No, because he is not comparing homosexuality to drug use. He is comparing your extreme intolerance of drug use to extreme intolerance of homosexuality. Both groups of intolerant people want to impose their personal morals on others by force of law, but in your case the amount of force you desire to impose is unusually extreme.
I don't actually care about the laws. I expect extreme boycott and social repudiation. Laws are too impersonal, too ineffective, and all too readily disregarded.
That said, yes, I sure am unusually extreme on this matter. Even more than I used to believe until fairly recently. It is not that I have become more extreme at all, but that I only very recently realized how tolerant most people are.
I'm currently trying to make up my mind about what the consequences are, and what they should be from now on. Something of an open question at the moment.
While I was growing up, I just kind of knew that people felt ashamed of drinking but couldn't help it. I never had much of a reason to even question that. To a surprisingly large degree I still do not, yet it seems that far too few people come even close to my degree of rejection of the concept of recreational intoxication.
I expect that it will take some time and difficult findings before I decide how to reconcile those two clashing perceptions.
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