sweat as blood. Again, John doesn't write about praying in the garden by Jesus and the sleeping disciples. John's focus was more centered on the the divinity of Jesus---as is seen from Vs.1:1. And "I go to prepare a place for you". John 14

in luke's gospel one thief hurled insults while the others say both.

Matthew and Mark do say that those crucified with HIM "reviled HIM"----along with the "chief priests and scribes". Are you saying that the one thief during that six hour ordeal could not have observed/heard enough to persuade his understanding of the Messiah and Lordship?? The centurion was convinced--"Truly this was the Son of GOD". Pilate was convinced---washed his hands and the Jewish leaders said, "HIS blood be upon us and our children."

i was right, you haven't stepped outside of the US... thusly you don't have a passport...

You continue to make/have wrong thinkings/conclusions/opinions.
In the last 60 years, I have been in five different Nations. And I do have a passport, It does need updating, but I have no plans to use it.

still doesn't change the fact that the bible belt leads the country with obesity, divorce and STD's

Nor does those facts, mean that only the "Christian" Believers are the only people who live in that area of the country who are "obese, get divorces, or contract an STD." Those statistics are of the General Population.

yes yes yes... the lord your gawd makes a difference... a big difference i don't want to take part in...

I know of no one who is forcing you to take part in anything you choose not to do.
However, when you post contradictive material to the context of what you don't believe as truth(Biblically)----the correct scriptural understanding will be posted.

"Unbelievers" have been around for a very long time. It is your perogative to be one of Those.


Veteran Member
Waitasec, the only contradictions/"discrepencies" are those produced by you. Those have been ongoingly addressed.
As with the above, Only Luke mentions the great drops of sweat as blood. Again, John doesn't write about praying in the garden by Jesus and the sleeping disciples. John's focus was more centered on the the divinity of Jesus---as is seen from Vs.1:1. And "I go to prepare a place for you". John 14
you're wrong...i didn't write the 4 contradicting gospels.

Matthew and Mark do say that those crucified with HIM "reviled HIM"----along with the "chief priests and scribes". Are you saying that the one thief during that six hour ordeal could not have observed/heard enough to persuade his understanding of the Messiah and Lordship?? The centurion was convinced--"Truly this was the Son of GOD". Pilate was convinced---washed his hands and the Jewish leaders said, "HIS blood be upon us and our children."
if luke would have pointed that out then sure...but luke didn't.

"my god why have you forsaken me" doesn't work with "you will be with me in heaven"

each narrative is written for a specific audience... in the case of luke it's a greco-roman audience... which explains why you find jesus saying he only came for the lost sheep in matthew and mark (for jewish audiences) but not in luke or john (a broader)

consider mark 7 and matthew 10...you don't find that theme in luke or john which were written for a broader audience.

i'm using the gospels as proof for my audience...
you seem to be using an erroneous understanding taught to you your whole life.

You continue to make/have wrong thinkings/conclusions/opinions.
In the last 60 years, I have been in five different Nations. And I do have a passport, It does need updating, but I have no plans to use it.
which is why you brought up other states earlier when i specifically mentioned passports...

where have you gone?

Nor does those facts, mean that only the "Christian" Believers are the only people who live in that area of the country who are "obese, get divorces, or contract an STD." Those statistics are of the General Population.
did i say only....?
you are making up your own argument again.
the bible belt leads, has the higher rates then the rest of the country...
quite telling if you ask me.

I know of no one who is forcing you to take part in anything you choose not to do.
well when my friend can't get married they are being told what to choose
when my friend who's suffering from lou gehrig's disease who will eventually
suffocate to death cannot chose euthanasia, i'd say he's being told what to choose
and when my catholic friends daughter is told that birth control is like having an abortion i'd say she's being told what to choose
so i have no idea what your talking about.

However, when you post contradictive material to the context of what you don't believe as truth(Biblically)----the correct scriptural understanding will be posted.
without any scripture to back up your baseless claims...


Well-Known Member
you're wrong...i didn't write the 4 contradicting gospels.

