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Is the hijab unnecessary?


Veteran Member
Or just a different idea of what modesty is? A woman wearing shorts and a t-shirt seems perfectly modest to me.

even the curtains you use is for your privacy, i know. but i was referring to religious modesty. everyone, one way or another finds comfort in covering themselves.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
that's possible but i am not sure if i would call it attraction. i believe there is a difference between beauty and sexual attraction. attraction usually focuses on certain parts of body, not face IMO.


I think She was attractive in her Hijab and it makes you focus more on the eyes and lips,they say the eyes are the windows of the Soul and i think thats true and when you look into the eyes of someone you are attracted to perhaps you see a kindred Spirit.


Veteran Member
I think She was attractive in her Hijab and it makes you focus more on the eyes and lips,they say the eyes are the windows of the Soul and i think thats true and when you look into the eyes of someone you are attracted to perhaps you see a kindred Spirit.

yes i agree, i believe eyes show what's within the person, OK to call it windows to soul.

so, you looked at her face because there was nothing else to look...i think you are so close to understand why modesty is a command. face is the meaning of one, face is the ID of person. rest of body, legs, arms...etc are just tools with no meaning if you ask me.



Hijab as a political icon...

why so ?..beause it reminds you that we have an identity we are not willing to give up ?...because it reminds you that we are still resistant to the westernization of our minds ?...because it reminds you that we believe in something that you don't believe in ?...because it reminds you that we are different and that we intend to remain so after all transformation trials we went through ?

when you call what a religious woman chooses to wear a ' political icon '...that speaks volume about your islamophobic mentality...

Dude ,there is nothing 'political' about the hijab...there's no conspiracy made...and muslims don't have the intension to bring the * free world * under the rule of the shariah...all what we ask for is TO BR LEFT ALONE...TO PRACTICE OUR RELIGION FREELY....is that too much ?!!

... shows the intent of muslims to prevent integration in a western country.

and what is that so called integaration exactly ? taking my hijab off ? eating pork ? drinking alcohol ? be cool with adultery and sodomy ? stop believing that the quran is the word of God ?stop believing in the afterlife ?


I would in fact argue that Muslim women are deceived by the males in Islam.

so be it....by decieved you mean we are convinced and not forced....so ,What the hell is your problem ?!!!!...Ah, you want to lift the fog from over our eyes and let us see how oppressesd we are ? ...Go ahead and try....do your best....it's a free country

I see the hijab as oppressive to women who dress beautifully in private.

I believe the men of Islam should cut women some slack, rather than being so possessive of their wifes (despite the likes of Peace who maintain that they do have rights in theory).

and what about those who wear it by their own will ? how are their husbands oppressing them ? or are they oppressing themselves ?

One final point, from personal experience, I find the mysterious nature of a woman in hijab very attractive. I am sure many others also find mysterious women attractive. Maybe not... I do not see hijab as fulfilling the purpose it was designed for.

really ? if you are still attaracted to me while i am covered head to toe...then you are right...the hijab doesn't work....i will try mini skirts :facepalm:

The gesture of only showing yourself to one person offered by the hijab and niqab is a gesture that many people (not including myself) don't respect today. It seems rather outdated to be relevant in the 21st century.

you know what ?..No one really cares about what you respect or what you don't....earning your *respect * is not one of the muslim women's priorities....trust me ;)
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Well-Known Member
I can't believe it, four oppressed women are actually here in this thread!! :facepalm:
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Veteran Member
I can't believe it, four oppressed women are actually here in this thread!! :facepalm:

that's sort of an insult to treat women as if they do not have intellect. this must be fantasy world of Western people.....we are so so oppressed we are waiting for them to save us:run:



Grumpy Old Man
What I see in the Islamic ghetto of Coburg are many covered people who while they live in Australia believe Allah is the Law, while the rest of us in Australia are Australians following Australian law. It says to me these are not Australians. Their culture directly conflicts with our culture. We have just taken 100 years to get rid of the Christians here and now we have the even more dogmatic goat herders moving in.

