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Is God a man?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
John 1:3, Heb 1:1-2.
You keep ignoring these scriptures which show what I said to be scripturally true.

You just did it again, you claimed that the Trinity claims that Jesus is the Father.
"I and the Father are one (one thing)" -----You ignore the meaning of that, which is that the TWO of them together make one thing. My guess is that the one thing is one God.

Philipians 2:5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,
Whatever "the form of God" is, it means according to the text, that it made Him equal to God.

The Son always submits to His Father,,,,,,,,,,, and of course the Father and Son are exactly alike and do not disagree anyway.
The Son is the interceding High Priest and the Father listens to and does what the Son asks.
The Son told His disciples that all authority in heaven and on earth had been given to Him. That puts Him equal in authority to His Father.
The Son, after being a man on earth, lower than the angels, but who owned all that the Father has (John 16:15) has not inherited all that the Father has, including the name above all names. (Phil 2)

John 1:1-2 tells us that the Logos was God. My understanding is that it is saying that the Logos is all that the God is. I understand this to mean that the Logos was all that the Father is, the Father being "the God." The only true God is the Father and in the Father is the Son and the Spirit. I see the Spirit as also being all that the Father is, but that the 3 are together as the one God and not 3 separate Gods.
In the Son is the Father and the Spirit. In the Spirit is the Father and Son.

Phil 2 tells us that the prehuman Jesus did not refuse to become a man, He submitted even when it meant giving up His equality with God and becoming a servant. (and there is a difference between being a Son and submitting, and being a servant and submitting). The pre human Jesus could have said no and clung on to His equality but that would show that He was not really just like His Father, perfectly good and humble to boot. As a servant He also showed whom He was, the Son, the perfect image of His Father, by being perfectly good and obeying to the death, trusting His Father God all the way.

Why would He decide to become lower that His creation? Because He is like His Father and loves us as His Father does and so was willing to do what it took and offer Himself for our sake.

Why didn't the Father or Spirit become a man. You ask interesting questions. I could hazard a guess but it's just out of interest that you ask. Maybe you could hazard a guess yourself.

I thought you agreed with the scripture, that the Son inherited the name above all names.

Jesus is ruling over the creation of God now. He has been given a Kingdom that will now end. (Dan 7:13,14) and at the end will give it back to His Father and submit to God. So you seem to have that one back to front, even though He does rule forever over His eternal Kingdom, God's creation, which includes the physical and spirit parts of creation, ALL of it. Afterall, all of creation was created for Him.
Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
Brian2, you specialise in deception… so, jimb, please be careful who you raise a cup of glory to!

You say that Jesus is NOW ruling over THE CREATION OF GOD…. FOR A PERIOD OF TIME (1000 years) AFTER WHICH jesus HANDS BACK the rulership TO GOD.

Brian2, how many questionable fallacies have been corrected from what you claim:
  1. If Jesus is NOW ruling over the creation of God then he was NOT previously ruling over the creation of God - which means Jesus was not previously equal to God
  2. The creation is OF GOD … the creation of the Father… Yes, The Father is the one true God and it was He who created the world… that’s why He is the ruler of all things and can THEN hand that rulership to the Son … to glorify the Son when the Son brings the creation back to order… and when the Son does so the Son HANDS BACK the rulership to the Father. But note carefully, THE SON IS NOT ULTIMATELY EQUAL TO THE FATHER … it is said that though the Son rules IN PLACE OF THE FATHER the Son does not rule from the Throne of the Father: This is illustrated by the story of Joseph in Egypt where he Rules as Pharoah… “In all things You are to be Pharoah EXCEPT FOR MY THRONE” (Genesis 41:40-41).
  3. Jesus’ rulership OVER HIS OWN KINGDOM …WILL BE … an everlasting kingdom rulership. Jesus is NOT YET IN HIS OWN KINGDOM RULERSHIP since he is yet to “Come with the clouds with the trump call of an archangel”… but is not far off… we are in the last ages of Satan’s rule!!! Satan, who is the Prince of the air, the God of this DISORDER of things who has ‘Come into his kingdom and is exceedingly angry knowing his time is short’… He tries to use ones like yourself to deceive, if he could, even the elect of God…
  4. Jesus IS AWARDED the name that is above all names AT THE END OF TIME… The name above all names designated the holder of it as ‘Almighty in his KINGDOM’, as ‘UNCHANGEABLE… IMMUTABLE in thought, in mind, in decision, in commands’… all this summed up in a single simple name “YHWH” meaning “I Am”. The Father is ‘I AM’ in the kingdom of Heaven (as described above)… the Son WILL BE ‘I Am’ in the created kingdom (as described above)
Brian2, is your spirit not disturbed by hearing the truth… is your game not worrying you as to the result of its play?


