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Is feminism still needed in the U.S.


It's easier for a woman to find a man that will take care of her if she hits rock bottom.

:facepalm: yeah, that's totally how it works.

It's easier for a woman on the street to make a living on the street in order to pay for shelter. If you catch my drift. That's why they're not sleeping rough. If men want to level the playing field, they should stop discriminating against men when they're trying to pay for sex.


:facepalm: yeah, that's totally how it works.

It's easier for a woman on the street to make a living on the street in order to pay for shelter. If you catch my drift. That's why they're not sleeping rough. If men want to level the playing field, they should stop discriminating against men when they're trying to pay for sex.
I wasn't gonna say it that way, but it's totally what I meant. I didn't mean a woman ends up on the street and meets a Prince Charming that saves her... A lot of women don't need to even get to that point in the first place though, because they find a well-off husband right out of high school. I wish I was that lucky...


Well ! And I don't TEXT either! So call me sometime and if I don't pick up leave a message on my answering machine or I wont call you back!

Oh man... what if I leave a bad message. I'd have to break in and steal that little tape from the machine and burn it.


That sounds fairly elitist to me.

It seems that you are fine with discrimination at the lower levels of the employment field - funny, how that works isn't it.:rolleyes:

I've been assistant before, to a female of all things. And worked as a dishwasher and cook for... way too long of my life. That being said, your comparison to your inability to be a assistant or server fails significantly in comparison to many women who still find themselves incredibly underrepresented in fields like being a lawyer or a doctor or a CEO.


He would get denied if it were a unisex style, especially if he were ugly.

And as for waitressing, forget it!

The unattractive male earns WAY less than the hot girl - that is discrimination so why aren't you complaining about it?

Actually did, btw, in a thread called "Should Tipping Be Banned?" Again, I fail to see how terrible not making as much money as a female does in **** positions, when you are perfectly capable of applying oneself to be in a number of high ranking fields, where one will most be certainly find oneself advantaged to all women concerning pay and promotion.


Well-Known Member
There was a thread not too long ago that delved into Homeless rates between Men and Women (at least in Australia), and whilst there was some statistical evidence to suggest Women can get into Shelters easier than Men, generally I don't think there's any "advantage" for Women who're homeless.

I also don't consider a Woman being forced into Prostitution out of (what I'd call) Extreme Economic Coercion to be an "advantage" over Homeless Men, either.

EDIT: Oh and marrying a rich husband straight outta high school? If anything that seems to be a fantasy/myth where I'm from.


via tips or something? That is how the restaurant serving industry operates in the US, so err like, hello, yes, of course it's about tips - sheesh!

Hot girls virtually always get more money per month in tips, than unattractive men.

That is DISCRIMINATION pure and simple, so again, why aren't you complaining about this?

Is it because you are a hypocrite?

Why aren't you complaining about discrimination against women if you are so concerned with discrimination?


There was a thread not too long ago that delved into Homeless rates between Men and Women (at least in Australia), and whilst there was some statistical evidence to suggest Women can get into Shelters easier than Men, generally I don't think there's any "advantage" for Women who're homeless.

I also don't consider a Woman being forced into Prostitution out of (what I'd call) Extreme Economic Coercion to be an "advantage" over Homeless Men, either.

EDIT: Oh and marrying a rich husband straight outta high school? If anything that seems to be a fantasy/myth where I'm from.

Yeah, I was being sarcastic. I'm sure the advantage of being able to afford shelter is more than balanced out by never knowing if any given John is going to beat you to death.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was being sarcastic. I'm sure the advantage of being able to afford shelter is more than balanced out by never knowing if any given John is going to beat you to death.

I should've made it clearer as to whom I was addressing, I wasn't er... "biting" at you specifically. :)



I also don't consider a Woman being forced into Prostitution out of (what I'd call) Extreme Economic Coercion to be an "advantage" over Homeless Men, either.

I wouldn't say women are "forced" into prostitution out of economic necessity. They definitely make the choice to be prostitutes, unless of course they're kidnapped and gorilla pimped by a heroin dealer. There are plenty of options when you're broke. You can sell drugs, rob people, steal jewelry, play a guitar in a subway station, panhandle, become a nun/priest... Then of course there's always the option of a real job, however low paying it might be, just to get some cash and get on your feet.

EDIT: Oh and marrying a rich husband straight outta high school? If anything that seems to be a fantasy/myth where I'm from.
Happened a lot in my neighborhood. A lot of the girls were pregnant by 13-15, married by 18 and still have yet to work a day in their lives. Their husbands aren't rich, but they still don't have to work.


