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Is Abortion Sin??


I'm your huckleberry.
They are fools! The fetus is more sacred than the woman! The woman is just a **** -- otherwise she wouldn't have been raped.

That's alot of assumption on your part. Regardless, the baby is STILL HER chold, by rape or not. You can't make decisions on someone's else's life taht they have no control over. Is it fair to the mother? Maybe not. But it's definately not fair to the baby.


Well-Known Member
I know abortion is sin because the Holy Book says so.


When the fallen angels fell from grace, they took from the daughters of men
wives for themselves, and taught them all sorts of wickedness..

1En, 68- 17Kasyade: he discovered to the children of men every wicked stroke
of spirits and of demons: The stroke of the embryo in the womb, to diminish it;
the stroke of the spirit by the bite of the serpent, and the stroke which is given
in the mid-day by the offspring of the serpent, the name of which is Tabaet.

Rather bizarre interpretation to find this passage alludes to abortion being sinful.

The stroke of the embryo in the womb, to diminish it.
The stroke of the embryo in the womb, to diminish it.

The stroke of the embryo in the womb, to diminish it!:cheer:
The stroke of the embryo in the womb, to diminish it!:cheer:
We've got spirit
Yes we do
We've got spirit
How 'bout you!



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Is it fair to the mother? Maybe not. But it's definately not fair to the baby.

Right! We aren't sure it's not fair to the mother! That's my point. No one can be sure it's not fair to the mother! Such things are completely uncertain.


Active Member
What if the mother has been raped and impregnated in the process. Should she have to take care of and bare the child of her rapist?

It's unfortunate and may seem callous, but yes. I don't think she should be required to raise the child after birth, but punishing it for someone else's violence is not the answer. That said, I can't even begin to imagine the amount of psychological stress this would put on a woman and if she decided that in this case it was a necessity I would not stand in her way. I would, however, do my damnedest to convince her otherwise.

Also, if the stress on the mother was so great that she became a suicide risk, I would consider abortion allowable. I would consider that to fall under the self-defense category.

Halcyon said:
The body naturally aborts fetuses, many perfectly healthy, below six weeks about 25% of the time. Many women will abort very early fetuses without even realising they are pregnant.

It's true that the body naturally aborts fetuses all the time. It is also true that people die naturally all the time. Still, murder is quite illegal.


Lord of the Badgers
But I do have to question the 'unexpectedly' gets pregnant part. For every man and woman who engages in sexual intercourse should 'expect' to get pregnant even with five forms of birth control at once, LOL - things break, accidents happen, pills are forgotten, antibiotics are taken. Nothing besides abstinence is 100% effective so by engaging in the act of sex, you take on the possiblity of pregnancy. So if you aren't ready to deal with the consequence of a pregnancy - then don't have sex *off soapbox*
Point taken, although apparently for one Galilean woman, even abstinence wasn't enough.;)

Daddy said:
She must live with the consequences, be it abortion, raising a child, contracting AIDs or whatever else. That's why it's so awful, and rapists should be executed immediately upon conviction.
I'd be more in favour of castration plus imprisonment. I don't consider death a punishment, since the dead person is essentially given freedom from guilt and actual punishment for his crime.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
You can't make decisions on someone's else's life taht they have no control over.

On the contrary, you sure can. It's even fun to make decisions for other people. For instance: It's fun to decide that the mother has to carry her baby to term. WHOOT!!!!

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
It's unfortunate and may seem callous, but yes. I don't think she should be required to raise the child after birth, but punishing it for someone else's violence is not the answer.

It is punishing the fetus if it has no sense of "fairness" or "sin."


Active Member
Nothing besides abstinence is 100% effective so by engaging in the act of sex, you take on the possiblity of pregnancy.



Active Member
I think a valid question to ask concerning all this talk about rape babies is this: Why would God allow a conception of a baby in this circumstance even take place?! This, appears to me, to be a classic example of fertilization being a 'chance' thing rather than a 'divine' thing.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Real men sympathize with the rapist. Real men know even they could be tempted by a **** asking for it. It's understandable why women are raped. What's not understandable is why they wouldn't want to carry the baby to term.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I'm with Sunstone. I think pregnancies by way of rape are a way of teaching those women that they are sluts, and this is what they get for acting the way they do.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm with Sunstone. I think pregnancies by way of rape are a way of teaching those women that they are sluts, and this is what they get for acting the way they do.

YAY!!!! Thank goodness the world still has a few of us real men left!


Active Member
Guitar's Cry said:
It is punishing the fetus if it has no sense of "fairness" or "sin."
Just because a being has no sense of something does not make it alright. Let's say a man works at a company for years doing exemplary work, but the executives decide that he will never make above minimum wage because they don't like him. Even if the executives never tell him of this and he never realizes it, he is still being punished.

Except when raped...which seems to be the main issue of contention at the moment.

Of course, in line with the OP, I still don't see anyone providing much evidence that abortion is a sin. Ah well...

I guess we have gotten a bit off topic. To answer the OP's question. No, there is little if anything biblically that explicitly declares abortion a sin. In fact, as far as the old testament is concerned, fetuses were treated more like property.

There is actually a law in the bible that requires monetary compensation for actions made against a woman that would cause her to lose her child. This is opposed to murder charges which would result in death for the convicted.

There is not (off the top of my head at least) anything in the new testament that deals with abortion in any sense. Not without a great deal of eisegesis at least.