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Is Prince William the Antichrist ???


Veteran Member
More evil is done in the name of seeking out evil and destroying it than with any other motivation that I can think of.
No, Jesus sought out those possessed with devils and cast them out.

We identify evil, by educating ourselves as to what's going on in the world, AND IN OUR PERSOAL LIVES, then expose it, and see it for what it is, denounce it (repent), rebuke it and send it back to hell where it came from.

Man cannot be saved in ingnorance.
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Well-Known Member
No, Jesus sought out those possessed with devils and cast them out.

We identify evil, by educating ourselves as to what's going on in the world, AND IN OUR PERSOAL LIVES, then expose it, and see it for what it is, denounce it (repent), rebuke it and send it back to hell where it came from.

Man cannot be saved in ingnorance.
I think it was the people possessed by demons that sought out Jesus not the other way around.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
No, Jesus sought out those possessed with devils and cast them out.

We identify evil, by educating ourselves as to what's going on in the world, AND IN OUR PERSOAL LIVES, then expose it, and see it for what it is, denounce it (repent), rebuke it and send it back to hell where it came from.

Man cannot be saved in ingnorance.

Well, that's just it, isn't it? We don't have the same level of insight and knowledge that Jesus did (at least according to the mainstream Christian belief system). It's like we're all blind, and a sighted person came along and said "These things will hurt you". Then he left, and we're flailing about, knocking things over nearly at random in the name of the Lord.

Given enough imagination, anything at all can be seen as evil, and any person (especially those in the public sphere) as the Antichrist. Name a celebrity and/or political leader, and I could probably come up with just as much "evidence" as you claim to have about Prince William, or Britney Spears, to state that the person you name is the Antichrist.

At one point, I found these threads of yours amusing. However, I don't think that you understand the very real dangers of constantly deluding yourself into believing that these people somehow represent a great evil. These are the kinds of beliefs that cause the ignorant, uninformed, and simply insane to purchase high-powered weapons and lie in wait for the latest person to have made top story status on TMZ.

Also, from the Christian perspective as I understand it, you are casting judgment on the hearts and souls of others, which is a task that is given only to God. If that isn't a sin, then I don't know what is.

And please, no comments of "Oh, I'm only amusing myself," or any other claim that you've made when previous posters have cast serious doubts upon the validity of your research, sanity, or both. The fact is that you have devoted more than one thread and countless posts to haphazard "evidence" that casts certain public figures in the most damning theological light possible, at least from a Christian perspective. You do this without any obvious hesitation, humility, or even (it seems) thought.

Finally, by going on wild-goose chases against evil in the world, you are giving it more attention and power than it deserves. Evil is not overcome by insinuation and accusation, but through love, good faith, and good works. If you put half the effort and attention that you've used for these threads on something good and simple (feeding the homeless, caring for the eldery, clothing the poor), then you would have accomplished something real and lasting. As it is, you've simply given more ammunition to those who choose to see Christians as judgmental and delusional.

Two quotes for you to chew on, from very different philosophers:
Friedrich Nietzsche said:
Battle ye not with monsters, lest ye become a monster yourself

Jesus of Nazareth said:
How can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove that splinter from your eye,' while the wooden beam is in your eye? You hypocrite, remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother's eye.


Veteran Member
Bryson, I only have one thing to say concerning your last post and concerning your thread asking people to pick their most likely candidate as antichrist. We can joke about this, because the antichrist and antichrists are a joke, cruel jokes from hell, but when it comes down to it, it's a VERY serious thing. Satan is messing with people, through key celebrities and entertainers, successful business people, successful religious and political leaders, sports icons, etc. Satan uses his top notch people in the world, who have TOTALLY sold themselves out to him.

My job as a follower of Christ is to identify evil, expose it for what it is (EVIL), then rebuke it, cast it out froum our midst, and send it back to hell where it belongs. I'm just one person, but one person CAN make a BIG difference in the world, if just by prayer, fasting and exposing evil for what it is (EVIL FROM THE PITS OF HELL).

The Lord wants us to do something, whatever we can. Starting threads like these on the internet is one thing I can do to EXPOSE EVIL, as it cleverly hides itself in the world. The world sees these threads, if you don't think so just google one of the titles of any of my theads and I'm there within several pages of any Google search.

Jesus Christ counseled us to...

John 7: 24
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

Jesus Christ, who is the author of the Old Testament, counceled us to...

Leviticus 19: 15 (THE LAW OF THE LORD)
Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgement: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.
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J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Fine, here's some evil for you: Darfur. Continuing violence in Iraq and Afghanistan. The North Koreans blasting off rockets capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Increased unemployment in the United States. The ratio of shelter beds to homeless people meaning that hundreds of thousands of people in the richest country in the world have to sleep in the cold and the rain. Children going without access to medical care in the same country. A decreasing supply of potable water in the world.

Pick any one of these to discuss and publicize, and I guarantee you that you will do more good than you would with a thousand "Is (public figure who caught my attention) the Antichrist?" threads.


Veteran Member
Fine, here's some evil for you: Darfur. Continuing violence in Iraq and Afghanistan. The North Koreans blasting off rockets capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Increased unemployment in the United States. The ratio of shelter beds to homeless people meaning that hundreds of thousands of people in the richest country in the world have to sleep in the cold and the rain. Children going without access to medical care in the same country. A decreasing supply of potable water in the world.

Pick any one of these to discuss and publicize, and I guarantee you that you will do more good than you would with a thousand "Is (public figure who caught my attention) the Antichrist?" threads.
Jesus identified the evils and the evil people of his time, so that his followers would not be harmed, and they would know who and what to avoid.

