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If a gay or lesbien want to back normal?

Gay or Lesbien want to be partner to other gender .what they suppose to do ?

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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Sadly, the same is true in the US, to the point where it's only ever brought up as a joke. But in this case, we're not talking about consensual sex between adults; we're talking about rape.

In case I was not clear previously (I fear I wasn't), that is unfortunately much the same here.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
If you're ever in the US, I recommend attending a Gay Pride parade. There's no shame to be found in such groups. In fact, many gay people I've talked to have shown far more joy and happiness than others.

Oh, yes. I witnessed one or two in person. They are joyous events. It is just so heartwarming to see those young, vibrant, self-accepting people all together. :)


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
straight is for hetero , and odd for homo , is not fair ?

No. It is not fair. While it is true that "straight" is in practice another name for "hetero", mainly for historical reasons, it is offensive and unawarranted to call homosexuality "odd".

Rest assured, Godobeyer, this is not an open question for most of us in this thread. Not at all.


Why ask others for their opinions.
Why not let your own conscience be your guide.
What´s it telling you as to if your right or wrong?.
It´s not about what men/women think,but what
God thinks.
Sodom and Gomorrah is a good starting point
as to how God feels about homosexuality.
Or think Aids.
What are the wages of sin?.
Are they not death?.
And after the time God gives us in order to repent
and turn back to him runs its course,there is no
chance for repentance anymore,only judgement.
And if for a second were to think God is going to
change the position on any topic he considers to
be unnatural,I´m sorry,you´re sadly mistaken.
Not only is God consistent,but constant.
That is he means what he says.
If he didn´t know what was best for the human race,
he would´ve never given us the 10 commandments
now would he?.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
straight is for hetero , and odd for homo , is not fair ?

It is not fair.

so you bet may wrong ?

There is always the chance that I'm wrong. Taking an absolutist approach to knowledge is incredibly unwise. We always have a chance to be wrong.

In this case, however, I don't estimate my chances of being wrong to be very high.

Earth is not flat all long , it's had some montians and seas ..;etc

Earth is round, not flat. But in some peoples' uninformed opinions, it's flat. These opinions do not hold any weight next to the more informed opinion that Earth is round.

generalizing is not good in the end .

And yet it's exactly what you and your culture, as you report it, are doing with homosexuality. It a very human thing to do; pretty much everyone generalizes at least somewhat.

What's important is to try recognizing when it's being called out, and reflect on whether or not the generalization is fair. When that's not done, that's when the generalization becomes problematic.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
In case I was not clear previously (I fear I wasn't), that is unfortunately much the same here.

I figured as much.

Oh, yes. I witnessed one or two in person. They are joyous events. It is just so heartwarming to see those young, vibrant, self-accepting people all together. :)

I've never been to one myself, but I've seen some groups of rainbow flags flown high on crosswalks before. ^_^ Such high energy and joy is not seen much in public around here.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
may US not religious country, so it's blamed more ?

A lot of people have criticized the U.S. for its laws that didn't/don't allow for equality, including people on this forum. It's not as bad as other countries that severely punish homosexuality, however.

don't tell me that you expect that i will said gay marriage is allowed in Islam ?

Of course not. Like I said, your answer was what I expected; I was just waiting for you to clearly state it yourself.


Why ask others for their opinions.
Why not let your own conscience be your guide.
What´s it telling you as to if your right or wrong?.
It´s not about what men/women think,but what
God thinks.

I think my conscience led me in a directly different path as far as this topic is concerned.


Well-Known Member
Homosexuality is normal. It is natural.

That's a fact.

I could care less about anyone's opinion otherwise. Stating that is an opinion is belaboring a culturally ignorant point of view.

From that is a more important point of discussion. Namely what psychological and medical means which must morally be brought upon those who believe that homosexuality is neither normal or natural.

edit: To add, I don't believe I have the patience to describe to people who conflate frequency occurrences with the statement normal or natural. Especially if they are arguing from a religious belief. I have even less patience for that antiquated nonsense. So I'll leave it to others with far more patience.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Why ask others for their opinions.
Why not let your own conscience be your guide.
What´s it telling you as to if your right or wrong?.

I can't answer for Goodbeyer but how about ethics and basic humanity?

Sodom and Gomorrah is a good starting point
as to how God feels about homosexuality.

Some contend that the passage is actually about denying who you are and in-hospitality. It even admonishes Sodom and Gomorrah for being inhospitable.

Or think Aids.

AIDS is a disease, it generally doesn't care if one is gay or likes pink fluffy people from Mars. It will still infect you. (Psst, it often affects heterosexual people just as much if not more. Depending on your geography.)

What are the wages of sin?.
Are they not death?.

So we all pay the price then? Could it be that we ALL sin equally? So how about removing the log from YOUR eye instead of jumping up and down over the splinter in your brother's?

Not only is God consistent,but constant.
That is he means what he says.

Yep New and Old Testaments! Exactly the same thing! I guess God just softened a little over the years?

Also not everyone follows your religion, thus they are not bound by your interpretation or specific scriptures.

My conscious says it's awful to treat people badly (and against Christ's teachings) just because they commit a sin. We all fall short of the glory of God. We all sin, only God knows what is in the individual heart and mind. We cannot come in between another person and God.
Now I don't want to get into a Scriptural Debate because I am not Christian or Jewish or even Muslim. I'm not even religious. But I do feel like there is some truth in all Holy Books. Like this gem.
Ye therefore have no excuse.you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Romans 2:1

(Just to add, I'm sorry if I incorrectly assumed you were Christian if you are not one.)
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yawn <ignore> yawn
Homosexuality is normal. It is natural.

That's a fact.

The thing is, these words are irrelevant to a discussion of the morality of the issue. One could define the words in a way to leave out homosex.
But it doesn't matter. It's a red herring.
Lots of things are abnormal. Blonde hair, musical genius, Sufism, the vast majority of human beings have many unusual characteristics. That makes everyone abnormal.
People do lots of unnatural things as well. Cooking, science research, praying, no other species does any of these things.

So determining whether something is morally right or wrong has nothing to do with whether it is normal or natural.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I give him credit for courage and transparency. Far too often people think similar things but refuse to expose them and listen to what others think.