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Is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith, or other religions?


Wonder Woman
Whoopty doo. Like I said, it doesn't matter if someone believes or not, nor that opinion that the two beliefs can't co-exist. the bible says otherwise. And since Christianity is based on the bible, not on the Vatican, the Pope or some blogger's opinion, then that is what is relevant. I've already shown that the bible shows instances of ghosts. And your OP was not about whether or not Christians believe in ghosts...you've said yourself that's not the point (yet now you seem to want to change tactic after you've been proven incorrect), the point is that belief in ghosts is compatible with Christianity. You can try to spin this any way you want, but you're wrong.


Agnostic Theist
!. So you're saying they believed THEY could be come a ghost haunting a house when they died? Never heard ANYONE theist or atheist say that.
That is just ridiculous. Of course they don't; however, that has no bearing on the belief. That does not take away the fact that they believe others can become ghosts and thus haunt a house when they died. Stating a ridiculous point and claiming no one believes it is not a valid argument, it is a ridiculous argument.
2. You obviously never went to church much. Most denominations recite the creed weekly, or at least quite often. As far as for "Christians" not attending church, where do you draw the line for being a Christian vs not being one? Church attendance doensn't matter?
Does the Bible ever say one must attend Church? Not at all because the modern idea of Church was not developed until much of the Bible was already written. Jesus and Paul certainly did not teach that idea, so there is no reason to even believe that going to Church is important in being a Christian.

Also, evangelical Churches don't recite the creed much at all. Some Lutheran Churches, such as those in the ECLA do not recite it weekly either. Some Catholic churches don't even recite it. Also, what does the Apostles Creed have to do with this anyway? I've already discussed this, which you seem to ignore.
3. I assume nothing, I'm going by the people I met when a Chrisitian. I majored in math specializing in probability and statistics. If believing that you yourself could become a ghost haunting a house was a common belief in Chrisitianity, it is virtually certain I would have heard someone espouse such a belief, however, I never heard anyone claim such.:cool:
So what? Did you ever ask Christians about their beliefs in ghosts during that time? Was there a reason for it to even come up in a discussion? I highly doubt it. Can you say strawman?


Wonder Woman
Really logician, you've been shown to be wrong over and over and over on here...would you just stop already? You're just making yourself look worse and worse and more and more ridiculous with every post you make about this.


Well-Known Member
1.That is just ridiculous. Of course they don't; however, that has no bearing on the belief. That does not take away the fact that they believe others can become ghosts and thus haunt a house when they died. Stating a ridiculous point and claiming no one believes it is not a valid argument, it is a ridiculous argument.

2.Does the Bible ever say one must attend Church? Not at all because the modern idea of Church was not developed until much of the Bible was already written. Jesus and Paul certainly did not teach that idea, so there is no reason to even believe that going to Church is important in being a Christian.

3. Also, evangelical Churches don't recite the creed much at all. Some Lutheran Churches, such as those in the ECLA do not recite it weekly either. Some Catholic churches don't even recite it. Also, what does the Apostles Creed have to do with this anyway? I've already discussed this, which you seem to ignore.
So what? 4.Did you ever ask Christians about their beliefs in ghosts during that time? Was there a reason for it to even come up in a discussion? I highly doubt it. Can you say strawman?

1. If you don't believe YOU will become a ghost haunting a house when you die, it is totally illogical to believe others will. YOU are being ridiculous.

2. No, but that does NOT mean those that don't attend church DON'T believe the apostles's creed, assuming they still are Christian.

3. Despite all the red herrings being thrown around, my point was that the apostles' creed is the basis of Christian faith, and it is recited by most major denomination reguiarly.

4. Yes, but their belief is irrelevant, my point is the 2 are incompatible. :sleep:


Wonder Woman
And your point has been proven false. You really like doing this :ignore: don't you?

Really man, stop. You just hurt yourself. If anyone here ever took you seriously before, they certainly don't now.


Agnostic Theist
1. If you don't believe YOU will become a ghost haunting a house when you die, it is totally illogical to believe others will. YOU are being ridiculous.
Okay, so since I do not believe I will become a saint, then it is illogical to believe others will?
2. No, but that does NOT mean those that don't attend church DON'T believe the apostles's creed, assuming they still are Christian.
What is your point? What does the Apostle's creed have to do with anything?

You have proven nothing at all.


Well-Known Member
1.That is just ridiculous. Of course they don't; however, that has no bearing on the belief. That does not take away the fact that they believe others can become ghosts and thus haunt a house when they died. Stating a ridiculous point and claiming no one believes it is not a valid argument, it is a ridiculous argument.
2,Does the Bible ever say one must attend Church? Not at all because the modern idea of Church was not developed until much of the Bible was already written. Jesus and Paul certainly did not teach that idea, so there is no reason to even believe that going to Church is important in being a Christian.