Veteran Member
You say that Jesus is NOW ruling over THE CREATION OF GOD…. FOR A PERIOD OF TIME (1000 years) AFTER WHICH jesus HANDS BACK the rulership TO GOD.

No I did not say that. I did not mention 1000 years and I did not say that Jesus hands back the rulership to God.

Brian2, how many questionable fallacies have been corrected from what you claim:
  1. If Jesus is NOW ruling over the creation of God then he was NOT previously ruling over the creation of God - which means Jesus was not previously equal to God

That not only does not make sense, it ignore the fact that Jesus became a man, lower than the angels and ignores Phil 2 which tells us that He was equal to God but did not grasp that equality, but let go of it to become a man.

  1. The creation is OF GOD … the creation of the Father… Yes, The Father is the one true God and it was He who created the world… that’s why He is the ruler of all things and can THEN hand that rulership to the Son … to glorify the Son when the Son brings the creation back to order… and when the Son does so the Son HANDS BACK the rulership to the Father. But note carefully, THE SON IS NOT ULTIMATELY EQUAL TO THE FATHER … it is said that though the Son rules IN PLACE OF THE FATHER the Son does not rule from the Throne of the Father: This is illustrated by the story of Joseph in Egypt where he Rules as Pharoah… “In all things You are to be Pharoah EXCEPT FOR MY THRONE” (Genesis 41:40-41).

Yes God created all things, and all things were created through the Son.
The Son does not usurp the rule of God, but the Son is there with the Father on the throne, in rulership. (Rev 7:17)
Joseph ruled Egypt and Pharaoh sat back and let him do that, but Joseph was not Pharaoh, he did not take the place of Pharaoh.

  1. Jesus’ rulership OVER HIS OWN KINGDOM …WILL BE … an everlasting kingdom rulership. Jesus is NOT YET IN HIS OWN KINGDOM RULERSHIP since he is yet to “Come with the clouds with the trump call of an archangel”… but is not far off… we are in the last ages of Satan’s rule!!! Satan, who is the Prince of the air, the God of this DISORDER of things who has ‘Come into his kingdom and is exceedingly angry knowing his time is short’… He tries to use ones like yourself to deceive, if he could, even the elect of God…

And I suppose that means that Trinitarians and the regular Christians are not part of the elect, but you and the small group who believe what you do, are part of the elect.
But it is you who is bringing in new teachings which the Church has never known and who is trying to convince regular Christians that the Church has been wrong for 2000 years and that only you have the truth.
Jesus said, "all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me", so He is now ruling over the Kingdom of God and God is putting all things under His feet, but Jesus has not usurped what is God's.

  1. Jesus IS AWARDED the name that is above all names AT THE END OF TIME… The name above all names designated the holder of it as ‘Almighty in his KINGDOM’, as ‘UNCHANGEABLE… IMMUTABLE in thought, in mind, in decision, in commands’… all this summed up in a single simple name “YHWH” meaning “I Am”. The Father is ‘I AM’ in the kingdom of Heaven (as described above)… the Son WILL BE ‘I Am’ in the created kingdom (as described above)

Heb 1:4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.
Phil 2:9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

According to the scriptures above Jesus now has His Father's name.
Rev 11:15 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:
“The kingdom of the world has become
the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah,
and he will reign for ever and ever.”


