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If the world is predominantly religious, why is it such a mess?


Denizen of Niflheim
For a world that is so religion-saturated (Abrahamic faith-based to be specific) ...why is there so much poverty, hatred, violence, bigotry, chaos, war, immorality, oppression, and greed?
The world is a wonderful place, but we are fallen children of Eve banished to a vale of tears. This world will always be inseparable from the ever-present reality of corruption and sin and all we can do is trust in God and do our best to live virtuous lives that are pleasing to him. It is not for this world that our ultimate hope is placed.

Of course, it is good to work for the betterment of society. And religious conviction has driven countless of people to do just that. But the truth is that there will always be problems and no amount of religion is going to change that.

I also question your assertion that the world is 'religiously saturated'. The West for example has largely abandoned the principles of religion and yet, many of the big problems of our society don't seem to be improving at all.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
For a world that is so religion-saturated (Abrahamic faith-based to be specific) ...why is there so much poverty, hatred, violence, bigotry, chaos, war, immorality, oppression, and greed?

Just my random question for the day. :pensive:

It seems clear to me that for the most part it is because most people tend to develop views of religious morality that are confortable as opposed to well-reasoned and actually wise.

Also... to be brutally honest, morality defined in relation to a deity is simply not very useful.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
For a world that is so religion-saturated (Abrahamic faith-based to be specific) ...why is there so much poverty, hatred, violence, bigotry, chaos, war, immorality, oppression, and greed?

Just my random question for the day. :pensive:

Religion isn't the illness, it's just too often one of the symptoms.
Religion isn't the illness, it's just too often one of the symptoms.

I would disagree with you. Let me put it like this. If there wasn't a divine claim on the Temple mount, would those two groups of people have been fighting and killing each other for as long as they have? Would we really be worrying about Iran getting nuclear weapons if it's leader didn't truly believe that he could bring about the end times by starting a nuclear war? Would people be getting their heads chopped off on camera and women stoned to death for practically nothing?

All you have to do is look at the most religious and uneducated countries and see just how religion can, will and has behaved for 99.99% of it's existence. The touchy feely brand of religion we know of in the states is not what religion typically looks like. Religion not only causes pretty much the lion share of all war deaths ever but it also stunts education and progress.

Humans have their own flaws and will always have those flaws, but religion is a whole other ball game.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I would disagree with you. Let me put it like this. If there wasn't a divine claim on the Temple mount, would those two groups of people have been fighting and killing each other for as long as they have? Would we really be worrying about Iran getting nuclear weapons if it's leader didn't truly believe that he could bring about the end times by starting a nuclear war? Would people be getting their heads chopped off on camera and women stoned to death for practically nothing?

All you have to do is look at the most religious and uneducated countries and see just how religion can, will and has behaved for 99.99% of it's existence. The touchy feely brand of religion we know of in the states is not what religion typically looks like. Religion not only causes pretty much the lion share of all war deaths ever but it also stunts education and progress.

Humans have their own flaws and will always have those flaws, but religion is a whole other ball game.

Look more deeply.


For a world that is so religion-saturated (Abrahamic faith-based to be specific) ...why is there so much poverty, hatred, violence, bigotry, chaos, war, immorality, oppression, and greed?

Just my random question for the day. :pensive:

Because religion has always rejected reason in favor of fear and superstition. It isolates and exploits the emotions. It's hard to go to war or be evil if you were raised on doubt.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Because religion has always rejected reason in favor of fear and superstition. It isolates and exploits the emotions. It's hard to go to war or be evil if you were raised on doubt.

Huh? Since when? When did my religion start rejecting reason and revolve around fear and superstition that exploits emotions? In what decade did doubt stop people from being "evil" and going to war? Did I miss the memo?
For a world that is so religion-saturated (Abrahamic faith-based to be specific) ...why is there so much poverty, hatred, violence, bigotry, chaos, war, immorality, oppression, and greed? :pensive:

Human nature, tied to it's evolutionary root, is fixed within limits of ethical understanding. Whatever it's aspirations might be, ' poverty, hatred, violence, bigotry, chaos, war, immorality, oppression, and greed' have not been conquered by any religious conception or tradition that exists. The Incarnation was intended to provide the means to break through this moral glass ceiling, but that original teaching, called truth, was lost in ancient times. And all the world has in its place is a theological counterfeit. The Final Freedoms


Be your own guru
Because religion has always rejected reason in favor of fear and superstition.
Not all religions. Why was there no religious strife in India? Because we followed many religions and sects but nobody said 'mine is better than yours'. Once you say that, fire-works start.


