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Is God a man?


Veteran Member
No .. the performing of miracles do not imply that a person is God.

What if Jesus had had no mother too? Would that mean that Jesus was not human at all?
Obviously not..
Was Adam not human at all? Did he have a mother and father?

The only creation of humans was that of Adam and Eve. All other humans have to be descendants of those 2.
If Jesus had no human parents then He would not be a human.
Mary as mother made Him a human, God as Father made Him the only begotten Son of God, the unique Son of God, the Divine Son of God who comes from His Father, just as our children come from us and have our human nature.
Jesus in the Gospels tells us that He came from heaven,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but Muslims don't really care what Jesus said.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Jesus was the Son of God in more than the general Jewish way of believing that God is their Father.
There would be no Jew wanting to stone Jesus for claiming that God was His Father if all the Jews believed that.
Jesus claim was more than the claim that any Jew might use and the Jews knew it.
You might want to see this thread: I and the father are one.

Jesus (a) statement was being taken out of context, and they were trying to twist his words to be blasphemy when they were normal statements in context of Judaism. See Jesus (a) own words in that regard.


Veteran Member
I do care .. and I believe that Jesus knew he was going to be betrayed & arrested.

..and as it was a common belief that Jesus died and came to life again, I don't find it surprising
that Jesus' words were portrayed in that manner.
i.e. it only takes the beliefs of interpreter/translator's for apparent meaning to be altered

It can't be helped. There were many Gospels and other scrolls in existence, but some were deemed
heretical due to their author's beliefs.

In this case, it was believed that Jesus actually died. It is quite possible (likely) that Jesus said he was going to be crucified and he would appear again (rise again).
It's all about interpretation.

If you are denying the words of Jesus and what the New Testament tells us then your "interpretation" is that the New Testament is not true.

Yes .. as G-d sent many other 'Sons' before him.
..but Jesus was special .. he was born of the Virgin Mary, and is/was the promised Jewish Messiah.

Jesus is the only person to have come from heaven according to the Jesus.

Not exactly .. but having found out that there is a difference between a man & God,
things became clearer to me .. I'd always struggled with the basics.

In fact, I pulled out of confirmation due to having to repeat things that I couldn't understand.

Christians struggle with basic teachings also but keep believing even without full understanding.


Veteran Member
Christians struggle with basic teachings also but keep believing even without full understanding.
That's the point .. when I discovered Islam, everything fell into place.
No more "mysteries" .. no more apparent contradictions.

That's what I found hard to swallow .. that the trinity is "a mystery", and they are 3 different persons,
but all are God etc.

I simply don't NEED such complication to follow God.
Knowing that He is One, the first commandment ..
..no extra qualification of what it means to be One through a trinity etc. etc.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Jesus was the Son of God in more than the general Jewish way of believing that God is their Father.
There would be no Jew wanting to stone Jesus for claiming that God was His Father if all the Jews believed that.
Jesus claim was more than the claim that any Jew might use and the Jews knew it.
Brian2, can you read the verses wherewith you are referring?

A Son of God is one who does the works of the Father, the works of God. It’s that simple.

Obviously these Jews, in which you refer, were not ‘doing the works of God’, ‘the works of the Father’. Jesus told them so:
  • “Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father.” (John 10:36-37)
Here, Jesus states that he is God’s Son BECAUSE he is doing the works of God … do not believe him if he is not doing so!!!
  • “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)
Here, Jesus tells [us/them] that we/they too must do the same as he… the works of the Father… And by doing so we/they will also be called ‘Sons of God’.

Again, ‘A Son of God’ is one - ANYONE - who does the works of the Father … the works of God’. A perfect Son does the works perfectly… Jesus is the only one who does the works perfectly and so scriptures dubs him, ‘the only Son of God’…

But a time is coming when there will be MANY who subscribe to the title of ‘Son (and Sons) of God’… in fact, ‘Children of God’:
  • “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.” (1 John 3:10)
1 John 3:10, again, shows what if is to be ‘Son of God’… is “SON OF GOD” a UNIQUE title?

No, not at all… but, again, it is applied to Jesus Christ because AT THIS TIME Jesus Christ IS THE ONLY ONE who fully carried out the works of God.