The breeding rate of Muslims in this environment of low mortality is leading to a population explosion. This is a threat to our culture. The Hajib is a slap in the face to Australian culture, as an expression of saying we don't care about your laws we are better than you. It also applies to the Hasidic Jews ponytails with bola hats. Such conservatism in a liberal secular democracy, is a blight on our Culture.

All are welcome to become Australians but leave the culture you have just escaped from in your home land, and dont re-establish it here, we don't want to repeat your mistakes.



Well-Known Member
that's sort of an insult to treat women as if they do not have intellect. this must be fantasy world of Western people.....we are so so oppressed we are waiting for them to save us:run:

Your husband must have forced you to say this!! This is outrageous, outrageous!! :facepalm: :facepalm: (I love this new emoticon LOL)


Well-Known Member
What I see in the Islamic ghetto of Coburg are many covered people who while they live in Australia believe Allah is the Law, while the rest of us in Australia are Australians following Australian law. It says to me these are not Australians. Their culture directly conflicts with our culture. We have just taken 100 years to get rid of the Christians here and now we have the even more dogmatic goat herders moving in.

The breeding rate of Muslims in this environment of low mortality is leading to a population explosion. This is a threat to our culture. The Hajib is a slap in the face to Australian culture, as an expression of saying we don't care about your laws we are better than you. It also applies to the Hasidic Jews ponytails with bola hats. Such conservatism in a liberal secular democracy, is a blight on our Culture.
OMG, you are in my prayers!! They are breeding too?! :eek: This is disgraceful!

It's really nice to see this kind of fanaticism and bigotry here.


Veteran Member
What I see in the Islamic ghetto of Coburg are many covered people who while they live in Australia believe Allah is the Law, while the rest of us in Australia are Australians following Australian law. It says to me these are not Australians. Their culture directly conflicts with our culture. We have just taken 100 years to get rid of the Christians here and now we have the even more dogmatic goat herders moving in.

The breeding rate of Muslims in this environment of low mortality is leading to a population explosion. This is a threat to our culture. The Hajib is a slap in the face to Australian culture, as an expression of saying we don't care about your laws we are better than you. It also applies to the Hasidic Jews ponytails with bola hats. Such conservatism in a liberal secular democracy, is a blight on our Culture.

All are welcome to become Australians but leave the culture you have just escaped from in your home land, and dont re-establish it here, we don't want to repeat your mistakes.


how does judging people from their looks and looking down on them serve your case and how come after all those struggles (in your history as you claim) you can not even respect choices of people who believe differently than you?



Grumpy Old Man
When my wife goes to Saudi she must cover herself to meet the draconian standards of that nation. Is it unreasonable to expect out of respect for our culture that while in our society they should dress as we do? Why dont Muslim men cover up like their women.

I have no objection what so ever to anyone holding their own beliefs.

What I do object to is the development of monocultural ghettos, societies within societies. This failure to assimilate with the host culture has historically all over the world led to crime and distrust.

In Australia at different times we have had non-english immigrations German, Italian, Yugoslavian, Chinese, Vietnamese, New Zealanders, Japanese, Korean, Israeli. All of their children now Australians, dress the same, talk the same, play the same as any other Australian kids. The one exception is the Muslims, they form locked cultural Ghettos. Why?



Veteran Member
When my wife goes to Saudi she must cover herself to meet the draconian standards of that nation. Is it unreasonable to expect out of respect for our culture that while in our society they should dress as we do? Why dont Muslim men cover up like their women.

I have no objection what so ever to anyone holding their own beliefs.

What I do object to is the development of monocultural ghettos, societies within societies. This failure to assimilate with the host culture has historically all over the world led to crime and distrust.

