The tree of knowledge of good and evil, symbolizes the perceptional basis for law. Both knowledge of good and evil and law, separate behavior into good and evil. Law only adds punishment to knowledge of good and evil to help funnel behavior. This was Satan's tree in the garden of Eden. God
did not want Adam and Eve to eat from that tree of good and evil. God did not condone humans looking at reality in terms of good and evil. Law was not God's first choice in terms of human optimization. God even set up a taboo law experiment to help Adam and Eve learn the pitfalls, but they fail to learn, due to their subjective intoxication. Law never had God's full support, from day one.
Satan, who was intimately connected to the tree of knowledge of good and evil and law, panders to Adam and Eve's fear and vanity, convincing Adam and Eve; humans and original sin, to accept his law approach toward reality. He said, you will become like a god knowing good from evil. In a sense law, all through history, allows some people; monarchs, to play god, with the lives of others. But such law was usually self serving; vanity, power and appeasing paranoia. Law allows power over life and death, like a god. But this does not often end well; death appears for nothing but egocentricity.
Jesus comes along and teaches that no one was justified by the law, since through the law, one also learns about sin. Law is half good and half evil. Law is not all good. Law will teach us the good things to do; do not steal, but it also teaches us the bad things; thousands of way to steal, that we need to avoid. Law helps a white line appear against a larger black background. Adam and Eve, after being prohibited from the tree of knowledge, cannot help but eat from that tree; impulse from repressed darkness that was also taught by law.
Through the law, Jesus said that nobody can become perfect, due to the repressed memories of darkness; knowledge of sin. The only way to become perfect by law, would be to teach only the good side of law, and not teach the dark side of law. But that approach is not how law or knowledge of good and evil work, since law is a 2-D polarizing grid of light on darkness, with darkness, learned, with willful repression, the goal. Repression then creates impulse.
Fast forward to Revelations, there is a war in heaven and Satan and his angels are thrown from Heaven. This changing of the guard in Heaven, occurs after both the Old and New Testament, though the time of Jesus on earth. It symbolizes what had been condoned by God, Satan and law, but not directly commanded by God, was no longer condoned in Heaven. Heaven is now back to square one; Adam and Eve, before law of good and evil. Morally neutral and integrated by instinct; tree of life.
When Law and Satan are no longer condoned in Heaven, heavenly law separates into two piles; all the learned good and all the learned evil divides into two piles. Satan and law both undergo metamorphosis, into Jesus and the Devil. Jesus, by definition is all the good. He is perfection in terms of the good of the law, without any of the the shadow of the dark side of law, or else he would be defined as shades of light gray. The dark side of law, also consolidates and is now personified as a more evolved version of Santa, called the Devil. Law divides into two separate piles, with each pile consolidating into the perfect good and the perfect evil.
Neither Good or Evil could find perfection under law, since the other side of law, would also be learned and repressed; by good and evil people, to create shades of gray, within both good and evil. But once law separates into two perfect piles, Satan is thrown from heaven, shades of gray disappear, and both good and evil are perfected.
Heaven and Hell is not based on shades of gray; law, but on the polarization and separation of good and evil into their two idealized piles of perfection. Purgatory is more like shades of gray. The Devil is perfectly evil, just as Jesus is perfectly good. Law was useful in the sense, that the contrast with evil; dark background, allowed good to become differentiated and conscious. But since we also need to learn the dark side and then try to repress it; here are a hundred ways to steal but do not steal, the repressed evil taints the good, so perfection never happens.
Revelations warns the earth, after Satan is thrown from heaven to earth, about Satan=Devil, has great wrath since his time is short. This quote suggests a time delay, when the decision is made in Heaven to boot Satan and Law and then divide law into two piles, and when humans finally realize that there are no longer shades of gray, for a legal loophole to heaven. There is business as usual on earth, but not in Heaven.
The influence of perfect evil, using law, becomes manifest as the dark side making law, that appear to be shades of gray, but which come from perfect evil; have the keys to hell. The righteous man living by faith, also shows what humans think they know as good and evil, was not always objective, and therefore is not how the two piles will necessarily separate in Heaven. It is not how man defines law or good and evil, but how good things naturally integrate humans.
Faith becomes important since it gives one hunches as to what is the perfect good, which may go against what you were taught, by the law, as good or evil.
The main example is the paradox is how the second coming of Jesus, who is perfectly good, comes as a warrior God, doing what is often considered dark things; death and destruction. This might be seen as evil based on Satan and human traditions of law and knowledge of good and evil. How can the lamb become a Lion and remain perfectly good? The lion has to kill to eat and thereby helps to maintain its eco-system balance. This neutral but could be defined as evil by some. But in the biggest picture of things, this action integrates many things. The Devil will create confusion to integrate perfect evil. The uninstall process is very confusing, so one needs to flow, until the two piles separate inside your own mind; settings retained for the install process.