THE JEWS believed that GOD ALONE could heal the sick; make the lame to work; the blind to see; raise the dead (this is really about getting people out of a COMA… not actually cease to live! Literally, Lazarus was the only one who had ACTUALLY DIED!); forgive sins, etc. For this reason they MISTAKENLY CLAIMED that Jesus was “Making himself God”. Jesus told them that the works of the Father INCLUDED doing these things WHICH THEY COULD ALSO DO if they BELIEVED and had Faith… which they seriously lacked!!!
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Feeling of saying is that God is NOT the man/body which is made up of flesh and bones.
Feeling of saying is that God is the divinity which is lightining inside a cretain body.
If you are saying that this man body is filled by God, then you are essentially saying that the man is God.


Veteran Member
You might want to see this thread: I and the father are one.

Jesus (a) statement was being taken out of context, and they were trying to twist his words to be blasphemy when they were normal statements in context of Judaism. See Jesus (a) own words in that regard.

I don't see Jesus as making polytheistic statements, but I do see Him as making trinitarian statements.


Veteran Member
That's the point .. when I discovered Islam, everything fell into place.
No more "mysteries" .. no more apparent contradictions.

That's what I found hard to swallow .. that the trinity is "a mystery", and they are 3 different persons,
but all are God etc.

I simply don't NEED such complication to follow God.
Knowing that He is One, the first commandment ..
..no extra qualification of what it means to be One through a trinity etc. etc.

I don't want such complications to follow God, but when I find that these complications exist then I don't throw the truth away just because it gets complicated.


Veteran Member
Brian2, can you read the verses wherewith you are referring?

A Son of God is one who does the works of the Father, the works of God. It’s that simple.

Obviously these Jews, in which you refer, were not ‘doing the works of God’, ‘the works of the Father’. Jesus told them so:
  • “Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father.” (John 10:36-37)
Here, Jesus states that he is God’s Son BECAUSE he is doing the works of God … do not believe him if he is not doing so!!!
  • “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)
Here, Jesus tells [us/them] that we/they too must do the same as he… the works of the Father… And by doing so we/they will also be called ‘Sons of God’.

Yes we can also be children of God, the children of adoption. We receive the Spirit of Christ from the one who is the only begotten Son, not an adopted child.

Again, ‘A Son of God’ is one - ANYONE - who does the works of the Father … the works of God’. A perfect Son does the works perfectly… Jesus is the only one who does the works perfectly and so scriptures dubs him, ‘the only Son of God’…

But a time is coming when there will be MANY who subscribe to the title of ‘Son (and Sons) of God’… in fact, ‘Children of God’:
  • “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.” (1 John 3:10)
1 John 3:10, again, shows what if is to be ‘Son of God’… is “SON OF GOD” a UNIQUE title?

No, not at all… but, again, it is applied to Jesus Christ because AT THIS TIME Jesus Christ IS THE ONLY ONE who fully carried out the works of God.

THE JEWS believed that GOD ALONE could heal the sick; make the lame to work; the blind to see; raise the dead (this is really about getting people out of a COMA… not actually cease to live! Literally, Lazarus was the only one who had ACTUALLY DIED!); forgive sins, etc. For this reason they MISTAKENLY CLAIMED that Jesus was “Making himself God”. Jesus told them that the works of the Father INCLUDED doing these things WHICH THEY COULD ALSO DO if they BELIEVED and had Faith… which they seriously lacked!!!

