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Is There Proof God Exists????


Superabacus Mystic
You would only know its scientific if you practiced it.
Aha, so we have uncovered the self-affirming meme! The scientific validity of a given experiment (though I don't think you're actually testing anything) is a fairly objective thing, and can be evaluated by someone who does not have a stake in the result.

The God helmet is not the same.
Why not? It seems to produce the same effect.
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Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
Aha, so we have uncovered the self-affirming meme! The scientific validity of a given experiment (though I don't think you're actually testing anything) is a fairly objective thing, and can be evaluated by someone who does not have a stake in the result.

When a God realized soul says it does this or that and then thousands try it and it does exactly what he says it would, well then that is scientific. You cannot disagree with this for it's proven to work on many Yogi's or people who unify their consciousness with God.

Why not? It seems to produce the same effect.

The big word in there is "seems". Anyone who has actually experienced samadhi or oneness with God or any divine revalation would tell you that the God helmet is not even close to being comparable.


Superabacus Mystic
You keep using the word scientific in an incorrect way. Meditation is not systematic or accurately measured. It also does not appear to be testing any hypothesis. How, then, is it scientific?

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
You keep using the word scientific in an incorrect way. Meditation is not systematic or accurately measured. It also does not appear to be testing any hypothesis. How, then, is it scientific?

Nope I'm using it in a correct way. You guys just aren't on the same wave length as the people who have seen the scientific results. I guarantee if you practiced the teachings of a God realized Guru you would get the results he and so many other saints speak of. Just as many others who have put in the time have also.


Admiral Obvious
Nope I'm using it in a correct way. You guys just aren't on the same wave length as the people who have seen the scientific results. I guarantee if you practiced the teachings of a God realized Guru you would get the results he and so many other saints speak of. Just as many others who have put in the time have also.
LIke the results the Ted Haggart got with his followers?
You believe that there are still those who refuse to accept his guilt?

I bet they can also vouch for your "scientific" approach.

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
LIke the results the Ted Haggart got with his followers?
You believe that there are still those who refuse to accept his guilt?

I bet they can also vouch for your "scientific" approach.

:facepalm: Of course common sense, discernment, and your own feelings should be listened to before following a teacher. People like Ted Haggart are fakes and are not God Realized. You would know the difference in their actions, words, and purity. I'm offended that you would even compare even an ounce of that ridiculous man to my angelic Guru.


Admiral Obvious
:facepalm: Of course common sense, discernment, and your own feelings should be listened to before following a teacher. People like Ted Haggart are fakes and are not God Realized. You would know the difference in their actions, words, and purity. I'm offended that you would even compare even an ounce of that ridiculous man to my angelic Guru.
Nice No True Scotsman.

Unfortunately, it does not help your position any.

I am as concerned with your being offended over comparing your idol to Ted Haggart as you are with my being offended over your equating the Placebo Effect as scientific proof.

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
Nice No True Scotsman.

Unfortunately, it does not help your position any.

I am as concerned with your being offended over comparing your idol to Ted Haggart as you are with my being offended over your equating the Placebo Effect as scientific proof.

You shouldn't be offended because like I already explained the placebo effect has nothing to do with direct scientific proof that Kriya Yoga works in uncovering God in yourself. It's foolish to say something is untrue if you don't give the time to at least figure out for yourself if it is indeed untrue.
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Admiral Obvious
You shouldn't be offended because like I already explained the placebo effect has nothing to do with direct scientific proof that Kriya Yoga works in uncovering God in yourself. It's foolish to say something is untrue if you don't give the time to at least figure out for yourself if it is indeed untrue.
It is also foolish to assume that the only reason someone would disagree with your position is because they did not give it the time.

Or perhaps your whole argument is a No True Scotsman?

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
It is also foolish to assume that the only reason someone would disagree with your position is because they did not give it the time.

Or perhaps your whole argument is a No True Scotsman?

My point is there would be no argument here if you or any other doubter gave it the time to practice persistently. It would automatically change you from a doubter to a believer and then finally to a knower. I must admit though although Kriya is said to be the airplane route to God realization it is not the only way to God.


Admiral Obvious
My point is there would be no argument here if you or any other doubter gave it the time to practice persistently.
So your whole argument is in fact a No True Scotsman...

It would automatically change you from a doubter to a believer and then finally to a knower.
Yes, and let me guess, the ONLY reason I am a 'doubter' is because I have not "truly" and or "honestly" sought the "truth"?
Or is it that I just did not seek for long enough?
Or perhaps you have some other logical fallacy you would like to introduce as the reason that I and so many others disagree with you?

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
So your whole argument is in fact a No True Scotsman...

How are you relating this fallacy to what I'm saying?

Yes, and let me guess, the ONLY reason I am a 'doubter' is because I have not "truly" and or "honestly" sought the "truth"?
Or is it that I just did not seek for long enough?
Or perhaps you have some other logical fallacy you would like to introduce as the reason that I and so many others disagree with you?

People doubt for different reasons. The biggest reason I see is confusion. All I'm saying is that Kriya Yoga works for anyone that wants to partake of it and that it is universal. It will work for everyone for it has been around for ages and has been used by Yogis of all religions for many ages. Religion does not matter in this path. It is a direct non-dual way to a personal relationship with God through direct perception.


Admiral Obvious
How are you relating this fallacy to what I'm saying?
You seem to be reiterating that the only reason to disagree with you is because we have not truly sought out the answers.
And only because we have not truly sought out the answers do we disagree with you.

Then you reinforce that reiteration with stuff like "It would automatically change you from a doubter to a believer and then finally to a knower."

So if your best argument for your position is nothing more than "keep trying until you agree with me" you really do not have an argument to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you consistantly dodge answers by going off on some unrelated tangent in an effort to make yourself appear to be some sort of intellectual.

Simple fact is, there is no proof that any deity exists, mine or yours. They are all taken purely on faith.
Don't I have proof you exist???? I have the same proof God exists. Our interaction. As far as being intellectual, I am what I am. I am smart enough to know that there is more that I do not know than I do know. The first thing a wise man will realize once they become wise is that there is so much more to learn. I search to discover. I don't wait for it to come to me. I don't rely on faith or beliefs. I search for the facts.


Admiral Obvious
Don't I have proof you exist???? I have the same proof God exists. Our interaction. As far as being intellectual, I am what I am. I am smart enough to know that there is more that I do not know than I do know. The first thing a wise man will realize once they become wise is that there is so much more to learn. I search to discover. I don't wait for it to come to me. I don't rely on faith or beliefs. I search for the facts.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Don't I have proof you exist???? I have the same proof God exists. Our interaction. As far as being intellectual, I am what I am. I am smart enough to know that there is more that I do not know than I do know. The first thing a wise man will realize once they become wise is that there is so much more to learn. I search to discover. I don't wait for it to come to me. I don't rely on faith or beliefs. I search for the facts.

While I agree totally with the previous response...

All you ahve offered so far are simple argument fallacies, including circular arguments, non sequitures, et cetera.

When can we expect to see actual facts?


Active Member
Don't I have proof you exist???? I have the same proof God exists. Our interaction. As far as being intellectual, I am what I am. I am smart enough to know that there is more that I do not know than I do know. The first thing a wise man will realize once they become wise is that there is so much more to learn. I search to discover. I don't wait for it to come to me. I don't rely on faith or beliefs. I search for the facts.

lol really now? and what facts have you discovered that make you believe in what you believe in? A 'fact' can be tested, observed, and has evidence valid for all human being to see, experience, and test as well. So right now, show me exactly what do to as 'fact' to get to where you believe.