What no Muslim is able to answer is why did God give the Muslims the Quran 600 years after he had already spoken to the Jews,Christians and finally the Gentiles?
The Quran was given so late to the Muslims that the majority of Muslims have not read it. Firstly because 800 million Muslims are illiterate (6 out of 10 can read). And among the educated only 14% can read Arabic the language the Quran was written in. So a disproportionate number of Muslims almost the majority are running around clueless and unaware of what their God said in the Quran. That is why Muslims are at odds with the rest of the world who are very well versed in their scriptures and religiously literate after having undergone religious reformations over time.
The Quran was given so late to the Muslims that the majority of Muslims have not read it. Firstly because 800 million Muslims are illiterate (6 out of 10 can read). And among the educated only 14% can read Arabic the language the Quran was written in. So a disproportionate number of Muslims almost the majority are running around clueless and unaware of what their God said in the Quran. That is why Muslims are at odds with the rest of the world who are very well versed in their scriptures and religiously literate after having undergone religious reformations over time.