Yes we are becoming closer to the human Jesus in righteousness and God can work through us with words and miracles as He worked through Jesus,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but the reality is that even though Jesus was a man like others, He also was more, and that was declared to be the case after the resurrection. He has inherited His Father's name. He is YHWH. He is the firstborn and we have a taste of the divine nature through His Spirit in us, but which He has without limit.
Hebrews 1:3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Yes we can also be children of God, the children of adoption. We receive the Spirit of Christ from the one who is the only begotten Son, not an adopted child.
Brian2, Jesus WAS ‘ADOPTED’ by God:
  • ‘In the same way, Christ did not take on himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But God said to him, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father.”’ (Hebrews 5:5)
  • ‘For to which of the angels did God ever say, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father"? Or again, “I will be his Father, and he will be my Son"’? (Hebrews 1:5)
  • “I will tell of the decree: YHWH said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you.” (Psalm 2:7)
Brian2, when a male child is ADOPTED, what words are generally expressed by the one who adopts the child. Is it not something like:
  • ‘By the signing of this document I am DECLARING that I am now your Father - and you are now my Son!’
Yes we are becoming closer to the human Jesus in righteousness and God can work through us with words and miracles as He worked through Jesus,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but the reality is that even though Jesus was a man like others, He also was more, and that was declared to be the case after the resurrection. He has inherited His Father's name. He is YHWH. He is the firstborn and we have a taste of the divine nature through His Spirit in us, but which He has without limit.
Hebrews 1:3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.
Brian2, Jesus RADIATES the GLORY of God… He is the exact expression of what God is…. The exact expression of something IS NOT the thing ITSELF else there would be no need to claim that it is an expression of the thing - it would BE the thing… not an expression of it.

Jesus BECAME superior to the angels…. Brian2, what state was Jesus in BEFORE he became superior to the angels. Maybe this will help your answer:
  • ‘He was made a little lower than the angels.’
Are you claiming that ALMIGHTY GOD was ‘a little lower than the angels’?While remaining superior ALL THE TIME until he was MADE Superior, again… BY ALMIGHTY GOD?

And, the name Jesus gained MEANS that he IS NOW ‘IMMORTAL AND IMMUTABLE’ … never changing, a constant, since:
  • “I am he who WAS DEAD, BUT AM NOW ALIVE FOREVERMORE” - “I am”!!
After Jesus was raised up to Heaven and given the seat of honour at the right hand side of the almighty God, he was given a name that declared him as being eternal - to be the ruler over the creation of God seated on the everlasting throne of my fur Father, King David.

Brian2, is almighty God to be ruler on the everlasting throne of a man, even King David!?


Well-Known Member
..by that logic, Adam and Eve would not be human either.
I believe the Urantia Book revelation that Adam and Eve incarnate on a previously populated and fallen world. They were celestial beings from heaven given human bodies using the existing stock on the planet. They were supposed to replace the previous fallen administration but were soon tricked into default, however they repented and salvaged what they could. IMOP
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Veteran Member
I don't want such complications to follow God, but when I find that these complications exist then I don't throw the truth away just because it gets complicated.
It depends what you mean by "throw the truth away" .. I didn't stop believing in God ..
I just didn't accept the Christian creed.
It was several years later, when I found myself in a multicultural environment, that I discovered
Islam. I didn't accept that creed either initially, but eventually I came to understand.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
That's the point .. when I discovered Islam, everything fell into place.
No more "mysteries" .. no more apparent contradictions.

That's what I found hard to swallow .. that the trinity is "a mystery", and they are 3 different persons,
but all are God etc.

I simply don't NEED such complication to follow God.
Knowing that He is One, the first commandment ..
..no extra qualification of what it means to be One through a trinity etc. etc.
"Apparent contradictions" is a significant qualifier. I am a Christian and see absolutely no contradictions.


Veteran Member
Brian2, Jesus WAS ‘ADOPTED’ by God:
  • ‘In the same way, Christ did not take on himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But God said to him, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father.”’ (Hebrews 5:5)
  • ‘For to which of the angels did God ever say, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father"? Or again, “I will be his Father, and he will be my Son"’? (Hebrews 1:5)
  • “I will tell of the decree: YHWH said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you.” (Psalm 2:7)
Brian2, when a male child is ADOPTED, what words are generally expressed by the one who adopts the child. Is it not something like:
  • ‘By the signing of this document I am DECLARING that I am now your Father - and you are now my Son!’

Yet you ignore the scriptural fact that the Logos was not created and was the pre existing Son of God.

Brian2, Jesus RADIATES the GLORY of God… He is the exact expression of what God is…. The exact expression of something IS NOT the thing ITSELF else there would be no need to claim that it is an expression of the thing - it would BE the thing… not an expression of it.