3.Also, evangelical Churches don't recite the creed much at all. Some Lutheran Churches, such as those in the ECLA do not recite it weekly either. Some Catholic churches don't even recite it. Also, what does the Apostles Creed have to do with this anyway? I've already discussed this, which you seem to ignore.
4.So what? Did you ever ask Christians about their beliefs in ghosts during that time? Was there a reason for it to even come up in a discussion? I highly doubt it. Can you say strawman?

1. If a person doesn't believe they themselves can become a ghost haunting a house, then it is totally illogical that they would believe others can. YOU are being ridiculous.

2. No, I've never said Christians had to attend church.

3. Despite all the red herrings being thrown around, the apostles' creed is the basis of the Christain faith, and it is recited regularly in most major denominations. There is no reason to believe that people who Don't attend church DON'T believe the apostle's creed.

4. Yes, but their beliefs are irrelevant, the point is the two beliefs are incompatible.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
And your point has been proven false. You really like doing this :ignore: don't you?

Really man, stop. You just hurt yourself. If anyone here ever took you seriously before, they certainly don't now.

Despite your high opinion of yourself, I'm really not looking for yours or anyone else's approval.


Agnostic Theist
4. Yes, but their beliefs are irrelevant, the point is the two beliefs are incompatible.:sleep:
So the beliefs of Christians don't matter? So it's atheists who determine what a Christian believes? Do you understand how foolish that is? It makes no sense what so ever.


Well-Known Member
Whoopty doo. Like I said, it doesn't matter if someone believes or not, nor that opinion that the two beliefs can't co-exist. the bible says otherwise. And since Christianity is based on the bible, not on the Vatican, the Pope or some blogger's opinion, then that is what is relevant. I've already shown that the bible shows instances of ghosts. And your OP was not about whether or not Christians believe in ghosts...you've said yourself that's not the point (yet now you seem to want to change tactic after you've been proven incorrect), the point is that belief in ghosts is compatible with Christianity. You can try to spin this any way you want, but you're wrong.

I thought you said the bible was not a representation of Christianity. Al least be consistent.


Wonder Woman
I thought you said the bible was not a representation of Christianity. Al least be consistent.

Where did I say that? Find the post. Oh, that's right, you can't, because I didn't. Maybe someone else did, but I didn't say that at all.

Stop trying to change the subject or divert the attention from where it belongs.

YOU said Christianity and belief in ghosts are incompatible.

It has been shown to you that ghosts are mentioned in both the OT and the NT.

Since Christianity is based on the bible, and the bible acknowledges ghosts, then the belief in ghosts is compatible with Christianity.

It's about as simple as 2+2=4. Really it is.


Well-Known Member
So the beliefs of Christians don't matter? So it's atheists who determine what a Christian believes? Do you understand how foolish that is? It makes no sense what so ever.

This post basically makes no sense. People can believe incompatible beliefs. That does NOT make them compatible, it just means there is no logic behind their beliefs.


Wonder Woman
Despite your high opinion of yourself, I'm really not looking for yours or anyone else's approval.

Whatever my opinion of myself may be aside...is this why you post such ridiculously false and incorrect things on here? You don't care what other people think of you so you might as well lie out of your rear-end all the time?


Wonder Woman
This post basically makes no sense. People can believe incompatible beliefs. That does NOT make them compatible, it just means there is no logic behind their beliefs.

Like you believing you are actually contributing something worthwhile to this conversation anymore. You can believe it even though there is no logic behind that belief.


Well-Known Member

Since Christianity is based on the bible, and the bible acknowledges ghosts, then the belief in ghosts is compatible with Christianity.

This statement is patently false, the latter conclusion cannot be assumed based upon the former statement. Just because the bible acknowledges ghosts, doesn't mean Christianity as a religion "gives it blessing" to belief in them.


Well-Known Member
Whatever my opinion of myself may be aside...is this why you post such ridiculously false and incorrect things on here? You don't care what other people think of you so you might as well lie out of your rear-end all the time?

Let's not get personal, you're the one going off the deep end here.

Basically I'm not the only person that thinks Christian belief and belief in ghosts is incompatible. Others believe the opposite. I have a right to my opinion.


Wonder Woman
This statement is patently false, the latter conclusion cannot be assumed based upon the former statement. Just because the bible acknowledges ghosts, doesn't mean Christianity as a religion "gives it blessing" to belief in them.

Wait wait wait. Now there's some figurehead of Christianity that arbitrarily determines what a Christian can and cannot believe in the bible?

Your posts are becoming more and more insane as this thread goes on.