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Is America a Police state?


Well-Known Member
The very video I quoted and was talking about.
The guy purposally fimed a place that he knew was against the law to be filming, and according to what I read in the comments, he went to jail, which is why the video cuts out as the cops got word back from dispatch to confirm the guy way breaking the law.

I don't think he was arrested for that one, but he was arrested other times but the charges were dropped because the cops were found to be wrong. Just because the police arrest you doesn't mean you broke a law. It's not against the law to film buildings in a public area, the first cop even told him that it wasn't illegal. They were just harassing him.

The guy in the video was the one acting illegally and you are not allowed to provoke the cops.
They are not peoples play toys.
You can film them, but not interfere with them doing their jobs.
You can not file a false police report, to get the cops to show up, so you can film them and argue the constitution.
Again, they are not ppls play toys for wanna be lawyers trying to get juicy YT videos.

It's not illegal to film anything in public. Filming cops doesn't interfere with their jobs, it interferes with their ability to commit crimes against the public and cover it up.


Well-Known Member
I don't think he was arrested for that one, but he was arrested other times but the charges were dropped because the cops were found to be wrong. Just because the police arrest you doesn't mean you broke a law. It's not against the law to film buildings in a public area, the first cop even told him that it wasn't illegal. They were just harassing him.

It's not illegal to film anything in public. Filming cops doesn't interfere with their jobs, it interferes with their ability to commit crimes against the public and cover it up.

If you call the cops, just to argue the constitution, is not legal.
If the cop is doing his job and a person butts in and starts arguing with the cop, that is illegal.

Filming them off to the side and not bothering them is legal.

Yes, he was breaking the law, the building he was filming was on the watch list because of terrorism.
Why do you think he was doing it, had the cops called on himself, and had his buddy filming too?
I think that video went right over your head bro, you seem to not understand and keep going back to "we can film them" 'we can do what ever we want" "laws do not apply when we have a camera, we are above the law"
"I have a camera, I am god, I can film building the FBI put on the do not film list, I am god, the law does not matter to me"

911 happened and changed the world, terrorism is reality, that guy is a total nutcase for what he did.
All those who support doing that, good luck with that when you are arrested and labeled a terrorist.

BTW, dont argue with me over this, I am not the law, I didnt put that building on the watch list, argue with the FBI, they did.


Well-Known Member
If you call the cops, just to argue the constitution, is not legal.
If the cop is doing his job and a person butts in and starts arguing with the cop, that is illegal.

He didn't call the cops on himself, the buildings operators called the police on him.

Yes, he was breaking the law, the building he was filming was on the watch list because of terrorism.

It's not illegal film anything, including possible terrorist targets, if you are doing it from a public area.

I think that video went right over your head bro, you seem to not understand and keep going back to "we can film them" 'we can do what ever we want" "laws do not apply when we have a camera, we are above the law"
"I have a camera, I am god, I can film building the FBI put on the do not film list, I am god, the law does not matter to me"

If you would have stopped after "we can film them" you would have been correct. Everything after that is a strawman.

911 happened and changed the world, terrorism is reality, that guy is a total nutcase for what he did.

OK. And...? Just because we had a terrorist attack doesn't mean we forfeit our liberties.

All those who support doing that, good luck with that when you are arrested and labeled a terrorist.

And then all charges are dropped because it's not actually illegal and then the police department has to pay you a settlement because they make up laws as they go.

BTW, dont argue with me over this, I am not the law, I didnt put that building on the watch list, argue with the FBI, they did.

If you don't want to argue it then don't post in a debate forum. And it doesn't matter if it's on a watch list, it's still not illegal to film it.


Well-Known Member

Wear a colostomy bag?



Well-Known Member

What police state? This is a rescue vehicle. They're going to rescue the **** out of some poor citizen.

"Stop resisting! You're under arr - er, I mean, you're being rescued!"


Skanky Old Mongrel!
If you call the cops, just to argue the constitution, is not legal.
If the cop is doing his job and a person butts in and starts arguing with the cop, that is illegal.

Filming them off to the side and not bothering them is legal.

Yes, he was breaking the law, the building he was filming was on the watch list because of terrorism.
Why do you think he was doing it, had the cops called on himself, and had his buddy filming too?
I think that video went right over your head bro, you seem to not understand and keep going back to "we can film them" 'we can do what ever we want" "laws do not apply when we have a camera, we are above the law"

........ Well done.....
......... but you're wasting your time with some members. They sometimes snatch at pieces of cheap inaccurate journalism without looking deeper. They seem like great critics until you realise that it's all armchair stuff. Members have actually written about police 'Kill them all' and other stuff...... maybe removed now.

Part of my work over many many years was defence investigation, and many defendants were acquitted as a result of my discoveries and interviews, so I know about weak policing, but many of these posts have been disgraceful distortions, and occasionally I have popped in to have a laugh at some amazingly crank reports.

I'll pop again sometime..... :biglaugh: .


Skanky Old Mongrel!

Like us lot, your lot has permanent 'bosses' who organise and manage US systems etc. This would be happening regardless of who is actually in the White House.
Mr Chomsky knows this just fine.......... probably needed some more attention.....

Let's have a look at Mr Chomsky:-
Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Born to a middle-class Ashkenazi Jewish family in Philadelphia, Chomsky developed an early interest in anarchism from relatives in New York City

Chomsky continues to be well known as a political activist, and a leading critic of U.S. foreign policy, state capitalism, and the mainstream news media. Ideologically, he aligns himself with anarcho-syndicalism and libertarian socialism.[35]

Ah..... yes......... So it doesn't really matter who is actually in the White House, Mr Chomsky is bound to be somewhat critical.... wouldn't you say?

