Thou art That
Oh, OK, if you think so. Universal Consciousness, IMHO, you cannot jettison the God idea. If not God, then UC. Happens with people from all religions. I understand that. I am not an individual, I am you too, I am the butterfly in Alps, I am the grain of sand on Verkala beach. I am 'what all exists or does not' (depending on what is the last word from science).
I repeat:
"The Universe is [none other than] The Absolute, as seen through the glass of Time, Space, and Causation"
The problem with both science and religion, is that they attempt to make Reality fit their conceptual frameworks, when it should be the other way around. Yeshua said it:
'You search the scriptures for eternal life, when it is I that the scriptures are about'
IOW, we have the cart ahead of the horse, when we should be going directly to the Reality first, without any preconceived notion in mind. Get the experience first directly from the Source, and then you will know how to interpret the science and the religion in terms of Reality, and not the other way around.