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Is it possible for believers to believe the Bible has mistakes in it?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible for believers to believe the Bible has mistakes in it?

It is possible for believers in God to see that the bible has mistakes in it.

It is not possible for the believers in the bible to ADMIT that there are mistakes in it.

Believing in something must be based on proof and verification. It must not be a blind faith.

The mistakes have been found and corrected--The New world translation.


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One must learn every teaching from Jesus and apply every teaching from Jesus then they see clearly the true path.
That is why at Jesus' baptism, Jehovah spoke from heaven and gave all the key on a silver platter---This is my son the beloved, in whom I am well pleased---LISTEN TO HIM.
Yes. I was a JW and I know they don't listen to Jesus. They listen to the faithful and discreet slave.


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The mistakes have been found and corrected--The New world translation.
I would hope that you have been to a Bible website where different versions of Bible verses can be compared. If you are able to pay attention you will notice they all say the same thing with different wording.

The NWT has added one word to make the Bible different than the rest. The smallest word in the English langiage and you say "the mistakes have been found and corrected". I really did imagine eating my own arm off when I read that. So? Can you offer us one other place where the Bible was corrected by Jehovah's Witnesses? I know about John 1:1 where an a was added.


Well-Known Member
I was going to name the thread "Is it possible the Bible has mistakes in it". And I heard a little voice in my head say "Dah?".

Then I had to add "believers" to the title.

If nothing else, it's funny.
It is not only possible, but it is a fact that some Christians do believe that the Bible has mistakes in it. You see, the Bible was written by men inspired by God. It doesn't mean that the translators and transcribers were inspired by God. People make mistakes, especially those who are not under divine inspiration by God.

For example, Did Solomon have "40,000 stalls of horses for his chariots, and 12,000 horsemen."
(1 Kings 4:26)
or did he have "4,000 stalls for horses and chariots and 12,000 horsemen"
(2 Chronicles 9:25)

It seems pretty clear to me that someone made a mistake. I highly doubt that the author made the mistake, but I suppose he could have. It is more likely that a transcriber made the mistake.

Nevertheless, I believe the mistakes that can be found in the Bible are so insignificant and so benign that one can say with great certainty that the books of the Bible remain God inspired works.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I was a JW and I know they don't listen to Jesus. They listen to the faithful and discreet slave.

Anyone who has read Gods word knows--Jesus reveals truths at the proper time through the faithful and discreet slave( no one else on earth gets these truths revealed to them-Daniel 12:4) as well is their leader. And Jesus taught about these--pefr se--whatever you do( or don't do) to these, the least of my brothers--you do to me. Now that carries a lot of weight.
I know they do listen to Jesus.


Well-Known Member
I would hope that you have been to a Bible website where different versions of Bible verses can be compared. If you are able to pay attention you will notice they all say the same thing with different wording.

The NWT has added one word to make the Bible different than the rest. The smallest word in the English langiage and you say "the mistakes have been found and corrected". I really did imagine eating my own arm off when I read that. So? Can you offer us one other place where the Bible was corrected by Jehovah's Witnesses? I know about John 1:1 where an a was added.

The removal of Gods personal name in nearly 6800 places in the ot is one of the greatest atrocities against Jehovah--ever done.
As well every trinity translation translated proskenau( greek) to Jesus as worship--a serious misleading error---Jesus is the Messiah--Gods appointed king( Daniel 7:13-15)--to a king Proskenau translates--obeisance--not worship. Misplaced commas,etc.
The only greek word for God or god is Theos--In the 2nd line at John 1:1--Ho Theos( THE GOD)-- in the last line--Theos= god( small g) John would never teach that Jesus was God--He taught Jesus has a God--his Father= Jehovah--all his nt teachers are in agreement with that--never would they contradict themselves.


christian open minded
Anyone who has read Gods word knows--Jesus reveals truths at the proper time through the faithful and discreet slave( no one else on earth gets these truths revealed to them-Daniel 12:4) as well is their leader. And Jesus taught about these--pefr se--whatever you do( or don't do) to these, the least of my brothers--you do to me. Now that carries a lot of weight.
I know they do listen to Jesus.
It is certainly different. But it sounds to me as if you are talking about similar conditions to the Middle Age's, where the Roman Catholic clergy reigned above all knowledge and had the power to open the doors of heaven and hell..