Jesus BECAME superior to the angels…. Brian2, what state was Jesus in BEFORE he became superior to the angels. Maybe this will help your answer:
  • ‘He was made a little lower than the angels.’
Are you claiming that ALMIGHTY GOD was ‘a little lower than the angels’?While remaining superior ALL THE TIME until he was MADE Superior, again… BY ALMIGHTY GOD?

The Son is not the Father and yet you keep implying that the trinity teaches that the Son is the Father.
The Son who was in the form of God and equal to God, chose to leave aside His majesty and become a humble man, a servant of His Father. This is pretty much directly from the Bible (Phil 2) and you ignore it.
The uncreated, eternal Son, who was all that God is and submitted to His Father, decided to continue to submit and become a man, lower than the angels and obey unto death and be exalted and yes, as you have pointed out, be seen to be YHWH.

And, the name Jesus gained MEANS that he IS NOW ‘IMMORTAL AND IMMUTABLE’ … never changing, a constant, since:
  • “I am he who WAS DEAD, BUT AM NOW ALIVE FOREVERMORE” - “I am”!!
After Jesus was raised up to Heaven and given the seat of honour at the right hand side of the almighty God, he was given a name that declared him as being eternal - to be the ruler over the creation of God seated on the everlasting throne of my fur Father, King David.

Brian2, is almighty God to be ruler on the everlasting throne of a man, even King David!?

Jesus rules over all of God's creation.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Brian2, I notice (not the first time either) that you don’t like to answer questions I ask of you when the answers tell against you.

It would be helpful if you answered these questions as it appears you are in fear of answering them - If you were not in fear you should not have any problems offering a credible, honest, and Scripturally sound response.
  • Brian2 says: Yet you ignore the scriptural fact that the Logos was not created and was the pre existing Son of God.
There is no scriptures that claims what you are saying. Trinity madd it up without reference anywhere in the Torah, or Septuagint, or any scripture writings.
  • Brian2 says: The Son is not the Father and yet you keep implying that the trinity teaches that the Son is the Father.
YOU keep saying (as a denial) that Jesus is not the Father DESPITE NO ONE ever saying that Jesus is the Father. And, it is TRINITY that claims that Jesus is the Father wherein it claims that the two are each other quoting:
  • ‘I and the Father ARE ONE’
  • Brian2 says: The Son who was in the form of God and equal to God,
Jesus WAS GOD in the form of God… what do you mean by Jesus was in the FORM OF GOD…
What is ‘The Form of God’?
  • Brian says: … Jesus… chose to leave aside His majesty and become a humble man, a servant of His Father. This is pretty much directly from the Bible (Phil 2) and you ignore it.
Brian2, a Son is ALWAYS a servant to his Father!
  • ‘The Father is greater than I’.
Can you provide an example of a situation where a Son is Greater than, or equal to, his living Father. I accept that a Son, can BECOME greater than his Father - AFTER the father dies and the Son inherits the position the Father had - but not while the Father is still alive!!

  • Brian2 says: The uncreated, eternal Son, who was all that God is and submitted to His Father, decided to continue to submit and become a man, lower than the angels and obey unto death and be exalted and yes, as you have pointed out, be seen to be YHWH.
Why do you say the son ‘all that God is’ … how do you define “God”. Is it not, “Father
, Son, and Holy Spirit”?

So, Brian2, if Jesus is ALL that God is, then isn’t Jesus : “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”?

And HOW did the Son DECIDE by himself, to submit himself to the Father? Isn’t a Son always in submission to his Father already?

And WHY would someone as TOTALLY GOD decide to be LOWER THAN HIS OWN CREATION…

Out of interest… why didn’t the Father become man… in fact, why didn’t the ‘holy spirit’ become man as well, or instead of the Son?

And NO, I did not say that the Son was to be seen as YHWH…. Brian2, you need to stop that kind of deceitful claim. I know what you are doing and it won’t work with me!
  • Brian says: Jesus rules over all of God's creation.
Jesus WILL BECOME the ruler over all of GOD’s creation AT the END OF TIME. This is true… ruler over GOD’s creation.
The ‘firstborn’ (the most beloved of the Father) Son INHERITS the Father’s estate!!!

