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i think jesus was confused...or maybe luke and john were


Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
Apparently you must think that removing the "I think" changed the meaning----it didn't. Your contradictive attempts are still false. The Four writers of Jesus and HIS Mission, Life and redemptive plan remains valid and Truth.

are you projecting?

No!! only relating the incontext messages of the Scriptures.

you haven't given me anything to support your tired argument

Translated: "you just continue to show where the context of the scriptures don't agree with my erroneously contrived false contradictions".

do you have any empirical evidence to support any of this tripe?
no you don't.

Translated: "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made-up/unchangeable."

it's called religious faith for a reason
a disclaimer for illogical beliefs

Translated: "The contextual truths of the Scriptural are contrary to my illogical claims of contradictions".

sincerly said:
There were no "commas" 2000 years ago. The context of events before and after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus prevent the "comma" from being placed before "Today". The context dictates that it read: "I say unto you today, you will be with me in paradice." You didn't mean to place it after today in the above did you?? It is correctly placed.

fine whatever....

today you will be with me in heaven...doesn't fit with 3 days basking in the glory of almighty satan

In context with the rest of the scriptural information, Again, that sentence is--"I say unto you today, you will be with me in paradise." Not "basking", But the Crucifixion "defeated" Satan.

sincerly said:
The "Everlasting Gospel" doesn't change with the years nor audience. It is written and the plan of salvation has always been for Believers in the Creator GOD----from Adam and Eve to the very last "Believer" to be born.
Luke had to be written prior to 70A.D. because the Temple was still present when it was written.

prove it...
oh yea, you can't

desperation brings out desperatation

Luke was relating the events of the predicted destruction of the temple in his writings. Had it already been destroyed at the time his writings would have reflected it as a fulfilled prophecy.

Yes, one can readily observe your desparation in your posts.

but you won't tell me where you have been...

First, my travels doesn't have any bearing on the OP topic.
Second, my travels are none of your business.

passports are already off topic son...
a cowardly ducking technique... come on fess up you don't have one.

Third, The bringing in of "passports, divorce, obesity, STD's" was "a cowardly ducking technique" presented by you to avoid the continuing ot the Scriptures in context which are disproving the false claims/issues of the OP. And I'm not your son.

Fourthly, the "fess up you don't have one" is an attack on Me and not addressing my post.

waitasec said:
the percentage was for the population pertaining to the respective color of each state...not the entire US population...
sincerly said:
Waitasec, You seem to be "confused"----each State's population DOES equate to the ENTIRE US POPULATION. Only 20% of the population in those States having the least number of passports which translates to 80% NOT having passports. Even the States having the MOST passports it was 35+%----Which means that 65% or somewhat less of their population didn't have passports.
But those statistics doesn't have a thing to do with Christians vs. Non-Christians.
And that doesn't/hasn't been differentiated into percentages of Christians and Non-Christians. in divorce. obesity, nor STD's. Again, Just your false claims without evidence and off topic.

so for eample 50% of the population in california represents 50% of the country?

no wonder this country is ********* up

Your posted map of the USA and their "colors" does represent the USA Population. Agreed, with the comprehension shown in your posts and the math as a result of the understanding shown, This "country" could well be in trouble if your posts were the "norm" for such.

i see you feel strong hiding behind the mob mentality...

the bravery of being out of range....
yes yes yes you are so brave

"Mob Mentality"??? Well, the 66 writers of the Bible plus the Father, the SON, and the Holy Spirit does make an Impressive group to "stand behind". In my weakness, they are the strength of truth----a very valid reason to, as Jesus said, "follow me".

The "bravery of being out of range..." Should "I think" and suppose/opine your intended meaning????

Jesus said, "they persecuted me and they will persecute you" and " he that saves his life shall lose it and he that shall lose his life for my sake(and the Gospels) shall find/save it."


Well-Known Member
An aside:

ALL have Sinned and one type of sin isn't any better or worse than another. And the remedy covers all types. Repent, Surrender one's will/in Obedience.

waitasec said:
i'm an atheist and i'm no better than a rapist... according to haters


Veteran Member
No!! only relating the incontext messages of the Scriptures.

Translated: "you just continue to show where the context of the scriptures don't agree with my erroneously contrived false contradictions".

Translated: "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made-up/unchangeable."


Translated: "The contextual truths of the Scriptural are contrary to my illogical claims of contradictions".
sorry you can't control my thoughts...

In context with the rest of the scriptural information, Again, that sentence is--"I say unto you today, you will be with me in paradise." Not "basking", But the Crucifixion "defeated" Satan.
funny how you choose to ignore "with me"
maybe you can see that now.

Luke was relating the events of the predicted destruction of the temple in his writings. Had it already been destroyed at the time his writings would have reflected it as a fulfilled prophecy.

