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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?


Sorry, they aren't a truly Bible based organization, they have a big ol book that to them is equal to the Bible

LOL! And you continue to skirt the issue!

Their homosexuality ideas came from their understanding of the Bible; - the same one you are using for your ideas concerning same!




Well-Known Member
LOL! And you continue to skirt the issue!

Their homosexuality ideas came from their understanding of the Bible; - the same one you are using for your ideas concerning same!


Well, perhaps they are right !!!! I used that site !!!! so what ?


Well-Known Member
I think nature proves the Bible idea of only male and female pairs coming together - and anything else being sin - is false.

If a God created everything, - then It created homosexuality, and other variations of sex, - which we see throughout the animal kingdom, including critters that change sex depending on temperature and need, etc.

That Bible idea is proven false - by what actually is.

Presumably you have never heard of the fact that humanity became not what God intended, but a broken parody of what he intended. He never intended rape, poverty, murder, incest, the atom bomb, war, exploitation of one human by another and on and on it goes. You are broken, as am I, I just realize it


Well-Known Member
You have said several times that "therapy" has the ability to change peoples' sexual orientation.
sorry, but I never said that. I said God could change people. Therapy might be a tool, I don't know, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, I don't know and I am not qualified to speculate on it. I do know, absolutely, without doubt, that God can change people



Ingledsva said:
I think nature proves the Bible idea of only male and female pairs coming together - and anything else being sin - is false.

If a God created everything, - then It created homosexuality, and other variations of sex, - which we see throughout the animal kingdom, including critters that change sex depending on temperature and need, etc.

That Bible idea is proven false - by what actually is.

Presumably you have never heard of the fact that humanity became not what God intended, but a broken parody of what he intended. He never intended rape, poverty, murder, incest, the atom bomb, war, exploitation of one human by another and on and on it goes. You are broken, as am I, I just realize it

I think you need to reread that!

The (rest of) the animal kingdom - which had no sin or fall in your Bible, - proves that only two sexes, or only male & female hookups, etc, as GOD's plan - IS FALSE

The animal kingdom has homosexuality, critters that change sex, etc., proving the lie in what the Bible says is GOD's word.



Well-Known Member
Evidence is proof. How do you prove anything without evidence?

I said people like you. Those who insist homosexuality is a choice, something that is sinful, something that is not normal or "congruent," those who won't even associate with homosexuals. I am talking about people with the same attitudes you have.

noun: synonym; plural noun: synonyms
a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.
Then you must just be ignorant of the function of language and fluidity of the meanings of words. Gay has come to mean homosexual. No, we aren't using the same terms or expressions, but "pray the gay away" is an expression that is used to describe religious-based reparative therapy, something you have promoted and endorsed as successful. Even though data and statistics prove otherwise.
A synonym means the same as another word, e,g, gay, happy, joyful, ------- shut, close, throw, toss, hide conceal. a synonym doesn't mean hide, throw,close open, gay, homosexual. I am very cognizant of the proper use of the language, and it;s bastardization, gay, was never intended to mean homosexuality. I HAVE NEVER PROMOTED OR ENDORSED ANY THERAPY FOR ANYTHING, except to specifically suggest you seek it, not because of anything related to sex, but because your head is screwed up, an example being your continuing erroneous assertions. You are seeing things that aren't there.


A synonym means the same as another word, e,g, gay, happy, joyful, ------- shut, close, throw, toss, hide conceal. a synonym doesn't mean hide, throw,close open, gay, homosexual. I am very cognizant of the proper use of the language, and it;s bastardization, gay, was never intended to mean homosexuality. I HAVE NEVER PROMOTED OR ENDORSED ANY THERAPY FOR ANYTHING, except to specifically suggest you seek it, not because of anything related to sex, but because your head is screwed up, an example being your continuing erroneous assertions. You are seeing things that aren't there.

According to Thesaurus . com The word "gay" has been associated with so-called immoral sexual behavior since the 17th century.

EDIT - Forgot to add the quote.

"...The word gay has had various senses dealing with sexual conduct since the 17th century. A gay woman was a prostitute, a gay man a womanizer, a gay house a brothel. This sexual world included homosexuals to,..."
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It isn't obvious to me, or to many psychiatrists, many biologists, many geneticists, and many theologians
It is obvious to psychologists, psychiatrists, biologists, and geneticists. By looking at just a few genes they can fairly accurately predict the sexual orientation of a child, and when they look at the brains of transsexuals they look much more like the brain of their identified sex than than the brain of their birth/assigned sex.
I think it matters because...it is not who people ARE or who God intended them to be.
It is who they are. We have found both genetic variance and brain differences.
Nor do I think anyone is truly happy outside of God's design and will.
Speaking of my own experience, I was a miserable wretch longing for death when I was trying to be "who God designed and willed" me to be. I am so much more happier having givin up the charade.
I have known several friends over the years who claim to be homosexuals, yet, I don't believe that is who they are.
How friendly of you to be so presumptuous as to assume your friends are only lying when they tell you this.
Sorry, they aren't a truly Bible based organization, they have a big ol book that to them is equal to the Bible
Their "big ol book" to them that is "equal to the Bible" is the Bible. Yes, they have the Book of Mormon, but they also have the Bible.
I am very cognizant of the proper use of the language, and it;s bastardization, gay, was never intended to mean homosexuality.
Obviously you aren't, or you would be aware that there is no "intended use of a word, and that the way words are, their definitions, and they way we use them change. I'm not even 30 and I've seen a ton of words change meanings, change context, I've seen words come and go, and I know that is just a regular function of language.
When you keep saying they can "change in the power of God," you are promoting a form of therapy, the "conversion," "reparative," "pray the gay away," all of it revolves around the idea that you can change your orientation with the "power of god."


pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
Apparently you missed the part about Jewish converts to Christianity continuing to hold slaves.

And apparently you missed the fact that European Christians also used the Bible to say they had a God given right to own slaves.

Perhaps you missed my comment that ALL of the religions of Abraham held slaves?

Perhaps you missed the fact where I said the religions of Abraham held slaves from the writing of Tanakh - up to the Civil War?

All you have to do is Google it.


Here are some things for YOU to Google in case you want to get the real scoop, not the plastic information which you have clearly gobbled up like the world's ending:

#1) captives of war, something one of the verses you quoted dealt with, and what the difference is from the events of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

#2) the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade itself, because I honestly question how much you ACTUALLY know concerning what was going on.

#3) Post-Exile Jews and slavery? You must mean indentured servitude....
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Presumably you have never heard of the fact that humanity became not what God intended, but a broken parody of what he intended. He never intended rape, poverty, murder, incest, the atom bomb, war, exploitation of one human by another and on and on it goes. You are broken, as am I, I just realize it

So we have to suffer all that because God was incompetent? Gee, thanks, God. :p


Well-Known Member
I was going to cite the OED but I don't have a subscription to it through my school anymore.:(
It was originally a pejorative code word. Queer means strange. Because one is considered "good", and the other "bad" when applied to homosexuals doesn;'t change the fact that both are used not as they are defined. However it is a small point, I don't use either word personally when referring to homosexuals , but if I hear them, I usually know what is meant. You are right in that the language has done some evolving, if I like something, I usually say it's "cool", back in the day we said something was "far out"


Presumably you have never heard of the fact that humanity became not what God intended, but a broken parody of what he intended. He never intended rape, poverty, murder, incest, the atom bomb, war, exploitation of one human by another and on and on it goes. You are broken, as am I, I just realize it

You are not one of those who believe all things happen according to God's Will/Plan?


Veteran Member
sorry, but I never said that. I said God could change people. Therapy might be a tool, I don't know, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, I don't know and I am not qualified to speculate on it. I do know, absolutely, without doubt, that God can change people
You defended them and you quoted a website that promotes those types of therapies.

Let me ask you this, with the help of god, can a person change their eye colour just by willing it?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
sorry, but I never said that. I said God could change people. Therapy might be a tool, I don't know, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, I don't know and I am not qualified to speculate on it. I do know, absolutely, without doubt, that God can change people

Why do you think gay people need to be changed? What you're saying kind of implies it. Ex-gay therapy is known to have great long term negative effects, and often leads to suicide. That's not even going into extreme versions of the so-called therapy like induced vomiting or hitting. If that's the kind of tools your alleged god would use, I'm glad I don't believe in it.


Veteran Member
I think it matters because...it is not who people ARE or who God intended them to be. Nor do I think anyone is truly happy outside of God's design and will. Females have certain characteristics and males have certain characteristics which I believe God gave each to compliment the other. In Ephesians, even more important than the earthy marriage relationship between a husband and wife is the spiritual picture which a godly marriage represents between Christ and the church. Of course, not all believe in God or care about the church. Nevertheless, I think God's purpose and design for humanity includes everyone and for humans to come up with their own alternative plans will never actually bring happiness.

I have known several friends over the years who claim to be homosexuals, yet, I don't believe that is who they are. Instead, I think who they are was stolen from them and they are hurting, confused , and believe a lie. I had a best friend while growing up who became a lesbian. Her brother is homosexual and her younger sister became a prostitute and committed suicide. Even as a child my friend was full of rage I didn't understand until years later when I realized her father, who was an esteemed psychiatrist, had sexually and repeatedly molested all his children, My friend is in a same sex relationship and I'm sure she would say that she is happy, but I know she is still full of rage buried inside that comes out in various ways, including alcoholism. There is no doubt in my mind that she and her siblings had who they were meant to be according to God's design stolen from them and they are weighed down in the lie of the world.

But I think the good news for anyone who is caught in any lie regarding any sin is that ... Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. 1 Timothy 1:15
I find this to be a very condescending and demeaning way to view your friends - as if they aren't whole because they aren't what you think they should be.

Your friend can be quite happy in her relationship and still have separate rage issues against a person who molested her. I don't know if you are implying that she is gay because she was molested, but that's not a view that really holds any water. There are plenty of heterosexual people who have been molested and I doubt you'd say they are heterosexual because they were molested.