Jesus in me
The body without a Spirit is a non-active, ‘dead’ (subject to decay) body.

An active body does not have a ‘spirit’ of its own - that would be a Zombie.

It is an ACTIVE SPIRIT (in humanity) that has A BODY. It’s like saying that a CAR has a Driver - No! It’s the DRIVER who has a CAR!

Without the Driver the CAR is dormant, inert, inactive. BUT even if there is a DRIVER who is not ACTIVE, the DRIVER is still A LIVING Spirit BUT unable to function until it is put into a CAR… then the two become an ACTIVE (from the Driver’s part) Entity able to move, turn, speed, halt, reverse, etc.
I don't know where you got that from but it is not the Bible. For instance we don't know how long the body of Jesus lived after the Spirit left but probably not long considering He was near death at the time.

A zombie is a mythical being that eats the dead. An active body is not that. As far as we know every body has a spirit.

I believe a car can exist without a driver and it can even go places by remote control but only the ones with AI can operate on their own recognizance. The mind drives the body and the Spirit only oversees it when necessary.


Jesus in me
Muffled, the Spirit of God dwells in those who truly believe in Him. It is His SPIRIT that dwells in such ones - not GOD Himself!

God does not dwell in earthly bodies. But His SPIRIT can do so - which is how it came to dwell in Jesus Christ at his baptism at the river Jordan, and in the Apostles at Pentecost.

God is Spirit… but angels are Spirit also. So, Muffled, you need to understand that the word ‘Spirit’ is one of those double-use words that Trinitarians are fond of so they can abuse the minds of their congregation.

‘God IS Spirit’ (1) is not the same as ‘God IS A Spirit’ (2).

The first pertains to the BEING … like ‘Man IS Flesh’. We do not say, ‘Man IS A Flesh’… In other words, the second (2) is INVALID statement in the context used.

In the CORRECT context the statement can say:
‘Man is A FLESH BEING’. This pertains to the NATURE of man… like, ‘That animal is a Dog’. You wouldn’t say ‘That animal IS DOG’.

So, God is Spirit, means that the Being we acknowledge as our deity we call God, and YHWH, who is addressed as ‘The Father’, does not exist as material matter… does not occupy physical space, is not visible to fleshly eyes but can only be sensed in a mindful way.

This God CREATES SPIRITS… invisible, immaterial, untouchable BEINGS (Angels) which have CHARACTERISTICS in their actions and behaviours… that which is their Spirit (2). So every Spirit (1) has a Spirit (2)…

Think on this: “If the Spirit of the almighty Spirit who created you, dwells in you, then you are truly blessed!’

What is the meaning of that saying?
You know that ‘Almighty Spirit’ is Almighty God… and you know that He is Spirit! So it is saying that:
“If the characteristics of God who created you….!’
And if HIS (God’s) Character dwells in you…!’

Please do not try to find fault with the above.. it’s quite proper and right.

God’s HOLY Spirit… God’s HOLY Characteristics… let those characteristics dwell in you as they dwelt in Jesus Christ and the apostles. Let HIS NATURE be YOUR nature: This is how GOD can ‘dwell’ in you. By His Spirit he dwells in you if you accept it.
  • “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” (Romans 8:11)
It is not “GOD” who lives in you, but ‘The Spirit OF GOD’.
  • “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” (Ephesians 1:17)
Of the many, two CHARACTERISTICS OF God’s Spirit is that of wisdom and revelation. If you were to gain these two at the least then you would come to know GOD better. If the SPIRIT of GOD dwells in you!!
I believe you are in error making God two entities by saying He is God and another one called the Spirit. The truth is that the Spirit is God.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I don't know where you got that from but it is not the Bible. For instance we don't know how long the body of Jesus lived after the Spirit left but probably not long considering He was near death at the time.
Are you serious?? What you just did was to show how deviant trinity belief can be (since you are defending deviant trinity along with desperate denial of simple concepts:
A person is a Spirit in a body…. Simple as that.
If the Spirit departs from the body then the person is considered as ‘DEAD’ since no one can COMMUNICATE with the person as all human communication is through the spirit responding to bodily stimuli: Hearing with ears, Seeing with eyes, Feeling/Touching with skin and flesh, Smelling through nostrils: The senses!
The Spirit PROCESSES these sensual stimula and makes sense of them in line with the physical world. If there is no spirit in the body, the body may well be subject to the physical effects BUT there will be no self-response from it.

