"I have studied science of hadith"
I think you are making a huge mistake Firedragon.
I never said I studied the "Science " of the Hadith!
That is a word you inserted into what I said.
My words was: I studied the hadith!
Now, there is no science for me to study, there is only one thing to do when you study the hadith!
Read what Muhammad said, period.
Now, What I did was to buy books on Islam that is reviewed by Muslims, such as the Concise collection of the Authentic hadith of Al Bukhari, and then read it, find out what the context of those sayings of Muhammad was, and make a conclusion.
Now, I will never listen to any Muslim scholar's exegesis on what this and that Hadith might or Might not mean after pages of excuses and blah blah, but I simply look at the historical naration that was already authenticated, and see what it says.
For instance.
The following Hadith are "Authentic", and the lines of transmission was accepted by Muslim scholars to ensure that these are the words of Muhammad.
This is a small summary from Al Bukhari.
Now you can tell me I am a liar, and I will take a picture of the page on this hadith if you want to. But such a demand will just be evidence that you need only to defend the words of Muhammad at all cost, whilst ignoring Muhammads' true intent.
The Book of Hunting Penalty 891 When you are called for Jihad, you are compelled go immediately without any question!
Book of Jihad 1204 Muhammad said: There is no better deed than Jihad
Book of Jihad 1206 A Jihadi will go to paradise if he dies, or to home with booty if he survives.
Book of Jihad 1207 Paradise has 100 grades and the grade for the for the Jihadist is the highest.
Book of Jihad 1208 Jihad is worth more than everything in and on the earth in the eyes of Allah!
Book of Jihad 1216 Embrace Islam first then fight. (Prerequisite)
Book of Jihad 1218 Fighting in war for Allah makes you superior than anyone else.
Book of Jihad 1219 Gabriel leaded Muhammad into war!
Book of Jihad 1220 If a man dies in battle he goes to paradise, the one who killed him later converts and dies a martyr. He will also go to paradise.
Book of Jihad 1225 Muhammad had Muslims giving pledges to carry on with Jihad for the rest of their lives
Book of Jihad 1261 even if the Jews Hide behind Rocks in Jihad, the stones will shout to the Muslims to come and kill them
Book of Jihad 1270 The Muslim must fight to protect the Imam
Book of Jihad 1279 Muhammad was made victorious with terror
Book of Jihad 1292 Muhammad instructed Muslims to disregard the lives of women and children at night during war
Book of Jihad 1294 Kill someone that abandones Islam
Book of traditions of the prophets 1507 In the last days there will be people who will speak from the Quran, but they will abandon Islam (peace). They must be killed where ever you meet them
Book of Holy Battles 1618 If you die in Jihad, you go to paradise
Book of Holy Battles 1629 Muhammad instructs the Muslims to kill the men and take their offspring as captives
Book of Holy Battles 1634 The captives of Banul'mustaliq was raped, Muhammad instructed the men not to prevent pregnancies
Book of Holy Battles 1679 Buraida hated Ali after Ali raped a captive woman from his booty. Muhammad stated that Ali should receive more than that.
Book of prayer times 329 The third dearest thing for Allah is Jihad
Book of Emancipation 1145 Muhammad attacked the Banul mustaliq people without warning. He killed their men and took the women and children as slaves. He took one women himself.
Book of Jihad 1276 Paradise is under the shade of the sword
Book of conditions 1192 The Quraish Muslims attacked innocent Quraish caravans, killed them and took their property
Book of Holy Battles 1604 The best Muslims are those who partook in the battle of Badr
Book of Holy Battles 1674 Khalid Ibn Al wakid Killed people because they were not true Muslim and instructed to kill the captives. Muhammad did not agree to that
Book of Holy Quran Virtues 1844 Temporary marriage was allowed by Muhammad
Book of blood money 2171 If a Muslim leaves Islam, He must be killed
Book of funeral 678 The followers of Muhammad were fast in chopping people’s heads off.
Book of conditions 1191 Omar judged that the Jews assaulted him one night. He expelled them without trail
I have about 175 such hadith where Muslims learns from Muhammad that if they die in Jihad, they will go to paradise! Jihad is expected from Muslims etc,