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Is America a Police state?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
2 Women Internally Probed On Public Road By TX Troopers (VIDEO) | Liberals Unite

The hits just keep on coming. These two women were pulled over for throwing a cigarette out of the car. The male office said he smelled marijuana coming from the car. The female offices gave the women a cavity search in public....but the kicker is NO marijuana was ever found....The male officer can bear heard telling the lady he was going to write her a "warning"...These lady's rights, IMO, were totally violated.....This, to me, is Texas'...New York style "stop and frisk".....


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
2 Women Internally Probed On Public Road By TX Troopers (VIDEO) | Liberals Unite

The hits just keep on coming. These two women were pulled over for throwing a cigarette out of the car. The male office said he smelled marijuana coming from the car. The female offices gave the women a cavity search in public....but the kicker is NO marijuana was ever found....The male officer can bear heard telling the lady he was going to write her a "warning"...These lady's rights, IMO, were totally violated.....This, to me, is Texas'...New York style "stop and frisk".....
The cops should be prosecuted for what this is, ie, rape. Settling lawsuits for money won't stem
the problem, because they'll just raise taxes & fines to cover it. But if a perp (cop) fears a decade
or 2 in prison, & a lifetime tag of violent sex offender, he/she will think twice about raping citizens.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The cops should be prosecuted for what this is, ie, rape. Settling lawsuits for money won't stem
the problem, because they'll just raise taxes & fines to cover it. But if a perp (cop) fears a decade
or 2 in prison, & a lifetime tag of violent sex offender, he/she will think twice about raping citizens.

I agree 100%

I loved how the one lady expressed how she felt about the situation because it gives a jury a sense of how horrible the situation was. I get it. She threw a cigarette out the window. Simply give the driver a warning or a ticket. The charge of ("I smelled marijuana") seemed like a lie and was trumped up to support his weak "probable cause".....It all seemed like an illegal search and I'm so tired of cops standing behind "probable cause" in order to skirt the constitution. I know it's not so cut and dry as that but that's how I felt watching the video.

I got pulled over in my Lexus (before I traded it in)...because of tented windows that were well below the legal limit. My friend said it was because I was black and in a nice car. I didn't want to believe that. I consulted the advice from an officer that works in the school district I work in and he informed me there was no ordinance that precluded me from having tinted windows and he felt as though the stop was bogus. The cops on the scene asked me how long I had the car and because it was a v8 if I could handle such a car...NOTE...when he asked me that I had owned the car for 8 years and it was fully paid for....The cops let me go when they found out I worked for a school system, knew their boss and and knew the superintendent of schools in their district.....

I say all this because it seems these cos now days are pulling people over for trumped up reasons...


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
"Disorderly conduct" is a great charge to follow up the pretext of "smelling MJ".
Pile'n phony upon phony.

Btw, can you handle such a car?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
"Disorderly conduct" is a great charge to follow up the pretext of "smelling MJ".
Pile'n phony upon phony.

I agree...

Btw, can you handle such a car?


Yep. I had one accident that was my fault. It was minor. I tapped a guy in front of me when we were at an on ramp. He had a break in traffic and as I was looking at the on coming traffic that was a quarter mile away I thought he took the opportunity to go but as I touch the gas I hit his bumper. Way more damage to my car than his $75 worth of damage....but that was so many years ago. No accidents sense then and now I'm 1 year in on my new car and no accidents...My wife and accidents is another story...LOL!!!


Well-Known Member

Yep. I had one accident that was my fault. It was minor. I tapped a guy in front of me when we were at an on ramp. He had a break in traffic and as I was looking at the on coming traffic that was a quarter mile away I thought he took the opportunity to go but as I touch the gas I hit his bumper. Way more damage to my car than his $75 worth of damage....but that was so many years ago. No accidents sense then and now I'm 1 year in on my new car and no accidents...My wife and accidents is another story...LOL!!!

I hate when people do that. More than a few times I've just driven around them if they wait too long. It's not the safe thing to do, I know, but I road rage a little. More than a little I guess. I pass people a lot. My record is six cars at once because someone was going 45 in a 65 and everyone ahead of me was afraid to pass for some reason so I took it, and then everyone else started to.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That's dumb. What could the IRS possibly need that information for? :facepalm:
One thing would be to detect activities out of profile for claimed income.
Another is to require statements & answers to questions which could be shown false,
& subject the taxpayer to threat of prosecution (for bargaining & other purposes).


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Justice Scalia: 'Foolish' to Have the Supreme Court Decide If NSA Wiretapping Is Unconstitutional
Thursday in an interview conducted at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Justices Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg talked about their views of the First Amendment. Moderator Marvin Kalb questioned Scalia about whether the NSA wiretapping cloud be conceivably be in violation of the Constitution:

Justice Antonin Scalia said, "No because it's not absolute. As Ruth has said there are very few freedoms that are absolute. I mean your person is protected by the Fourth Amendment but as I pointed out when you board a plane someone can pass his hands all over your body that's a terrible intrusion, but given the danger that it's guarding against it's not an unreasonable intrusion. And it can be the same thing with acquiring this data that is regarded as effects. That's why I say its foolish to have us make the decision because I don't know how serious the danger is in this NSA stuff, I really don't."


I say that if you do nothing wrong (against the law) then you have nothing to be afraid of. I couldn't give five monkeys about the government knowing what I'm doing or where I'm going- I couldn't care less because I'm not doing anything violating the law. If, however, I get pulled in for things and I've done nothing wrong, then that's where I have a problem.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I say that if you do nothing wrong (against the law) then you have nothing to be afraid of. I couldn't give five monkeys about the government knowing what I'm doing or where I'm going- I couldn't care less because I'm not doing anything violating the law. If, however, I get pulled in for things and I've done nothing wrong, then that's where I have a problem.
You might be surprised how many illegal things you do, since the number of laws prohibiting this or that is uncountable. The more they put lives under a microscope, the more power they have to abuse those in disfavor, eg, the wrong race, wrong ethnicity, wrong income level, wrong political agenda, etc.