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What is so amazing is that to believe the men of the governing body are the only ones knowing "Jesus' truths" is to believe Jesus lied when he said "I will be with YOU till the end of the age" because JW teach he is only with the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses.


Veteran Member
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In light of the perceived fact that the only ones knowing Jesus truths at present are the faithful and discreet governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses how do they explain that Jesus promised to be with believers in him until the end? How do they explain the scriptures at Matthew 28:20 and Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."


Well-Known Member
The removal of Gods personal name in nearly 6800 places in the ot is one of the greatest atrocities against Jehovah--ever done.
As well every trinity translation translated proskenau( greek) to Jesus as worship--a serious misleading error---Jesus is the Messiah--Gods appointed king( Daniel 7:13-15)--to a king Proskenau translates--obeisance--not worship. Misplaced commas,etc.
The only greek word for God or god is Theos--In the 2nd line at John 1:1--Ho Theos( THE GOD)-- in the last line--Theos= god( small g) John would never teach that Jesus was God--He taught Jesus has a God--his Father= Jehovah--all his nt teachers are in agreement with that--never would they contradict themselves.
Well, yes, if you're right about Jesus, John would never have taught that Jesus was God. But if you're wrong about Jesus, you just might be wrong about what John would have taught with regard to Jesus being God.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Anyone who has read Gods word knows--Jesus reveals truths at the proper time through the faithful and discreet slave( no one else on earth gets these truths revealed to them-Daniel 12:4) as well is their leader. And Jesus taught about these--pefr se--whatever you do( or don't do) to these, the least of my brothers--you do to me. Now that carries a lot of weight.
I know they do listen to Jesus.
WHO was the faithful and discreet slave before the governing body?


Well-Known Member
This is where you guys will start to get into the fallout of the council of 325.
They decided that Christ was to be a divine character and for the next few hundred years that thought process oozed its way into translations, creating all of this confusion. What possibly was never meant to be an express statement of Jesus as God became one.
You're not really going to be able to go forward unto you guys hold your own person council to try and determine whether or not the Council got it right... Everything you've learned, or has been taught, is riddled with about 1700 years worth of bias.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
This? Psalm 139:4 King James Bible
For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.
There's also Jeremiah 1:5: Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. And before you were born, I consecrated you and appointed you as a prophet...
Psalm 139:13: You formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother's womb.
and verse 16: before you were born, I set you apart.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
One must learn every teaching from Jesus and apply every teaching from Jesus then they see clearly the true path.
That is why at Jesus' baptism, Jehovah spoke from heaven and gave all the key on a silver platter---This is my son the beloved, in whom I am well pleased---LISTEN TO HIM.
And, since the very beginning, one learns about Jesus from church authorities. Since the church has been proclaimed as "the body of Christ," Jesus has given authority to its leaders to pass along his teachings. Therefore, when the church speaks, Christ speaks.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The mistakes have been found and corrected--The New world translation.
Leading biblical scholars don't agree. But of course, you completely dismiss them -- even though they're the ones who have made it possible for you to read the bible in English in the first place. The NWT is more a paraphrase (even though it states differently), than it is a translation.


Well-Known Member
Acts 10:21

21 - Then Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius; and said, Behold, I am he whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come?


21 - Hey guys. What's going on?

I don't particularly have a problem with paraphrased Bibles...


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Acts 10:21

21 - Then Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius; and said, Behold, I am he whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come?


21 - Hey guys. What's going on?

I don't particularly have a problem with paraphrased Bibles...
Agreed, especially when dealing with stories that were originally oral and not written. The propagators were more concerned with "jist" than with the minute with which many self-proclaimed "bible experts" here concern themselves: "Is the word 'many,' or 'most?'"
It doesn't really matter.


Well-Known Member
And, since the very beginning, one learns about Jesus from church authorities. Since the church has been proclaimed as "the body of Christ," Jesus has given authority to its leaders to pass along his teachings. Therefore, when the church speaks, Christ speaks.

I attended many different denominations, the JW teachers are the only teachers I ever found who teach Jesus' real truths--The truths this world hates, because its not what is taught in a building called a church.