Yes, one can readily observe your desparation in your posts.
your retorts are quite entertaining....

First, my travels doesn't have any bearing on the OP topic.
Second, my travels are none of your business.

Third, The bringing in of "passports, divorce, obesity, STD's" was "a cowardly ducking technique" presented by you to avoid the continuing ot the Scriptures in context which are disproving the false claims/issues of the OP. And I'm not your son.

Originally Posted by waitasec
is it any wonder why the bible belt is the shame of this country as it leads in
obesity, STD, divorce and where the least amount of passports are sent out to?

Shame! Why should the "Bible Belt" be ashamed? More people are flocking to it each year according to the cencus report---and a passport isn't needed to enter or leave that area.
"""obesity, STD, divorce""" are National issues and should I say "Moot" to this topic thread?

stop embarrassing yourself...point about the passport is that most everyone in the bible belt have never seen the world that exists outside of the US..they are isolationists.

That's not just the SouthEast. That can be said of the inhabitants of the entire USA.
If they were "Isolationists", the southeast portion of the USA would not have the continuing influx of population from the other states. When I lived in California, it was said that many in San Francisco and Oakland had never crossed the bay even to visit the other city.

if you knew passports where for the purpose of traveling outside of the country why did you bring this up?


Fourthly, the "fess up you don't have one" is an attack on Me and not addressing my post.

i caught you in lie....

Your posted map of the USA and their "colors" does represent the USA Population. Agreed, with the comprehension shown in your posts and the math as a result of the understanding shown, This "country" could well be in trouble if your posts were the "norm" for such.

i will try to make this as clear as i possibly can...

lets look at a pie shall we...a cherry pie...
this cherry pie has 50 cherries in it...each cherry represents people who may or may not have passports...
so now 50 represents the whole entire population of the US
now i will divide the cherry pie into 4 slices...
the 1st slice has 20 cherries
the 2nd slice has 10 cherries
the 3rd slice 15 and
the 4th has 5 cherries...adding up to the whole 50...are you with me?

in the 1st slice 5 out of the 20 have passports... that's 25% of the 20 in the 1st slice not 25% of the whole 50...got it?
the 2nd slice 2 out of the 10 cherries have passports...20 % of the 10 not the entire 50...
the 3rd slice 10 out of 15 cherries have passports...66.66% of the 15, not the entire 50
and now the 4th slice has 2 cherries of the 5 have passports...40% of the 5 not the entire 50...

lets add them up shall we...no we cant because it makes more than 100%
do you get what i am saying now...is there any wonder why i find your posts so amusing?

class dismissed.
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Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by waitasec
i'm an atheist and i'm no better than a rapist... according to haters

sincerly said:
An aside: ALL have Sinned and one type of sin isn't any better or worse than another. And the remedy covers all types. Repent, Surrender one's will/in Obedience.

another one of your ad hominems...


That post of mine includes me as well----And is scripturally correct. GOD has made provisions for ALL who Choose to Live. God's provisions is wrapped in LOVE, not hate.


Well-Known Member
sorry you can't control my thoughts...

funny how you choose to ignore "with me"
maybe you can see that now.

"With me" is not "today"(2000 years ago), but as Jesus expressed in the communications before they left the passover feast. "I go to prepare a place for you-----I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye shall be, also".
Jesus is coming again to receive all the redeemed to paradise/heaven at HIS second coming. That will include the thief as well.

your retorts are quite entertaining....

I'm glad you find them such. They are True/Scriptural.

Originally Posted by waitasec
is it any wonder why the bible belt is the shame of this country as it leads in
obesity, STD, divorce and where the least amount of passports are sent out to

Originally Posted by waitasec

Northeast, Not Bible Belt, Has Lowest Divorce Rate In America

According to CDC epidemiology studies in the U.S., the Bible Belt (Christians) have the most STDs…? | Q&A About Chastity Tube

Bible Belt Needs a Bigger Belt: 9 of 10 Obese States in South on EthicsDaily.com

sincerly said:
Shame! Why should the "Bible Belt" be ashamed? More people are flocking to it each year according to the cencus report---and a passport isn't needed to enter or leave that area.
"""obesity, STD, divorce""" are National issues and should I say "Moot" to this topic thread?

sincerly said:
That's not just the SouthEast. That can be said of the inhabitants of the entire USA.
If they were "Isolationists", the southeast portion of the USA would not have the continuing influx of population from the other states. When I lived in California, it was said that many in San Francisco and Oakland had never crossed the bay even to visit the other city.

if you knew passports where for the purpose of traveling outside of the country why did you bring this up?

waitasec, You lumped all those things together under "this country and "Shame". Also, "Christian" and "Bible belt", but refused to acknowledge that there were Non-christians in the Bible-belt who were divorced, fat, had STD's and did not have a passport.
Neither did your statistics differentiate whether or not any of those catagories were True Christians, "professed Christians" or non-Christians.
Your (Christians) made all those categories ONLY attributed to True Christians. Owning a Passport or not having a passport is not a shameful action/event.

i caught you in lie....