What is that estate? Is it not ‘The created world’?
  • Jesus Christ, a (created human being ) ruler over a created world!!!
  • YHWH God, a (Spirit being) ruler over Heaven - a Spirit world!


Jesus in me
God ‘lives’ in ALL who abides by His words.
“All who are led by the Spirit of God are Sons of God’…

“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” (Romans 8:11)

The Spirit of God dwells fully in Jesus Christ… which is why Jesus REFLECTS the glory of God, the Father. All others have slightly dimmed lights as sin darkness the light.
However there is a difference because God shares our bodies with our spirits. God was the only Spirit in Jesus.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
However there is a difference because God shares our bodies with our spirits. God was the only Spirit in Jesus.
Muffled, the Spirit of God dwells in those who truly believe in Him. It is His SPIRIT that dwells in such ones - not GOD Himself!

God does not dwell in earthly bodies. But His SPIRIT can do so - which is how it came to dwell in Jesus Christ at his baptism at the river Jordan, and in the Apostles at Pentecost.

God is Spirit… but angels are Spirit also. So, Muffled, you need to understand that the word ‘Spirit’ is one of those double-use words that Trinitarians are fond of so they can abuse the minds of their congregation.

‘God IS Spirit’ (1) is not the same as ‘God IS A Spirit’ (2).

The first pertains to the BEING … like ‘Man IS Flesh’. We do not say, ‘Man IS A Flesh’… In other words, the second (2) is INVALID statement in the context used.

In the CORRECT context the statement can say:
‘Man is A FLESH BEING’. This pertains to the NATURE of man… like, ‘That animal is a Dog’. You wouldn’t say ‘That animal IS DOG’.

So, God is Spirit, means that the Being we acknowledge as our deity we call God, and YHWH, who is addressed as ‘The Father’, does not exist as material matter… does not occupy physical space, is not visible to fleshly eyes but can only be sensed in a mindful way.

This God CREATES SPIRITS… invisible, immaterial, untouchable BEINGS (Angels) which have CHARACTERISTICS in their actions and behaviours… that which is their Spirit (2). So every Spirit (1) has a Spirit (2)…

Think on this: “If the Spirit of the almighty Spirit who created you, dwells in you, then you are truly blessed!’

What is the meaning of that saying?
You know that ‘Almighty Spirit’ is Almighty God… and you know that He is Spirit! So it is saying that:
“If the characteristics of God who created you….!’
And if HIS (God’s) Character dwells in you…!’

Please do not try to find fault with the above.. it’s quite proper and right.

God’s HOLY Spirit… God’s HOLY Characteristics… let those characteristics dwell in you as they dwelt in Jesus Christ and the apostles. Let HIS NATURE be YOUR nature: This is how GOD can ‘dwell’ in you. By His Spirit he dwells in you if you accept it.
  • “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” (Romans 8:11)
It is not “GOD” who lives in you, but ‘The Spirit OF GOD’.
  • “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” (Ephesians 1:17)
Of the many, two CHARACTERISTICS OF God’s Spirit is that of wisdom and revelation. If you were to gain these two at the least then you would come to know GOD better. If the SPIRIT of GOD dwells in you!!
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Veteran Member
  • Brian2 says: Yet you ignore the scriptural fact that the Logos was not created and was the pre existing Son of God.
There is no scriptures that claims what you are saying. Trinity madd it up without reference anywhere in the Torah, or Septuagint, or any scripture writings.

John 1:3, Heb 1:1-2.
You keep ignoring these scriptures which show what I said to be scripturally true.

  • Brian2 says: The Son is not the Father and yet you keep implying that the trinity teaches that the Son is the Father.
YOU keep saying (as a denial) that Jesus is not the Father DESPITE NO ONE ever saying that Jesus is the Father. And, it is TRINITY that claims that Jesus is the Father wherein it claims that the two are each other quoting:
  • ‘I and the Father ARE ONE’

You just did it again, you claimed that the Trinity claims that Jesus is the Father.
"I and the Father are one (one thing)" -----You ignore the meaning of that, which is that the TWO of them together make one thing. My guess is that the one thing is one God.

