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If Jesus was God, explain this verse...


Well-Known Member
Man and his 30,000 religions all claim the HS lead them to truth, just as you claim. Gods word clearly teaches one must be submissive to teachers--teachers of a religion, obviously. One religion, one truth, one faith--its always just been one.

Jeremiah 51:7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD's hand, that made all the
earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.

God uses the religious system

Do you really believe Christianity is one under all these systems all claiming to have the truth and no one believing the same? They lost their first love which is the Spirit of Truth with in us, and follow another there creeds, dogma, priest, denominations, systems, etc., etc.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Psa_16:10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

The son of perdition means...Strong's concordance..G684
From a presumed derivative of G622; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal): - damnable (-nation), destruction, die, perdition, X perish, pernicious ways, waste.

Joh_17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
2Th_2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

In verse 17:12 above Jesus is stating that none but the son of perdition be lost.
And in the next verse, the son of perdition is revealed, as Jesus.

Since Jesus is the substitute for all that is lost, that none should perish.

In the words "none should perish" only leaves one, that perished if the world should be redeemed.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Jeremiah 51:7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD's hand, that made all the
earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.

My view on that verse is is that Jesus is the golden cup in God's hand that has made the world drunken with His wine/message/spirit, which in the eyes of mankind... madness.

In order for Jesus to reclaim humanity for the Father, He must become all of what Babylon represents.

As in the following verse: Mat_26:39 And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

Scriptures, though giving stories humanity can understand, yet many can not see the spiritual significance the stories represent in light of the works of God.

Blessings, AJ



It’s called relationship and what I see from your post is all you know is what religious men say and not what God's Spirit is saying and it does not line up to what God is doing.

I asked you to show me where Jesus a soul? Nowhere does it say" the First Created Soul" and you cannot back this claim with God’s Word; instead of God's Spiritual Word you have is some religious dogma and doctrine that leads and guides you?

Now you send me to some religious website which I am sure has some truth but it is just like all the other religious websites from 20,000 different religious systems all trying to figure God out in their religious way and keeping God’s Spirit outside their gate.

That is not lettings God’s Spirit lead and guiding us it is relying on the scholars of man religious system to lead and guide us into all truth.

When are you going to learn that without God’s Spirit all of this religious dogma is not spirit and truth but human will and understanding. So how is God’s Spirit leading and guiding you when you have all these preconceived bias that do not line up with His spiritual Word???

So basically only people who agree with your theology and particular interpretation of the text have the Spirit, is that what you're saying?

Hmm, no circular presumptions here.

Be careful about talking about the Spirit as if only those who agree with you have it as a cop-out for actual argument and debate and textual analysis, in my belief, that's 100% blaspheming it.


Well-Known Member
So basically only people who agree with your theology and particular interpretation of the text have the Spirit, is that what you're saying?

Hmm, no circular presumptions here.

Be careful about talking about the Spirit as if only those who agree with you have it as a cop-out for actual argument and debate and textual analysis, in my belief, that's 100% blaspheming it.
No. What makes your religious belief different than any other religious belief?

I already ask you to show me where Jesus is a “soul” in scripture as you keep posting and you have no answer because it is not scriptural.

This just proves your truth in not valid and your error is based on some false religious claim and NOT Spirit of truth. Unless you can back it up with scripture its error.

I am not asking you to agree with me. I am asking to line up your false claim with God's Word not your religious opinion based on your bias. So all you have left is trying to scare me by claiming what I believe is blasphemy? You’re the one who is error here.


No. What makes your religious belief different than any other religious belief?

I already ask you to show me where Jesus is a “soul” in scripture as you keep posting and you have no answer because it is not scriptural.

This just proves your truth in not valid and your error is based on some false religious claim and NOT Spirit of truth. Unless you can back it up with scripture its error.

I am not asking you to agree with me. I am asking to line up your false claim with God's Word not your religious opinion based on your bias. So all you have left is trying to scare me by claiming what I believe is blasphemy? You’re the one who is error here.

You dodged every time I asked you whether Angels have souls or not. Some things aren't explicitly stated in scripture. Besides, there's certain Apocryphal books like Ascension of Isaiah that basically state that he is, and I believe that this book was in fact the one referenced in 2 Chronicles.