Well-Known Member
I.S.L.A.M617 said:
I wouldn't say women are "forced" into prostitution out of economic necessity. They definitely make the choice to be prostitutes, unless of course they're kidnapped and gorilla pimped by a heroin dealer. There are plenty of options when you're broke. You can sell drugs, rob people, steal jewelry, play a guitar in a subway station, panhandle, become a nun/priest... Then of course there's always the option of a real job, however low paying it might be, just to get some cash and get on your feet.

Although I have no direct experience with Prostitution or those who got into it, I'm pretty sure all of the Women hanging out on dark street corners, waiting for strangers to have sex with, are not doing so out of their own "Choice".

Also, I'm willing to bet that amongst Mental Illness, Drug Abuse, and er Homelessness there are plenty of other disadvantages/struggles which they face in getting a "real" job. You probably can't even get served at a fast-food joint if you're Homeless, let-alone a job working there.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Women's median weekly earnings were lower than men's median weekly earnings in all industries in 2009. The industry with the largest gender pay gap was financial activities. Median weekly earnings of women employed in financial activities were 70.5% of men's median weekly earnings in that industry. Construction was the industry with the smallest gender pay gap, with women earning 92.2% of what men earned.
In 2009, women’s weekly median earnings were higher than men’s in only four of the 108 occupations for which sufficient data were available to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The four occupations with higher weekly median earnings for women than men were "Other life, physical, and social science technicians" (102.4%), "bakers" (104.0%), "teacher assistants" (104.6%), and "dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers" (111.1%). The four largest gender wage gaps were found in well-paying occupations such as "Physicians and surgeons" (64.2%), "securities, commodities and financial services sales agents" (64.5%), "financial managers" (66.6%), and "other business operations specialists" (66.9%).


I wanted to put the bold part up to remind that income disparity is not as equal as some here have suggested. There are certainly disparities that favor women in four occupations, according to the data. But overall, the wage gap is apparent in the vast majority of available industries open for study and analysis.

Also, from the same link...

Using Current Population Survey (CPS) data for 1979 and 1995 and controlling for education, experience, personal characteristics, parental status, city and region, occupation, industry, government employment, and part-time status, Yale University economics professor Joseph G. Altonji and the United States Secretary of Commerce Rebecca M. Blank found that only about 27% of the gender wage gap in each year is explained by differences in such characteristics.

By looking at a very specific and detailed sample of workers (graduates of the University of Michigan Law School) economists Robert Wood, Mary Corcoran and Paul Courant were able to examine the wage gap while matching men and women for many other possible explanatory factors - not only occupation, age, experience, education, and time in the workforce, but also childcare, average hours worked, grades while in college, and other factors. Even after accounting for all that, women still are paid only 81.5% of what men "with similar demographic characteristics, family situations, work hours, and work experience" are paid.

This is just wiki, too. There are plenty of studies available on the wage gap with a simple search on Google Scholar.



Although I have no direct experience with Prostitution or those who got into it, I'm pretty sure all of the Women hanging out on dark street corners, waiting for strangers to have sex with, are not doing so out of their own "Choice".

Do you mean to tell me every prostitute is being held against their will? Most of them are just looking for easy money and are either too lazy or strung out to work. And unless someone literally forced them into prostitution, they're doing it by choice. Hell, some of them even enjoy it... There's always a choice.

Also, I'm willing to bet that amongst Mental Illness, Drug Abuse, and er Homelessness there are plenty of other disadvantages/struggles which they face in getting a "real" job. You probably can't even get served at a fast-food joint if you're Homeless, let-alone a job working there.
This isn't true at all. I know more than a few people that have worked their way out of homelessness, my mother among them. There are struggles, but not so many that you are forced to be homeless for the rest of your life. Anyone with a pessimistic attitude and lack of ambition like that deserves to be homeless.
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Well-Known Member
I.S.L.A.M said:
Do you mean to tell me every prostitute is being held against their will? Most of them are just looking for easy money and are either too lazy or strung out to work. And unless someone literally forced them into prostitution, they're doing it by choice. There's always a choice.

Remember, we're talking about homeless Women here. Do you really think homeless Women aren't going into prostitution because of Economic desperation? Also, think about how they may have gotten there in the first place: drugs, no family/support network, abuse, mental illness etc. Do you really think Women just wake up one day and go "Hmmm, I'm a strong independent Woman, I want to pursue a lifestyle of homeless prostitution"? :shrug:

This isn't true at all. I know more than a few people that have worked their way out of homelessness, my mother among them. There are struggles, but not so many that you are forced to be homeless for the rest of your life. Anyone with a pessimistic attitude and lack of ambition like that deserves to be homeless.
Right, more "American Dream" mentality nonsense: Only lazy people are homeless. :rolleyes: