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Is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith, or other religions?


Wonder Woman
You are simply wrong, because they are NOT mainstream beliefs (aside from the fact that none of them really happened). You take a couple of mentions of ghosts in the bible and extrpolate that to make it seem "compatible" that everyone should believe in haunted houses and there's no problem. That's being dishonest.

Quit trying to tell me what I said the same way you try to tell Christians what they should and should not believe. I never said that everyone should believe anything. You're the one being dishonest here. I said it was a compatible belief. Nothing more nothing less. I'm not the one saying who should and shouldn't believe something. I'm saying that since the bible, which is the basis of Christianity, acknowledges the existence of ghosts, then that would make belief in ghosts compatible with Christianity. Whether or not particular Christians do or do not believe in ghosts is a different thing entirely. What part of this are you not getting?


Well-Known Member
Quit trying to tell me what I said the same way you try to tell Christians what they should and should not believe. I never said that everyone should believe anything. You're the one being dishonest here. I said it was a compatible belief. Nothing more nothing less. I'm not the one saying who should and shouldn't believe something. I'm saying that since the bible, which is the basis of Christianity, acknowledges the existence of ghosts, then that would make belief in ghosts compatible with Christianity. Whether or not particular Christians do or do not believe in ghosts is a different thing entirely. What part of this are you not getting?

What you are saying is absurd, simply because something is "in the bible" does NOT make it compatible with Christianity. LOL


Well-Known Member
If they truly are incompatible, why can they coexist peacefully? There is not anything in the Bible that says that ghosts can not exists. Actually, the Bible suggest the exact opposite. All of the evidence shows that the two beliefs are compatible.

Your entire argument is based on what you state that Christians have to believe. However, your argument is based on a flaw. Christianity is extremely diverse. There are few fundamental beliefs. None of them are based on the idea of ghosts.

The fact that Christians can and do believe in ghosts, and that it does not cause any fundamental problems, or any problems what so ever, clearly shows, by the definition of the word incompatible, that the two beliefs are not of such. Showing beyond any reasonable doubt that you are incorrect.

Also, since when was religion logical? Religion is based on faith which by definition is not logical.

You assume facts not in evidence, you say that belief in ghosts causes no harm, I would say there are many instances where it has caused great harm, any belief in delusions certainly can cause great harm.


Agnostic Theist
You assume facts not in evidence, you say that belief in ghosts causes no harm, I would say there are many instances where it has caused great harm, any belief in delusions certainly can cause great harm.
So how does the belief in ghosts harm Christianity? Oh yeah, it doesn't. That's because the belief in ghosts and Christianity are not incompatible.


Wonder Woman
What you are saying is absurd, simply because something is "in the bible" does NOT make it compatible with Christianity. LOL

Ok, oh great and wise all-knowing ultimate authority on all things Christian...what makes something compatible with Christianity if what is in the bible doesn't have anything to do with Christianity? :rolleyes: Please do tell, I'm all atwitter with antwicipation to hear your great profound knowledge. :sarcastic Enlighten us all how Jesus talking to ghosts has nothing to do with Christianity. :areyoucra


Agnostic Theist
What you are saying is absurd, simply because something is "in the bible" does NOT make it compatible with Christianity. LOL
That makes sense. Now what the Bible says is not compatible with Christianity. Maybe you need to go out and write a book so Christians can know what it alright for them to believe, since there clearly is nothing else that does so.


Well-Known Member
Ok, oh great and wise all-knowing ultimate authority on all things Christian...what makes something compatible with Christianity if what is in the bible doesn't have anything to do with Christianity? :rolleyes: Please do tell, I'm all atwitter with antwicipation to hear your great profound knowledge. :sarcastic Enlighten us all how Jesus talking to ghosts has nothing to do with Christianity. :areyoucra

Uh, many people were murdered in the bible(including at the hand of a supposed god), does that make murder compatible with Christianity?

There's all kinds of wickedness and "strange" occurances mentioned in the bible, does that make all of them compatible with Christianity? Modern Christianity was basically created at the Council of Nicea, where the APOSTLE'S CREED was adopted. Belief in ghosts was a separate tradition entirely,.


Well-Known Member
That makes sense. Now what the Bible says is not compatible with Christianity. Maybe you need to go out and write a book so Christians can know what it alright for them to believe, since there clearly is nothing else that does so.

Again, I don't care what they believe, as I believe none of it.

However, one can make a judgement about compatibility of beliefs, from knowledge of what the basic beliefs of a religion have been stated to be.


Wonder Woman
Uh, many people were murdered in the bible(including at the hand of a supposed god), does that make murder compatible with Christianity?

There's all kinds of wickedness and "strange" occurances mentioned in the bible, does that make all of them compatible with Christianity? Modern Christianity was basically created at the Council of Nicea, where the APOSTLE'S CREED was adopted. Belief in ghosts was a separate tradition entirely,.

OMG. You really are reaching aren't you? Acceptance of certain "strange occurances" and ghosts and such are compatible BELIEFS. You started this talking about BELIEFS. Not actions. And murder is condemned in the bible. You never asked if it was "ok" to be a ghost like one might ask if it is "ok" to murder. That's just stupid and I didn't think it was possible, but you're making all this even worse on yourself. To reach this far, this stupidly, you must really be desperate. :rolleyes:

and exactly what "separate tradition" do you think beliefs in ghosts was?

You're never going to admit how very very very wrong you are no matter how much you are proven wrong over and over are you? Like talking to a wall.


Well-Known Member
OMG. You really are reaching aren't you? Acceptance of certain "strange occurances" and ghosts and such are compatible BELIEFS. You started this talking about BELIEFS. Not actions. And murder is condemned in the bible. You never asked if it was "ok" to be a ghost like one might ask if it is "ok" to murder. That's just stupid and I didn't think it was possible, but you're making all this even worse on yourself. To reach this far, this stupidly, you must really be desperate. :rolleyes:

and exactly what "separate tradition" do you think beliefs in ghosts was?

You're never going to admit how very very very wrong you are no matter how much you are proven wrong over and over are you? Like talking to a wall.

Hmm, the supposed god wiped out entire towns, making it seem "murder" was OK, but they had it coming, didn't they?

And the references to "ghosts" in the bible, were more figurative than real, let's face it, the gospels were written by unknown writers, so all this about jesus talking about ghosts was made up anyway. There never was any "belief" in ghosts related to Christianity whatsoever, those who want to have both beliefs going along together are simply reading between the lines.

And if you believe the sayinsg of Jesus, what about when the supposed Jesus told the thief on the cross "today thou shalt be with me in paradise"? He didn't say, "today, we'll be haunting a house." I don't think the two beliefs jive real well.


Wonder Woman
Hmm, the supposed god wiped out entire towns, making it seem "murder" was OK, but they had it coming, didn't they?

And the references to "ghosts" in the bible, were more figurative than real, let's face it, the gospels were written by unknown writers, so all this about jesus talking about ghosts was made up anyway. There never was any "belief" in ghosts related to Christianity whatsoever, those who want to have both beliefs going along together are simply reading between the lines.

And if you believe the sayinsg of Jesus, what about when the supposed Jesus told the thief on the cross "today thou shalt be with me in paradise"? He didn't say, "today, we'll be haunting a house." I don't think the two beliefs jive real well.

I think it's been well established that what you think is that you're right all the time and can't possibly ever be proven wrong.

How were the accounts of ghosts in the bible figurative? For a person who accepts the bible as fact, and the accounts of Jesus as real, then it would make sense that the ghosts referenced in the bible would be just as real. They had conversations for crying out loud.

Also, just because you don't believe in the bible it doesn't mean jack. We're discussing Christian beliefs and since Christians believe in the bible then that is what matters.

It really is useless to continue this with you. You'll never admit how wrong you are. You'll continue to bring up ridiculous stuff that has nothing to do with the real topic at hand. Your diversionary tactics are transparent and old. Suffice to say...you're wrong and anything you say from now on isn't going to change that fact one bit. It will just show how desperate you are at this point. Have fun with that.


Well-Known Member
I think it's been well established that what you think is that you're right all the time and can't possibly ever be proven wrong.

How were the accounts of ghosts in the bible figurative? For a person who accepts the bible as fact, and the accounts of Jesus as real, then it would make sense that the ghosts referenced in the bible would be just as real. They had conversations for crying out loud.

Also, just because you don't believe in the bible it doesn't mean jack. We're discussing Christian beliefs and since Christians believe in the bible then that is what matters.