When you say that no one knows how long the body lived without the Spirit in it you are creating a FALSE SCIENCE… and you know it!! You might say that a person who is DYING… and very near death … will or may still exhibit SOME ACTIVITY through the body … BUT that’s because the person STILL has its spirit in the body - barely hanging on. But when the Spirit leaves entirely, there is absolutely no response to any stimuli at all that is exhibited Bible Hub the body of itself.
A zombie is a mythical being that eats the dead. An active body is not that. As far as we know every body has a spirit.
Yes, A Zombie is mythical. A body, actioning by itself without a Spirit, is mythology!! Isn’t that what I said?
I believe a car can exist without a driver and it can even go places by remote control but only the ones with AI can operate on their own recognizance. The mind drives the body and the Spirit only oversees it when necessary.
A CAR can exists just as a body can exist - BUT a car without a driver (whether Remote Control, or Automated) is not autonomous… An AI car is an attempt at a MAN-MADE ‘spirit’!! And you know that it fouls up often which means it is not responding properly to the world’s stimuli because it is a flawed and ungodly ‘spirit’!

All of your post just now shows how badly trinity has gotten hold of you to attempt deviant beliefs … which, outside of desperation and this attempt, you would not be contemplating at all!!!

A person is a Spirit activating a Body. The body cannot function without the spirit in it:
  • “As the body without the spirit is dead…” (James 2:26)


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I believe you are in error making God two entities by saying He is God and another one called the Spirit. The truth is that the Spirit is God.
I hear you laughing at yourself for your realisation of the truth you just read.

I did not make Almighty God two entities. You say that only because you can find no fault with what you read from me (which is only what the scriptures says!)

God has a Spirit, is not making God into two. Do you yourself not say, “Spirit of God” and “God’s Holy Spirit”…

Do you actually realise what you are doing when you try to besmirch the truth?

Does ‘Do not grieve GOD’s SPIRIT’ mean anything to you?

Do you not know that ‘The Spirit of God’ is ‘The Spirit of truth’…? When you grieve the truth…. what do you think happens!?


Jesus in me
Are you serious?? What you just did was to show how deviant trinity belief can be (since you are defending deviant trinity along with desperate denial of simple concepts:
A person is a Spirit in a body…. Simple as that.
If the Spirit departs from the body then the person is considered as ‘DEAD’ since no one can COMMUNICATE with the person as all human communication is through the spirit responding to bodily stimuli: Hearing with ears, Seeing with eyes, Feeling/Touching with skin and flesh, Smelling through nostrils: The senses!
The Spirit PROCESSES these sensual stimula and makes sense of them in line with the physical world. If there is no spirit in the body, the body may well be subject to the physical effects BUT there will be no self-response from it.

When you say that no one knows how long the body lived without the Spirit in it you are creating a FALSE SCIENCE… and you know it!! You might say that a person who is DYING… and very near death … will or may still exhibit SOME ACTIVITY through the body … BUT that’s because the person STILL has its spirit in the body - barely hanging on. But when the Spirit leaves entirely, there is absolutely no response to any stimuli at all that is exhibited Bible Hub the body of itself.

Yes, A Zombie is mythical. A body, actioning by itself without a Spirit, is mythology!! Isn’t that what I said?

A CAR can exists just as a body can exist - BUT a car without a driver (whether Remote Control, or Automated) is not autonomous… An AI car is an attempt at a MAN-MADE ‘spirit’!! And you know that it fouls up often which means it is not responding properly to the world’s stimuli because it is a flawed and ungodly ‘spirit’!