In Australia at different times we have had non-english immigrations German, Italian, Yugoslavian, Chinese, Vietnamese, New Zealanders, Japanese, Korean, Israeli. All of their children now Australians, dress the same, talk the same, play the same as any other Australian kids. The one exception is the Muslims, they form locked cultural Ghettos. Why?


because you can assimulate anything but faith?



a woman can dress modestly in all kinds of clothing, including a loose, high-cut blouse, a t-shirt, a long skirt, a dress, comfy jeans, sandals, or sneakers.

what the issue seems to boil down to is whether or not *hair* comes into play regarding what is modest, and not modest. and if covering one's hear with a scarf makes one more modest than a woman who does not cover her hair.


Grumpy Old Man
because you can assimulate anything but faith?

Yes one of the beauties of Australian culture is that you can step out of your "Faith", and come out and enjoy the real world. Apparently several immigrant cultures have taken advantage of this opportunity, but not the Muslims yet.

It is funny at Ocean Grove one end of the beach is nude the other is covered in body bags.



Veteran Member
Yes one of the beauties of Australian culture is that you can step out of your "Faith", and come out and enjoy the real world. Apparently several immigrant cultures have taken advantage of this opportunity, but not the Muslims yet.

It is funny at Ocean Grove one end of the beach is nude the other is covered in body bags.


i am sorry but how you perceive modest women is disrespectful. if this is how Australian people look at Muslim people in general, i can see reason why they rather stay away from you. no doubt there are civilized people among you who would not call modest dressing "covering body bags". you are not civilized at all. you think real world is for you alone. such a greed you have. as long as you and people like you picture religious people as aliens, don't come out and complaint about how alienated they are.



Veteran Member
a woman can dress modestly in all kinds of clothing, including a loose, high-cut blouse, a t-shirt, a long skirt, a dress, comfy jeans, sandals, or sneakers.

what the issue seems to boil down to is whether or not *hair* comes into play regarding what is modest, and not modest. and if covering one's hear with a scarf makes one more modest than a woman who does not cover her hair.

another good point :) i've known women who does not wear hijab but they were modest. i believe there is some kind of modesty in behavour. it is for sure people become better Muslims only when they become better people. wearing modest would not do that job.



Grumpy Old Man
I like most Australian men have seen plenty of naked women. That does not make me a lecher, or respect women any less dressed or undressed, they are human just like me with feelings and ideas and humanity, I respect them all. I can cope with it, are islamic men incompetent of the same? Why have a culture that makes women swelter like that, on a day of 40+C Heat. Its crazy.

You put clothes on when your cold and take them off when its hot, thats what Australians do. Its sort of logical without the continuous threat of coverting the tities on the beach. Novel when your a 17 year old male and old hat when your 25.

Sure modest women can dress any way they like, but this is not simple modesty. It is a UNIFORM proclaiming Islamic adherence disguised as "modesty".



and a lot of it has to do with how one carries one's self.

i've seen women wearing hijab and showing minimal skin who still managed to look very pretty, flirty, and stylish. and women with no hijab and showing more skin who struck me as much less showy, and less concerned with impressing others.

in truth, men can give more attention and interest to a woman wearing hijab, than not. in non-Islamic societies the hijab can strike a man as being "exotic" and hence more interesting. ironically the *lack* of skin being shown and the attempt at modesty can make a woman more interesting to a man, which is not what a modest Muslim woman wants.

so it also depends on how the clothing is being "read", and how the woman herself behaves, and presents herself.

another good point :) i've known women who does not wear hijab but they were modest. i believe there is some kind of modesty in behavour. it is for sure people become better Muslims only when they become better people. wearing modest would not do that job.



Veteran Member
in truth, men can give more attention and interest to a woman wearing hijab, than not. in non-Islamic societies the hijab can strike a man as being "exotic" and hence more interesting. ironically the *lack* of skin being shown and the attempt at modesty can make a woman more interesting to a man, which is not what a modest Muslim woman wants.

yea maybe, someone who's physically unreachable (by will) might be interesting to them but that would not change the fact she is out of reach.