What you are saying is a lie. Not only do I have a passport, but I have been in six Nations.

i will try to make this as clear as i possibly can...

lets look at a pie shall we...a cherry pie...
this cherry pie has 50 cherries in it...each cherry represents people who may or may not have passports...

Your cherry pie clarified nothing. It only proved your comprehension and math to be in error.
Persons having Passports in the Bible-belt actually had "red" states with less than 20% having; "Pink" states with 20-30% Having; some "light blue" States with 30-35% having; and a dark blue State with 35+ %;. Therefore, in all States, the majority of those who "DID NOT HAVE A PASSPORT" ranged from 50-90 % of the population.(since less than and + cannot be evaluated)
It is those who are the "stay at home population". But that isn't a "shameful" situation.
The USA is a beautiful Country from East to West and North to South. One need not leave its borders to be inspired and proud to be an American.(Believer or NOT)

Your cherries didn't add up----I hope you are still amused.


Veteran Member
"With me" is not "today"(2000 years ago),
yes it is. are you going to redefine time?

waitasec, You lumped all those things together under "this country and "Shame".

no...it's the shame of this country as i have pointed out
that the bible belt leads this country in obesity, divorce and STD's
funny how you haven't provided any statistics that would refute that...
but i shouldn't be surprised as you haven't even used any bible passages that would explain it's natural discrepancies...you know the ones i've pointed out that you call erroneous without a shed of evidence that would prove me wrong.

Also, "Christian" and "Bible belt", but refused to acknowledge that there were Non-christians in the Bible-belt who were divorced, fat, had STD's and did not have a passport.
Neither did your statistics differentiate whether or not any of those catagories were True Christians, "professed Christians" or non-Christians.
Your (Christians) made all those categories ONLY attributed to True Christians. Owning a Passport or not having a passport is not a shameful action/event.
look world traveler....
you of all people should know that secular countries are alot happier than religious countries...
consider sweden, norway, denmark and switzerland...
why don't you do your own comparison and show me i'm wrong.

What you are saying is a lie. Not only do I have a passport, but I have been in six Nations.
just tell me one...

Your cherries didn't add up----I hope you are still amused.
my cherries added up all right. and seeing that you continue to be willfully ignorant... i remain amused.


Veteran Member
What you are saying is a lie. Not only do I have a passport, but I have been in six Nations.

You continue to make/have wrong thinkings/conclusions/opinions.
In the last 60 years, I have been in five different Nations. And I do have a passport, It does need updating, but I have no plans to use it.

who's lying?

i can understand it if you had typed 5 for 6 since these numbers are right next to each other but...
you deliberately s p e l l e d it out for me....

liar liar pants on fire....


Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
"With me" is not "today"(2000 years ago), but as Jesus expressed in the communications before they left the passover feast. (John14:1-17:1"I go to prepare a place for you-----I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye shall be, also".
Jesus is coming again to receive all the redeemed to paradise/heaven at HIS second coming. That will include the thief as well.

yes it is. are you going to redefine time?

The scriptures Just do not support your erroneous claim that the Thief was "with Me" on that "today" almost 2000 years ago. Your evidence of the thief dying that "today" is lacking. The soldiers took him off the cross and broke his legs---that--"today".

no...it's the shame of this country as i have pointed out
that the bible belt leads this country in obesity, divorce and STD's
funny how you haven't provided any statistics that would refute that...
but i shouldn't be surprised as you haven't even used any bible passages that would explain it's natural discrepancies...you know the ones i've pointed out that you call erroneous without a shed of evidence that would prove me wrong.

My disputing wasn't the statistics, but the way you used them in connection with "the Bible belt". You do remember placing the "(Christian)" beside it???? You have yet to acknowledge that in those "Bible belt" States there are non-Christians in their populations.

In the same manner, you indicated that
you of all people should know that secular countries are alot happier than religious countries...
consider sweden, norway, denmark and switzerland...

All those countries are "Christian" and allow one the freedom to believe as they choose. However, while they profess to believe, their actions do not reflect that which they profess to believe.