All of your post just now shows how badly trinity has gotten hold of you to attempt deviant beliefs … which, outside of desperation and this attempt, you would not be contemplating at all!!!

A person is a Spirit activating a Body. The body cannot function without the spirit in it:
  • “As the body without the spirit is dead…” (James 2:26)
I believe that is false. That is only one definition of person and there are several. One definition is of an entity having personality. The brain does have personality so it is a person.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I believe that is false. That is only one definition of person and there are several. One definition is of an entity having personality.

The brain does have personality so it is a person.
‘The brain is a person’…?

Fish have brains…
Sheep have brains…
All animals, Birds, insects, .. all living things have a brain.

The brain of an entity is the processing unit for the body. A person who is considered dead still has a brain but which is non-functional since there is no Spirit to direct it’s processing,

The control of the processing is by the Spirit of the person that makes sense of what the brain is processing.

The peripheral entities (skin, nerve ends, fingers, eyes, nose, ears..) receive stimuli from outside of the body and transmits the stimuli to the brain via nerve cells. The brain processes these stimuli ‘data’ which THE SPIRIT makes sense of. There are a few low level automatic reactions which are for FAST REACTIONS in emergencies such as the nerves reacting to exceptionally hot, cold, sharp, … events. By blocking the senses with chemical agents the nerves can be subdued from reacting to a stimuli so that, for instance, an injection or a cut can be made in a sensitive part of the body without the nerves reacting sending data to the brain. The Spirit can even see the cut or injection being made but since there is no stimuli the Spirit does not have to react - flinch, expect pain, shock, etc. Biology 101!!

No! A brain is NOT A PERSON.

Why did you write what you wrote when you must have known you would just be making yourself look incompetent in respect of this debate point??


Active Member
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man...nor a son of man.
1 Samuel 15:29 for he is not a man
Hosea 11:9 I am God and not a man
Job 9:32 For he is not a man

So four times, FOUR, the Tanakh repeats the same teaching. Wouldn't you think that makes it rather important?
The context of the first two appear to be in reference to the trustworthiness of God as compared to man.
The third appears to show that God does not seek revenge as man might.
The fourth appears to show that man must revere God.

(The teachings ascribed to Rabbi Jesus all correspond to those attributes.)

We humans can learn from these.

So I don't see where there is a direct meaning with regards to the human form. This is not to say that I believe that God became a man, either. The Roman empire had a plethora of "gods" and "sons of gods" including the Roman leaders. I think that this is no coincidence and should not be ignored. In fact this relates to the trustworthiness of God, as compared to the trustworthiness of man who is known to have a history of lying.

We are though, taught that we are created in the image of God. The distinction that we make between the physical world and spiritual world may not be what we think it is. Does not all creation exist in God's mind so to speak? Is not all creation a part of God in some sense? Is creation put out on its own, apart from God? I think not.

I am interested in what man as "image of God", means.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
The context of the first two appear to be in reference to the trustworthiness of God as compared to man.
The third appears to show that God does not seek revenge as man might.
The fourth appears to show that man must revere God.

(The teachings ascribed to Rabbi Jesus all correspond to those attributes.)

We humans can learn from these.

So I don't see where there is a direct meaning with regards to the human form. This is not to say that I believe that God became a man, either. The Roman empire had a plethora of "gods" and "sons of gods" including the Roman leaders. I think that this is no coincidence and should not be ignored. In fact this relates to the trustworthiness of God, as compared to the trustworthiness of man who is known to have a history of lying.

We are though, said to be created in the image of God. The distinction that we make between the physical world and spiritual world may not be what we think t is. Does not all creation exist in God's mind so to speak? Is not all creation a part of God in some sense? Is creation put out on its own, apart from God? I think not.

