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Is there any place for blasphemy laws in the twenty first century?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Neither can I, generally speaking
Except my example "How to punish someone who Blasphemes":D
Then Blasphemy is used to show it's wrong to Blaspheme

To impose one's Religion on others is Blasphemy
Most people are not able to see that this is true
Though it's obvious when having empathy

Also important to realize, if you Blaspheme another
And the other starts returning to Blaspheme you
Then you can not blame him, could you?
I invite anyone & everyone to blaspheme my beliefs.
Alas, there's slim pick'ns.


Veteran Member
I know i said that before too in other treads but honestly, i never felt this feeling i do now reading quran and study islam.
No need to apologize. Even if you would change 10 more times, I would never hold that against you. As I do believe in below verse:D
Koran: 5:48
To each of you We prescribed a law and a method. Had Allah willed,
He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He
intended] to test you in what He has given you; so advance to [all
that is] good. To Allah is your return all together, and He will
[then] inform you concerning that over which you used to differ.

I can not explain it. But i am not pushing for others to follow it.
Sai Baba says about this: "Nobody has even the right to criticize the faith of another person (actions of course can be criticized)"


Veteran Member
:) i used unfortunatly because i wish i had realized the truth of islam last time i was reading it at age 16-17 years old.
Yes, looking back, and knowing what we know now, it's easy to think "if I only knew back then"
But, you had to go through all those years of struggle on another Path
To get to this point; hence it was perfect as it was IMO

But, I know the feeling "Had I just known before, what I know now"
But, don't you also know the feeling "I know I should not do this, but still I can't 'NOT DO' it"?
(I know ice cream is not the best, still I eat ice cream now and then)
And don't you know the feeling "I knew I would get sick of it, but still I did it"?


Veteran Member
If its ok for you to draw your Guru that is within your spiritual teaching ok to do. That is no harm toward me. Drawing Muhamnad especially for muslims is Haram. Should not be done.
Right, I agree, a Muslim should not do it, if he believes so.

A while ago, Muhammad appeared in my dreams
For me being a Hindu, its okay to draw Muhammad now
Because I would not like to forget that He came in my dream
And I know that Muhammad won't sweat it, He knows I follow Hindu tradition

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Right, I agree, a Muslim should not do it, if he believes so.

A while ago, Muhammad appeared in my dreams
For me being a Hindu, its okay to draw Muhammad now
Because I would not like to forget that He came in my dream
And I know that Muhammad won't sweat it, He knows I follow Hindu tradition
I can not say anything about your dream :) but can i ask, how do you know it was Muhammad peace be up on him


Veteran Member
You misunderstood me mate. In order for me to say death penalty is right or wrong I need to do some extensive research and a lot of trajectory hermeneutics maybe to make a stand.
Okay, so you don't know yet, otherwise you would not need to ask others (do extensive research). I know 1+1=2. So, I can make that claim.


Veteran Member
I didnt say "you must impose death penalty for murder". Read my sentence again.
Read my sentence again too, I did not say that you said that. I was already 1 step further.

I didnt say "you must impose death penalty for murder". Read my sentence again. I'll cut and paste it. "Yet, death penalty should be imposed only for murder.". What I meant is that only murder may call for a death penalty. No other crime.
Of course, that is what I read. You misread what I wrote, and read much more in it then is actually there.


Veteran Member
on top of the fact that it is just difficult to respect anything that doesn't present itself in our reality
I guess you mean here with the word anything, "any violent act". Because for me it's easy to respect anything, as long as applies "Hurt Nobody"

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
I guess you mean here with the word anything, "any violent act". Because for me it's easy to respect anything, as long as applies "Hurt Nobody"
So do you respect leprechauns? Or do you respect the thing associated with leprechauns that actually presents itself in our reality - that is, the stories, or people's belief in them? The stories and people's belief are very real things. Those are the things you direct your respect toward. NOT the thing you don't even believe exists. Do you see the difference? I might (I don't, but I suppose I could at some point) respect someone's belief in "God," but I do NOT need to respect "God" - in my estimation, there is NOTHING THERE TO RESPECT. The distinction is key to understanding why blasphemy is a completely stupid notion in the first place. Speaking out against things that may not even exist? HOW IS THIS A PROBLEM?!


Veteran Member
on top of the fact that it is just difficult to respect anything that doesn't present itself in our reality

I guess you mean here with the word anything, "any violent act". Because for me it's easy to respect anything, as long as applies "Hurt Nobody"

So do you respect leprechauns? Or do you respect the thing associated with leprechauns that actually presents itself in our reality - that is, the stories, or people's belief in them? The stories and people's belief are very real things. Those are the things you direct your respect toward. NOT the thing you don't even believe exists. Do you see the difference? I might (I don't, but I suppose I could at some point) respect someone's belief in "God," but I do NOT need to respect "God" - in my estimation, there is NOTHING THERE TO RESPECT. The distinction is key to understanding why blasphemy is a completely stupid notion in the first place. Speaking out against things that may not even exist? HOW IS THIS A PROBLEM?!
My mistake.

I meant to say:
Because for me it's easy to respect anything anyone believes, as long as applies "Hurt Nobody"

And with respect I mean, that I do not judge them for believing it, even though I might not believe in it at all.
The moment 'anything" anyone believes, or acts upon, would hurt others, I do not respect it.
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Veteran Member
I can not say anything about your dream :) but can i ask, how do you know it was Muhammad peace be up on him
When a Master comes in your dream and tells certain things ... you just know, and if not then they might make you know (see below)

Once a Christian Saint came into my dream, I did not know him (inside/before the dream), so He came to me, and introduced Himself:)
(With Name...so I could google Him later, He even did not make a spelling error when telling His name;))

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Why can’t those extremists tolerate blasphemy ?
Because they are extremists !

Why should my freedom of speech be curtailed, to protect the feelings of an extremist ?
That exactly. And we must never cater to extremists. Their blashemy laws, their demands on the curtailing rights and coming here to do harm when we don't respect their extremism, none of it deserves cooperation or respect.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I was disturbed to read this news item about a man sentenced to be hung for blasphemy in Pakistan.

Christian man in Pakistan sentenced to be hanged for blaspheming Mohammed

A Pakistani man has been sentenced to die for blasphemy.

On Tuesday, Christian factory worker Asif Pervaiz was sentenced to be hanged after his supervisor accused him of defamatory text messages regarding the Muslim prophet Mohammed, reported Deutsche Welle.

In the southeast Asian nation of more than 210 million inhabitants, in which more than 95% of citizens practice Islam, communicating insulting remarks about Mohammed carries a mandatory death penalty.

After a seven-year trial in Lahore, the 37-year-old defendant was convicted and ordered to be "hanged by his neck (until) his death.”

Christian man in Pakistan sentenced to be hanged for blaspheming Mohammed

It seems incredibly damaging to Islam when these sentences are enacted. Is there any place for blasphemy laws in the 21st century?
The ideal government of the 21st century is a Modern Democracy, with Human Rights protected. That would include religious freedom.