You accuse me of bias, but of course you don't have any at all.

If you want to settle it in your way, let's ask the Holy Spirit to show which one of us is blaspheming it.


Well-Known Member
You dodged every time I asked you whether Angels have souls or not. Some things aren't explicitly stated in scripture. Besides, there's certain Apocryphal books like Ascension of Isaiah that basically state that he is, and I believe that this book was in fact the one referenced in 2 Chronicles.

You accuse me of bias, but of course you don't have any at all.

If you want to settle it in your way, let's ask the Holy Spirit to show which one of us is blaspheming it.

Of course I am bias to God's Word and The Spirit of Truth. All you do is defend bad doctine not based on the scripture and you claim you believe God's Spirit. Sorry these to areas need to line up. Without the Spirit of truth the Bible is just another Quran or Book of Mormom.

Big difference between you and I is you put your total faith in some man made creed dogma or some scholar your religion deems worthy.

Human beings are souls; that I know and soulish being are not spiritual. Jesus is a spiritual being and so are angels for nowhere does it say Jesus became a living soul. Angel are living souls which is one hundred percent the opposite of spirit. So no I do not believe angels are souls and I know Jesus is not a soul. I am sure there might be some reference to this in the Book of Mormon, the Quran or your Ascension of Isaiah but nowhere is this written in the Bible.

The soul man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned, and the soul man has not the Spirit

The soul is connected to the flesh man for when God formed Adam from the dust of the earth Adam became a living soul. Jesus was not an offspring of Adam or Angels.

All human beings starting with Adam have a soul and a spirit, the soul is not the spirit. Most people spirits have not been awaken yet but their soul is what needs to be saved and redeemed. Their spirit returns to God some reconciled now or later.

1 Corinthians 2:13-16

J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS)
This wisdom is only understood by the spiritual

13 It is these things that we talk about, not using the expressions of the human intellect but those which the Holy Spirit teaches us, explaining things to those who are spiritual.
14-16 But the unspiritual man simply cannot accept the matters which the Spirit deals with—they just don’t make sense to him, for, after all, you must be spiritual to see spiritual things. The spiritual man, on the other hand, has an insight into the meaning of everything, though his insight may baffle the man of the world. This is because the former is sharing in God’s wisdom, and ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?’ Incredible as it may sound, we who are spiritual have the very thoughts of Christ!
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Of course I am bias to God's Word and The Spirit of Truth. All you do is defend bad doctine not based on the scripture and you claim you believe God's Spirit. Sorry these to areas need to line up. Without the Spirit of truth the Bible is just another Quran or Book of Mormom.

You most definitely do NOT have the Spirit of Truth. What you do have is the spirit of Ego, and the spirit of Self-delusion. And the Spirit of Laziness too. You are the one with "bad doctrine", and you are the one who falsely claims to believe God's Spirit. I can play Nuh uh too you know.

And believe it or not, "The Bible" is in fact just another book in terms of a whole. It is filled with SOME inspired writings, but many inspired writings were rejected from its canon, and many books in its canon are not Inspired.

Big difference between you and I is you put your total faith in some man made creed dogma or some scholar your religion deems worthy.

Oh, you don't believe in any man made creeds and dogmas? Never woulda guessed!

Another big difference, is that I actually know some of the facts regarding the manuscript issues and scholarly contentions and don't just lazily and ever-so-arrogantly dismiss them with a claim to the Spirit of Truth.

Human beings are souls; that I know and soulish being are not spiritual. Jesus is a spiritual being and so are angels for nowhere does it say Jesus became a living soul. Angel are living souls which is one hundred percent the opposite of spirit. So no I do not believe angels are souls and I know Jesus is not a soul. I am sure there might be some reference to this in the Book of Mormon, the Quran or your Ascension of Isaiah but nowhere is this written in the Bible.

Oh, and you know the difference between a soul and a Spirit? Where does the Scripture specify this? I know Jesus is a Soul. He is the world-soul. He is the First-Created Being.

The soul man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned, and the soul man has not the Spirit

Soul and Spirit are different things. That's correct. But you have failed to define them.