I am interested in what man as "image of God", means.
I would be interested to hear responses also.
Genesis 1:26 - "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Notice what he said after he said "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness..."
New International Version


Veteran Member
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man...nor a son of man.
1 Samuel 15:29 for he is not a man
Hosea 11:9 I am God and not a man
Job 9:32 For he is not a man

So four times, FOUR, the Tanakh repeats the same teaching. Wouldn't you think that makes it rather important?
Meh, I think it makes it more personal and easier to refer to god as him rather than it imo. Plus it honors Gods living nature and reflects him off his son better. I mean, if you wanna get down to the nitty-gritty, I believe God is the Cosmos, but I also believe God is a living entity. I don’t think it’s a big deal to refer to God as Him.


Jesus in me
I hear you laughing at yourself for your realisation of the truth you just read.

I did not make Almighty God two entities. You say that only because you can find no fault with what you read from me (which is only what the scriptures says!)

God has a Spirit, is not making God into two. Do you yourself not say, “Spirit of God” and “God’s Holy Spirit”…

Do you actually realise what you are doing when you try to besmirch the truth?

Does ‘Do not grieve GOD’s SPIRIT’ mean anything to you?

Do you not know that ‘The Spirit of God’ is ‘The Spirit of truth’…? When you grieve the truth…. what do you think happens!?
Are you having trouble understanding English? Saying God has a Spirit is like saying a car has a car. That makes two entities and God is one entity. He is one Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man...nor a son of man.
1 Samuel 15:29 for he is not a man
Hosea 11:9 I am God and not a man
Job 9:32 For he is not a man

So four times, FOUR, the Tanakh repeats the same teaching. Wouldn't you think that makes it rather important?
Of course it's important! The Tanakh describes the Old Testament view of God, but clearly when Yeshua descended from heaven, that view was proven to be only a partial understanding. The New Testament clearly describes Jesus was a man when He was on Earth. Before and after that time He was God.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I would be interested to hear responses also.
Genesis 1:26 - "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Notice what he said after he said "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness..."
New International Version
John 1:1-3, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being." [Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"]

Hebrews 1:8, "But of the Son He [God the Father] says,

“Your throne, O God, is forever and ever,
and the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom."

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
God is not a man
justifies killing.
It justifies the crucifixion. Because it means that man is nothing. It's like an animal-
and it's not a sin to kill an animal.


Active Member
God is not a man
justifies killing.
It justifies the crucifixion. Because it means that man is nothing. It's like an animal-
and it's not a sin to kill an animal.
The Jewish Scriptures also teach that we are created in the image of God and in one of the Ten Commandments: "You shall not kill."

If one reads the context of the Scriptures that include "God is not a man", one finds that this passage is generally in reference to human character flaws (dishonesty, revenge) that God does not have. In one case, Job, the passage refers to reverence for God.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
God is not a man
justifies killing.
It justifies the crucifixion. Because it means that man is nothing. It's like an animal-
and it's not a sin to kill an animal.
Are you okay???

"God is not a man" is a) out of context and b) it doesn't justify killing, including crucifixion. c) It does not mean that "man is nothing".

(Three strikes and you're out!)

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The Jewish Scriptures also teach that we are created in the image of God and in one of the Ten Commandments: "You shall not kill."
It turns out so many martyrs were killed according to the Jewish Scriptures.
Saint Stephen, to begin with.
If one reads the context of the Scriptures that include "God is not a man", one finds that this passage is generally in reference to human character flaws (dishonesty, revenge) that God does not have. In one case, Job, the passage refers to reverence for God.

If I nobilitate man, I will not kill him. Because if I kill a man, it's like I killed God.
And I don't want to go to Hell.


Active Member
John 1:1-3, "...All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being." [Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the
I think that this reflects the Greek demiurge and is a Greco-Roman polytheistic adaptation in the later book, John.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man...nor a son of man.
1 Samuel 15:29 for he is not a man
Hosea 11:9 I am God and not a man
Job 9:32 For he is not a man

So four times, FOUR, the Tanakh repeats the same teaching. Wouldn't you think that makes it rather important?
The scriptures you quote do not mean that God is not a person. The reference to man is that like a human man. (Not a woman...hehe)