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Is America a Police state?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
haha i agree with you 100% it can be tough if someone gets under you skin but the main thing is to stay calm.
Aye, and this is an ability/skill which isn't there for some cops.
(I'm thinking of one in particular who used to work for me, but I had to fire him for anger & violence issues.)
Factors which help:
- Maturity
- Training, both initial & continuing
- Experience
- Inherent self-control
- Social awareness


The facts machine
Aye, and this is an ability/skill which isn't there for some cops.
(I'm thinking of one in particular who used to work for me, but I had to fire him for anger & violence issues.)
Factors which help:
- Maturity
- Training, both initial & continuing
- Experience
- Inherent self-control
- Social awareness

i agree i had a new cop train with me once he was fired after 2 days. had him pulls someone over he had no self-control and the man was being very disobedient and issuing racial slurs at him so natural i would ask him to calm down but before i could the kid punched him in the face drug him out of the vehicle and tried to hit him again before i jumped in and cuffed both of them and he was going the day. i really thing more needs to go into mental training for officers.


As a cop do you learn how do work in high stress situations during training? I know in the military you are put under extreme stress and uncomfortable conditions in training so that you can keep a cool head when things go down. For example getting yelled at in your face while trying to do a task.


The facts machine
As a cop do you learn how do work in high stress situations during training? I know in the military you are put under extreme stress and uncomfortable conditions in training so that you can keep a cool head when things go down. For example getting yelled at in your face while trying to do a task.

uhm i guess the answer is yes the training is kinda military like but not near as intense.


Well-Known Member
Opps...just look what happened... Blurry pixalated images, system was down, lost the video feed.........

We can play that game too.

"Oops... I guess you just murdered someone and accidentally lost the only evidence that can clear you... oh well, if you're lucky maybe you can be kept in solitary confinement for the rest of your life to protect against other prisoners, I hear they don't like ex-cops... thank you for your service, enjoy prison now."


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member


Topic title: Is America a Police state?

Not quite yet, but it will be when Islam takes over..;)
Kabul police-


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Being a police officer myself i have no problem with wearing a camera on me nor do i have a problem with people recording me so long as it does not cause problems for me such as if a need to arrest the person for something and they refuse to put the camera down. Would anyone have an idea on how to arrest someone if the refuse to put it down. Second i find it highly disturbing what some police officers are doing now days and i fill that a rage test should be mandatory for any police officers joining the force. Because i don’t think some cops can handle stressful situations.

I don't know them, but there are two sources of info that should have an idea about how to react in your dept, county, city etc...
They would be your Training school, and your superior officer(s) I don't know, but I would guess that Police training schools exist for every police dept in your country, and that they could well be amongst the best in the world. Honest....

If your training school offers advise on a call-in basis (which it should), then I would ask my superior officer(s) if I could make an enquiry about (whatever)..... Whatever advice I was given (on the 'phone) I would confirm in a thanks note by email or letter. I would keep copy of the letter. I would follow the advice.

The trouble with asking 'the rest of the world' for advice is that if a random 100 'rest of world' folks were plonked into armchairs (which is where they usually give advice and judgements) you would get scores of different actions and reactions to take for any given situation, and no matter what you actually do in the field that same 100 would produce a number of counts that would disagree with your choice of action no matter what you did. Ergo..... only those who understand your work and life, and local laws, etc can advise you wisely. :)


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Being a police officer myself i have no problem with wearing a camera on me nor do i have a problem with people recording me so long as it does not cause problems for me such as if a need to arrest the person for something and they refuse to put the camera down. Would anyone have an idea on how to arrest someone if the refuse to put it down. Second i find it highly disturbing what some police officers are doing now days and i fill that a rage test should be mandatory for any police officers joining the force. Because i don’t think some cops can handle stressful situations.

Hi..... again :)
Yes..... :yes:
The trouble is.... that the various causes of 'wrong reactions' are so huge.
Let me snatch one situation out of hundreds.... and hundreds....
During the 90's a tiny female colleague of mine got badly hurt, taking on a whole gang of shopthieves all by herself. She recovered. Some months later, running to help her, I saw this massive 17 stone bloke legging it towards me, clutching a terylene bag, and with my tiny female colleague, all 7.5 stone of her, riding on his back, with her arms around his neck and head. He was trying to run and throw her off. She kept throwing her weight to his right, again and again, as he ran, ....... and then she threw her weight to the left... and the whole edifice just came crashing down to the ground with my tiny colleague scrambling on top of this bloke, shouting 'I'm afraid I'm going to have to arrest you for theft today, mate'. (today!!!!:D)
When it was all over, Police Station, Statements, blah blah... I decided it would be beneficial to buy her a coffee and ask her about all this. All I said was 'What's all this, then? Another crazy day?'
Do you know what she said? She said 'Well, I get these bloody bad periods, and all I wanna do is........ ' :shrug:
After that I started to take interest in our female ops' injuries and their menstrual cycles, and guess what...... about 15% of the female ops had increased 'difficult situations' during their menstrual cycles.

One type of situation in hundreds...... and hundreds

Stress, Tension, Family probs, illness, Sprains and pains, debt problems, the bloody electric bill, blah blah....all impact on the demeanour and mindset of ops and only good training, good management, good support and good backup can help to balance ops, and if absolutely necessary identify those in legal or physical danger and take them off field work for rest and recuperation if possible. Lots of ifs.... I'm afraid.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member


Sheppard for the Die Hard
Is it bad that I hate cops, but I love them too?

I see the truth in their intentions, and the good they do, but I also see the bad. I can't... hate them.. But I cant love them..


Well-Known Member
Problem: Police "repeatedly" rape female motorists.
Solution: Don't get pulled over.

It's a win-win solution. "Good" cops don't go to jail for "repeatedly" raping women, and women don't get raped by them. :facepalm:

OK trooper tells local news: Best way not to get raped by cops is to ‘follow the law’
“He says the best tip that he can give is to follow the law in the first place so you don’t get pulled over,” the anchor added.
Yup, if you don't want to get raped, don't give the police a reason to rape you. Awesome.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Problem: Police "repeatedly" rape female motorists.
Solution: Don't get pulled over.

It's a win-win solution. "Good" cops don't go to jail for "repeatedly" raping women, and women don't get raped by them. :facepalm:

OK trooper tells local news: Best way not to get raped by cops is to ‘follow the law’Yup, if you don't want to get raped, don't give the police a reason to rape you. Awesome.
New cliche....
If you didn't want to get raped, you shouldn't have driven <breaking plastic sound> with a broken taillight.


Police continue to harass citizens who record them | Washington Examiner
Police told to arrest innocent people to meet targets - YouTube

Your thoughts about recording the acts of public 'servants'?
Has anyone had a bad experience with law enforcement?

The argument that America is a police state leans heavily on hyperbole and a fanatical exaggeration of police activity. As long as the American people control the police force through the democratic process, America cannot be a police state, even though some people don't like the way the law is enforced.