However, he does say some nice things about your fine country, such as:-
“It is of no slight import that the project is being executed in one of the freest countries in the world.......


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Like us lot, your lot has permanent 'bosses' who organise and manage US systems etc. This would be happening regardless of who is actually in the White House.
Mr Chomsky knows this just fine.......... probably needed some more attention.....
Let's have a look at Mr Chomsky:-
Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ah..... yes......... So it doesn't really matter who is actually in the White House, Mr Chomsky is bound to be somewhat critical.... wouldn't you say?
However, he does say some nice things about your fine country, such as:-
And ad hoc ad hom argument to deflect from his thesis?
I'd never claim that Chomsky is my brother in ideological arms....only that he's interesting.
Some of us prefer the illusion that it does matter who is in the White House (& Congress).
It's more comfortable than believing we're on some inexorable path to distopia.
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Skanky Old Mongrel!
And ad hoc ad hom argument to deflect from his thesis?
...no.... not to deflect, rather to bear in mind....
I'd never claim that Chomsky is my brother in ideological arms....only that he's interesting.
......... i must admit that i knew him not, until today. ....see?.... you're educating dum brits....!
Some of us prefer the illusion that it does matter who is in the White House (& Congress).
...... your White-House clearly does not have the power, as shown by the White-House's inability to introduce tighter gun-laws...... yes?
It's more comfortable than believing we're on some inexorable path to distopia.
fgs........ i was comfortable, and now i have to get up and go find a bloody dictionary...... you shouldn't use funny words on a sunday!


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Dystopias are often characterized by dehumanization,[2] totalitarian governments, environmental disaster,[3] or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society.

............. wot.......... Michigan?
You can even own well-good guns, and find wild spaces to use 'em in.

distopia........... nah!


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Police continue to harass citizens who record them | Washington Examiner
Police told to arrest innocent people to meet targets - YouTube

Your thoughts about recording the acts of public 'servants'?
Has anyone had a bad experience with law enforcement?

I would have thought considering the technology that we have in the west, that England, U.S. etc, should have all police with cameras fitted on them. That way they and us are covered. It would seem to alleviate all the paper work they also have to do and be far easier when it comes to court. One day it will happen, it is being trialed in some place in England now. People are people, there will always be some who go to far.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
...no.... not to deflect, rather to bear in mind....
I'm just bust'n yer chops, of course!

......... i must admit that i knew him not, until today. ....see?.... you're educating dum brits....!
Well, he is more of our political gadfly than yours.
But he is a national treasure....even if a bit loopy at times.

...... your White-House clearly does not have the power, as shown by the White-House's inability to introduce tighter gun-laws...... yes?
Some things are more under presidential control than others. Note that Obama can fail at an agenda legislatively, but still advance it using regulatory powers.
Targeted? Gun sellers' 'high risk' label from feds cuts banking options, hurts business - Washington Times
He might lack the constitutional & legal authority to spy on us, but when the
NSA wants to expand its domestic role, he's the first to stand up & not stop it.

fgs........ i was comfortable, and now i have to get up and go find a bloody dictionary...... you shouldn't use funny words on a sunday!
Next time I'll use smaller words to handle your tergiversation.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I would have thought considering the technology that we have in the west, that England, U.S. etc, should have all police with cameras fitted on them. That way they and us are covered. It would seem to alleviate all the paper work they also have to do and be far easier when it comes to court. One day it will happen, it is being trialed in some place in England now. People are people, there will always be some who go to far.

It gives me great pleasure to present to you one shiny new frubal. :D


Well-Known Member
I would have thought considering the technology that we have in the west, that England, U.S. etc, should have all police with cameras fitted on them. That way they and us are covered. It would seem to alleviate all the paper work they also have to do and be far easier when it comes to court. One day it will happen, it is being trialed in some place in England now. People are people, there will always be some who go to far.

Some places do have them, only a matter of time before they all have them.
I say it should be set up to wireless record directly to headquarters, if its not already and a third party access point, to prevent any foul play.
Cops already have camera's under their hoods and plenty of times the footage comes up lost during a lawsuit.

Still, it's pretty pathetic that it has to come to this eventually.
I think mcdonalds has a better policy of hiring than the police have.
There is way too much abuse of authority going on.

Not to change the subject, but one court system was caught abusing the system, the cop would put a smiley face on people tickets if they were nice about getting the ticket, and a frown if they were not nice about it.
The judge based his verdicts on those faces.

There is this case too, completely screwed up.
As far as it is being said, the judge was not even fired over this.
Even the news didnt say anything about how the judge behaved.
The cops basically blackmailed her right in front of the judge to recant the assault, then arrests her for refusing to back down.
You can not be arrested for filing a complaint against the cops for abuse, yet the judge just sat there and let them do it and played with the woman's kid and ignored everything.
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pro scapegoat
I don't think that the US is a poloce state, but I do think that the perception of it being a land of freedom and liberty has become less and less accurate over recent decades.

For a country so emphatic about freedom and liberty it has the highest incarceration rate in the world.

The US (according to the NAACP) has 5% of the worlds population and 25% of the world's prisoners, which makes it worse than the most desperate dictatorships in history in that respect.