But you did write the "I think" contradictions which are false concerning the truths of the four Gospels.

sincerly said:
Matthew and Mark do say that those crucified with HIM "reviled HIM"----along with the "chief priests and scribes". Are you saying that the one thief during that six hour ordeal could not have observed/heard enough to persuade his understanding of the Messiah and Lordship?? The centurion was convinced--"Truly this was the Son of GOD". Pilate was convinced---washed his hands and the Jewish leaders said, "HIS blood be upon us and our children."

if luke would have pointed that out then sure...but luke didn't.

Like your contradictions what isn't written in another of the Gospels validates according to you---your contradictions, but it doesn't work in reverse.
Neither Matthew nor Mark acknowledged that the Thief had that conversation with Jesus. It is just not written about, but isn't a contradiction. that's your false claim.

"my god why have you forsaken me" doesn't work with "you will be with me in heaven"

Jesus had told the disciples that HE would resurrect in three days; so it does work well with the promise to the Thief.

each narrative is written for a specific audience... in the case of luke it's a greco-roman audience... which explains why you find jesus saying he only came for the lost sheep in matthew and mark (for jewish audiences) but not in luke or john (a broader)

consider mark 7 and matthew 10...you don't find that theme in luke or john which were written for a broader audience.

i'm using the gospels as proof for my audience...
you seem to be using an erroneous understanding taught to you your whole life.

Wrong! The four were writing about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Each writer was writing what was "most surely believed among us". Therefore, by reading the four as complimentary to each other a more exact picture is obtained.

However, "your audience" is one of fault-finding/destructive criticism to negate the truth of the scriptures. It is the Truth of the Scriptures that I have believed most of my life. Not the traditions made by Man or the decrees made in the councils of men.

which is why you brought up other states earlier when i specifically mentioned passports...

All those things were lumped together and specifically confined to the "Bible belt". Which is a label for "Christians". The population of that area are not all Christians nor can one generalize that those conditions are mainly seen in the "Christians" as opposed to "General population----which you were implying.

where have you gone?

That is not the topic of discussion.

did i say only....?
you are making up your own argument again.
the bible belt leads, has the higher rates then the rest of the country...
quite telling if you ask me.

The only figures you posted were those concerning "passports" and those having one. 20% for the SouthEast and 35%(or better) for the the rest.
Which indicates that a least 65% of the population of the USA doesn't have a passport.
But, again, this has nothing to do with the Topic. It is totally off-topic.

well when my friend can't get married they are being told what to choose
when my friend who's suffering from lou gehrig's disease who will eventually
suffocate to death cannot chose euthanasia, i'd say he's being told what to choose
and when my catholic friends daughter is told that birth control is like having an abortion i'd say she's being told what to choose
so i have no idea what your talking about.

You are speaking of the laws of the Nation. There is separation of Church and State. Also, to belong to a church/denomination one follows the governing authority of that organization. Didn't you choose to follow the beliefs you hold today? Are you threatened/prevented from exercising your Religious/secular beliefs which aren't prohibited by State/Federal Laws?

without any scripture to back up your baseless claims...

I have given scripture to refute your baseless "contradictions" of the Bible.


Veteran Member
But you did write the "I think" contradictions which are false concerning the truths of the four Gospels.
would you rather have me say..."jesus was confused or maybe luke and john were"

you seem to be having a problem with people being skeptical
and you seem to be insecure about it too...
i understand.

Like your contradictions what isn't written in another of the Gospels validates according to you---your contradictions, but it doesn't work in reverse.
Neither Matthew nor Mark acknowledged that the Thief had that conversation with Jesus. It is just not written about, but isn't a contradiction. that's your false claim.
if you would just provide scripture that would glue the contradicting contexts all together...
but alas there are none...except for your wishful thinking...which isn't anything really.