The soul is connected to the flesh man for when God formed Adam from the dust of the earth Adam became a living soul. Jesus was not an offspring of Adam or Angels.

"A living soul" means a Soul who has been given life on Earth.

All human beings starting with Adam have a soul and a spirit, the soul is not the spirit. Most people spirits have not been awaken yet but their soul is what needs to be saved and redeemed. Their spirit returns to God some reconciled now or later.

Oh, you just said Angels are living souls. Are you saying the Soul dissipates? I think you're confused on your own soul and spirit standard.

1 Corinthians 2:13-16

J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS)
This wisdom is only understood by the spiritual

And you don't understand that wisdom.

13 It is these things that we talk about, not using the expressions of the human intellect but those which the Holy Spirit teaches us, explaining things to those who are spiritual.
14-16 But the unspiritual man simply cannot accept the matters which the Spirit deals with—they just don’t make sense to him, for, after all, you must be spiritual to see spiritual things. The spiritual man, on the other hand, has an insight into the meaning of everything, though his insight may baffle the man of the world. This is because the former is sharing in God’s wisdom, and ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?’ Incredible as it may sound, we who are spiritual have the very thoughts of Christ!

Which is why you cannot accept the matters of Soul and Spirit in regards to the Firstborn of Creation.

It must be nice and convenient to assume that your beliefs are those of the "Spiritual man" and anyone who disagrees with you aren't, but it's just laziness.

So again, shall we ask the Spirit to show which one of us is lying about it?


Well-Known Member
You most definitely do NOT have the Spirit of Truth. What you do have is the spirit of Ego, and the spirit of Self-delusion. And the Spirit of Laziness too. You are the one with "bad doctrine", and you are the one who falsely claims to believe God's Spirit. I can play Nuh uh too you know.

And believe it or not, "The Bible" is in fact just another book in terms of a whole. It is filled with SOME inspired writings, but many inspired writings were rejected from its canon, and many books in its canon are not Inspired.

Oh, you don't believe in any man made creeds and dogmas? Never woulda guessed!

Another big difference, is that I actually know some of the facts regarding the manuscript issues and scholarly contentions and don't just lazily and ever-so-arrogantly dismiss them with a claim to the Spirit of Truth.

Oh, and you know the difference between a soul and a Spirit? Where does the Scripture specify this? I know Jesus is a Soul. He is the world-soul. He is the First-Created Being.

Soul and Spirit are different things. That's correct. But you have failed to define them.

"A living soul" means a Soul who has been given life on Earth.

Oh, you just said Angels are living souls. Are you saying the Soul dissipates? I think you're confused on your own soul and spirit standard.

And you don't understand that wisdom.

Which is why you cannot accept the matters of Soul and Spirit in regards to the Firstborn of Creation.

It must be nice and convenient to assume that your beliefs are those of the "Spiritual man" and anyone who disagrees with you aren't, but it's just laziness.

So again, shall we ask the Spirit to show which one of us is lying about it?[/quote]
There you go again putting all your faith in mans creeds, dogmas issues and scholarly contentions.

God is a spirit not a human brain.

You gave no scriptural proof Angels and Jesus are a soul yet you reject the scriptural proof I gave you and you did not even attempt to refute the verses I quoted.

You are a religious man and do not have the Holy Spirit let alone know any thing about the Holy spirit unless it fits your false creed. The Holy Spirit is a dogma to youl; and he is the last place you would look to lead and guide you into a little bit of truth.


Well-Known Member
One of the spiritual things I am sure you reject is if God didnot put a truth in the book of Genesis then there is a Hugh chance it is a religious lie.

Defending your religious ego is all you have.
You know nothing about seeking for spiritual truth which is progressive.
Like your Pharisee and Sadducee religious brothers they always look back to tradition for truth. A spiritual man always knows He must seek, ask and knock for more truth. It’s called revelation.


You gave no scriptural proof. You go by your own doctrine and theology.

Your entire argument is "Nuh uh" and some twisted interpretation of scripture.

Meanwhile, you reject any writing such as the Ascension of Isaiah (regarded as writ in 2 Chronicles) if it isn't in the Canon, showing that this idea was well established that Angels and the Christ were souls.


