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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Not one of those verses say anything about anal sex. And as far as being off topic, how is pointing out that you are picking only those verses that you wish to conform to your ideals and leaving the rest out? Hence, my asking why you don't follow all the others and not just that one.
Jo...let us parse Leviticus 20:13..."when a man lay with another man"...so far so good....just two men in bed together.... and then we move onto..."as with a woman"....this is a euphemism for a male-female type sex act...but involving two males.....and it continues..."both of them have committed an abomination", ie..they are both at fault...the male acting as the male partner, and the second male acting as the female partner....


Well-Known Member
Jo...I cant provide you with a specific bible reference for many things that I know would be condemned....rape. pedophilia, beastiality, etc..... The thing is, because you approve of male anal sex which the bible condemns, you are pushing anal sex with a woman because it not spelt out specifically....but logically it would fall under condemnation for the same reason male on male anal sex is condemned...it is a perversion... I don't know why you are so into anal sex?
I am gay so anal sex has nothing to do with me. But the bottom line here is that you say anal sex is prohibited yet you cannot provide a Biblical source for this opinion, which means it is simply your opinion.


Well-Known Member
Minors are capable of making conscious consent, especially teenagers. Legally? No, however legality isn't relevant here. Laws can always change anyways. They have for gays, why not for other objectionable groups?

I don't see how anything I've made was a fallacy. Spiny Norman tried to point out that my example of rape was a red herring and a straw-man, but my argument clearly suited the topic (subjective morality) quite well. Whether you or anyone else thinks my arguments are fallacies or not doesn't mean that I don't have a point. I couldn't care less what you think.

The same applies to you, as you know. Most of us here, who have refuted your POV could also not give two shakes what you think either. Isn't it interesting that you seem to think that saying this would have any impact on the rest of the members here. And you will note that there are only two of you who have this opinion while there are many who don't agree with you.


Well-Known Member
The pest again....what don't you understand about off topic nonsense? This thread is about the morality of homosexuality according to the bible....here are the passages I present to you.....Genesis 19 .... Leviticus 18:22 ... Leviticus 20:13 ... Romans 1:26-27 .. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ... 1 Timothy 1:10 Now the subject of my dietary habits in the context of biblical rules is not what the OP is about....it is not the issue being discussed....so don't change the subject and read the linked passages above for your understanding of morality as it pertains to homosexuality...
It is on point as I have pointed out. And furthermore, all those passages are either from the OT or from Paulian dogma, and not one single one is from Jesus. Not one. Isn't the whole point of the NT is that a Christian would follow the teachings of Christ? Paul is not Christ and what he tried to teach actually in many cases goes against what Christ had to say. Making anyone who follows this a Paulian and not a Christian.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I am gay so anal sex has nothing to do with me. But the bottom line here is that you say anal sex is prohibited yet you cannot provide a Biblical source for this opinion, which means it is simply your opinion.
I am relieved you do not indulge in anal sex....I have shown, logically to my understanding, why anal sex to be a perversion....and I also understand that to be the spiritual understanding based on my spiritual apprehension...
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
It is on point as I have pointed out. And furthermore, all those passages are either from the OT or from Paulian dogma, and not one single one is from Jesus. Not one. Isn't the whole point of the NT is that a Christian would follow the teachings of Christ? Paul is not Christ and what he tried to teach actually in many cases goes against what Christ had to say. Making anyone who follows this a Paulian and not a Christian.
I didn't cherry pick the bible passages....it speaks to me as it does to you...


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I didn't have any interest in sex until I hit puberty when I was 12. I was curious in both sexes at the time, but found women to be appealing. Homosexuals are still in that "curiosity" stage, and never grew up.

Horse pucky. I married not once, but twice, trying, unsuccessfully, to be who I was not. It was not until I was in my middle 30's that I came to the realization that denying who I was became counterproductive. I found my true love and was amazingly happy. Many men and women remain 'closeted' and are in heterosexual relationships where they are completely unhappy but trying to fit into society's views on what they should be. That is the 'adult thing' to do.


Well-Known Member
I didn't cherry pick the bible passages....it speaks to me as it does to you...
Then I assume you don't eat shellfish or pork. Nor do you wear mixed fiber clothing, non? You see. those are also laws per the OT where you get this notion that being gay is against God' laws. Either you believe it all or you are cherry picking those that fit your agenda.