I could go after North Korean leaders/dictators, but they're nothing, compared to other world leaders/dictators, just a blip on the map. They're nuclear technology and technology is poor at best. EVER RIDE A HYOSUNG MOTORCYCLE, IT'S COMPLETE GARBAGE.

The LDS church feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, visits the sick and imprisoned. We have a "Fast Offering" program that feeds the hungry, clothes the naked and takes care of the sick, needy and otherwise afflicted, WHERE EVER AND WHO EVER THEY ARE IN THE WORLD. I contribute to this "Fast Offering" fund a percentage of ALL I MAKE, above and beyond my tithe.

Do you do the SAME Bryson ???
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J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Yes, I do. Directly. And paying money to these things is fine, but it's the modern equivalent of paying indulgences. Get out there and work at it if you're worried about evil. Fight evil itself, not some personification that you've come up with through shoddy evidence and a paranoid mindset. You want to know how to fight evil? Try this:

For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in;

Instead, what you're doing is the mental and theological equivalent of what people go to porn sites to do physically.


Veteran Member
I've researched and tested different bullet bikes, American, Japanese, British, Korean, etc.

Riding bikes is my main hobby, bullet bikes especially, Korean bullet bikes ARE AMONG THE WORST IN THE WORLD, with British bullet bikes coming in at the top of my list.

NOW . The Best U.S. Response to North Korea's Failed Missile Test ...

Korea is not a world nuclear threat, their nuclear program is a joke.
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Veteran Member
Yes, I do. Directly. And paying money to these things is fine, but it's the modern equivalent of paying indulgences. Get out there and work at it if you're worried about evil. Fight evil itself, not some personification that you've come up with through shoddy evidence and a paranoid mindset.
Feeding the hungry does just that, it feeds the hungry, but they still are not educated and cannot be saved in that condition.

It's better to feed their minds with the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, than to feed their bellys.

I've done both, I spent two years as a full time LDS missionary in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki and Fuji City, Japan, I've paid a percentage of ALL my income my whole life to the poor and needy, etc.

Doctrine and Covenants 131: 6
It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance.

Isaiah 49: 10
They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.

Matthew 5: 6
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

John 6: 35
And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.


Veteran Member
Way to focus on a single point and ignore every other word in the post.
Focus on the belly and you'll get just that, an oversized belly.

Better to focus on the mind, by feeding it with the WORD OF THE LORD.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Feeding the hungry does just that, it feeds the hungry, but they still are not educated and cannot be saved in that condition.

It's better to feed their minds with the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, than to feed their bellys.

I've done both, I spent two years as a full time LDS missionary in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki and Fuji City, Japan, I've paid a percentage of ALL my income my whole life to the poor and needy, etc.

Doctrine and Covenants 131: 6
It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance.

Isaiah 49: 10
They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.

Matthew 5: 6
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

John 6: 35
And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

Good! Keep doing that. I have no problem with preaching with your mouth while your serve food with your hands. However, remember that you cannot eat a Bible or Book of Mormon, and while we're waiting to see what happens in the afterlife, it's probably a good idea to take care of each other to the best of our abilities.


Veteran Member
Good! Keep doing that. I have no problem with preaching with your mouth while your serve food with your hands. However, remember that you cannot eat a Bible or Book of Mormon, and while we're waiting to see what happens in the afterlife, it's probably a good idea to take care of each other to the best of our abilities.
I do that Bryson, more than you know.

My wife cannot drive and can barely take care of herself. I've done all the grocery shopping, since we were married, driven her everywhere she wants to go, taken care of her, cooked her meals, etc, she's doing much better now, but she still requires others to take her places.

She's not an invalid, but just struggles with certain things.

She's 49 years old and has never driven a car, except for when she took drivers ed and failed, they told her it would be better if you stayed off the road.

She's struggles with so many psychological problems as well, I've had to deal with years of tears and strugglings with her.

The Lord is good, she's doing much better now, she doesn't look a day over 30.
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Liebe ist für alle da
Jesus identified the evils and the evil people of his time, so that his followers would not be harmed, and they would know who and what to avoid.

No he didn't he talked smack about people he didn't like and paid for it. You do the same thing, you demonize and call thing you hate Satanic and people Anti-Christ....Get over yourself.


Veteran Member
No he didn't he talked smack about people he didn't like and paid for it. You do the same thing, you demonize and call thing you hate Satanic and people Anti-Christ....Get over yourself.
Whoever actively fights against Christ and his principles, is an antichrist.
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Veteran Member
Prince William turns 30 in 2012, fitting in with the prophetic time frame, when the 3 1/2 year reign of the antichrist should start.

Christ was 30 years old when he began his ministry, which lasted for 3 1/2 years.

The antichrist will mimic Christ in every way. Maitreya and the Final Antichrist

Princess Diana proved to be a world leader, more people attended her funeral than in any other funeral in history up to that point.

Will William cause the same amount of people to follow him in the future ???

It seems likelly.
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Veteran Member
Prince William is of the lineage of David, at least that's what the Royal Family claims, that they are of the House of David.

Maitreya also claims their messiah will be of the House of David, but also a descendant of Muhammad.

Final Antichrists (False Prophets)

Mission Of Maitreya, "Eternal DIvine Path"

It seems as if in order for the world to accept the final antichrist, he must prove lineage from the House of David and Muhammad, so that may exlude Prince William.

Maitreya and the Final Antichrist

Diana and Dodi Fayed Memorial

A possible attemt to combine the House of David with a possible descendant of Muhammad.

Dodi's Father: Mohamed Al-Fayed

Dodi Fayed

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