One of the spiritual things I am sure you reject is if God didnot put a truth in the book of Genesis then there is a Hugh chance it is a religious lie.

Defending your religious ego is all you have.
You know nothing about seeking for spiritual truth which is progressive.
Like your Pharisee and Sadducee religious brothers they always look back to tradition for truth. A spiritual man always knows He must seek, ask and knock for more truth. It’s called revelation.

I've received Revelation. You have obviously not.

The only Spirit of Truth you have is the Spirit of your arrogant pretensions.

We can play this game all day.

How about we ask the Spirit to show which one of us is the liar? You have rejected this request several times now. It's obvious you're afraid of asking the Spirit to put your feet to the fire.


Well-Known Member
I've received Revelation. You have obviously not.

The only Spirit of Truth you have is the Spirit of your arrogant pretensions.

We can play this game all day.

How about we ask the Spirit to show which one of us is the liar? You have rejected this request several times now. It's obvious you're afraid of asking the Spirit to put your feet to the fire.
Revelation???? Where. All you do is defend your religious bias. Showing in God's Word where Jesus is a soul???

What request?


Well-Known Member
You gave no scriptural proof. You go by your own doctrine and theology.

Your entire argument is "Nuh uh" and some twisted interpretation of scripture.

Meanwhile, you reject any writing such as the Ascension of Isaiah (regarded as writ in 2 Chronicles) if it isn't in the Canon, showing that this idea was well established that Angels and the Christ were souls.

Never heard of your "Ascension of Isaiah" and obviously it is teaching contrary to The Book of Genesis which is the foundation for the whole Bible

So yea. I reject it.

Just like you are rejecting Genesis and the verses I posted. I keep asking you to show me where Jesus is a soul In the real Bible.


Well-Known Member
You gave no scriptural proof. You go by your own doctrine and theology.

Your entire argument is "Nuh uh" and some twisted interpretation of scripture.

Meanwhile, you reject any writing such as the Ascension of Isaiah (regarded as writ in 2 Chronicles) if it isn't in the Canon, showing that this idea was well established that Angels and the Christ were souls.
Show me where I twisted scriptures?


Revelation???? Where. All you do is defend your religious bias. Showing in God's Word where Jesus is a soul???

What request?

How am I supposed to prove it to you exactly, when the only thing you'll accept is that which you agree with regardless of scholarly or historical argument?

Why is the Ascension of Isaiah not God's word? Because the Orthodox Church rejected it?

I've said let's ask the Spirit to show which one of us is blaspheming it.

Shall we?


Never heard of your "Ascension of Isaiah" and obviously it is teaching contrary to The Book of Genesis which is the foundation for the whole Bible

So yea. I reject it.

Just like you are rejecting Genesis and the verses I posted. I keep asking you to show me where Jesus is a soul In the real Bible.

How is the Ascension of Isaiah contradictory to the Book of Genesis?

It's only contradictory to fallacious opinions like yours.


Well-Known Member
Because Genesis declares man is a soul. Jesus is not a soulish being. You claim He is. Adam was formed from the dust of the earth. Jesus was not born from Adam's Adamic nature. Jesus reversed all that Adam caused.

By making Jesus a soulish man you are making his a flesh man, a man of dust just like Adam. He is of the spirit realm not the soul.

You have no evidence literally that Jesus is a soul. Its all part of your false teaching which you must defend. Instead of seeking, asking and knocking what God is saying you are defending something based on your opionion.

Genesis is the foundation for the whole Bible. 1 Corinthians 15:45And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. 47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven. Both Adam’s were made from God, in His image and Likeness; the first Adam had to fall or there was no need for a second Adam; that is why God created him innocent; God set Adam up to fall; the second Adam I(Christ) matured to adulthood and overcame.

Romans 5:18-20 (Weymouth’s)
It follows then just as the result of a single transgression is a condemnation which to the whole race, so also is the result of a single degree of righteousness is a life giving acquittal which extends to the whole race. (19) for as thought the disobedience of one individual the mass of mankind were constituted as sinners, so also though the obedience of one, the mass of mankind will be constituted righteous. Now law was brought in later on so that the transgression might increase, but sin increased, grace is overflowed.