Jesus had told the disciples that HE would resurrect in three days; so it does work well with the promise to the Thief.
not when he says "today, you will be with me in paradise"

Wrong! The four were writing about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Each writer was writing what was "most surely believed among us". Therefore, by reading the four as complimentary to each other a more exact picture is obtained.
However, "your audience" is one of fault-finding/destructive criticism to negate the truth of the scriptures. It is the Truth of the Scriptures that I have believed most of my life. Not the traditions made by Man or the decrees made in the councils of men.
according to when these gospels were written, as most bible scholars agree, that mark, and matthew were written closer to the event and luke and john were written way way later, support my argument...:sorry1:

All those things were lumped together and specifically confined to the "Bible belt". Which is a label for "Christians". The population of that area are not all Christians nor can one generalize that those conditions are mainly seen in the "Christians" as opposed to "General population----which you were implying.
if you don't know what the purpose of a passport is then i can't help you...

That is not the topic of discussion.
then you are being dishonest with me....:tsk:

The only figures you posted were those concerning "passports" and those having one. 20% for the SouthEast and 35%(or better) for the the rest.
Which indicates that a least 65% of the population of the USA doesn't have a passport.
But, again, this has nothing to do with the Topic. It is totally off-topic.
the percentage was for the population pertaining to the respective color of each state...not the entire US population...


here is another example:
United States Passport Ownership Per Capita, by State | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

You are speaking of the laws of the Nation. There is separation of Church and State. Also, to belong to a church/denomination one follows the governing authority of that organization. Didn't you choose to follow the beliefs you hold today? Are you threatened/prevented from exercising your Religious/secular beliefs which aren't prohibited by State/Federal Laws?
this country is 80% christian...go figure.

I have given scripture to refute your baseless "contradictions" of the Bible.
where? i didn't see any.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
But you did write the "I think" contradictions which are false concerning the truths of the four Gospels.

would you rather have me say..."jesus was confused or maybe luke and john were"

you seem to be having a problem with people being skeptical
and you seem to be insecure about it too...
i understand.

Apparently you must think that removing the "I think" changed the meaning----it didn't. Your contradictive attempts are still false. The Four writers of Jesus and HIS Mission, Life and redemptive plan remains valid and Truth.

I have no problem with true skepticism in a person; however, a person who continues to hold "unbelief" when the truth is made known is not honest with them-self. Do you understand? There is no insecurity in me as the results of your Erroneous posts.

if you would just provide scripture that would glue the contradicting contexts all together...
but alas there are none...except for your wishful thinking...which isn't anything really.

They have been given, but a purposeful blindness to the truth prevents one from recognizing that which is blocked from the mind.
The truth of the Scriptures isn't "wishful thinking".
It is your "wishful thinking" which produced those opinionated false "contradictions."

sincerly said:
Jesus had told the disciples that HE would resurrect in three days; so it does work well with the promise to the Thief.
not when he says "today, you will be with me in paradise"

There were no "commas" 2000 years ago. The context of events before and after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus prevent the "comma" from being placed before "Today". The context dictates that it read: "I say unto you today, you will be with me in paradice." You didn't mean to place it after today in the above did you?? It is correctly placed.

sincerly said:
Wrong! The four were writing about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Each writer was writing what was "most surely believed among us". Therefore, by reading the four as complimentary to each other a more exact picture is obtained.
However, "your audience" is one of fault-finding/destructive criticism to negate the truth of the scriptures. It is the Truth of the Scriptures that I have believed most of my life. Not the traditions made by Man or the decrees made in the councils of men.

according to when these gospels were written, as most bible scholars agree, that mark, and matthew were written closer to the event and luke and john were written way way later, support my argument..

The "Everlasting Gospel" doesn't change with the years nor audience. It is written and the plan of salvation has always been for Believers in the Creator GOD----from Adam and Eve to the very last "Believer" to be born.
Luke had to be written prior to 70A.D. because the Temple was still present when it was written.

if you don't know what the purpose of a passport is then i can't help you...

You were aware of my having a passport prior to your posting this one. I don't need your help.

sincerly said:
That is not the topic of discussion.

then you are being dishonest with me....

And you are inferring that I'm lying because "an off-topic question" isn't answered!!! That is being "dishonest".

the percentage was for the population pertaining to the respective color of each state...not the entire US population...