Jehovah our God is One
For a world that is so religion-saturated (Abrahamic faith-based to be specific) ...why is there so much poverty, hatred, violence, bigotry, chaos, war, immorality, oppression, and greed?

Just my random question for the day. :pensive:

because religion is divided. There is no consensus. There is no unified thought among all the many religions about who God is and how he expects us to behave.

And mostly its because all the worlds religions exhibit the personality and traits of the gods they follow. Some have worrior-like gods, some have animal gods, some have uncaring and indifferent gods, some have highly sexualised gods and so on.

People are displaying the qualities of the gods they worship.


Veteran Member
..because religion is divided. There is no consensus.

You mean people are divided, I should think..

And mostly its because all the worlds religions exhibit the personality and traits of the gods they follow. Some have worrior-like gods, some have animal gods, some have uncaring and indifferent gods, some have highly sexualised gods and so on.
People are displaying the qualities of the gods they worship.

I don't agree with that, AT ALL!
Whatever religion people claim to 'belong to' or follow, does not change their political situation .. it is politics and the love of wealth, and not religion which is responsible for mankind's violent behaviour..


Well-Known Member
The wording of my title might not have conveyed everything I intended with this thread, but mainly when I look at the world...it isn't certainly all laden with tragedy. There is much beauty in the world. But, it would seem to me that if the world holds within it predominantly religious people, it is strange that there still exists so much poverty, strife and chaos. I'm not suggesting that it's BECAUSE of religious people that it's in that state, but rather if the majority of the world is made up of religious people, it doesn't seem like there would be much of a difference if there weren't all these religions. I can't help but wonder if a lot of people get so caught up in serving their 'god' that they forget to serve their fellow man. So, I don't think we need religion therefore, because I don't see any religions making that much of a difference in the world.


Veteran Member
From what I have read, in the 20th Century, countries that were predominately Atheist were extremely corrupt. Mass executions, civil war, Concentration camps, Dictatorships. I'd take a predominately Christian country like America any day of the year.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I don't agree with that, AT ALL!
Whatever religion people claim to 'belong to' or follow, does not change their political situation .. it is politics and the love of wealth, and not religion which is responsible for mankind's violent behaviour..
If this was actually true you would think the point would be much more obvious by now.


Well-Known Member
I like this post and the replies I read make great points. I generally think that the biggest contribution of religion is for the individual follower and individual faith community. Religion can help us suffer less in a world that is a mess. That being said, I've been interested in the Catholic church, though I'm not at all Catholic nor do I believe it's a better path than others. I've found similar things in other religions too.
  • Catholic Charities USA is the largest charity in the US.
  • Pope Francis was instrumental in the Cuba-US progress that will help millions of Cubans.
  • Pope Francis probably saved hundreds of lives by confronting Italian attitudes and policies regarding refugee's in danger on boats.

This is an interesting point, actually. I think that when we are in groups, the group can do more good to help others, than if people are working alone. Not saying things can't be done working alone, but when one is part of an organization such as the RCC, that organization can pool together resources and money to help others in need. That might not have been your intended point with your post, but that just leaped out at me. haha :)


Well-Known Member
From what I have read, in the 20th Century, countries that were predominately Atheist were extremely corrupt. Mass executions, civil war, Concentration camps, Dictatorships. I'd take a predominately Christian country like America any day of the year.

If you could post a link or two, that'd be great.

The good America has done isn't because of Christianity, it's because of democracy.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with that, AT ALL!
Whatever religion people claim to 'belong to' or follow, does not change their political situation .. it is politics and the love of wealth, and not religion which is responsible for mankind's violent behaviour..

But, then why does one even bother telling others he is part of a religion? If a person's religion isn't edifying their life or the lives of others...why follow it at all? Because one is afraid to completely let go of it, he/she might lose his/her spot in a supposed afterlife?

There have been a few studies done that show the motivation behind why the average religious person donates to a charity, and why an atheist does. The atheist is driven by human compassion, which the religious person is MAINLY driven by a sense of duty to his/her religion/deity. More obligatory. This is why more atheists on average, give more to charities than Christians.

I'm not trying to say atheists by and large live better lives than religious people, but it goes to show that religion is not necessary at all, to doing what is right...