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isa (as) /jesus(pbuh)


Active Member
You Christians say that we dishonor him are you all in your senses you are the ones who portray Jesus as being naked, humiliated, suffering, and telling God why have thou forsaken me. you Christians have a very good reasoning logic. You all should know that any person who is crucifified is cursed. How can God almighty allow his messenger to be crucified and suffer for all of the criminals.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
You Christians say that we dishonor him are you all in your senses you are the ones who portray Jesus as being naked, humiliated, suffering, and telling God why have thou forsaken me. you Christians have a very good reasoning logic. You all should know that any person who is crucifified is cursed. How can God almighty allow his messenger to be crucified and suffer for all of the criminals.

Have you read the Old Testament?


Active Member
We dont beleive he sacrifice. Prophets sacrifice themselves for Gods not criminals
He didnt sacrifice, we should be the ones to sacrifice ourselves for prophets not they for us. You just make Jesus into lamp but actually you are making him a goat a scapegoat. fuinding excuses for yourselves so that you can commit sins because Jesus paid it. N


Jihad Against Terrorism
Wait one second Nawab. Physical humiliation is something all Prophets have and must face. Abraham being sent into the fire. Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had dirt thrown on him, spikes put on the road he walked on, and much much more.

Just because Jesus was humiliated doesn't prove nothing.

You all should know that any person who is crucifified is cursed.
I don't know why YOU said that but that is true. The Jews believed that according to the old testament the one who will be crucified will be false.


Active Member
Listen Brov, Phsyical humilation is not physical torture prophets were stoned, but were not crucified understand, Our prophet was stoned many others were, but which prophet walked around being naked and dress with a crown of throns and being humiliated in front of the whole public. thats what i am talking about. to you it doesnt prove anything but for God he will never allow his messenger to die in such a cursed way.

I know that it is mentioned in th OT thats why i said it, alright i am not just another loudspeaker who just say anything with purpose.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
We dont beleive he sacrifice. Prophets sacrifice themselves for Gods not criminals
He didnt sacrifice, we should be the ones to sacrifice ourselves for prophets not they for us. You just make Jesus into lamp but actually you are making him a goat a scapegoat. fuinding excuses for yourselves so that you can commit sins because Jesus paid it. N

Actually, He/Jesus was trying to help all of us...
nawab;1183109]Jesus paid it.

Question: Did Jesus pay for your " nawab's sins as well"
watch where you put your foot.:foot: Without your approval of truth/Christ where are you.

( these are my opinions and not anyone else's unless otherwise stated)


Active Member
Jesus helped you, dude dont you undertsand the purpose of life, thats not our purpose that Christ paid it so we can do whatever we want now and simply enjoy ourselves till the last hour. If Christ paid it whats your purpose then. Life is not a test anymore

We are suppose to show our sacrifices to our prophets, to prove how obedient are we. Such a great man and the Christians portray him like he is a worst criminal getting humiliated in front of his enemies. just so they can sin, I cant accept this part.



Well-Known Member
he would have stumbled over a rock and landed face first in a pile of manure and died, why els did you think he was so eager to die.

ps. don't tell anyone jesus told me to keep that part quite


Bodhisattva in Recovery
He wasnt eager to die, did he told you he was eager to die
Nawab, you were not present during these events, therefore it is impossible for you to know with any certainty. To suggest otherwise is tantamont to intellectual suicide.


Active Member
in this case neither was anyone among us in the forum present when these events took place, so the same should be applied for them. Still my last question is unaswered what would have happened if Jesus was not crucified.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
in this case neither was anyone among us in the forum present when these events took place, so the same should be applied for them. Still my last question is unaswered what would have happened if Jesus was not crucified.

I think your question describes the Christian conclusion. Am i wrong?


in this case neither was anyone among us in the forum present when these events took place, so the same should be applied for them. Still my last question is unaswered what would have happened if Jesus was not crucified.
His life-story would have been a few years longer and miss one statement. Ehr..so?


I'm sorry, in your good heart, what would that be my fellow RF companion?

I am not sure, but my grandmother has a Jesus Christ hangin on a cross above her door. And she is not the only one. Appareantly the christians think it was a big deal that he sacrificed himself. I view this as a statement from the church, as it obviously teaches a lesson, but if you would like to view it as a massive symbol for respect, that's cool too :)


Active Member
Jesus dying for the sins of mankind is just like

George Bush saying for America to be saved from sin, Jeremy Mason has to be crucified what would you feel. that you have done something great. crucifying poor Jeremy Mason just because he is a extremly nice person but you need to find a scape goat to say that we are saved right now. The sins commited at the tiem of Jesus are merely nothing comparred to whats happening in the world today.

Dont say that this comparrison is ridiculous because from what I know sins are increasing not decreasing why dont you pray to the heavenly father to send another Jesus to be crucifed again for mankind. I think the first time he lacked something thats why sins are increasing or maybe there was a faliure in Gods expirement of Jesus