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Is Mormonism compatible with the Bible?

Debater Slayer

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Jehovah our God is One
The same questions can be asked about the Authors and Prophets in the Bible, with a similar lack of verifiable proof.

not at all.

The bible writers are very well known and their writings were collected into the canon because they proved to be true documents with prophecies that are embedded in historical fact.


Because you are completely ignoring her responses and merely repeating the same false claim.

Now it is my personal opinion that since you are merely repeating the same false claim after being told more than once that it is not only a false claim but also why it is a false claim that you are now knowingly and willingly repeating a bold face lie.

What are people who knowingly and willingly repeat lies called?

And how is it a lie when I showed her the very words from one of her own apostle's books? :sarcastic And more then just me said that MORMONS had told them this?


Admiral Obvious
And how is it a lie when I showed her the very words from one of her own apostle's books? :sarcastic And more then just me said that MORMONS had told them this?
you really should work on your reading comprehension skills...

Because you are completely ignoring her responses and merely repeating the same false claim.

does making it bigger and in a different color help?


Mother Heathen
And how is it a lie when I showed her the very words from one of her own apostle's books? :sarcastic And more then just me said that MORMONS had told them this?

She provided a thorough explanation as to how people of her faith interpret this and you're projecting that your understanding is correct.

It would be one thing if you were kindly acknowledging differences in interpretations, but, it's as if you're suggesting that her understandings are wrong, because your understandings and that of the Mormons that you know are superior in some way.

I don't mean this personally, but, there is a bit of arrogance to this type of mindset. She can't possibly be spot on about her own faith, because what YOU'VE been told and what YOU understand is what it is. Have you not opened your mind to the possibility that there are varying interpretations and understandings within the LDS faith?
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New Member
In the absence of revelation directing members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to refer to themselves as Mormons, Mormonism truly doesn't exist, except in the name the world gave to the church. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am not a Mormon. Mormon was a beloved prophet historian directed by God to enscribe messages on gold tablets or plates to be preserved for our day. The maligned views of this religion are perpetuated by the god of hate and the father of all lies. It is true that many will continue to blindly serve the god of hate. I spent my life in search of God's truths and found them in their entirety in the teachings of the above church. Jesus Christ stands at the head of the church that bears his sacred name. Jesus Christ is the Savior and redeemer of all mankind who believe on his name. Jesus Christ commanded us to call our Church by the above name. Straight is the gate and narrow the way and few there be that find it. Broad is the road to destruction and many there are that go in thereat.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
In the absence of revelation directing members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to refer to themselves as Mormons, Mormonism truly doesn't exist, except in the name the world gave to the church. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am not a Mormon. Mormon was a beloved prophet historian directed by God to enscribe messages on gold tablets or plates to be preserved for our day. The maligned views of this religion are perpetuated by the god of hate and the father of all lies. It is true that many will continue to blindly serve the god of hate. I spent my life in search of God's truths and found them in their entirety in the teachings of the above church. Jesus Christ stands at the head of the church that bears his sacred name. Jesus Christ is the Savior and redeemer of all mankind who believe on his name. Jesus Christ commanded us to call our Church by the above name. Straight is the gate and narrow the way and few there be that find it. Broad is the road to destruction and many there are that go in thereat.
Welcome, Bruce.

I'm wondering what you think of the Church's recent advertising campaign: "I'm a Mormon". This nomenclature has, after all, been approved by the First Presidency. I don't believe it's at all inaccurate to say, "I'm a Mormon." It is, however, inaccurate to say, "I belong to the Mormon Church." There is no "Mormon Church" but there there definitely are Mormons. ;)
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New Member
Since Mormonism is a man made title it has no bearing on the bible. The question should read: Is the bible in conformity with All The Teachings of Jesus Christ? Are we expected to believe that the collection of books that make up the bible were all translated to perfection by perfect infallible men? Or that there's no way in over two thousand years that satan didn't somehow interfere with the writings or translations, especially knowing that the true scriptures teach us how to thwart satan's wicked influences? If anyone truly wants to live their lives in conformity to the teachings of Jesus Christ then love the Lord thy God with all thy might, mind and strength and love thy neighbour as thyself. It would be very useful if the so called followers of Christ, put off their prejudices and gave the Book of Mormon another testament of Jesus Christ a chance. I did and am ever grateful for it.


New Member
Hello Katzpur, im new here and still trying to navigate around. I imagine the reason for the I'm a mormon site is likely due to the fact that people in general are more familiar with the name mormon and are more likely to be curious about mormons than they would members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We have been counciled though to be mindful of the true name and not to be too caught up in the world view of us. There is unfortunately, a reorganized or fundamentalist church using the original name, but they are the poligamists who refused to stop the practice over a hundred years ago. A tree is known by it's fruit.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Since Mormonism is a man made title it has no bearing on the bible. The question should read: Is the bible in conformity with All The Teachings of Jesus Christ?
Excuse me? I can point you to literally dozens of references to the word, "Mormonism" by our General Authorities, many of them to LDS audiences in General Conference addresses. According to the official Church website, "The term "Mormonism" is acceptable in describing the combination of doctrine, culture and lifestyle unique to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." I expected a certain amount of debate on this thread, but I've got to say that I was definitely not anticipating a fellow member of the Church telling me how my question should read. :rolleyes:

If anyone truly wants to live their lives in conformity to the teachings of Jesus Christ then love the Lord thy God with all thy might, mind and strength and love thy neighbour as thyself. It would be very useful if the so called followers of Christ, put off their prejudices and gave the Book of Mormon another testament of Jesus Christ a chance. I did and am ever grateful for it.
And I'm very glad you did, too. I suspect, by your passionate responses so far, that you're a fairly recent convert (of less than five years). I can appreciate your enthusiasm, but I would suggest you consider just toning it down a notch, at least until you get to know folks here and they get to know you. The vast majority of the posters on RF are actually pretty friendly towards "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."
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She provided a thorough explanation as to how people of her faith interpret this and you're projecting that your understanding is correct.

It would be one thing if you were kindly acknowledging differences in interpretations, but, it's as if you're suggesting that her understandings are wrong, because your understandings and that of the Mormons that you know are superior in some way.

I don't mean this personally, but, there is a bit of arrogance to this type of mindset. She can't possibly be spot on about her own faith, because what YOU'VE been told and what YOU understand is what it is. Have you not opened your mind to the possibility that there are varying interpretations and understandings within the LDS faith?

Of course there are varying interpretations. But when we said MORMONS said this, and I showed one of the quotes from her own church's apostle - I'm still being called a liar.


Because you are completely ignoring her responses and merely repeating the same false claim.

Now it is my personal opinion that since you are merely repeating the same false claim after being told more than once that it is not only a false claim but also why it is a false claim that you are now knowingly and willingly repeating a bold face lie.

Ingledsva said:
And how is it a lie when I showed her the very words from one of her own apostle's books? :sarcastic And more then just me said that MORMONS had told them this?

you really should work on your reading comprehension skills...

Because you are completely ignoring her responses and merely repeating the same false claim.

does making it bigger and in a different color help?

My reading comprehension skills are just fine, and I read her responses, which don't change one iota the FACT that it is in her own church writings - AS SHOWN - and MORMONS themselves are telling us this!



Admiral Obvious
My reading comprehension skills are just fine, and I read her responses, which don't change one iota the FACT that it is in her own church writings - AS SHOWN - and MORMONS themselves are telling us this!

So when are you going to change gears and actually address her posts concerning your mantra instead of merely repeating your mantra?