Well-Known Member
Getting frustrated? LOL. I chose women because they were more appealing, and it just makes sense because it is natural. How hard is that to figure out? Homosexual does not have a role in procreation. It just brings pleasure from lust. There is a difference between love and emotional lust. Most homosexuals are unhappy with their lives, and not due to social stigmatization, but because true love is absent.
Bull ****. I was not happy until I found my partner and sex had very little to do with it. We had a love that transcended sex and lust. It was about love and being with each other. Love was the one thing that we did have.


Well-Known Member
Apes are apes and humans are humans. Evolution is bull****.

Oh bloody hell, another YEC. How do you deny the mountains of evidence of our evolution? Lucy and all the other indicators that we evolved from primates. Not apes but primates. How do you deny the fact that the earth is billions of years old? Or are you another of those with your head in the proverbial sand?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Jo...let us parse Leviticus 20:13..."when a man lay with another man"...so far so good....just two men in bed together.... and then we move onto..."as with a woman"....this is a euphemism for a male-female type sex act...but involving two males.....and it continues..."both of them have committed an abomination", ie..they are both at fault...the male acting as the male partner, and the second male acting as the female partner....

That sounds like a general disapproval of gay sex. It's pretty clear though that these attitudes reflect the prejudices of the Bible authors, because it's silly to think that a supreme being would be concerned with what people get up to in the bedroom.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
.. .and I also understand that to be the spiritual understanding based on my spiritual apprehension...

I simply don't believe that your prejudice against gays has anything to do with being "spiritual".
Being spiritual involves transcending these petty prejudices, abandoning discrimination and duality, seeing the bigger picture.
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Active Member
You honestly believe long-term social conditioning and mental illness can actually rewire a brain backwards sexually?
Sorry to disappoint, but FMRI scans prove it.

Ya know, you should really get you facts straight before arguing something and you should not ignore the experts in the field who actually study the thing that you think supports your POV.

Oh, and the video you posted sounds like a satirical version of deep thought.


Wonder Woman
Sorry to disappoint, but FMRI scans prove it.

Ya know, you should really get you facts straight before arguing something and you should not ignore the experts in the field who actually study the thing that you think supports your POV.
Prove what exactly? Are you telling me that someone actually performed experiments upon people to make them "turn" their sexual orientation? Show it.

Edit: Oh, I just realized what you said earlier. You seem to also think that humans aren't animals. That we can't know anything about humans by learning about other animals as well, as you don't seem to think that we are animals. Well, given your apparent lack of education in science in general I'll just stick to doing my own research thank you. I'm sure at this point that anything you present will be just as faulty as what you've already provided as you appear to be lacking in basic scientific understanding.. So, yeah, nevermind.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
If I've written this earlier please forgive me for writing it again.
I suffer from C.R.S. "can't remember squat".
I was a career police officer and we tend to make friends from emergency room persons.
Two friends were gay men who gave first care to injured people including me.
Police work can be dangerous and deadly.
These two men were openly gay and I couldn't possibly care less about their sexuality.
They HELPED me when I was hurt and they cared!
One gay man didn't report for work for a couple days and didn't answer his phone.
The hospital called me to check on him knowing I had the door code to enter his apartment.
I found him dressed in a red velvet dinner jacket with a bullet wound through his head.
I wept.


Active Member
Prove what exactly? Are you telling me that someone actually performed experiments upon people to make them "turn" their sexual orientation? Show it.
A few years ago, "gay" activists asked the Dali Lama what he thought about studies that seemed to indicate that homosexual behavior was hard wired. His response was to ask what came first, the brain's structure or the thinking. In the same vein, OCD patients were taught to modify their thinking so that rather than resisting the compulsion, they should simply observe it and repeat to themselves that it wasn't them doing the deed. Most had a significant improvement in their behavior and brain scans actually showed their brains as having been rewired. This isn't to say some people do not have a propensity for homosexual behavior, but it does prove that the brain and the behavior it initiates is much more malleable than previously thought.

Edit: Oh, I just realized what you said earlier. You seem to also think that humans aren't animals.That we can't know anything about humans by learning about other animals as well, as you don't seem to think that we are animals..
I did not say or imply that at all. All I said is that experts who actually go out into the field to study homosexual behavior in animals are quick to stress that it is a mistake to project human motives into animals. That's not to say we aren't animals ourselves, but only to say that what motivates us does not necessarily motivate other animals. For example, homosexual behavior is very often used to establish dominance or simply to relieve sexual tension with no emotional attachment or self-conscious intent. That's quite different than what we see in humans.

Now, I understand that what this entails might be of great interest and concern to some, but sex, homosexual and heterosexual, holds very little interest for me. I just think that people who debate the issue should get their facts straight and be consistent in the matter.
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