I couldn't copy the CDC Obesity chart by States.
However, the worst State for percentage of the population that was overweight was Mississippi at 34.0 %---That is one person out of every three was obese. The State with the least % of its population being Obese was Colorado with 21.0%---That is one person out of every five persons.
My point being with all those items you tried to denigrate the "bible belt" for, the other States fall in that one in four persons category. In fact, NO State can boast of being Obesity free of at least one fat person. Again, This ths nothing to do with the Thread. You haven't shown that the Scriptures are Contradictory---NOR that their was confusion. Peter acted on his own "thinking", just as you have posted your erroneous "Thinking".

look world traveler....
you of all people should know that secular countries are alot happier than religious countries...
consider sweden, norway, denmark and switzerland...
why don't you do your own comparison and show me i'm wrong.

The "lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" does give a false sense of enjoyment---Where-ever one is in this world. But, lasting and fulfilling happines and enjoyment, comes in the knowing one is pleasing the Creator GOD of all things.

just tell me one...

You have called me a liar----just continue to believe your lies and be amused in the belief that Truth is bovine excrement.
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Well-Known Member
who's lying?

i can understand it if you had typed 5 for 6 since these numbers are right next to each other but...
you deliberately s p e l l e d it out for me....

liar liar pants on fire....

I looked up the status of the sixth before I posted and it has its independance.


Veteran Member
I looked up the status of the sixth before I posted and it has its independance.

Jan 26 2012

Since 1990, 34 new countries have been created. The dissolution of the USSR and Yugoslavia in the early 1990s caused the creation of most of the newly independent states.
You probably know about many of these changes but a few of these new countries seemed to slip by almost unnoticed. This comprehensive listing will update you about the countries which have formed since 1990.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Fifteen new countries became independent with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Most of these countries declared independence a few months preceding the fall of the Soviet Union in late 1991.
Former Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia dissolved in the early 1990s into five independent countries.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, February 29, 1992
Croatia, June 25, 1991
Macedonia (officially The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) declared independence on September 8, 1991 but wasn't recognized by the United Nations until 1993 and the United States and Russia in February of 1994
Serbia and Montenegro, (also known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), April 17, 1992 (see below for separate Serbia and Montenegro entries)
Slovenia, June 25, 1991
Other New Countries

Thirteen other countries became independent through a variety of causes.

March 21, 1990 - Namibia became independent of South Africa.
May 22, 1990 - North and South Yemen merged to form a unified Yemen.
October 3, 1990 - East Germany and West Germany merged to form a unified Germany after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
September 17, 1991 - The Marshall Islands was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United States) and gained independence as a former colony.
September 17, 1991 - Micronesia, previously known as the Caroline Islands, became independent from the United States.
January 1, 1993 - The Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent nations when Czechoslovakia dissolved.
May 25, 1993 - Eritrea was a part of Ethiopia but seceded and gained independence.
October 1, 1994 - Palau was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United States) and gained independence as a former colony.
May 20, 2002 - East Timor (Timor-Leste) declared independence from Portugal in 1975 but did not became independent from Indonesia until 2002.
June 3, 2006 - Montenegro was part of Serbia and Montenegro (also known as Yugoslavia) but gained independence after a referendum.
June 5, 2006 - Serbia became its own entity after Montenegro split.
Febraury 17, 2008 - Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia.
July 9, 2011 - South Sudan peacefully seceded from Sudan following a January 2011 referendum. Sudan itself was the first to recognize South Sudan and did so one day early, on July 8, 2011.


which one?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26 2012

Since 1990, 34 new countries have been created.
which one?

Waitasec, Again, My travels have nothing to do with the OP topic. I posted the Truth. And you falsely called me a liar. Let it go---such actions by you are contrary to the stated Rules. But, FYI---None of those.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
The scriptures Just do not support your erroneous claim


the scriptures are unsupported.

Another false Claim by you. Secular writings(Histories), also, verify what the Scriptures have recorded.

However, this topic is concerning the life, teachings, and events concerning Jesus Christ, HIS Disciples and Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection.(As recorded between 15-35 years after HIS Resurrection/Ascension.----as written in the Bible by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.)


Veteran Member
Waitasec, Again, My travels have nothing to do with the OP topic. I posted the Truth. And you falsely called me a liar. Let it go---such actions by you are contrary to the stated Rules. But, FYI---None of those.

well yes it does..why would i want to waste my time discussing anything with someone who resorts to dishonest tactics...

so was it Armenia?
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Veteran Member
Another false Claim by you.

no it's the most honest claim you seem to be having difficulty with,
is it any wonder why you can't see that it is? :no:

Secular writings(Histories), also, verify what the Scriptures have recorded.
there is no historicity of moses... he was a myth...
the walking dead are unsupported
so was the 3 hour eclipse...

the resurrection is unfounded too...he was most likely to have been fed to the dogs.
which brings me to this question:
if flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god, why did jesus' body have to disappear?

no non biblical writings support this tripe
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