It really is useless to continue this with you. You'll never admit how wrong you are. You'll continue to bring up ridiculous stuff that has nothing to do with the real topic at hand. Your diversionary tactics are transparent and old. Suffice to say...you're wrong and anything you say from now on isn't going to change that fact one bit. It will just show how desperate you are at this point. Have fun with that.

Nice ignoring of most of my post, but mostly what you say is your

Time to get a new line, that one's not working.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to religion.

However, if you accept the premises that (1) humans have a spirit that is distinct from the body, and (2) the spirit survives the death of the body, a belief in ghosts is practically a given. What's illogical about it?

I never said it was illogical just INCOMPATIBLE. BiG difference.


Well-Known Member
Pertaining to this verse, it ceratinly does NOT prove belief in earthly ghosts is compatible with


"What are your thoughts on this statement by Jesus himself, who in Luke 24, verse 39, said "Touch me and make sure that I am not a ghost, because ghosts don't have bodies, as you see that I do!"

This is not Jesus telling us that ghosts are real. It is him telling them that he is real, and not like the ghosts of fables.
Also the King James Bible (the one I believe to be most accurate) says: "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." Luke 24:39 KJV
Again you see the word "spirit" used instead of "ghost".
Giving up the ghost

All humans have spirits, and these spirits are sometimes called "ghosts" in scripture, specifically in the King James version of the Bible. In Gen. 25:8 (KJV) Abraham "gave up the ghost", in Hebrew the words in this verse translated "gave up the ghost", mean "to breathe out" to "be dead" and "perish" (The Complete Word Study Old Testament" Zodhiates AMG Publishers). It is interesting here that man would breathe out his spirit, as it is God that breathed it into man. Thus, when man dies his spirit returns to God - or is held in Hades, it does not roam the earth haunting houses. There are dozens of other examples in scripture showing that man "gives up" his spirit at death. "


Agnostic Theist
So basically your argument is that yes, there are references to ghosts in the Bible, but they don't really matter as because they disagree with you. And the beliefs of Christians don't matter because you don't accept any of them, yet you are arguing that they must believe in the manner that you are saying.

You've provided no evidence that Christianity is not compatible with the belief in ghosts. What you've provided is that you simply do not want to accept that you're wrong. Really is no more reason to post here as it is just a waste of time anymore.


Well-Known Member
So basically your argument is that yes, there are references to ghosts in the Bible, but they don't really matter as because they disagree with you. And the beliefs of Christians don't matter because you don't accept any of them, yet you are arguing that they must believe in the manner that you are saying.

You've provided no evidence that Christianity is not compatible with the belief in ghosts. What you've provided is that you simply do not want to accept that you're wrong. Really is no more reason to post here as it is just a waste of time anymore.

Try reading my posts occasioanally, instead of posting the same rant over and over.

The one reference to JEsus referring to a "spirit" was NOT about ghosts roamimg the earth, whether you ghost-believers like it or not. Your already slim evidence has faded away, like a "spirit".


Agnostic Theist
Mark 9:4-8. How do you explain away Moses and Elijah appearing to Jesus?

You're one to talk though. I've read your posts, and you've never provided evidence. Seems something you tend to do though.


Well-Known Member
Mark 9:4-8. How do you explain away Moses and Elijah appearing to Jesus?

You're one to talk though. I've read your posts, and you've never provided evidence. Seems something you tend to do though.

1. They didn't.
2. If you believe they did, it was a communion of saints, not a get together to haunt a house.

Again, you're stretching way past the limits, i.e you're really reaching here.


Well-Known Member
By the way, one of the reasons you aren't supposed to speak ill of the dead is that they may be listening. :)

It's a traditional Orthodox Christian folk belief (though not an official doctrine) that the spirits of the dead wander through earth, heaven and hell for forty days after death before "settling down" in heaven or hell.

Oh boy. LOL


Well-Known Member
Don't be sorry. Just reread some of the bible. Jesus was tempted in the desert, he drove out demons, and his mother was visited by an angel. All of these encounters or so called encounters happened here on earth. If spirits like these exist, why not human spirits. I think it is a legitimate question. Can you answer it?

Yes, the Catholic chuch believes very much in earthly demons and angels, but not at all in earthly human spirits, if fact, they abhor that belief, and encourage people not to pursue it.