  • Brian2 says: The Son who was in the form of God and equal to God,
Jesus WAS GOD in the form of God… what do you mean by Jesus was in the FORM OF GOD…
What is ‘The Form of God’?

Philipians 2:5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,
Whatever "the form of God" is, it means according to the text, that it made Him equal to God.

Brian says: … Jesus… chose to leave aside His majesty and become a humble man, a servant of His Father. This is pretty much directly from the Bible (Phil 2) and you ignore it.
Brian2, a Son is ALWAYS a servant to his Father!
  • ‘The Father is greater than I’.
Can you provide an example of a situation where a Son is Greater than, or equal to, his living Father. I accept that a Son, can BECOME greater than his Father - AFTER the father dies and the Son inherits the position the Father had - but not while the Father is still alive!!

The Son always submits to His Father,,,,,,,,,,, and of course the Father and Son are exactly alike and do not disagree anyway.
The Son is the interceding High Priest and the Father listens to and does what the Son asks.
The Son told His disciples that all authority in heaven and on earth had been given to Him. That puts Him equal in authority to His Father.
The Son, after being a man on earth, lower than the angels, but who owned all that the Father has (John 16:15) has not inherited all that the Father has, including the name above all names. (Phil 2)

  • Brian2 says: The uncreated, eternal Son, who was all that God is and submitted to His Father, decided to continue to submit and become a man, lower than the angels and obey unto death and be exalted and yes, as you have pointed out, be seen to be YHWH.
Why do you say the son ‘all that God is’ … how do you define “God”. Is it not, “Father
, Son, and Holy Spirit”?

So, Brian2, if Jesus is ALL that God is, then isn’t Jesus : “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”?

And HOW did the Son DECIDE by himself, to submit himself to the Father? Isn’t a Son always in submission to his Father already?

And WHY would someone as TOTALLY GOD decide to be LOWER THAN HIS OWN CREATION…

Out of interest… why didn’t the Father become man… in fact, why didn’t the ‘holy spirit’ become man as well, or instead of the Son?

John 1:1-2 tells us that the Logos was God. My understanding is that it is saying that the Logos is all that the God is. I understand this to mean that the Logos was all that the Father is, the Father being "the God." The only true God is the Father and in the Father is the Son and the Spirit. I see the Spirit as also being all that the Father is, but that the 3 are together as the one God and not 3 separate Gods.
In the Son is the Father and the Spirit. In the Spirit is the Father and Son.

Phil 2 tells us that the prehuman Jesus did not refuse to become a man, He submitted even when it meant giving up His equality with God and becoming a servant. (and there is a difference between being a Son and submitting, and being a servant and submitting). The pre human Jesus could have said no and clung on to His equality but that would show that He was not really just like His Father, perfectly good and humble to boot. As a servant He also showed whom He was, the Son, the perfect image of His Father, by being perfectly good and obeying to the death, trusting His Father God all the way.

Why would He decide to become lower that His creation? Because He is like His Father and loves us as His Father does and so was willing to do what it took and offer Himself for our sake.

Why didn't the Father or Spirit become a man. You ask interesting questions. I could hazard a guess but it's just out of interest that you ask. Maybe you could hazard a guess yourself.

And NO, I did not say that the Son was to be seen as YHWH…. Brian2, you need to stop that kind of deceitful claim. I know what you are doing and it won’t work with me!

I thought you agreed with the scripture, that the Son inherited the name above all names.

  • Brian says: Jesus rules over all of God's creation.
Jesus WILL BECOME the ruler over all of GOD’s creation AT the END OF TIME. This is true… ruler over GOD’s creation.
The ‘firstborn’ (the most beloved of the Father) Son INHERITS the Father’s estate!!!

What is that estate? Is it not ‘The created world’?
  • Jesus Christ, a (created human being ) ruler over a created world!!!
  • YHWH God, a (Spirit being) ruler over Heaven - a Spirit world!

Jesus is ruling over the creation of God now. He has been given a Kingdom that will now end. (Dan 7:13,14) and at the end will give it back to His Father and submit to God. So you seem to have that one back to front, even though He does rule forever over His eternal Kingdom, God's creation, which includes the physical and spirit parts of creation, ALL of it. Afterall, all of creation was created for Him.
Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.