Waitasec, You seem to be "confused"----each State's population DOES equate to the ENTIRE US POPULATION. Only 20% of the population in those States having the least number of passports which translates to 80% NOT having passports. Even the States having the MOST passports it was 35+%----Which means that 65% or somewhat less of their population didn't have passports.
But those statistics doesn't have a thing to do with Christians vs. Non-Christians.
And that doesn't/hasn't been differentiated into percentages of Christians and Non-Christians. in divorce. obesity, nor STD's. Again, Just your false claims without evidence and off topic.

sincerly said:
You are speaking of the laws of the Nation. There is separation of Church and State. Also, to belong to a church/denomination one follows the governing authority of that organization. Didn't you choose to follow the beliefs you hold today? Are you threatened/prevented from exercising your Religious/secular beliefs which aren't prohibited by State/Federal Laws?

this country is 80% christian...go figure.

Waitasec, one, as a citizen of the USA, is obligated to obey the State and Federal laws. Those were made and ratified by the population of the various States and their representitives from each state. There is NO CHURCH whose doctrines are being enforced at this time.

From Wikipedia: "
The majority of Americans (60% to 76%) identify themselves as Christians, mostly within Protestant and Catholic denominations, accounting for 51% and 25% of the population respectively.[4] Non-Christian religions (including Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism etc.), collectively make up about 3.9% to 5.5% of the adult population.[4][5][6] Another 15% of the adult population identifies as having no religious belief or no religious affiliation.[4] When asked, about 5.2% said they did not know, or refused to reply.[4] According to the American Religious Identification Survey, religious belief varies considerably across the country: 59% of Americans living in Western states (the "Unchurched Belt") report a belief in God, yet in the South (the "Bible Belt") the figure is as high as 86%.[4][7]

One can "profess to be a Christian" and as Matt.7:21-23 testifies: they are NOT accepted/ known by JESUS.

sincerly said:
I have given scripture to refute your baseless "contradictions" of the Bible.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Apparently you must think that removing the "I think" changed the meaning----it didn't. Your contradictive attempts are still false. The Four writers of Jesus and HIS Mission, Life and redemptive plan remains valid and Truth.
are you projecting?

I have no problem with true skepticism in a person; however, a person who continues to hold "unbelief" when the truth is made known is not honest with them-self. Do you understand? There is no insecurity in me as the results of your Erroneous posts.

you haven't given me anything to support your tired argument

They have been given, but a purposeful blindness to the truth prevents one from recognizing that which is blocked from the mind.
The truth of the Scriptures isn't "wishful thinking".
It is your "wishful thinking" which produced those opinionated false "contradictions."

do you have any empirical evidence to support any of this tripe?
no you don't.

it's called religious faith for a reason
a disclaimer for illogical beliefs

There were no "commas" 2000 years ago. The context of events before and after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus prevent the "comma" from being placed before "Today". The context dictates that it read: "I say unto you today, you will be with me in paradice." You didn't mean to place it after today in the above did you?? It is correctly placed.
fine whatever....
today you will be with me in heaven...doesn't fit with 3 days basking in the glory of almighty satan

The "Everlasting Gospel" doesn't change with the years nor audience. It is written and the plan of salvation has always been for Believers in the Creator GOD----from Adam and Eve to the very last "Believer" to be born.
Luke had to be written prior to 70A.D. because the Temple was still present when it was written.

prove it...
oh yea, you can't

desperation brings out desperatation

You were aware of my having a passport prior to your posting this one. I don't need your help.

but you won't tell me where you have been...

And you are inferring that I'm lying because "an off-topic question" isn't answered!!! That is being "dishonest".
passports are already off topic son...
a cowardly ducking technique... come on fess up you don't have one.

Waitasec, You seem to be "confused"----each State's population DOES equate to the ENTIRE US POPULATION.

so for eample 50% of the population in california represents 50% of the country?

no wonder this country is ********* up

Waitasec, one, as a citizen of the USA, is obligated to obey the State and Federal laws. Those were made and ratified by the population of the various States and their representitives from each state. There is NO CHURCH whose doctrines are being enforced at this time.

i see you feel strong hiding behind the mob mentality...

the bravery of being out of range....
yes yes yes you are so brave